# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### import logging from shutil import copytree import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from os import remove, listdir, makedirs from os.path import isfile, join import xbmc from xbmcvfs import exists from utils import window, settings, language as lang, tryEncode, indent, \ normalize_nodes, exists_dir import variables as v ############################################################################### log = logging.getLogger("PLEX."+__name__) ############################################################################### # Paths are strings, NOT unicode! class VideoNodes(object): def commonRoot(self, order, label, tagname, roottype=1): if roottype == 0: # Index root = etree.Element('node', attrib={'order': "%s" % order}) elif roottype == 1: # Filter root = etree.Element('node', attrib={'order': "%s" % order, 'type': "filter"}) etree.SubElement(root, 'match').text = "all" # Add tag rule rule = etree.SubElement(root, 'rule', attrib={'field': "tag", 'operator': "is"}) etree.SubElement(rule, 'value').text = tagname else: # Folder root = etree.Element('node', attrib={'order': "%s" % order, 'type': "folder"}) etree.SubElement(root, 'label').text = label etree.SubElement(root, 'icon').text = "special://home/addons/plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/icon.png" return root def viewNode(self, indexnumber, tagname, mediatype, viewtype, viewid, delete=False): # Plex: reassign mediatype due to Kodi inner workings # How many items do we get at most? limit = window('fetch_pms_item_number') mediatypes = { 'movie': 'movies', 'show': 'tvshows', 'photo': 'photos', 'homevideo': 'homevideos', 'musicvideos': 'musicvideos' } mediatype = mediatypes[mediatype] if viewtype == "mixed": dirname = "%s-%s" % (viewid, mediatype) else: dirname = viewid # Returns strings path = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/library/video/") nodepath = xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile/library/video/Plex-%s/" % dirname) if delete: files = [f for f in listdir(nodepath) if isfile(join(nodepath, f))] for file in files: remove(nodepath + file) log.info("Sucessfully removed videonode: %s." % tagname) return # Verify the video directory if not exists_dir(path): copytree( src=xbmc.translatePath("special://xbmc/system/library/video"), dst=xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/library/video")) # Create the node directory if mediatype != "photos": if not exists_dir(nodepath): # folder does not exist yet log.debug('Creating folder %s' % nodepath) makedirs(nodepath) # Create index entry nodeXML = "%sindex.xml" % nodepath # Set windows property path = "library://video/Plex-%s/" % dirname for i in range(1, indexnumber): # Verify to make sure we don't create duplicates if window('Plex.nodes.%s.index' % i) == path: return if mediatype == "photos": path = "plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect?mode=browseplex&key=/library/sections/%s&id=%s" % (viewid, viewid) window('Plex.nodes.%s.index' % indexnumber, value=path) # Root if not mediatype == "photos": if viewtype == "mixed": specialtag = "%s-%s" % (tagname, mediatype) root = self.commonRoot(order=0, label=specialtag, tagname=tagname, roottype=0) else: root = self.commonRoot(order=0, label=tagname, tagname=tagname, roottype=0) try: indent(root) except: pass etree.ElementTree(root).write(nodeXML) nodetypes = { '1': "all", '2': "recent", '3': "recentepisodes", '4': "inprogress", '5': "inprogressepisodes", '6': "unwatched", '7': "nextepisodes", '8': "sets", '9': "genres", '10': "random", '11': "recommended", '12': "ondeck", '13': 'browsefiles' } mediatypes = { # label according to nodetype per mediatype 'movies': { '1': tagname, '2': 30174, # '4': 30177, # '6': 30189, '8': 39501, '9': 135, '10': 30227, '11': 30230, '12': 39500, '13': 39702 }, 'tvshows': { '1': tagname, # '2': 30170, '3': 30174, # '4': 30171, # '5': 30178, # '7': 30179, '9': 135, '10': 30227, # '11': 30230, '12': 39500, '13': 39702 }, 'homevideos': { '1': tagname, '2': 30251, '11': 30253, '13': 39702 }, 'photos': { '1': tagname, '2': 30252, '8': 30255, '11': 30254, '13': 39702 }, 'musicvideos': { '1': tagname, '2': 30256, '4': 30257, '6': 30258, '13': 39702 } } # Key: nodetypes, value: sort order in Kodi sortorder = { '1': '3', # "all", '2': '2', # "recent", '3': '2', # "recentepisodes", # '4': # "inprogress", # '5': # "inprogressepisodes", # '6': # "unwatched", # '7': # "nextepisodes", '8': '7', # "sets", '9': '6', # "genres", '10': '8', # "random", '11': '5', # "recommended", '12': '1', # "ondeck" '13': '9' # browse by folder } nodes = mediatypes[mediatype] for node in nodes: nodetype = nodetypes[node] nodeXML = "%s%s_%s.xml" % (nodepath, viewid, nodetype) # Get label stringid = nodes[node] if node != "1": label = lang(stringid) if not label: label = xbmc.getLocalizedString(stringid) else: label = stringid # Set window properties if (mediatype == "homevideos" or mediatype == "photos") and nodetype == "all": # Custom query path = ("plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?id=%s&mode=browseplex&type=%s" % (viewid, mediatype)) elif (mediatype == "homevideos" or mediatype == "photos"): # Custom query path = ("plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?id=%s&mode=browseplex&type=%s&folderid=%s" % (viewid, mediatype, nodetype)) elif nodetype == "nextepisodes": # Custom query path = "plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?id=%s&mode=nextup&limit=%s" % (tagname, limit) # elif v.KODIVERSION == 14 and nodetype == "recentepisodes": elif nodetype == "recentepisodes": # Custom query path = ("plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?id=%s&mode=recentepisodes&type=%s&tagname=%s&limit=%s" % (viewid, mediatype, tagname, limit)) elif v.KODIVERSION == 14 and nodetype == "inprogressepisodes": # Custom query path = "plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?id=%s&mode=inprogressepisodes&limit=%s" % (tagname, limit) elif nodetype == 'ondeck': # PLEX custom query if mediatype == "tvshows": path = ("plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?id=%s&mode=ondeck&type=%s&tagname=%s&limit=%s" % (viewid, mediatype, tagname, limit)) elif mediatype =="movies": # Reset nodetype; we got the label nodetype = 'inprogress' elif nodetype == 'browsefiles': path = 'plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect?mode=browseplex&key=/library/sections/%s/folder' % viewid else: path = "library://video/Plex-%s/%s_%s.xml" % (dirname, viewid, nodetype) if mediatype == "photos": windowpath = "ActivateWindow(Pictures,%s,return)" % path else: if v.KODIVERSION >= 17: # Krypton windowpath = "ActivateWindow(Videos,%s,return)" % path else: windowpath = "ActivateWindow(Video,%s,return)" % path if nodetype == "all": if viewtype == "mixed": templabel = "%s-%s" % (tagname, mediatype) else: templabel = label embynode = "Plex.nodes.%s" % indexnumber window('%s.title' % embynode, value=templabel) window('%s.path' % embynode, value=windowpath) window('%s.content' % embynode, value=path) window('%s.type' % embynode, value=mediatype) else: embynode = "Plex.nodes.%s.%s" % (indexnumber, nodetype) window('%s.title' % embynode, value=label) window('%s.path' % embynode, value=windowpath) window('%s.content' % embynode, value=path) if mediatype == "photos": # For photos, we do not create a node in videos but we do want the window props # to be created. # To do: add our photos nodes to kodi picture sources somehow continue if exists(nodeXML): # Don't recreate xml if already exists continue # Create the root if (nodetype in ("nextepisodes", "ondeck", 'recentepisodes', 'browsefiles') or mediatype == "homevideos"): # Folder type with plugin path root = self.commonRoot(order=sortorder[node], label=label, tagname=tagname, roottype=2) etree.SubElement(root, 'path').text = path etree.SubElement(root, 'content').text = "episodes" else: root = self.commonRoot(order=sortorder[node], label=label, tagname=tagname) if nodetype in ('recentepisodes', 'inprogressepisodes'): etree.SubElement(root, 'content').text = "episodes" else: etree.SubElement(root, 'content').text = mediatype # Elements per nodetype if nodetype == "all": etree.SubElement(root, 'order', {'direction': "ascending"}).text = "sorttitle" elif nodetype == "recent": etree.SubElement(root, 'order', {'direction': "descending"}).text = "dateadded" etree.SubElement(root, 'limit').text = limit if settings('MovieShowWatched') == 'false': rule = etree.SubElement(root, 'rule', {'field': "playcount", 'operator': "is"}) etree.SubElement(rule, 'value').text = "0" elif nodetype == "inprogress": etree.SubElement(root, 'rule', {'field': "inprogress", 'operator': "true"}) etree.SubElement(root, 'limit').text = limit etree.SubElement( root, 'order', {'direction': 'descending'} ).text = 'lastplayed' elif nodetype == "genres": etree.SubElement(root, 'order', {'direction': "ascending"}).text = "sorttitle" etree.SubElement(root, 'group').text = "genres" elif nodetype == "unwatched": etree.SubElement(root, 'order', {'direction': "ascending"}).text = "sorttitle" rule = etree.SubElement(root, "rule", {'field': "playcount", 'operator': "is"}) etree.SubElement(rule, 'value').text = "0" elif nodetype == "sets": etree.SubElement(root, 'order', {'direction': "ascending"}).text = "sorttitle" etree.SubElement(root, 'group').text = "tags" elif nodetype == "random": etree.SubElement(root, 'order', {'direction': "ascending"}).text = "random" etree.SubElement(root, 'limit').text = limit elif nodetype == "recommended": etree.SubElement(root, 'order', {'direction': "descending"}).text = "rating" etree.SubElement(root, 'limit').text = limit rule = etree.SubElement(root, 'rule', {'field': "playcount", 'operator': "is"}) etree.SubElement(rule, 'value').text = "0" rule2 = etree.SubElement(root, 'rule', attrib={'field': "rating", 'operator': "greaterthan"}) etree.SubElement(rule2, 'value').text = "7" elif nodetype == "recentepisodes": # Kodi Isengard, Jarvis etree.SubElement(root, 'order', {'direction': "descending"}).text = "dateadded" etree.SubElement(root, 'limit').text = limit rule = etree.SubElement(root, 'rule', {'field': "playcount", 'operator': "is"}) etree.SubElement(rule, 'value').text = "0" elif nodetype == "inprogressepisodes": # Kodi Isengard, Jarvis etree.SubElement(root, 'limit').text = limit rule = etree.SubElement(root, 'rule', attrib={'field': "inprogress", 'operator':"true"}) try: indent(root) except: pass etree.ElementTree(root).write(nodeXML) def singleNode(self, indexnumber, tagname, mediatype, itemtype): tagname = tryEncode(tagname) cleantagname = normalize_nodes(tagname) nodepath = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/library/video/") nodeXML = "%splex_%s.xml" % (nodepath, cleantagname) path = "library://video/plex_%s.xml" % cleantagname if v.KODIVERSION >= 17: # Krypton windowpath = "ActivateWindow(Videos,%s,return)" % path else: windowpath = "ActivateWindow(Video,%s,return)" % path # Create the video node directory if not exists_dir(nodepath): # We need to copy over the default items copytree( src=xbmc.translatePath("special://xbmc/system/library/video"), dst=xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/library/video")) labels = { 'Favorite movies': 30180, 'Favorite tvshows': 30181, 'channels': 30173 } label = lang(labels[tagname]) embynode = "Plex.nodes.%s" % indexnumber window('%s.title' % embynode, value=label) window('%s.path' % embynode, value=windowpath) window('%s.content' % embynode, value=path) window('%s.type' % embynode, value=itemtype) if exists(nodeXML): # Don't recreate xml if already exists return if itemtype == "channels": root = self.commonRoot(order=1, label=label, tagname=tagname, roottype=2) etree.SubElement(root, 'path').text = "plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?id=0&mode=channels" else: root = self.commonRoot(order=1, label=label, tagname=tagname) etree.SubElement(root, 'order', {'direction': "ascending"}).text = "sorttitle" etree.SubElement(root, 'content').text = mediatype try: indent(root) except: pass etree.ElementTree(root).write(nodeXML) def clearProperties(self): log.info("Clearing nodes properties.") plexprops = window('Plex.nodes.total') propnames = [ "index","path","title","content", "inprogress.content","inprogress.title", "inprogress.content","inprogress.path", "nextepisodes.title","nextepisodes.content", "nextepisodes.path","unwatched.title", "unwatched.content","unwatched.path", "recent.title","recent.content","recent.path", "recentepisodes.title","recentepisodes.content", "recentepisodes.path","inprogressepisodes.title", "inprogressepisodes.content","inprogressepisodes.path" ] if plexprops: totalnodes = int(plexprops) for i in range(totalnodes): for prop in propnames: window('Plex.nodes.%s.%s' % (str(i), prop), clear=True)