""" Used to kick off Kodi playback """ from logging import getLogger from threading import Thread from os.path import join from xbmc import Player, sleep from PlexAPI import API from PlexFunctions import GetPlexMetadata, init_plex_playqueue from downloadutils import DownloadUtils as DU import plexdb_functions as plexdb import kodidb_functions as kodidb import playlist_func as PL import playqueue as PQ from playutils import PlayUtils from PKC_listitem import PKC_ListItem from pickler import pickle_me, Playback_Successful import json_rpc as js from utils import settings, dialog, language as lang, try_encode from plexbmchelper.subscribers import LOCKER import variables as v import state ############################################################################### LOG = getLogger("PLEX." + __name__) # Do we need to return ultimately with a setResolvedUrl? RESOLVE = True # We're "failing" playback with a video of 0 length NULL_VIDEO = join(v.ADDON_FOLDER, 'addons', v.ADDON_ID, 'empty_video.mp4') ############################################################################### @LOCKER.lockthis def playback_triage(plex_id=None, plex_type=None, path=None, resolve=True): """ Hit this function for addon path playback, Plex trailers, etc. Will setup playback first, then on second call complete playback. Will set Playback_Successful() with potentially a PKC_ListItem() attached (to be consumed by setResolvedURL in default.py) If trailers or additional (movie-)parts are added, default.py is released and a completely new player instance is called with a new playlist. This circumvents most issues with Kodi & playqueues Set resolve to False if you do not want setResolvedUrl to be called on the first pass - e.g. if you're calling this function from the original service.py Python instance """ LOG.info('playback_triage called with plex_id %s, plex_type %s, path %s, ' 'resolve %s,', plex_id, plex_type, path, resolve) global RESOLVE # If started via Kodi context menu, we never resolve RESOLVE = resolve if not state.CONTEXT_MENU_PLAY else False if not state.AUTHENTICATED: LOG.error('Not yet authenticated for PMS, abort starting playback') # "Unauthorized for PMS" dialog('notification', lang(29999), lang(30017)) _ensure_resolve(abort=True) return playqueue = PQ.get_playqueue_from_type( v.KODI_PLAYLIST_TYPE_FROM_PLEX_TYPE[plex_type]) pos = js.get_position(playqueue.playlistid) # Can return -1 (as in "no playlist") pos = pos if pos != -1 else 0 LOG.debug('playQueue position %s for %s', pos, playqueue) # Have we already initiated playback? try: item = playqueue.items[pos] except IndexError: initiate = True else: initiate = True if item.plex_id != plex_id else False if initiate: _playback_init(plex_id, plex_type, playqueue, pos) else: # kick off playback on second pass _conclude_playback(playqueue, pos) def _playback_init(plex_id, plex_type, playqueue, pos): """ Playback setup if Kodi starts playing an item for the first time. """ LOG.info('Initializing PKC playback') xml = GetPlexMetadata(plex_id) try: xml[0].attrib except (IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError): LOG.error('Could not get a PMS xml for plex id %s', plex_id) # "Play error" dialog('notification', lang(29999), lang(30128), icon='{error}') _ensure_resolve(abort=True) return if playqueue.kodi_pl.size() > 1: # Special case - we already got a filled Kodi playqueue try: _init_existing_kodi_playlist(playqueue, pos) except PL.PlaylistError: LOG.error('Playback_init for existing Kodi playlist failed') _ensure_resolve(abort=True) return # Now we need to use setResolvedUrl for the item at position ZERO # playqueue.py will pick up the missing items _conclude_playback(playqueue, 0) return # "Usual" case - consider trailers and parts and build both Kodi and Plex # playqueues # Pass dummy PKC video with 0 length so Kodi immediately stops playback # and we can build our own playqueue. _ensure_resolve() api = API(xml[0]) trailers = False if (plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_MOVIE and not api.resume_point() and settings('enableCinema') == "true"): if settings('askCinema') == "true": # "Play trailers?" trailers = dialog('yesno', lang(29999), lang(33016)) trailers = True if trailers else False else: trailers = True LOG.debug('Playing trailers: %s', trailers) if RESOLVE: # Sleep a bit to let setResolvedUrl do its thing - bit ugly sleep_timer = 0 while not state.PKC_CAUSED_STOP_DONE: sleep(50) sleep_timer += 1 if sleep_timer > 100: break playqueue.clear() if plex_type != v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP: # Post to the PMS to create a playqueue - in any case due to Companion xml = init_plex_playqueue(plex_id, xml.attrib.get('librarySectionUUID'), mediatype=plex_type, trailers=trailers) if xml is None: LOG.error('Could not get a playqueue xml for plex id %s, UUID %s', plex_id, xml.attrib.get('librarySectionUUID')) # "Play error" dialog('notification', lang(29999), lang(30128), icon='{error}') # Do NOT use _ensure_resolve() because we resolved above already state.CONTEXT_MENU_PLAY = False state.FORCE_TRANSCODE = False state.RESUME_PLAYBACK = False return PL.get_playlist_details_from_xml(playqueue, xml) stack = _prep_playlist_stack(xml) _process_stack(playqueue, stack) # Always resume if playback initiated via PMS and there IS a resume # point offset = api.resume_point() * 1000 if state.CONTEXT_MENU_PLAY else None # Reset some playback variables state.CONTEXT_MENU_PLAY = False state.FORCE_TRANSCODE = False # New thread to release this one sooner (e.g. harddisk spinning up) thread = Thread(target=threaded_playback, args=(playqueue.kodi_pl, pos, offset)) thread.setDaemon(True) LOG.info('Done initializing playback, starting Kodi player at pos %s and ' 'resume point %s', pos, offset) # By design, PKC will start Kodi playback using Player().play(). Kodi # caches paths like our plugin://pkc. If we use Player().play() between # 2 consecutive startups of exactly the same Kodi library item, Kodi's # cache will have been flushed for some reason. Hence the 2nd call for # plugin://pkc will be lost; Kodi will try to startup playback for an empty # path: log entry is "CGUIWindowVideoBase::OnPlayMedia <missing path>" thread.start() # Ensure that PKC playqueue monitor ignores the changes we just made playqueue.pkc_edit = True def _ensure_resolve(abort=False): """ Will check whether RESOLVE=True and if so, fail Kodi playback startup with the path 'PKC_Dummy_Path_Which_Fails' using setResolvedUrl (and some pickling) This way we're making sure that other Python instances (calling default.py) will be destroyed. """ if RESOLVE: LOG.debug('Passing dummy path to Kodi') # if not state.CONTEXT_MENU_PLAY: # Because playback won't start with context menu play state.PKC_CAUSED_STOP = True state.PKC_CAUSED_STOP_DONE = False result = Playback_Successful() result.listitem = PKC_ListItem(path=NULL_VIDEO) pickle_me(result) if abort: # Reset some playback variables state.CONTEXT_MENU_PLAY = False state.FORCE_TRANSCODE = False state.RESUME_PLAYBACK = False def _init_existing_kodi_playlist(playqueue, pos): """ Will take the playqueue's kodi_pl with MORE than 1 element and initiate playback (without adding trailers) """ LOG.debug('Kodi playlist size: %s', playqueue.kodi_pl.size()) kodi_items = js.playlist_get_items(playqueue.playlistid) if not kodi_items: raise PL.PlaylistError('No Kodi items returned') item = PL.init_Plex_playlist(playqueue, kodi_item=kodi_items[pos]) item.force_transcode = state.FORCE_TRANSCODE # playqueue.py will add the rest - this will likely put the PMS under # a LOT of strain if the following Kodi setting is enabled: # Settings -> Player -> Videos -> Play next video automatically LOG.debug('Done init_existing_kodi_playlist') def _prep_playlist_stack(xml): stack = [] for item in xml: api = API(item) if (state.CONTEXT_MENU_PLAY is False and api.plex_type() not in (v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP, v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE)): # If user chose to play via PMS or force transcode, do not # use the item path stored in the Kodi DB with plexdb.Get_Plex_DB() as plex_db: plex_dbitem = plex_db.getItem_byId(api.plex_id()) kodi_id = plex_dbitem[0] if plex_dbitem else None kodi_type = plex_dbitem[4] if plex_dbitem else None else: # We will never store clips (trailers) in the Kodi DB. # Also set kodi_id to None for playback via PMS, so that we're # using add-on paths. # Also do NOT associate episodes with library items for addon paths # as artwork lookup is broken (episode path does not link back to # season and show) kodi_id = None kodi_type = None for part, _ in enumerate(item[0]): api.set_part_number(part) if kodi_id is None: # Need to redirect again to PKC to conclude playback path = ('plugin://%s/?plex_id=%s&plex_type=%s&mode=play' % (v.ADDON_TYPE[api.plex_type()], api.plex_id(), api.plex_type())) listitem = api.create_listitem() listitem.setPath(try_encode(path)) else: # Will add directly via the Kodi DB path = None listitem = None stack.append({ 'kodi_id': kodi_id, 'kodi_type': kodi_type, 'file': path, 'xml_video_element': item, 'listitem': listitem, 'part': part, 'playcount': api.viewcount(), 'offset': api.resume_point(), 'id': api.item_id() }) return stack def _process_stack(playqueue, stack): """ Takes our stack and adds the items to the PKC and Kodi playqueues. """ # getposition() can return -1 pos = max(playqueue.kodi_pl.getposition(), 0) + 1 for item in stack: if item['kodi_id'] is None: playlist_item = PL.add_listitem_to_Kodi_playlist( playqueue, pos, item['listitem'], file=item['file'], xml_video_element=item['xml_video_element']) else: # Directly add element so we have full metadata playlist_item = PL.add_item_to_kodi_playlist( playqueue, pos, kodi_id=item['kodi_id'], kodi_type=item['kodi_type'], xml_video_element=item['xml_video_element']) playlist_item.playcount = item['playcount'] playlist_item.offset = item['offset'] playlist_item.part = item['part'] playlist_item.id = item['id'] playlist_item.force_transcode = state.FORCE_TRANSCODE pos += 1 def _conclude_playback(playqueue, pos): """ ONLY if actually being played (e.g. at 5th position of a playqueue). Decide on direct play, direct stream, transcoding path to direct paths: file itself PMS URL Web URL audiostream (e.g. let user choose) subtitle stream (e.g. let user choose) Init Kodi Playback (depending on situation): start playback return PKC listitem attached to result """ LOG.info('Concluding playback for playqueue position %s', pos) result = Playback_Successful() listitem = PKC_ListItem() item = playqueue.items[pos] if item.xml is not None: # Got a Plex element api = API(item.xml) api.set_part_number(item.part) api.create_listitem(listitem) playutils = PlayUtils(api, item) playurl = playutils.getPlayUrl() else: playurl = item.file listitem.setPath(try_encode(playurl)) if item.playmethod == 'DirectStream': listitem.setSubtitles(api.cache_external_subs()) elif item.playmethod == 'Transcode': playutils.audio_subtitle_prefs(listitem) if state.RESUME_PLAYBACK is True: state.RESUME_PLAYBACK = False if (item.offset is None and item.plex_type not in (v.PLEX_TYPE_SONG, v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP)): with plexdb.Get_Plex_DB() as plex_db: plex_dbitem = plex_db.getItem_byId(item.plex_id) file_id = plex_dbitem[1] if plex_dbitem else None with kodidb.GetKodiDB('video') as kodi_db: item.offset = kodi_db.get_resume(file_id) LOG.info('Resuming playback at %s', item.offset) listitem.setProperty('StartOffset', str(item.offset)) listitem.setProperty('resumetime', str(item.offset)) # Reset the resumable flag result.listitem = listitem pickle_me(result) LOG.info('Done concluding playback') def process_indirect(key, offset, resolve=True): """ Called e.g. for Plex "Play later" - Plex items where we need to fetch an additional xml for the actual playurl. In the PMS metadata, indirect="1" is set. Will release default.py with setResolvedUrl Set resolve to False if playback should be kicked off directly, not via setResolvedUrl """ LOG.info('process_indirect called with key: %s, offset: %s, resolve: %s', key, offset, resolve) global RESOLVE RESOLVE = resolve result = Playback_Successful() if key.startswith('http') or key.startswith('{server}'): xml = DU().downloadUrl(key) elif key.startswith('/system/services'): xml = DU().downloadUrl('http://node.plexapp.com:32400%s' % key) else: xml = DU().downloadUrl('{server}%s' % key) try: xml[0].attrib except (TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError): LOG.error('Could not download PMS metadata') _ensure_resolve(abort=True) return if offset != '0': offset = int(v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR * float(offset)) # Todo: implement offset api = API(xml[0]) listitem = PKC_ListItem() api.create_listitem(listitem) playqueue = PQ.get_playqueue_from_type( v.KODI_PLAYLIST_TYPE_FROM_PLEX_TYPE[api.plex_type()]) playqueue.clear() item = PL.Playlist_Item() item.xml = xml[0] item.offset = int(offset) item.plex_type = v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP item.playmethod = 'DirectStream' # Need to get yet another xml to get the final playback url xml = DU().downloadUrl('http://node.plexapp.com:32400%s' % xml[0][0][0].attrib['key']) try: xml[0].attrib except (TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError): LOG.error('Could not download last xml for playurl') _ensure_resolve(abort=True) return playurl = xml[0].attrib['key'] item.file = playurl listitem.setPath(try_encode(playurl)) playqueue.items.append(item) if resolve is True: result.listitem = listitem pickle_me(result) else: thread = Thread(target=Player().play, args={'item': try_encode(playurl), 'listitem': listitem}) thread.setDaemon(True) LOG.info('Done initializing PKC playback, starting Kodi player') thread.start() def play_xml(playqueue, xml, offset=None, start_plex_id=None): """ Play all items contained in the xml passed in. Called by Plex Companion. Either supply the ratingKey of the starting Plex element. Or set playqueue.selectedItemID """ LOG.info("play_xml called with offset %s, start_plex_id %s", offset, start_plex_id) stack = _prep_playlist_stack(xml) _process_stack(playqueue, stack) LOG.debug('Playqueue after play_xml update: %s', playqueue) if start_plex_id is not None: for startpos, item in enumerate(playqueue.items): if item.plex_id == start_plex_id: break else: startpos = 0 else: for startpos, item in enumerate(playqueue.items): if item.id == playqueue.selectedItemID: break else: startpos = 0 thread = Thread(target=threaded_playback, args=(playqueue.kodi_pl, startpos, offset)) LOG.info('Done play_xml, starting Kodi player at position %s', startpos) thread.start() def threaded_playback(kodi_playlist, startpos, offset): """ Seek immediately after kicking off playback is not reliable. """ player = Player() player.play(kodi_playlist, None, False, startpos) if offset and offset != '0': i = 0 while not player.isPlaying(): sleep(100) i += 1 if i > 100: LOG.error('Could not seek to %s', offset) return js.seek_to(int(offset))