#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from .. import utils, variables as v SUPPORTED_KODI_TYPES = ( v.KODI_TYPE_MOVIE, v.KODI_TYPE_SHOW, v.KODI_TYPE_SEASON, v.KODI_TYPE_EPISODE, v.KODI_TYPE_ARTIST, v.KODI_TYPE_ALBUM, v.KODI_TYPE_SONG) class PlexDBBase(object): """ Plex database methods used for all types of items """ def __init__(self, cursor=None): # Allows us to use this class with a cursor instead of context mgr self.cursor = cursor def __enter__(self): self.plexconn = utils.kodi_sql('plex') self.cursor = self.plexconn.cursor() return self def __exit__(self, e_typ, e_val, trcbak): self.plexconn.commit() self.plexconn.close() def item_by_id(self, plex_id, plex_type=None): """ Returns the item for plex_id or None. Supply with the correct plex_type to speed up lookup """ answ = None if plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE: entry = self.movie(plex_id) if entry: answ = self.entry_to_movie(entry) elif plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE: entry = self.episode(plex_id) if entry: answ = self.entry_to_episode(entry) elif plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_SHOW: entry = self.show(plex_id) if entry: answ = self.entry_to_show(entry) elif plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_SEASON: entry = self.season(plex_id) if entry: answ = self.entry_to_season(entry) else: # SLOW - lookup plex_id in all our tables for kind in (v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE, v.PLEX_TYPE_SHOW, v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE, v.PLEX_TYPE_SEASON): method = getattr(self, kind) entry = method(plex_id) if entry: method = getattr(self, 'entry_to_%s' % kind) answ = method(entry) break return answ def item_by_kodi_id(self, kodi_id, kodi_type): """ """ if kodi_type not in SUPPORTED_KODI_TYPES: return query = ('SELECT * from %s WHERE kodi_id = ? LIMIT 1' % v.PLEX_TYPE_FROM_KODI_TYPE[kodi_type]) self.cursor.execute(query, (kodi_id, )) method = getattr(self, 'entry_to_%s' % v.PLEX_TYPE_FROM_KODI_TYPE[kodi_type]) return method(self.cursor.fetchone()) def section_ids(self): """ Returns an iterator for section Plex ids for all sections """ self.cursor.execute('SELECT section_id FROM sections') return (x[0] for x in self.cursor) def section_infos(self): """ Returns an iterator for dicts for all Plex libraries: { 'section_id' 'section_name' 'plex_type' 'kodi_tagid' 'sync_to_kodi' } """ self.cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM sections') return ({'section_id': x[0], 'section_name': x[1], 'plex_type': x[2], 'kodi_tagid': x[3], 'sync_to_kodi': x[4]} for x in self.cursor) def section(self, section_id): """ For section_id, returns the tuple (or None) section_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, section_name TEXT, plex_type TEXT, kodi_tagid INTEGER, sync_to_kodi INTEGER """ self.cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM sections WHERE section_id = ? LIMIT 1', (section_id, )) return self.cursor.fetchone() def section_id_by_name(self, section_name): """ Returns the section_id for section_name (or None) """ self.cursor.execute('SELECT section_id FROM sections WHERE section_name = ? LIMIT 1,' (section_name, )) try: return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: pass def add_section(self, section_id, section_name, plex_type, kodi_tagid, sync_to_kodi=True): """ Appends a Plex section to the Plex sections table sync=False: Plex library won't be synced to Kodi """ query = ''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sections( section_id, section_name, plex_type, kodi_tagid, sync_to_kodi) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''' self.cursor.execute(query, (section_id, section_name, plex_type, kodi_tagid, sync_to_kodi)) def remove_section(self, section_id): """ Removes the Plex db entry for the section with section_id """ self.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM sections WHERE section_id = ?', (section_id, )) def plex_id_by_last_sync(self, plex_type, last_sync): """ Returns an iterator for all items where the last_sync is NOT identical """ query = 'SELECT plex_id FROM %s WHERE last_sync <> ?' % plex_type self.cursor.execute(query, (last_sync, )) return (x[0] for x in self.cursor) def update_last_sync(self, plex_type, plex_id, last_sync): """ Sets a new timestamp for plex_id """ query = 'UPDATE %s SET last_sync = ? WHERE plex_id = ?' % plex_type self.cursor.execute(query, (last_sync, plex_id)) def remove(self, plex_id, plex_type): """ Removes the item from our Plex db """ query = 'DELETE FROM ? WHERE plex_id = ?' % plex_type self.cursor.execute(query, (plex_id, )) def fanart(self, plex_type): """ Returns an iterator for plex_type for all plex_id, where fanart_synced has not yet been set to 1 """ query = 'SELECT plex_id from %s WHERE fanart_synced = 0' % plex_type self.cursor.execute(query) return (x[0] for x in self.cursor) def set_fanart_synced(self, plex_id, plex_type): """ Toggles fanart_synced to 1 for plex_id """ query = 'UPDATE %s SET fanart_synced = 1 WHERE plex_id = ?' % plex_type self.cursor.execute(query, (plex_id, )) def initialize(): """ Run once upon PKC startup to verify that plex db exists. """ with PlexDBBase() as plexdb: init = False # Create the tables for the plex database try: plexdb.cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM version') version = plexdb.cursor.fetchone()[0] except (utils.OperationalError, TypeError): init = True else: init = not utils.compare_version(version, v.MIN_PLEX_DB_VERSION) if not init: return # Delete all tables from logging import getLogger LOG = getLogger('PLEX.plex_db') LOG.warn('Need to reset the Plex database') plexdb.cursor.execute(''' SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' ''') tables = [x[0] for x in plexdb.cursor] for table in tables: query = 'DROP table IF EXISTS %s' % table plexdb.cursor.execute(query) # Set them up again plexdb.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version( idVersion TEXT) ''') plexdb.cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO version(idVersion) VALUES (?) ''', (v.ADDON_VERSION, )) plexdb.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sections( section_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, section_name TEXT, plex_type TEXT, kodi_tagid INTEGER, sync_to_kodi INTEGER) ''') plexdb.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS movie( plex_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, checksum INTEGER UNIQUE, section_id INTEGER, kodi_id INTEGER, kodi_fileid INTEGER, kodi_pathid INTEGER, fanart_synced INTEGER, last_sync INTEGER) ''') plexdb.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS show( plex_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, checksum INTEGER UNIQUE, section_id INTEGER, kodi_id INTEGER, kodi_pathid INTEGER, fanart_synced INTEGER, last_sync INTEGER) ''') plexdb.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS season( plex_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, checksum INTEGER UNIQUE, section_id INTEGER, show_id INTEGER, parent_id INTEGER, kodi_id INTEGER, fanart_synced INTEGER, last_sync INTEGER) ''') plexdb.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS episode( plex_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, checksum INTEGER UNIQUE, section_id INTEGER, show_id INTEGER, grandparent_id INTEGER, season_id INTEGER, parent_id INTEGER, kodi_id INTEGER, kodi_fileid INTEGER, kodi_pathid INTEGER, fanart_synced INTEGER, last_sync INTEGER) ''') plexdb.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artist( plex_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, checksum INTEGER UNIQUE, section_id INTEGER, kodi_id INTEGER, last_sync INTEGER) ''') plexdb.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS album( plex_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, checksum INTEGER UNIQUE, section_id INTEGER, artist_id INTEGER, parent_id INTEGER, kodi_id INTEGER, last_sync INTEGER) ''') plexdb.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS track( plex_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, checksum INTEGER UNIQUE, section_id INTEGER, artist_id INTEGER, grandparent_id INTEGER, album_id INTEGER, parent_id INTEGER, kodi_id INTEGER, kodi_pathid INTEGER, last_sync INTEGER) ''') plexdb.cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playlists( plex_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, plex_name TEXT, plex_updatedat INTEGER, kodi_path TEXT, kodi_type TEXT, kodi_hash TEXT) ''') def wipe(): """ Completely resets the Plex database """ query = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'" with PlexDBBase() as plexdb: plexdb.cursor.execute(query) tables = plexdb.cursor.fetchall() tables = [i[0] for i in tables] for table in tables: delete_query = 'DELETE FROM %s' % table plexdb.cursor.execute(delete_query)