#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Functions to communicate with the currently connected PMS in order to manipulate playlists """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger import urllib from .common import PlaylistError from ..plex_api import API from ..downloadutils import DownloadUtils as DU from .. import app, variables as v ############################################################################### LOG = getLogger('PLEX.playlists.pms') ############################################################################### def all_playlists(): """ Returns an XML with all Plex playlists or None """ xml = DU().downloadUrl('{server}/playlists') try: xml.attrib except (AttributeError, TypeError): LOG.error('Could not download a list of all playlists') xml = None return xml def get_playlist(plex_id): """ Fetches the PMS playlist/playqueue as an XML. Pass in playlist id Returns None if something went wrong """ xml = DU().downloadUrl("{server}/playlists/%s/items" % plex_id) try: xml.attrib except AttributeError: xml = None return xml def initialize(playlist, plex_id): """ Initializes a new playlist on the PMS side. Will set playlist.plex_id and playlist.plex_updatedat. Will raise PlaylistError if something went wrong. """ LOG.debug('Initializing the playlist with Plex id %s on the Plex side: %s', plex_id, playlist) params = { 'type': v.PLEX_PLAYLIST_TYPE_FROM_KODI[playlist.kodi_type], 'title': playlist.plex_name, 'smart': 0, 'uri': ('library://None/item/%s' % (urllib.quote('/library/metadata/%s' % plex_id, safe=''))) } xml = DU().downloadUrl(url='{server}/playlists', action_type='POST', parameters=params) try: xml[0].attrib except (TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError): LOG.error('Could not initialize playlist on Plex side with plex id %s', plex_id) raise PlaylistError('Could not initialize Plex playlist %s', plex_id) api = API(xml[0]) playlist.plex_id = api.plex_id() playlist.plex_updatedat = api.updated_at() def add_item(playlist, plex_id): """ Adds the item with plex_id to the existing Plex playlist (at the end). Will set playlist.plex_updatedat Raises PlaylistError if that did not work out. """ params = { 'uri': ('library://None/item/%s' % (urllib.quote('/library/metadata/%s' % plex_id, safe=''))) } xml = DU().downloadUrl(url='{server}/playlists/%s/items' % playlist.plex_id, action_type='PUT', parameters=params) try: xml[0].attrib except (TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError): LOG.error('Could not initialize playlist on Plex side with plex id %s', plex_id) raise PlaylistError('Could not item %s to Plex playlist %s', plex_id, playlist) api = API(xml[0]) playlist.plex_updatedat = api.updated_at() def add_items(playlist, plex_ids): """ Adds all plex_ids (a list of ints) to a new Plex playlist. Will set playlist.plex_updatedat Raises PlaylistError if that did not work out. """ params = { 'type': v.PLEX_PLAYLIST_TYPE_FROM_KODI[playlist.kodi_type], 'title': playlist.plex_name, 'smart': 0, 'uri': ('server://%s/com.plexapp.plugins.library/library/metadata/%s' % (app.CONN.machine_identifier, ','.join(unicode(x) for x in plex_ids))) } xml = DU().downloadUrl(url='{server}/playlists/', action_type='POST', parameters=params) try: xml[0].attrib except (TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError): LOG.error('Could not add items to a new playlist %s on Plex side', playlist) raise PlaylistError('Could not add items to a new Plex playlist %s' % playlist) api = API(xml[0]) playlist.plex_id = api.plex_id() playlist.plex_updatedat = api.updated_at() def metadata(plex_id): """ Returns an xml with the entire metadata like updatedAt. """ xml = DU().downloadUrl('{server}/playlists/%s' % plex_id) try: xml.attrib except AttributeError: xml = None return xml def delete(playlist): """ Deletes the playlist from the PMS """ DU().downloadUrl('{server}/playlists/%s' % playlist.plex_id, action_type="DELETE")