#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals import logging import sys import threading import gc import xbmc from . import plex, util, backgroundthread from .plexnet import plexapp, threadutils from . import utils from . import userclient from . import initialsetup from . import kodimonitor from . import librarysync from . import websocket_client from . import plex_companion from . import plex_functions as PF from . import command_pipeline from . import playback_starter from . import playqueue from . import artwork from . import variables as v from . import state from . import loghandler ############################################################################### loghandler.config() LOG = logging.getLogger("PLEX.main") ############################################################################### class Service(): server_online = True warn_auth = True user = None ws = None library = None plexcompanion = None user_running = False ws_running = False alexa_running = False library_running = False plexcompanion_running = False kodimonitor_running = False playback_starter_running = False image_cache_thread_running = False def __init__(self): # Initial logging LOG.info("======== START %s ========", v.ADDON_NAME) LOG.info("Platform: %s", v.PLATFORM) LOG.info("KODI Version: %s", v.KODILONGVERSION) LOG.info("%s Version: %s", v.ADDON_NAME, v.ADDON_VERSION) LOG.info("PKC Direct Paths: %s", utils.settings('useDirectPaths') == '1') LOG.info("Number of sync threads: %s", utils.settings('syncThreadNumber')) LOG.info('Playlist m3u encoding: %s', v.M3U_ENCODING) LOG.info("Full sys.argv received: %s", sys.argv) LOG.info('Sync playlists: %s', utils.settings('enablePlaylistSync')) LOG.info('Synching only specific Kodi playlists: %s', utils.settings('syncSpecificKodiPlaylists') == 'true') LOG.info('Kodi playlist prefix: %s', utils.settings('syncSpecificKodiPlaylistsPrefix')) LOG.info('Synching only specific Plex playlists: %s', utils.settings('syncSpecificPlexPlaylistsPrefix') == 'true') LOG.info('Play playlist prefix: %s', utils.settings('syncSpecificPlexPlaylistsPrefix')) self.monitor = xbmc.Monitor() # Load/Reset PKC entirely - important for user/Kodi profile switch initialsetup.reload_pkc() def _stop_pkc(self): """ Kodi's abortRequested is really unreliable :-( """ return self.monitor.abortRequested() or state.STOP_PKC def ServiceEntryPoint(self): # Important: Threads depending on abortRequest will not trigger # if profile switch happens more than once. _stop_pkc = self._stop_pkc monitor = self.monitor # Server auto-detect initialsetup.InitialSetup().setup() # Detect playback start early on self.command_pipeline = command_pipeline.Monitor_Window() self.command_pipeline.start() # Initialize important threads, handing over self for callback purposes self.user = userclient.UserClient() self.ws = websocket_client.PMS_Websocket() self.alexa = websocket_client.Alexa_Websocket() self.library = librarysync.LibrarySync() self.plexcompanion = plex_companion.PlexCompanion() self.specialmonitor = kodimonitor.SpecialMonitor() self.playback_starter = playback_starter.PlaybackStarter() self.playqueue = playqueue.PlayqueueMonitor() if utils.settings('enableTextureCache') == "true": self.image_cache_thread = artwork.Image_Cache_Thread() welcome_msg = True counter = 0 while not _stop_pkc(): if utils.window('plex_kodiProfile') != v.KODI_PROFILE: # Profile change happened, terminate this thread and others LOG.info("Kodi profile was: %s and changed to: %s. " "Terminating old PlexKodiConnect thread.", v.KODI_PROFILE, utils.window('plex_kodiProfile')) break # Before proceeding, need to make sure: # 1. Server is online # 2. User is set # 3. User has access to the server if utils.window('plex_online') == "true": # Plex server is online # Verify if user is set and has access to the server if (self.user.user is not None) and self.user.has_access: if not self.kodimonitor_running: # Start up events self.warn_auth = True if welcome_msg is True: # Reset authentication warnings welcome_msg = False utils.dialog('notification', utils.lang(29999), "%s %s" % (utils.lang(33000), self.user.user), icon='{plex}', time=2000, sound=False) # Start monitoring kodi events self.kodimonitor_running = kodimonitor.KodiMonitor() self.specialmonitor.start() # Start the Websocket Client if not self.ws_running: self.ws_running = True self.ws.start() # Start the Alexa thread if (not self.alexa_running and utils.settings('enable_alexa') == 'true'): self.alexa_running = True self.alexa.start() # Start the syncing thread if not self.library_running: self.library_running = True self.library.start() # Start the Plex Companion thread if not self.plexcompanion_running: self.plexcompanion_running = True self.plexcompanion.start() if not self.playback_starter_running: self.playback_starter_running = True self.playback_starter.start() self.playqueue.start() if (not self.image_cache_thread_running and utils.settings('enableTextureCache') == "true"): self.image_cache_thread_running = True self.image_cache_thread.start() else: if (self.user.user is None) and self.warn_auth: # Alert user is not authenticated and suppress future # warning self.warn_auth = False LOG.warn("Not authenticated yet.") # User access is restricted. # Keep verifying until access is granted # unless server goes offline or Kodi is shut down. while self.user.has_access is False: # Verify access with an API call self.user.check_access() if utils.window('plex_online') != "true": # Server went offline break if monitor.waitForAbort(3): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit break else: # Wait until Plex server is online # or Kodi is shut down. while not self._stop_pkc(): server = self.user.get_server() if server is False: # No server info set in add-on settings pass elif PF.check_connection(server, verifySSL=True) is False: # Server is offline or cannot be reached # Alert the user and suppress future warning if self.server_online: self.server_online = False utils.window('plex_online', value="false") # Suspend threads state.SUSPEND_LIBRARY_THREAD = True LOG.error("Plex Media Server went offline") if utils.settings('show_pms_offline') == 'true': utils.dialog('notification', utils.lang(33001), "%s %s" % (utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(33002)), icon='{plex}', sound=False) counter += 1 # Periodically check if the IP changed, e.g. per minute if counter > 20: counter = 0 setup = initialsetup.InitialSetup() tmp = setup.pick_pms() if tmp is not None: setup.write_pms_to_settings(tmp) else: # Server is online counter = 0 if not self.server_online: # Server was offline when Kodi started. # Wait for server to be fully established. if monitor.waitForAbort(5): # Abort was requested while waiting. break self.server_online = True # Alert the user that server is online. if (welcome_msg is False and utils.settings('show_pms_offline') == 'true'): utils.dialog('notification', utils.lang(29999), utils.lang(33003), icon='{plex}', time=5000, sound=False) LOG.info("Server %s is online and ready.", server) utils.window('plex_online', value="true") if state.AUTHENTICATED: # Server got offline when we were authenticated. # Hence resume threads state.SUSPEND_LIBRARY_THREAD = False # Start the userclient thread if not self.user_running: self.user_running = True self.user.start() break if monitor.waitForAbort(3): # Abort was requested while waiting. break if monitor.waitForAbort(0.05): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit break # Terminating PlexKodiConnect # Tell all threads to terminate (e.g. several lib sync threads) state.STOP_PKC = True utils.window('plex_service_started', clear=True) LOG.info("======== STOP %s ========", v.ADDON_NAME) def waitForThreads(): LOG.debug('Checking for any remaining threads') while len(threading.enumerate()) > 1: for t in threading.enumerate(): if t != threading.currentThread(): if t.isAlive(): LOG.debug('Waiting on thread: %s', t.name) if isinstance(t, threading._Timer): t.cancel() t.join() elif isinstance(t, threadutils.KillableThread): t.kill(force_and_wait=True) else: t.join() LOG.debug('All threads done') def signout(): util.setSetting('auth.token', '') LOG.info('Signing out...') plexapp.ACCOUNT.signOut() def main(): LOG.info('Starting PKC %s', util.ADDON.getAddonInfo('version')) LOG.info('User-agent: %s', plex.defaultUserAgent()) try: while not xbmc.abortRequested: if plex.init(): while not xbmc.abortRequested: if ( not plexapp.ACCOUNT.isOffline and not plexapp.ACCOUNT.isAuthenticated and (len(plexapp.ACCOUNT.homeUsers) > 1 or plexapp.ACCOUNT.isProtected) ): result = userselect.start() if not result: return elif result == 'signout': signout() break elif result == 'signin': break LOG.info('User selected') try: selectedServer = plexapp.SERVERMANAGER.selectedServer if not selectedServer: LOG.debug('Waiting for selected server...') for timeout, skip_preferred, skip_owned in ((10, True, False), (10, True, True)): plex.CallbackEvent(plexapp.APP, 'change:selectedServer', timeout=timeout).wait() selectedServer = plexapp.SERVERMANAGER.checkSelectedServerSearch(skip_preferred=skip_preferred, skip_owned=skip_owned) if selectedServer: break else: LOG.debug('Finished waiting for selected server...') LOG.info('Starting with server: %s', selectedServer) windowutils.HOME = home.HomeWindow.open() util.CRON.cancelReceiver(windowutils.HOME) if not windowutils.HOME.closeOption: return closeOption = windowutils.HOME.closeOption windowutils.shutdownHome() if closeOption == 'signout': signout() break elif closeOption == 'switch': plexapp.ACCOUNT.isAuthenticated = False finally: windowutils.shutdownHome() gc.collect(2) else: break except: util.ERROR() finally: LOG.info('SHUTTING DOWN...') # player.shutdown() plexapp.APP.preShutdown() if util.CRON: util.CRON.stop() backgroundthread.BGThreader.shutdown() plexapp.APP.shutdown() waitForThreads() LOG.info('SHUTDOWN FINISHED') from .windows import kodigui kodigui.MONITOR = None util.shutdown() gc.collect(2)