#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Collection of functions associated with Kodi and Plex playlists and playqueues """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from .plex_api import API from .plex_db import PlexDB from . import plex_functions as PF from .kodi_db import kodiid_from_filename from .downloadutils import DownloadUtils as DU from . import utils from . import json_rpc as js from . import variables as v from . import app ############################################################################### LOG = getLogger('PLEX.playlist_func') ############################################################################### class PlaylistError(Exception): """ Exception for our playlist constructs """ pass class Playqueue_Object(object): """ PKC object to represent PMS playQueues and Kodi playlist for queueing playlistid = None [int] Kodi playlist id (0, 1, 2) type = None [str] Kodi type: 'audio', 'video', 'picture' kodi_pl = None Kodi xbmc.PlayList object items = [] [list] of Playlist_Items id = None [str] Plex playQueueID, unique Plex identifier version = None [int] Plex version of the playQueue selectedItemID = None [str] Plex selectedItemID, playing element in queue selectedItemOffset = None [str] Offset of the playing element in queue shuffled = 0 [int] 0: not shuffled, 1: ??? 2: ??? repeat = 0 [int] 0: not repeated, 1: ??? 2: ??? If Companion playback is initiated by another user: plex_transient_token = None """ kind = 'playQueue' def __init__(self): self.id = None self.type = None self.playlistid = None self.kodi_pl = None self.items = [] self.version = None self.selectedItemID = None self.selectedItemOffset = None self.shuffled = 0 self.repeat = 0 self.plex_transient_token = None # Need a hack for detecting swaps of elements self.old_kodi_pl = [] # Did PKC itself just change the playqueue so the PKC playqueue monitor # should not pick up any changes? self.pkc_edit = False # Workaround to avoid endless loops of detecting PL clears self._clear_list = [] # To keep track if Kodi playback was initiated from a Kodi playlist # There are a couple of pitfalls, unfortunately... self.kodi_playlist_playback = False def __repr__(self): answ = ("{{" "'playlistid': {self.playlistid}, " "'id': {self.id}, " "'version': {self.version}, " "'type': '{self.type}', " "'selectedItemID': {self.selectedItemID}, " "'selectedItemOffset': {self.selectedItemOffset}, " "'shuffled': {self.shuffled}, " "'repeat': {self.repeat}, " "'kodi_playlist_playback': {self.kodi_playlist_playback}, " "'pkc_edit': {self.pkc_edit}, ".format(self=self)) answ = answ.encode('utf-8') # Since list.__repr__ will return string, not unicode return answ + b"'items': {self.items}}}".format(self=self) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def is_pkc_clear(self): """ Returns True if PKC has cleared the Kodi playqueue just recently. Then this clear will be ignored from now on """ try: self._clear_list.pop() except IndexError: return False else: return True def clear(self, kodi=True): """ Resets the playlist object to an empty playlist. Pass kodi=False in order to NOT clear the Kodi playqueue """ # kodi monitor's on_clear method will only be called if there were some # items to begin with if kodi and self.kodi_pl.size() != 0: self._clear_list.append(None) self.kodi_pl.clear() # Clear Kodi playlist object self.items = [] self.id = None self.version = None self.selectedItemID = None self.selectedItemOffset = None self.shuffled = 0 self.repeat = 0 self.plex_transient_token = None self.old_kodi_pl = [] self.kodi_playlist_playback = False LOG.debug('Playlist cleared: %s', self) def position_from_plex_id(self, plex_id): """ Returns the position [int] for the very first item with plex_id [int] (Plex seems uncapable of adding the same element multiple times to a playqueue or playlist) Raises KeyError if not found """ for position, item in enumerate(self.items): if item.plex_id == plex_id: break else: raise KeyError('Did not find plex_id %s in %s', plex_id, self) return position class Playlist_Item(object): """ Object to fill our playqueues and playlists with. id = None [int] Plex playlist/playqueue id, e.g. playQueueItemID plex_id = None [int] Plex unique item id, "ratingKey" plex_type = None [str] Plex type, e.g. 'movie', 'clip' plex_uuid = None [str] Plex librarySectionUUID kodi_id = None [int] Kodi unique kodi id (unique only within type!) kodi_type = None [str] Kodi type: 'movie' file = None [str] Path to the item's file. STRING!! uri = None [str] Weird Plex uri path involving plex_uuid. STRING! guid = None [str] Weird Plex guid xml = None [etree] XML from PMS, 1 lvl below playmethod = None [str] either 'DirectPlay', 'DirectStream', 'Transcode' playcount = None [int] how many times the item has already been played offset = None [int] the item's view offset UPON START in Plex time part = 0 [int] part number if Plex video consists of mult. parts force_transcode [bool] defaults to False """ def __init__(self): self._id = None self._plex_id = None self.plex_type = None self.plex_uuid = None self._kodi_id = None self.kodi_type = None self.file = None self.uri = None self.guid = None self.xml = None self.playmethod = None self._playcount = None self._offset = None # If Plex video consists of several parts; part number self._part = 0 self.force_transcode = False # Shall we ask user to resume this item? # None: ask user to resume # False: do NOT resume, don't ask user # True: do resume, don't ask user self.resume = None @property def plex_id(self): return self._plex_id @plex_id.setter def plex_id(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int) and value is not None: raise TypeError('Passed %s instead of int!' % type(value)) self._plex_id = value @property def id(self): return self._id @id.setter def id(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int) and value is not None: raise TypeError('Passed %s instead of int!' % type(value)) self._id = value @property def kodi_id(self): return self._kodi_id @kodi_id.setter def kodi_id(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int) and value is not None: raise TypeError('Passed %s instead of int!' % type(value)) self._kodi_id = value @property def playcount(self): return self._playcount @playcount.setter def playcount(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int) and value is not None: raise TypeError('Passed %s instead of int!' % type(value)) self._playcount = value @property def offset(self): return self._offset @offset.setter def offset(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (int, float)) and value is not None: raise TypeError('Passed %s instead of int!' % type(value)) self._offset = value @property def part(self): return self._part @part.setter def part(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int) and value is not None: raise TypeError('Passed %s instead of int!' % type(value)) self._part = value def __repr__(self): answ = ("{{" "'id': {self.id}, " "'plex_id': {self.plex_id}, " "'plex_type': '{self.plex_type}', " "'plex_uuid': '{self.plex_uuid}', " "'kodi_id': {self.kodi_id}, " "'kodi_type': '{self.kodi_type}', " "'file': '{self.file}', " "'uri': '{self.uri}', " "'guid': '{self.guid}', " "'playmethod': '{self.playmethod}', " "'playcount': {self.playcount}, " "'offset': {self.offset}, " "'force_transcode': {self.force_transcode}, " "'part': {self.part}, ".format(self=self)) answ = answ.encode('utf-8') # etree xml.__repr__() could return string, not unicode return answ + b"'xml': \"{self.xml}\"}}".format(self=self) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def plex_stream_index(self, kodi_stream_index, stream_type): """ Pass in the kodi_stream_index [int] in order to receive the Plex stream index. stream_type: 'video', 'audio', 'subtitle' Returns None if unsuccessful """ stream_type = v.PLEX_STREAM_TYPE_FROM_STREAM_TYPE[stream_type] count = 0 if kodi_stream_index == -1: # Kodi telling us "it's the last one" iterator = list(reversed(self.xml[0][self.part])) kodi_stream_index = 0 else: iterator = self.xml[0][self.part] # Kodi indexes differently than Plex for stream in iterator: if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == stream_type and 'key' in stream.attrib): if count == kodi_stream_index: return stream.attrib['id'] count += 1 for stream in iterator: if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == stream_type and 'key' not in stream.attrib): if count == kodi_stream_index: return stream.attrib['id'] count += 1 def kodi_stream_index(self, plex_stream_index, stream_type): """ Pass in the kodi_stream_index [int] in order to receive the Plex stream index. stream_type: 'video', 'audio', 'subtitle' Returns None if unsuccessful """ stream_type = v.PLEX_STREAM_TYPE_FROM_STREAM_TYPE[stream_type] count = 0 for stream in self.xml[0][self.part]: if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == stream_type and 'key' in stream.attrib): if stream.attrib['id'] == plex_stream_index: return count count += 1 for stream in self.xml[0][self.part]: if (stream.attrib['streamType'] == stream_type and 'key' not in stream.attrib): if stream.attrib['id'] == plex_stream_index: return count count += 1 def playlist_item_from_kodi(kodi_item): """ Turns the JSON answer from Kodi into a playlist element Supply with data['item'] as returned from Kodi JSON-RPC interface. kodi_item dict contains keys 'id', 'type', 'file' (if applicable) """ item = Playlist_Item() item.kodi_id = kodi_item.get('id') item.kodi_type = kodi_item.get('type') if item.kodi_id: with PlexDB(lock=False) as plexdb: db_item = plexdb.item_by_kodi_id(kodi_item['id'], kodi_item['type']) if db_item: item.plex_id = db_item['plex_id'] item.plex_type = db_item['plex_type'] item.plex_uuid = db_item['plex_id'] # we dont need the uuid yet :-) item.file = kodi_item.get('file') if item.plex_id is None and item.file is not None: try: query = item.file.split('?', 1)[1] except IndexError: query = '' query = dict(utils.parse_qsl(query)) item.plex_id = utils.cast(int, query.get('plex_id')) item.plex_type = query.get('itemType') if item.plex_id is None and item.file is not None: item.uri = ('library://whatever/item/%s' % utils.quote(item.file, safe='')) else: # TO BE VERIFIED - PLEX DOESN'T LIKE PLAYLIST ADDS IN THIS MANNER item.uri = ('library://%s/item/library%%2Fmetadata%%2F%s' % (item.plex_uuid, item.plex_id)) LOG.debug('Made playlist item from Kodi: %s', item) return item def verify_kodi_item(plex_id, kodi_item): """ Tries to lookup kodi_id and kodi_type for kodi_item (with kodi_item['file'] supplied) - if and only if plex_id is None. Returns the kodi_item with kodi_item['id'] and kodi_item['type'] possibly set to None if unsuccessful. Will raise a PlaylistError if plex_id is None and kodi_item['file'] starts with either 'plugin' or 'http' """ if plex_id is not None or kodi_item.get('id') is not None: # Got all the info we need return kodi_item # Special case playlist startup - got type but no id if (not app.SYNC.direct_paths and app.SYNC.enable_music and kodi_item.get('type') == v.KODI_TYPE_SONG and kodi_item['file'].startswith('http')): kodi_item['id'], _ = kodiid_from_filename(kodi_item['file'], v.KODI_TYPE_SONG) LOG.debug('Detected song. Research results: %s', kodi_item) return kodi_item # Need more info since we don't have kodi_id nor type. Use file path. if ((kodi_item['file'].startswith('plugin') and not kodi_item['file'].startswith('plugin://%s' % v.ADDON_ID)) or kodi_item['file'].startswith('http')): LOG.info('kodi_item %s cannot be used for Plex playback', kodi_item) raise PlaylistError LOG.debug('Starting research for Kodi id since we didnt get one: %s', kodi_item) # Try the VIDEO DB first - will find both movies and episodes kodi_id, kodi_type = kodiid_from_filename(kodi_item['file'], db_type='video') if not kodi_id: # No movie or episode found - try MUSIC DB now for songs kodi_id, kodi_type = kodiid_from_filename(kodi_item['file'], db_type='music') kodi_item['id'] = kodi_id kodi_item['type'] = None if kodi_id is None else kodi_type LOG.debug('Research results for kodi_item: %s', kodi_item) return kodi_item def playlist_item_from_plex(plex_id): """ Returns a playlist element providing the plex_id ("ratingKey") Returns a Playlist_Item """ item = Playlist_Item() item.plex_id = plex_id with PlexDB(lock=False) as plexdb: db_item = plexdb.item_by_id(plex_id) if db_item: item.plex_type = db_item['plex_type'] item.kodi_id = db_item['kodi_id'] item.kodi_type = db_item['kodi_type'] else: raise KeyError('Could not find plex_id %s in database' % plex_id) item.plex_uuid = plex_id item.uri = ('library://%s/item/library%%2Fmetadata%%2F%s' % (item.plex_uuid, plex_id)) LOG.debug('Made playlist item from plex: %s', item) return item def playlist_item_from_xml(xml_video_element, kodi_id=None, kodi_type=None): """ Returns a playlist element for the playqueue using the Plex xml xml_video_element: etree xml piece 1 level underneath """ item = Playlist_Item() api = API(xml_video_element) item.plex_id = api.plex_id item.plex_type = api.plex_type # item.id will only be set if you passed in an xml_video_element from e.g. # a playQueue item.id = api.item_id() if kodi_id is not None: item.kodi_id = kodi_id item.kodi_type = kodi_type elif item.plex_id is not None and item.plex_type != v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP: with PlexDB(lock=False) as plexdb: db_element = plexdb.item_by_id(item.plex_id) if db_element: item.kodi_id = db_element['kodi_id'] item.kodi_type = db_element['kodi_type'] item.guid = api.guid_html_escaped() item.playcount = api.viewcount() item.offset = api.resume_point() item.xml = xml_video_element LOG.debug('Created new playlist item from xml: %s', item) return item def _get_playListVersion_from_xml(playlist, xml): """ Takes a PMS xml as input to overwrite the playlist version (e.g. Plex playQueueVersion). Raises PlaylistError if unsuccessful """ playlist.version = utils.cast(int, xml.get('%sVersion' % playlist.kind)) if playlist.version is None: raise PlaylistError('Could not get new playlist Version for playlist ' '%s' % playlist) def get_playlist_details_from_xml(playlist, xml): """ Takes a PMS xml as input and overwrites all the playlist's details, e.g. playlist.id with the XML's playQueueID Raises PlaylistError if something went wrong. """ playlist.id = utils.cast(int, xml.get('%sID' % playlist.kind)) playlist.version = utils.cast(int, xml.get('%sVersion' % playlist.kind)) playlist.shuffled = utils.cast(int, xml.get('%sShuffled' % playlist.kind)) playlist.selectedItemID = utils.cast(int, xml.get('%sSelectedItemID' % playlist.kind)) playlist.selectedItemOffset = utils.cast(int, xml.get('%sSelectedItemOffset' % playlist.kind)) LOG.debug('Updated playlist from xml: %s', playlist) def update_playlist_from_PMS(playlist, playlist_id=None, xml=None): """ Updates Kodi playlist using a new PMS playlist. Pass in playlist_id if we need to fetch a new playqueue If an xml is passed in, the playlist will be overwritten with its info """ if xml is None: xml = get_PMS_playlist(playlist, playlist_id) # Clear our existing playlist and the associated Kodi playlist playlist.clear() # Set new values get_playlist_details_from_xml(playlist, xml) for plex_item in xml: playlist_item = add_to_Kodi_playlist(playlist, plex_item) if playlist_item is not None: playlist.items.append(playlist_item) def init_plex_playqueue(playlist, plex_id=None, kodi_item=None): """ Initializes the Plex side without changing the Kodi playlists WILL ALSO UPDATE OUR PLAYLISTS. Returns the first PKC playlist item or raises PlaylistError """ LOG.debug('Initializing the playqueue on the Plex side: %s', playlist) playlist.clear(kodi=False) verify_kodi_item(plex_id, kodi_item) try: if plex_id: item = playlist_item_from_plex(plex_id) else: item = playlist_item_from_kodi(kodi_item) params = { 'next': 0, 'type': playlist.type, 'uri': item.uri } xml = DU().downloadUrl(url="{server}/%ss" % playlist.kind, action_type="POST", parameters=params) get_playlist_details_from_xml(playlist, xml) # Need to get the details for the playlist item item = playlist_item_from_xml(xml[0]) except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): LOG.error('Could not init Plex playlist: plex_id %s, kodi_item %s', plex_id, kodi_item) raise PlaylistError playlist.items.append(item) LOG.debug('Initialized the playqueue on the Plex side: %s', playlist) return item def add_listitem_to_playlist(playlist, pos, listitem, kodi_id=None, kodi_type=None, plex_id=None, file=None): """ Adds a listitem to both the Kodi and Plex playlist at position pos [int]. If file is not None, file will overrule kodi_id! file: str!! """ LOG.debug('add_listitem_to_playlist at position %s. Playlist before add: ' '%s', pos, playlist) kodi_item = {'id': kodi_id, 'type': kodi_type, 'file': file} if playlist.id is None: init_plex_playqueue(playlist, plex_id, kodi_item) else: add_item_to_plex_playqueue(playlist, pos, plex_id, kodi_item) if kodi_id is None and playlist.items[pos].kodi_id: kodi_id = playlist.items[pos].kodi_id kodi_type = playlist.items[pos].kodi_type if file is None: file = playlist.items[pos].file # Otherwise we double the item! del playlist.items[pos] kodi_item = {'id': kodi_id, 'type': kodi_type, 'file': file} add_listitem_to_Kodi_playlist(playlist, pos, listitem, file, kodi_item=kodi_item) def add_item_to_playlist(playlist, pos, kodi_id=None, kodi_type=None, plex_id=None, file=None): """ Adds an item to BOTH the Kodi and Plex playlist at position pos [int] file: str! Raises PlaylistError if something went wrong """ LOG.debug('add_item_to_playlist. Playlist before adding: %s', playlist) kodi_item = {'id': kodi_id, 'type': kodi_type, 'file': file} if playlist.id is None: item = init_plex_playqueue(playlist, plex_id, kodi_item) else: item = add_item_to_plex_playqueue(playlist, pos, plex_id, kodi_item) params = { 'playlistid': playlist.playlistid, 'position': pos } if item.kodi_id is not None: params['item'] = {'%sid' % item.kodi_type: int(item.kodi_id)} else: params['item'] = {'file': item.file} reply = js.playlist_insert(params) if reply.get('error') is not None: raise PlaylistError('Could not add item to playlist. Kodi reply. %s' % reply) return item def add_item_to_plex_playqueue(playlist, pos, plex_id=None, kodi_item=None): """ Adds a new item to the playlist at position pos [int] only on the Plex side of things (e.g. because the user changed the Kodi side) WILL ALSO UPDATE OUR PLAYLISTS Returns the PKC PlayList item or raises PlaylistError """ verify_kodi_item(plex_id, kodi_item) if plex_id: item = playlist_item_from_plex(plex_id) else: item = playlist_item_from_kodi(kodi_item) url = "{server}/%ss/%s?uri=%s" % (playlist.kind, playlist.id, item.uri) # Will always put the new item at the end of the Plex playlist xml = DU().downloadUrl(url, action_type="PUT") try: xml[-1].attrib except (TypeError, AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError): raise PlaylistError('Could not add item %s to playlist %s' % (kodi_item, playlist)) api = API(xml[-1]) item.xml = xml[-1] item.id = api.item_id() item.guid = api.guid_html_escaped() item.offset = api.resume_point() item.playcount = api.viewcount() playlist.items.append(item) if pos == len(playlist.items) - 1: # Item was added at the end _get_playListVersion_from_xml(playlist, xml) else: # Move the new item to the correct position move_playlist_item(playlist, len(playlist.items) - 1, pos) LOG.debug('Successfully added item on the Plex side: %s', playlist) return item def add_item_to_kodi_playlist(playlist, pos, kodi_id=None, kodi_type=None, file=None, xml_video_element=None): """ Adds an item to the KODI playlist only. WILL ALSO UPDATE OUR PLAYLISTS Returns the playlist item that was just added or raises PlaylistError file: str! """ LOG.debug('Adding new item kodi_id: %s, kodi_type: %s, file: %s to Kodi ' 'only at position %s for %s', kodi_id, kodi_type, file, pos, playlist) params = { 'playlistid': playlist.playlistid, 'position': pos } if kodi_id is not None: params['item'] = {'%sid' % kodi_type: int(kodi_id)} else: params['item'] = {'file': file} reply = js.playlist_insert(params) if reply.get('error') is not None: raise PlaylistError('Could not add item to playlist. Kodi reply. %s', reply) if xml_video_element is not None: item = playlist_item_from_xml(xml_video_element) item.kodi_id = kodi_id item.kodi_type = kodi_type item.file = file elif kodi_id is not None: item = playlist_item_from_kodi( {'id': kodi_id, 'type': kodi_type, 'file': file}) if item.plex_id is not None: xml = PF.GetPlexMetadata(item.plex_id) item.xml = xml[-1] playlist.items.insert(pos, item) return item def move_playlist_item(playlist, before_pos, after_pos): """ Moves playlist item from before_pos [int] to after_pos [int] for Plex only. WILL ALSO CHANGE OUR PLAYLISTS. """ LOG.debug('Moving item from %s to %s on the Plex side for %s', before_pos, after_pos, playlist) if after_pos == 0: url = "{server}/%ss/%s/items/%s/move?after=0" % \ (playlist.kind, playlist.id, playlist.items[before_pos].id) else: url = "{server}/%ss/%s/items/%s/move?after=%s" % \ (playlist.kind, playlist.id, playlist.items[before_pos].id, playlist.items[after_pos - 1].id) # We need to increment the playlistVersion _get_playListVersion_from_xml( playlist, DU().downloadUrl(url, action_type="PUT")) # Move our item's position in our internal playlist playlist.items.insert(after_pos, playlist.items.pop(before_pos)) LOG.debug('Done moving for %s', playlist) def get_PMS_playlist(playlist, playlist_id=None): """ Fetches the PMS playlist/playqueue as an XML. Pass in playlist_id if we need to fetch a new playlist Returns None if something went wrong """ playlist_id = playlist_id if playlist_id else playlist.id if playlist.kind == 'playList': xml = DU().downloadUrl("{server}/playlists/%s/items" % playlist_id) else: xml = DU().downloadUrl("{server}/playQueues/%s" % playlist_id) try: xml.attrib except AttributeError: xml = None return xml def refresh_playlist_from_PMS(playlist): """ Only updates the selected item from the PMS side (e.g. playQueueSelectedItemID). Will NOT check whether items still make sense. """ get_playlist_details_from_xml(playlist, get_PMS_playlist(playlist)) def delete_playlist_item_from_PMS(playlist, pos): """ Delete the item at position pos [int] on the Plex side and our playlists """ LOG.debug('Deleting position %s for %s on the Plex side', pos, playlist) xml = DU().downloadUrl("{server}/%ss/%s/items/%s?repeat=%s" % (playlist.kind, playlist.id, playlist.items[pos].id, playlist.repeat), action_type="DELETE") _get_playListVersion_from_xml(playlist, xml) del playlist.items[pos] # Functions operating on the Kodi playlist objects ########## def add_to_Kodi_playlist(playlist, xml_video_element): """ Adds a new item to the Kodi playlist via JSON (at the end of the playlist). Pass in the PMS xml's video element (one level underneath MediaContainer). Returns a Playlist_Item or raises PlaylistError """ item = playlist_item_from_xml(xml_video_element) if item.kodi_id: json_item = {'%sid' % item.kodi_type: item.kodi_id} else: json_item = {'file': item.file} reply = js.playlist_add(playlist.playlistid, json_item) if reply.get('error') is not None: raise PlaylistError('Could not add item %s to Kodi playlist. Error: ' '%s', xml_video_element, reply) return item def add_listitem_to_Kodi_playlist(playlist, pos, listitem, file, xml_video_element=None, kodi_item=None): """ Adds an xbmc listitem to the Kodi playlist.xml_video_element WILL NOT UPDATE THE PLEX SIDE, BUT WILL UPDATE OUR PLAYLISTS file: string! """ LOG.debug('Insert listitem at position %s for Kodi only for %s', pos, playlist) # Add the item into Kodi playlist playlist.kodi_pl.add(url=file, listitem=listitem, index=pos) # We need to add this to our internal queue as well if xml_video_element is not None: item = playlist_item_from_xml(xml_video_element) else: item = playlist_item_from_kodi(kodi_item) if file is not None: item.file = file playlist.items.insert(pos, item) LOG.debug('Done inserting for %s', playlist) return item def remove_from_kodi_playlist(playlist, pos): """ Removes the item at position pos from the Kodi playlist using JSON. WILL NOT UPDATE THE PLEX SIDE, BUT WILL UPDATE OUR PLAYLISTS """ LOG.debug('Removing position %s from Kodi only from %s', pos, playlist) reply = js.playlist_remove(playlist.playlistid, pos) if reply.get('error') is not None: LOG.error('Could not delete the item from the playlist. Error: %s', reply) return try: del playlist.items[pos] except IndexError: LOG.error('Cannot delete position %s for %s', pos, playlist) def get_pms_playqueue(playqueue_id): """ Returns the Plex playqueue as an etree XML or None if unsuccessful """ xml = DU().downloadUrl( "{server}/playQueues/%s" % playqueue_id, headerOptions={'Accept': 'application/xml'}) try: xml.attrib except AttributeError: LOG.error('Could not download Plex playqueue %s', playqueue_id) xml = None return xml def get_plextype_from_xml(xml): """ Needed if PMS returns an empty playqueue. Will get the Plex type from the empty playlist playQueueSourceURI. Feed with (empty) etree xml returns None if unsuccessful """ try: plex_id = utils.REGEX_PLEX_ID_FROM_URL.findall( xml.attrib['playQueueSourceURI'])[0] except IndexError: LOG.error('Could not get plex_id from xml: %s', xml.attrib) return new_xml = PF.GetPlexMetadata(plex_id) try: new_xml[0].attrib except (TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError): LOG.error('Could not get plex metadata for plex id %s', plex_id) return return new_xml[0].attrib.get('type').decode('utf-8')