#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ :module: plexkodiconnect.playlists :synopsis: This module syncs Plex playlists to Kodi playlists and vice-versa :author: Croneter .. autoclass:: kodi_playlist_monitor .. autoclass:: full_sync .. autoclass:: websocket """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from sqlite3 import OperationalError from .common import Playlist, PlaylistError, PlaylistObserver, \ kodi_playlist_hash from . import pms, db, kodi_pl, plex_pl from ..watchdog import events from ..plex_api import API from .. import utils, path_ops, variables as v, app ############################################################################### LOG = getLogger('PLEX.playlists') # Safety margin for playlist filesystem operations FILESYSTEM_TIMEOUT = 1 # Which playlist formates are supported by PKC? SUPPORTED_FILETYPES = ( 'm3u', # 'm3u8' # 'pls', # 'cue', ) ############################################################################### def should_cancel(): return app.APP.stop_pkc or app.SYNC.stop_sync def kodi_playlist_monitor(): """ Monitor for the Kodi playlist folder special://profile/playlist Monitors for all file changes and will thus catch all changes on the Kodi side of things (as soon as the user saves a new or modified playlist). This is accomplished by starting a PlaylistObserver with the PlaylistEventhandler Returns ------- PlaylistObserver Returns an already started PlaylistObserver instance Notes ----- Be sure to stop the returned PlaylistObserver with observer.stop() (and maybe observer.join()) to shut down properly """ event_handler = PlaylistEventhandler() observer = PlaylistObserver(timeout=FILESYSTEM_TIMEOUT) observer.schedule(event_handler, v.PLAYLIST_PATH, recursive=True) observer.start() return observer def remove_synced_playlists(): """ Deletes all synched playlists on the Kodi side, not on the Plex side """ LOG.info('Removing all playlists that we synced to Kodi') with app.APP.lock_playlists: try: paths = db.get_all_kodi_playlist_paths() except OperationalError: LOG.info('Playlists table has not yet been set-up') return kodi_pl.delete_kodi_playlists(paths) db.wipe_table() LOG.info('Done removing all synced playlists') def websocket(plex_id, status): """ Call this function to process websocket messages from the PMS Will use the playlist lock to process one single websocket message from the PMS, and e.g. create or delete the corresponding Kodi playlist (if applicable settings are set) Parameters ---------- plex_id : unicode The unqiue Plex id 'ratingKey' as received from the PMS status : int 'state' as communicated by the PMS in the websocket message. This function will then take the correct actions to process the message * 0: 'created' * 2: 'matching' * 3: 'downloading' * 4: 'loading' * 5: 'finished' * 6: 'analyzing' * 9: 'deleted' """ create = False plex_id = int(plex_id) with app.APP.lock_playlists: playlist = db.get_playlist(plex_id=plex_id) if plex_id in plex_pl.IGNORE_PLEX_PLAYLIST_CHANGE: LOG.debug('Ignoring detected Plex playlist change for %s', playlist) plex_pl.IGNORE_PLEX_PLAYLIST_CHANGE.remove(plex_id) return if playlist and status == 9: # Won't be able to download metadata of the deleted playlist if sync_plex_playlist(playlist=playlist): LOG.debug('Plex deletion of playlist detected: %s', playlist) try: kodi_pl.delete(playlist) except PlaylistError: pass return xml = pms.metadata(plex_id) if xml is None: LOG.debug('Could not download playlist %s, probably deleted', plex_id) return if not sync_plex_playlist(xml=xml[0]): return api = API(xml[0]) try: if playlist: if api.updated_at() == playlist.plex_updatedat: LOG.debug('Playlist with id %s already synced: %s', plex_id, playlist) else: LOG.debug('Change of Plex playlist detected: %s', playlist) kodi_pl.delete(playlist) create = True elif not playlist and not status == 9: LOG.debug('Creation of new Plex playlist detected: %s', plex_id) create = True # To the actual work if create: kodi_pl.create(plex_id) except PlaylistError: pass def full_sync(): """ Full sync of playlists between Kodi and Plex Call to trigger a full sync both ways, e.g. on Kodi start-up. If issues with a single playlist are encountered on either the Plex or Kodi side, this particular playlist is omitted. Will use the playlist lock. Returns ------- bool True if successful, False otherwise (actually only if we failed to fetch the PMS playlists) """ LOG.info('Starting playlist full sync') with app.APP.lock_playlists: # Need to lock because we're messing with playlists return _full_sync() def _full_sync(): # Get all Plex playlists xml = pms.all_playlists() if xml is None: return False # For each playlist, check Plex database to see whether we already synced # before. If yes, make sure that hashes are identical. If not, sync it. old_plex_ids = db.plex_playlist_ids() for xml_playlist in xml: if should_cancel(): return False api = API(xml_playlist) try: old_plex_ids.remove(api.plex_id) except ValueError: pass if not sync_plex_playlist(xml=xml_playlist): continue playlist = db.get_playlist(plex_id=api.plex_id) if not playlist: LOG.debug('New Plex playlist %s discovered: %s', api.plex_id, api.title()) try: kodi_pl.create(api.plex_id) except PlaylistError: LOG.info('Skipping creation of playlist %s', api.plex_id) elif playlist.plex_updatedat != api.updated_at(): LOG.debug('Detected changed Plex playlist %s: %s', api.plex_id, api.title()) # Since we are DELETING a playlist, we need to catch with path! try: kodi_pl.delete(playlist) except PlaylistError: LOG.info('Skipping recreation of playlist %s', api.plex_id) else: try: kodi_pl.create(api.plex_id) except PlaylistError: LOG.info('Could not recreate playlist %s', api.plex_id) # Get rid of old Plex playlists that were deleted on the Plex side for plex_id in old_plex_ids: if should_cancel(): return False playlist = db.get_playlist(plex_id=plex_id) LOG.debug('Removing outdated Plex playlist from Kodi: %s', playlist) if playlist is None: continue try: kodi_pl.delete(playlist) except PlaylistError: LOG.debug('Skipping deletion of playlist: %s', playlist) # Look at all supported Kodi playlists. Check whether they are in the DB. old_kodi_paths = db.kodi_playlist_paths() for root, _, files in path_ops.walk(v.PLAYLIST_PATH): for f in files: if should_cancel(): return False path = path_ops.path.join(root, f) try: old_kodi_paths.remove(path) except ValueError: pass if not sync_kodi_playlist(path): continue kodi_hash = kodi_playlist_hash(path) playlist = db.get_playlist(path=path) if playlist and playlist.kodi_hash == kodi_hash: continue if not playlist: LOG.debug('New Kodi playlist detected: %s', path) playlist = Playlist() playlist.kodi_path = path playlist.kodi_hash = kodi_hash try: plex_pl.create(playlist) except PlaylistError: LOG.info('Skipping Kodi playlist %s', path) else: LOG.debug('Changed Kodi playlist detected: %s', path) plex_pl.delete(playlist) playlist.kodi_hash = kodi_hash try: plex_pl.create(playlist) except PlaylistError: LOG.info('Skipping Kodi playlist %s', path) for kodi_path in old_kodi_paths: if should_cancel(): return False playlist = db.get_playlist(path=kodi_path) if not playlist: continue try: plex_pl.delete(playlist) except PlaylistError: LOG.debug('Skipping deletion of Plex playlist: %s', playlist) LOG.info('Playlist full sync done') return True def sync_kodi_playlist(path): """ Checks whether we should sync a specific Kodi playlist to Plex Will check the following conditions for one single Kodi playlist: * Kodi mixed playlists return False * Support of the file type of the playlist, e.g. m3u * Whether filename matches user settings to sync, if enabled Parameters ---------- path : unicode Absolute file path to the Kodi playlist in question Returns ------- bool True if we should sync this Kodi playlist to Plex, False otherwise """ if path.startswith(v.PLAYLIST_PATH_MIXED): return False try: extension = path.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() except IndexError: return False if extension not in SUPPORTED_FILETYPES: return False if not app.SYNC.sync_specific_kodi_playlists: return True playlist = Playlist() playlist.kodi_path = path prefix = utils.settings('syncSpecificKodiPlaylistsPrefix').lower() if playlist.kodi_filename.lower().startswith(prefix): return True LOG.debug('User chose to not sync Kodi playlist %s', path) return False def sync_plex_playlist(playlist=None, xml=None, plex_id=None): """ Checks whether we should sync a specific Plex playlist to Kodi Will check the following conditions for one single Plex playlist: * Plex music playlists return False if PKC audio sync is disabled * Whether filename matches user settings to sync, if enabled * False is returned if we could not retrieve more information about the playlist if only the plex_id was given Parameters ---------- Pass in either playlist, xml or plex_id (preferably in this order) plex_id : unicode Absolute file path to the Kodi playlist in question xml : etree xml PMS metadata for the Plex element in question. API(xml) instead of the usual API(xml[0]) will be used! playlist: PlayList A PlayList instance with Playlist.plex_name and PlayList.kodi_type set Returns ------- bool True if we should sync this Plex playlist to Kodi, False otherwise """ if playlist: # Mainly once we DELETED a Plex playlist that we're NOT supposed # to sync name = playlist.plex_name typus = playlist.kodi_type else: if xml is None: xml = pms.metadata(plex_id) if xml is None: LOG.info('Could not get Plex metadata for playlist %s', plex_id) return False api = API(xml[0]) else: api = API(xml) if api.playlist_type() == v.PLEX_TYPE_PHOTO_PLAYLIST: # Not supported by Kodi return False name = api.title() typus = v.KODI_PLAYLIST_TYPE_FROM_PLEX[api.playlist_type()] if (not app.SYNC.enable_music and typus == v.PLEX_PLAYLIST_TYPE_AUDIO): LOG.debug('Not synching Plex audio playlist') return False if not app.SYNC.sync_specific_plex_playlists: return True prefix = utils.settings('syncSpecificPlexPlaylistsPrefix').lower() if name and name.lower().startswith(prefix): return True LOG.debug('User chose to not sync Plex playlist %s', name) return False class PlaylistEventhandler(events.FileSystemEventHandler): """ PKC eventhandler to monitor Kodi playlists safed to disk """ def dispatch(self, event): """ Dispatches events to the appropriate methods. Parameters ---------- :type event: :class:`FileSystemEvent` The event object representing the file system event. """ path = event.dest_path if event.event_type == events.EVENT_TYPE_MOVED \ else event.src_path with app.APP.lock_playlists: if not sync_kodi_playlist(path): return if path in kodi_pl.IGNORE_KODI_PLAYLIST_CHANGE: LOG.debug('Ignoring event %s', event) kodi_pl.IGNORE_KODI_PLAYLIST_CHANGE.remove(path) return _method_map = { events.EVENT_TYPE_MODIFIED: self.on_modified, events.EVENT_TYPE_MOVED: self.on_moved, events.EVENT_TYPE_CREATED: self.on_created, events.EVENT_TYPE_DELETED: self.on_deleted, } _method_map[event.event_type](event) def on_created(self, event): LOG.debug('on_created: %s', event.src_path) old_playlist = db.get_playlist(path=event.src_path) kodi_hash = kodi_playlist_hash(event.src_path) if old_playlist and old_playlist.kodi_hash == kodi_hash: LOG.debug('Playlist already in DB - skipping') return elif old_playlist: LOG.debug('Playlist already in DB but it has been changed') self.on_modified(event) return playlist = Playlist() playlist.kodi_path = event.src_path playlist.kodi_hash = kodi_hash try: plex_pl.create(playlist) except PlaylistError: pass def on_modified(self, event): LOG.debug('on_modified: %s', event.src_path) old_playlist = db.get_playlist(path=event.src_path) kodi_hash = kodi_playlist_hash(event.src_path) if old_playlist and old_playlist.kodi_hash == kodi_hash: LOG.debug('Nothing modified, playlist already in DB - skipping') return new_playlist = Playlist() if old_playlist: # Retain the name! Might've come from Plex # (rename should fire on_moved) new_playlist.plex_name = old_playlist.plex_name plex_pl.delete(old_playlist) new_playlist.kodi_path = event.src_path new_playlist.kodi_hash = kodi_hash try: plex_pl.create(new_playlist) except PlaylistError: pass def on_moved(self, event): LOG.debug('on_moved: %s to %s', event.src_path, event.dest_path) kodi_hash = kodi_playlist_hash(event.dest_path) # First check whether we don't already have destination playlist in # our DB. Just in case.... old_playlist = db.get_playlist(path=event.dest_path) if old_playlist: LOG.warning('Found target playlist already in our DB!') new_event = events.FileModifiedEvent(event.dest_path) self.on_modified(new_event) return # All good old_playlist = db.get_playlist(path=event.src_path) if not old_playlist: LOG.debug('Did not have source path in the DB %s', event.src_path) else: plex_pl.delete(old_playlist) new_playlist = Playlist() new_playlist.kodi_path = event.dest_path new_playlist.kodi_hash = kodi_hash try: plex_pl.create(new_playlist) except PlaylistError: pass def on_deleted(self, event): LOG.debug('on_deleted: %s', event.src_path) playlist = db.get_playlist(path=event.src_path) if not playlist: LOG.debug('Playlist not found in DB for path %s', event.src_path) else: plex_pl.delete(playlist)