""" PlexGDM.py - Version 0.2 This class implements the Plex GDM (G'Day Mate) protocol to discover local Plex Media Servers. Also allow client registration into all local media servers. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ __author__ = 'DHJ (hippojay) <plex@h-jay.com>' import socket import struct import threading import time from xbmc import sleep import downloadutils from PlexFunctions import PMSHttpsEnabled from utils import window, logging @logging class plexgdm: def __init__(self): self.discover_message = 'M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.0' self.client_header = '* HTTP/1.0' self.client_data = None self.client_id = None self._multicast_address = '' self.discover_group = (self._multicast_address, 32414) self.client_register_group = (self._multicast_address, 32413) self.client_update_port = 32412 self.server_list = [] self.discovery_interval = 120 self._discovery_is_running = False self._registration_is_running = False self.discovery_complete = False self.client_registered = False self.download = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl def clientDetails(self, settings): self.client_data = ( "Content-Type: plex/media-player\r\n" "Resource-Identifier: %s\r\n" "Name: %s\r\n" "Port: %s\r\n" "Product: %s\r\n" "Version: %s\r\n" "Protocol: plex\r\n" "Protocol-Version: 1\r\n" "Protocol-Capabilities: timeline,playback,navigation," "mirror,playqueues\r\n" "Device-Class: HTPC" ) % ( settings['uuid'], settings['client_name'], settings['myport'], settings['addonName'], settings['version'] ) self.client_id = settings['uuid'] def getClientDetails(self): if not self.client_data: self.logMsg("Client data has not been initialised. Please use " "PlexGDM.clientDetails()", -1) return self.client_data def client_update(self): update_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) # Set socket reuse, may not work on all OSs. try: update_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) except: pass # Attempt to bind to the socket to recieve and send data. If we cant # do this, then we cannot send registration try: update_sock.bind(('', self.client_update_port)) except: self.logMsg("Unable to bind to port [%s] - client will not be " "registered" % self.client_update_port, -1) return update_sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 255) update_sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, socket.inet_aton( self._multicast_address) + socket.inet_aton('')) update_sock.setblocking(0) self.logMsg("Sending registration data: HELLO %s\r\n%s" % (self.client_header, self.client_data), 2) # Send initial client registration try: update_sock.sendto("HELLO %s\r\n%s" % (self.client_header, self.client_data), self.client_register_group) except: self.logMsg("Unable to send registration message", -1) # Now, listen for client discovery reguests and respond. while self._registration_is_running: try: data, addr = update_sock.recvfrom(1024) self.logMsg("Recieved UDP packet from [%s] containing [%s]" % (addr, data.strip()), 2) except socket.error: pass else: if "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1." in data: self.logMsg("Detected client discovery request from %s. " " Replying" % str(addr), 2) try: update_sock.sendto("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n%s" % self.client_data, addr) except: self.logMsg("Unable to send client update message", -1) self.logMsg("Sending registration data HTTP/1.0 200 OK", 2) self.client_registered = True sleep(500) self.logMsg("Client Update loop stopped", 1) # When we are finished, then send a final goodbye message to # deregister cleanly. self.logMsg("Sending registration data: BYE %s\r\n%s" % (self.client_header, self.client_data), 2) try: update_sock.sendto("BYE %s\r\n%s" % (self.client_header, self.client_data), self.client_register_group) except: self.logMsg("Unable to send client update message", -1) self.client_registered = False def check_client_registration(self): if self.client_registered and self.discovery_complete: if not self.server_list: self.logMsg("Server list is empty. Unable to check", 1) return False try: for server in self.server_list: if server['uuid'] == window('plex_machineIdentifier'): media_server = server['server'] media_port = server['port'] scheme = server['protocol'] break else: self.logMsg("Did not find our server!", 0) return False self.logMsg("Checking server [%s] on port [%s]" % (media_server, media_port), 2) client_result = self.download( '%s://%s:%s/clients' % (scheme, media_server, media_port)) registered = False for client in client_result: if (client.attrib.get('machineIdentifier') == self.client_id): registered = True if registered: self.logMsg("Client registration successful", 1) self.logMsg("Client data is: %s" % client_result, 2) return True else: self.logMsg("Client registration not found", 1) self.logMsg("Client data is: %s" % client_result, 1) except: self.logMsg("Unable to check status", 0) pass return False def getServerList(self): return self.server_list def discover(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Set a timeout so the socket does not block indefinitely sock.settimeout(0.6) # Set the time-to-live for messages to 1 for local network ttl = struct.pack('b', 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, ttl) returnData = [] try: # Send data to the multicast group self.logMsg("Sending discovery messages: %s" % self.discover_message, 2) sock.sendto(self.discover_message, self.discover_group) # Look for responses from all recipients while True: try: data, server = sock.recvfrom(1024) self.logMsg("Received data from %s, %s" % server, 2) returnData.append({'from': server, 'data': data}) except socket.timeout: break except: # if we can't send our discovery query, just abort and try again # on the next loop return finally: sock.close() self.discovery_complete = True discovered_servers = [] if returnData: for response in returnData: update = {'server': response.get('from')[0]} # Check if we had a positive HTTP reponse if "200 OK" in response.get('data'): for each in response.get('data').split('\r\n'): update['discovery'] = "auto" update['owned'] = '1' update['master'] = 1 update['role'] = 'master' update['class'] = None if "Content-Type:" in each: update['content-type'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Resource-Identifier:" in each: update['uuid'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Name:" in each: update['serverName'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Port:" in each: update['port'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Updated-At:" in each: update['updated'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Version:" in each: update['version'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() elif "Server-Class:" in each: update['class'] = each.split(':')[1].strip() # Quickly test if we need https https = PMSHttpsEnabled( '%s:%s' % (update['server'], update['port'])) if https is None: # Error contacting server continue elif https: update['protocol'] = 'https' else: update['protocol'] = 'http' discovered_servers.append(update) # Append REMOTE PMS that we haven't found yet; if necessary currServer = window('pms_server') if currServer: currServerProt, currServerIP, currServerPort = \ currServer.split(':') currServerIP = currServerIP.replace('/', '') for server in discovered_servers: if server['server'] == currServerIP: break else: # Currently active server was not discovered via GDM; ADD update = { 'port': currServerPort, 'protocol': currServerProt, 'class': None, 'content-type': 'plex/media-server', 'discovery': 'auto', 'master': 1, 'owned': '1', 'role': 'master', 'server': currServerIP, 'serverName': window('plex_servername'), 'updated': int(time.time()), 'uuid': window('plex_machineIdentifier'), 'version': 'irrelevant' } discovered_servers.append(update) self.server_list = discovered_servers if not self.server_list: self.logMsg("No servers have been discovered", 0) else: self.logMsg("Number of servers Discovered: %s" % len(self.server_list), 2) for items in self.server_list: self.logMsg("Server Discovered: %s" % items, 2) def setInterval(self, interval): self.discovery_interval = interval def stop_all(self): self.stop_discovery() self.stop_registration() def stop_discovery(self): if self._discovery_is_running: self.logMsg("Discovery shutting down", 0) self._discovery_is_running = False self.discover_t.join() del self.discover_t else: self.logMsg("Discovery not running", 0) def stop_registration(self): if self._registration_is_running: self.logMsg("Registration shutting down", 0) self._registration_is_running = False self.register_t.join() del self.register_t else: self.logMsg("Registration not running", 0) def run_discovery_loop(self): # Run initial discovery self.discover() discovery_count = 0 while self._discovery_is_running: discovery_count += 1 if discovery_count > self.discovery_interval: self.discover() discovery_count = 0 sleep(500) def start_discovery(self, daemon=False): if not self._discovery_is_running: self.logMsg("Discovery starting up", 0) self._discovery_is_running = True self.discover_t = threading.Thread(target=self.run_discovery_loop) self.discover_t.setDaemon(daemon) self.discover_t.start() else: self.logMsg("Discovery already running", 0) def start_registration(self, daemon=False): if not self._registration_is_running: self.logMsg("Registration starting up", 0) self._registration_is_running = True self.register_t = threading.Thread(target=self.client_update) self.register_t.setDaemon(daemon) self.register_t.start() else: self.logMsg("Registration already running", 0) def start_all(self, daemon=False): self.start_discovery(daemon) self.start_registration(daemon)