# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### from logging import getLogger from Queue import Queue, Empty from shutil import rmtree from urllib import quote_plus, unquote from threading import Thread from os import makedirs import requests from xbmc import sleep, translatePath from xbmcvfs import exists from utils import window, settings, language as lang, kodi_sql, try_encode, \ thread_methods, dialog, exists_dir, try_decode import state # Disable annoying requests warnings import requests.packages.urllib3 requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() ############################################################################### LOG = getLogger("PLEX." + __name__) ############################################################################### ARTWORK_QUEUE = Queue() def double_urlencode(text): return quote_plus(quote_plus(text)) def double_urldecode(text): return unquote(unquote(text)) @thread_methods(add_suspends=['SUSPEND_LIBRARY_THREAD', 'DB_SCAN', 'STOP_SYNC']) class Image_Cache_Thread(Thread): sleep_between = 50 # Potentially issues with limited number of threads # Hence let Kodi wait till download is successful timeout = (35.1, 35.1) def __init__(self): self.queue = ARTWORK_QUEUE Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): thread_stopped = self.thread_stopped thread_suspended = self.thread_suspended queue = self.queue sleep_between = self.sleep_between while not thread_stopped(): # In the event the server goes offline while thread_suspended(): # Set in service.py if thread_stopped(): # Abort was requested while waiting. We should exit LOG.info("---===### Stopped Image_Cache_Thread ###===---") return sleep(1000) try: url = queue.get(block=False) except Empty: sleep(1000) continue sleeptime = 0 while True: try: requests.head( url="http://%s:%s/image/image://%s" % (state.WEBSERVER_HOST, state.WEBSERVER_PORT, url), auth=(state.WEBSERVER_USERNAME, state.WEBSERVER_PASSWORD), timeout=self.timeout) except requests.Timeout: # We don't need the result, only trigger Kodi to start the # download. All is well break except requests.ConnectionError: if thread_stopped(): # Kodi terminated break # Server thinks its a DOS attack, ('error 10053') # Wait before trying again if sleeptime > 5: LOG.error('Repeatedly got ConnectionError for url %s' % double_urldecode(url)) break LOG.debug('Were trying too hard to download art, server ' 'over-loaded. Sleep %s seconds before trying ' 'again to download %s' % (2**sleeptime, double_urldecode(url))) sleep((2**sleeptime)*1000) sleeptime += 1 continue except Exception as e: LOG.error('Unknown exception for url %s: %s' % (double_urldecode(url), e)) import traceback LOG.error("Traceback:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) break # We did not even get a timeout break queue.task_done() LOG.debug('Cached art: %s' % double_urldecode(url)) # Sleep for a bit to reduce CPU strain sleep(sleep_between) LOG.info("---===### Stopped Image_Cache_Thread ###===---") class Artwork(): enableTextureCache = settings('enableTextureCache') == "true" if enableTextureCache: queue = ARTWORK_QUEUE def fullTextureCacheSync(self): """ This method will sync all Kodi artwork to textures13.db and cache them locally. This takes diskspace! """ if not dialog('yesno', "Image Texture Cache", lang(39250)): return LOG.info("Doing Image Cache Sync") # ask to rest all existing or not if dialog('yesno', "Image Texture Cache", lang(39251)): LOG.info("Resetting all cache data first") # Remove all existing textures first path = try_decode(translatePath("special://thumbnails/")) if exists_dir(path): rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) self.restoreCacheDirectories() # remove all existing data from texture DB connection = kodi_sql('texture') cursor = connection.cursor() query = 'SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=?' cursor.execute(query, ('table', )) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: tableName = row[0] if tableName != "version": cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s" % tableName) connection.commit() connection.close() # Cache all entries in video DB connection = kodi_sql('video') cursor = connection.cursor() # dont include actors query = "SELECT url FROM art WHERE media_type != ?" cursor.execute(query, ('actor', )) result = cursor.fetchall() total = len(result) LOG.info("Image cache sync about to process %s video images" % total) connection.close() for url in result: self.cacheTexture(url[0]) # Cache all entries in music DB connection = kodi_sql('music') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT url FROM art") result = cursor.fetchall() total = len(result) LOG.info("Image cache sync about to process %s music images" % total) connection.close() for url in result: self.cacheTexture(url[0]) def cacheTexture(self, url): # Cache a single image url to the texture cache if url and self.enableTextureCache: self.queue.put(double_urlencode(try_encode(url))) def addArtwork(self, artwork, kodiId, mediaType, cursor): # Kodi conversion table kodiart = { 'Primary': ["thumb", "poster"], 'Banner': "banner", 'Logo': "clearlogo", 'Art': "clearart", 'Thumb': "landscape", 'Disc': "discart", 'Backdrop': "fanart", 'BoxRear': "poster" } # Artwork is a dictionary for art in artwork: if art == "Backdrop": # Backdrop entry is a list # Process extra fanart for artwork downloader (fanart, fanart1, # fanart2...) backdrops = artwork[art] backdropsNumber = len(backdrops) query = ' '.join(( "SELECT url", "FROM art", "WHERE media_id = ?", "AND media_type = ?", "AND type LIKE ?" )) cursor.execute(query, (kodiId, mediaType, "fanart%",)) rows = cursor.fetchall() if len(rows) > backdropsNumber: # More backdrops in database. Delete extra fanart. query = ' '.join(( "DELETE FROM art", "WHERE media_id = ?", "AND media_type = ?", "AND type LIKE ?" )) cursor.execute(query, (kodiId, mediaType, "fanart_",)) # Process backdrops and extra fanart index = "" for backdrop in backdrops: self.addOrUpdateArt( imageUrl=backdrop, kodiId=kodiId, mediaType=mediaType, imageType="%s%s" % ("fanart", index), cursor=cursor) if backdropsNumber > 1: try: # Will only fail on the first try, str to int. index += 1 except TypeError: index = 1 elif art == "Primary": # Primary art is processed as thumb and poster for Kodi. for artType in kodiart[art]: self.addOrUpdateArt( imageUrl=artwork[art], kodiId=kodiId, mediaType=mediaType, imageType=artType, cursor=cursor) elif kodiart.get(art): # Process the rest artwork type that Kodi can use self.addOrUpdateArt( imageUrl=artwork[art], kodiId=kodiId, mediaType=mediaType, imageType=kodiart[art], cursor=cursor) def addOrUpdateArt(self, imageUrl, kodiId, mediaType, imageType, cursor): if not imageUrl: # Possible that the imageurl is an empty string return query = ' '.join(( "SELECT url", "FROM art", "WHERE media_id = ?", "AND media_type = ?", "AND type = ?" )) cursor.execute(query, (kodiId, mediaType, imageType,)) try: # Update the artwork url = cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: # Add the artwork LOG.debug("Adding Art Link for kodiId: %s (%s)" % (kodiId, imageUrl)) query = ( ''' INSERT INTO art(media_id, media_type, type, url) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ''' ) cursor.execute(query, (kodiId, mediaType, imageType, imageUrl)) else: if url == imageUrl: # Only cache artwork if it changed return # Only for the main backdrop, poster if (window('plex_initialScan') != "true" and imageType in ("fanart", "poster")): # Delete current entry before updating with the new one self.deleteCachedArtwork(url) LOG.debug("Updating Art url for %s kodiId %s %s -> (%s)" % (imageType, kodiId, url, imageUrl)) query = ' '.join(( "UPDATE art", "SET url = ?", "WHERE media_id = ?", "AND media_type = ?", "AND type = ?" )) cursor.execute(query, (imageUrl, kodiId, mediaType, imageType)) # Cache fanart and poster in Kodi texture cache if mediaType != 'actor': self.cacheTexture(imageUrl) def deleteArtwork(self, kodiId, mediaType, cursor): query = ' '.join(( "SELECT url", "FROM art", "WHERE media_id = ?", "AND media_type = ?" )) cursor.execute(query, (kodiId, mediaType,)) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: self.deleteCachedArtwork(row[0]) def deleteCachedArtwork(self, url): # Only necessary to remove and apply a new backdrop or poster connection = kodi_sql('texture') cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute("SELECT cachedurl FROM texture WHERE url = ?", (url,)) cachedurl = cursor.fetchone()[0] except TypeError: LOG.info("Could not find cached url.") else: # Delete thumbnail as well as the entry path = translatePath("special://thumbnails/%s" % cachedurl) LOG.debug("Deleting cached thumbnail: %s" % path) if exists(path): rmtree(try_decode(path), ignore_errors=True) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM texture WHERE url = ?", (url,)) connection.commit() finally: connection.close() @staticmethod def restoreCacheDirectories(): LOG.info("Restoring cache directories...") paths = ("","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f","Video","plex") for p in paths: makedirs(try_decode(translatePath("special://thumbnails/%s" % p)))