#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger import re from os import path import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from . import app from . import path_ops from . import variables as v LOG = getLogger('PLEX.subtitles') # See https://kodi.wiki/view/Subtitles SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE = re.compile(r'''(?i)[\. -]*(.*?)([\. -]forced)?$''') # Plex support for external subtitles: srt, smi, ssa, aas, vtt # https://support.plex.tv/articles/200471133-adding-local-subtitles-to-your-media/ # Which subtitles files are picked up by Kodi, what extensions do they need? KODI_SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS = ('srt', 'ssa', 'ass', 'usf', 'cdg', 'idx', 'sub', 'utf', 'aqt', 'jss', 'psb', 'rt', 'smi', 'txt', 'smil', 'stl', 'dks', 'pjs', 'mpl2', 'mks') # Official language designations. Tuples consist of # (ISO language name, ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2, ISO 639-2/B) # source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes LANGUAGE_ISO_CODES = ( ('abkhazian', 'ab', 'abk', 'abk'), ('afar', 'aa', 'aar', 'aar'), ('afrikaans', 'af', 'afr', 'afr'), ('akan', 'ak', 'aka', 'aka'), ('albanian', 'sq', 'sqi', 'alb'), ('amharic', 'am', 'amh', 'amh'), ('arabic', 'ar', 'ara', 'ara'), ('aragonese', 'an', 'arg', 'arg'), ('armenian', 'hy', 'hye', 'arm'), ('assamese', 'as', 'asm', 'asm'), ('avaric', 'av', 'ava', 'ava'), ('avestan', 'ae', 'ave', 'ave'), ('aymara', 'ay', 'aym', 'aym'), ('azerbaijani', 'az', 'aze', 'aze'), ('bambara', 'bm', 'bam', 'bam'), ('bashkir', 'ba', 'bak', 'bak'), ('basque', 'eu', 'eus', 'baq'), ('belarusian', 'be', 'bel', 'bel'), ('bengali', 'bn', 'ben', 'ben'), ('bislama', 'bi', 'bis', 'bis'), ('bosnian', 'bs', 'bos', 'bos'), ('breton', 'br', 'bre', 'bre'), ('bulgarian', 'bg', 'bul', 'bul'), ('burmese', 'my', 'mya', 'bur'), ('catalan', 'ca', 'cat', 'cat'), ('chamorro', 'ch', 'cha', 'cha'), ('chechen', 'ce', 'che', 'che'), ('chichewa', 'ny', 'nya', 'nya'), ('chinese', 'zh', 'zho', 'chi'), ('chuvash', 'cv', 'chv', 'chv'), ('cornish', 'kw', 'cor', 'cor'), ('corsican', 'co', 'cos', 'cos'), ('cree', 'cr', 'cre', 'cre'), ('croatian', 'hr', 'hrv', 'hrv'), ('czech', 'cs', 'ces', 'cze'), ('danish', 'da', 'dan', 'dan'), ('divehi', 'dv', 'div', 'div'), ('dutch', 'nl', 'nld', 'dut'), ('dzongkha', 'dz', 'dzo', 'dzo'), ('english', 'en', 'eng', 'eng'), ('esperanto', 'eo', 'epo', 'epo'), ('estonian', 'et', 'est', 'est'), ('ewe', 'ee', 'ewe', 'ewe'), ('faroese', 'fo', 'fao', 'fao'), ('fijian', 'fj', 'fij', 'fij'), ('finnish', 'fi', 'fin', 'fin'), ('french', 'fr', 'fra', 'fre'), ('fulah', 'ff', 'ful', 'ful'), ('galician', 'gl', 'glg', 'glg'), ('georgian', 'ka', 'kat', 'geo'), ('german', 'de', 'deu', 'ger'), ('greek', 'el', 'ell', 'gre'), ('guarani', 'gn', 'grn', 'grn'), ('gujarati', 'gu', 'guj', 'guj'), ('haitian', 'ht', 'hat', 'hat'), ('hausa', 'ha', 'hau', 'hau'), ('hebrew', 'he', 'heb', 'heb'), ('herero', 'hz', 'her', 'her'), ('hindi', 'hi', 'hin', 'hin'), ('hiri motu', 'ho', 'hmo', 'hmo'), ('hungarian', 'hu', 'hun', 'hun'), ('interlingua', 'ia', 'ina', 'ina'), ('indonesian', 'id', 'ind', 'ind'), ('interlingue', 'ie', 'ile', 'ile'), ('irish', 'ga', 'gle', 'gle'), ('igbo', 'ig', 'ibo', 'ibo'), ('inupiaq', 'ik', 'ipk', 'ipk'), ('ido', 'io', 'ido', 'ido'), ('icelandic', 'is', 'isl', 'ice'), ('italian', 'it', 'ita', 'ita'), ('inuktitut', 'iu', 'iku', 'iku'), ('japanese', 'ja', 'jpn', 'jpn'), ('javanese', 'jv', 'jav', 'jav'), ('kalaallisut', 'kl', 'kal', 'kal'), ('kannada', 'kn', 'kan', 'kan'), ('kanuri', 'kr', 'kau', 'kau'), ('kashmiri', 'ks', 'kas', 'kas'), ('kazakh', 'kk', 'kaz', 'kaz'), ('central khmer', 'km', 'khm', 'khm'), ('kikuyu', 'ki', 'kik', 'kik'), ('kinyarwanda', 'rw', 'kin', 'kin'), ('kirghiz', 'ky', 'kir', 'kir'), ('komi', 'kv', 'kom', 'kom'), ('kongo', 'kg', 'kon', 'kon'), ('korean', 'ko', 'kor', 'kor'), ('kurdish', 'ku', 'kur', 'kur'), ('kuanyama', 'kj', 'kua', 'kua'), ('latin', 'la', 'lat', 'lat'), ('luxembourgish', 'lb', 'ltz', 'ltz'), ('ganda', 'lg', 'lug', 'lug'), ('limburgan', 'li', 'lim', 'lim'), ('lingala', 'ln', 'lin', 'lin'), ('lao', 'lo', 'lao', 'lao'), ('lithuanian', 'lt', 'lit', 'lit'), ('luba-katanga', 'lu', 'lub', 'lub'), ('latvian', 'lv', 'lav', 'lav'), ('manx', 'gv', 'glv', 'glv'), ('macedonian', 'mk', 'mkd', 'mac'), ('malagasy', 'mg', 'mlg', 'mlg'), ('malay', 'ms', 'msa', 'may'), ('malayalam', 'ml', 'mal', 'mal'), ('maltese', 'mt', 'mlt', 'mlt'), ('maori', 'mi', 'mri', 'mao'), ('marathi', 'mr', 'mar', 'mar'), ('marshallese', 'mh', 'mah', 'mah'), ('mongolian', 'mn', 'mon', 'mon'), ('nauru', 'na', 'nau', 'nau'), ('navajo', 'nv', 'nav', 'nav'), ('north ndebele', 'nd', 'nde', 'nde'), ('nepali', 'ne', 'nep', 'nep'), ('ndonga', 'ng', 'ndo', 'ndo'), ('norwegian bokmål', 'nb', 'nob', 'nob'), ('norwegian nynorsk', 'nn', 'nno', 'nno'), ('norwegian', 'no', 'nor', 'nor'), ('sichuan yi', 'ii', 'iii', 'iii'), ('south ndebele', 'nr', 'nbl', 'nbl'), ('occitan', 'oc', 'oci', 'oci'), ('ojibwa', 'oj', 'oji', 'oji'), ('church slavic', 'cu', 'chu', 'chu'), ('oromo', 'om', 'orm', 'orm'), ('oriya', 'or', 'ori', 'ori'), ('ossetian', 'os', 'oss', 'oss'), ('punjabi', 'pa', 'pan', 'pan'), ('pali', 'pi', 'pli', 'pli'), ('persian', 'fa', 'fas', 'per'), ('polish', 'pl', 'pol', 'pol'), ('pashto', 'ps', 'pus', 'pus'), ('portuguese', 'pt', 'por', 'por'), ('quechua', 'qu', 'que', 'que'), ('romansh', 'rm', 'roh', 'roh'), ('rundi', 'rn', 'run', 'run'), ('romanian', 'ro', 'ron', 'rum'), ('russian', 'ru', 'rus', 'rus'), ('sanskrit', 'sa', 'san', 'san'), ('sardinian', 'sc', 'srd', 'srd'), ('sindhi', 'sd', 'snd', 'snd'), ('northern sami', 'se', 'sme', 'sme'), ('samoan', 'sm', 'smo', 'smo'), ('sango', 'sg', 'sag', 'sag'), ('serbian', 'sr', 'srp', 'srp'), ('gaelic', 'gd', 'gla', 'gla'), ('shona', 'sn', 'sna', 'sna'), ('sinhala', 'si', 'sin', 'sin'), ('slovak', 'sk', 'slk', 'slo'), ('slovenian', 'sl', 'slv', 'slv'), ('somali', 'so', 'som', 'som'), ('southern sotho', 'st', 'sot', 'sot'), ('spanish', 'es', 'spa', 'spa'), ('sundanese', 'su', 'sun', 'sun'), ('swahili', 'sw', 'swa', 'swa'), ('swati', 'ss', 'ssw', 'ssw'), ('swedish', 'sv', 'swe', 'swe'), ('tamil', 'ta', 'tam', 'tam'), ('telugu', 'te', 'tel', 'tel'), ('tajik', 'tg', 'tgk', 'tgk'), ('thai', 'th', 'tha', 'tha'), ('tigrinya', 'ti', 'tir', 'tir'), ('tibetan', 'bo', 'bod', 'tib'), ('turkmen', 'tk', 'tuk', 'tuk'), ('tagalog', 'tl', 'tgl', 'tgl'), ('tswana', 'tn', 'tsn', 'tsn'), ('tonga', 'to', 'ton', 'ton'), ('turkish', 'tr', 'tur', 'tur'), ('tsonga', 'ts', 'tso', 'tso'), ('tatar', 'tt', 'tat', 'tat'), ('twi', 'tw', 'twi', 'twi'), ('tahitian', 'ty', 'tah', 'tah'), ('uighur', 'ug', 'uig', 'uig'), ('ukrainian', 'uk', 'ukr', 'ukr'), ('urdu', 'ur', 'urd', 'urd'), ('uzbek', 'uz', 'uzb', 'uzb'), ('venda', 've', 'ven', 'ven'), ('vietnamese', 'vi', 'vie', 'vie'), ('volapük', 'vo', 'vol', 'vol'), ('walloon', 'wa', 'wln', 'wln'), ('welsh', 'cy', 'cym', 'wel'), ('wolof', 'wo', 'wol', 'wol'), ('western frisian', 'fy', 'fry', 'fry'), ('xhosa', 'xh', 'xho', 'xho'), ('yiddish', 'yi', 'yid', 'yid'), ('yoruba', 'yo', 'yor', 'yor'), ('zhuang', 'za', 'zha', 'zha'), ('zulu', 'zu', 'zul', 'zul'), ) def accessible_plex_subtitles(playmethod, playing_file, xml_streams): if not playmethod == v.PLAYBACK_METHOD_DIRECT_PATH: # We can access all subtitles because we're downloading additional # external ones into the Kodi PKC add-on directory streams = [] # Kodi ennumerates EXTERNAL subtitles first, then internal ones for stream in xml_streams: if stream.get('streamType') == '3' and 'key' in stream.attrib: streams.append(stream) for stream in xml_streams: if stream.get('streamType') == '3' and 'key' not in stream.attrib: streams.append(stream) if streams: LOG.debug('Working with the following Plex subtitle streams:') log_plex_streams(streams) return streams kodi_subs = kodi_subs_from_player() plex_streams_int, plex_streams_ext = accessible_plex_sub_streams(xml_streams) # Kodi appends internal streams at the end of its list kodi_subs_ext = kodi_subs[:len(kodi_subs) - len(plex_streams_int)] LOG.debug('Kodi list of external subs: %s', kodi_subs_ext) LOG.debug('Kodi has %s external subs, Plex %s, trying to match them', len(kodi_subs_ext), len(plex_streams_ext)) dirname, basename = path.split(playing_file) filename, _ = path.splitext(basename) try: kodi_subs_file = kodi_external_subs(dirname, filename, kodi_subs_ext) reordered_plex_streams_ext = reorder_plex_streams(plex_streams_ext, kodi_subs_file) except SubtitleError: # Add dummy subtitles so we won't match against Plex subtitles that # are in an incorrect order - keeps Kodi order of subs intact reordered_plex_streams_ext = [DummySub() for _ in range(len(kodi_subs_ext))] reordered_plex_streams_ext.extend(plex_streams_int) return reordered_plex_streams_ext def reorder_plex_streams(plex_streams_ext, kodi_subs_file): """ Returns the Plex streams in a "best-guess" order as indicated by the Kodi external subtitles kodi_subs_file """ order = [None for i in range(len(kodi_subs_file))] # Pick subtitles with known language, extension and "forced" True first for i, kodi_sub in enumerate(kodi_subs_file): if not kodi_sub['iso'] or not kodi_sub['forced']: continue for plex_stream in plex_streams_ext: if not plex_stream.get('forced'): continue elif not kodi_sub['iso'][1] == plex_stream.get('languageTag'): continue elif not kodi_sub['codec'] == plex_stream.get('codec').lower(): continue # Pick the first matching result - even though it's a best guess order[i] = plex_stream plex_streams_ext.remove(plex_stream) break # Pick non-forced for i, kodi_sub in enumerate(kodi_subs_file): if order[i] is not None or not kodi_sub['iso']: continue for plex_stream in plex_streams_ext: if not kodi_sub['iso'][1] == plex_stream.get('languageTag'): continue elif not kodi_sub['codec'] == plex_stream.get('codec').lower(): continue elif not (kodi_sub['forced'] is (plex_stream.get('forced') == '1')): continue # Pick the first matching result - even though it's a best guess order[i] = plex_stream plex_streams_ext.remove(plex_stream) break # Pick subs irrelevant of forced flag for i, kodi_sub in enumerate(kodi_subs_file): if order[i] is not None or not kodi_sub['iso']: continue for plex_stream in plex_streams_ext: if not kodi_sub['iso'][1] == plex_stream.get('languageTag'): continue elif not kodi_sub['codec'] == plex_stream.get('codec').lower(): continue # Pick the first matching result - even though it's a best guess order[i] = plex_stream plex_streams_ext.remove(plex_stream) break # Pick subs based on codec (Plex does not detect "English" as en). Forced # ones first for i, kodi_sub in enumerate(kodi_subs_file): if order[i] is not None or not kodi_sub['forced']: continue for plex_stream in plex_streams_ext: if not kodi_sub['codec'] == plex_stream.get('codec').lower(): continue elif not plex_stream.get('forced'): continue elif plex_stream.get('languageTag') and kodi_sub['iso'] \ and not plex_stream.get('languageTag') == kodi_sub['iso'][1]: continue # Pick the first matching result - even though it's a best guess order[i] = plex_stream plex_streams_ext.remove(plex_stream) break # Pick subs based on codec alone (Plex does not detect "English" as en). # Non-forced for i, kodi_sub in enumerate(kodi_subs_file): if order[i] is not None: continue for plex_stream in plex_streams_ext: if not kodi_sub['codec'] == plex_stream.get('codec').lower(): continue elif not (kodi_sub['forced'] is (plex_stream.get('forced') == '1')): continue elif plex_stream.get('languageTag') and kodi_sub['iso'] \ and not plex_stream.get('languageTag') == kodi_sub['iso'][1]: continue # Pick the first matching result - even though it's a best guess order[i] = plex_stream plex_streams_ext.remove(plex_stream) break # Pick subs based on codec alone (Plex does not detect "English" as en). # Even with miss-matching forced flag for i, kodi_sub in enumerate(kodi_subs_file): if order[i] is not None: continue for plex_stream in plex_streams_ext: if not kodi_sub['codec'] == plex_stream.get('codec').lower(): continue elif plex_stream.get('languageTag') and kodi_sub['iso'] \ and not plex_stream.get('languageTag') == kodi_sub['iso'][1]: continue # Pick the first matching result - even though it's a best guess order[i] = plex_stream plex_streams_ext.remove(plex_stream) break # Now lets add dummies for Kodi subs we could not match for i, kodi_sub in enumerate(kodi_subs_file): if order[i] is not None: continue LOG.debug('Could not match Kodi sub number %s %s, adding a dummy', i, kodi_sub) order[i] = DummySub() if plex_streams_ext: LOG.debug('We could not match the following Plex subtitles:') log_plex_streams(plex_streams_ext) if order: LOG.debug('Derived order of external subtitle streams:') log_plex_streams(order) return order def log_plex_streams(plex_streams): for i, stream in enumerate(plex_streams): LOG.debug('Number %s: %s: %s', i, stream.tag, stream.attrib) def accessible_plex_sub_streams(xml): # Any additionally downloaded subtitles are not accessible for Kodi # We're identifying them by the additional key 'providerTitle' plex_streams = [stream for stream in xml if stream.get('streamType') == '3' and not stream.get('providerTitle')] LOG.debug('Available Plex subtitle streams for currently playing item:') log_plex_streams(plex_streams) # Kodi can display internal subtitle streams for sure plex_streams_int = [x for x in plex_streams if 'key' not in x.attrib] # We need to check external ones # If the movie name is 'The Dark Knight (2008).mkv', Kodi finds # subtitles 'The Dark Knight (2008)*.*.' plex_streams_ext = [x for x in plex_streams if 'key' in x.attrib] return plex_streams_int, plex_streams_ext def kodi_subs_from_player(): """ Kodi can only play subtitles that it pickes up itself: They lie in the same folder as the video file and are named similarly """ kodi_subs = app.APP.player.getAvailableSubtitleStreams() LOG.debug('Kodi list of available subtitles: %s', kodi_subs) return kodi_subs def kodi_external_subs(dirname, filename, kodi_subs_ext): file_subs = external_subs_from_filesystem(dirname, filename) if len(file_subs) != len(kodi_subs_ext): LOG.warn('Unexpected missmatch of number of Kodi subtitles') LOG.warn('Kodi subs: %s', kodi_subs_ext) LOG.warn('Subs from the filesystem: %s', file_subs) raise SubtitleError() for i, sub in enumerate(file_subs): if sub['iso'] and kodi_subs_ext[i].lower() not in sub['iso']: LOG.warn('Unexpected Kodi external subtitle language combo') LOG.warn('Kodi subs: %s', kodi_subs_ext) LOG.warn('Subs from the filesystem: %s', file_subs) raise SubtitleError() return file_subs def external_subs_from_filesystem(dirname, filename): """ Returns a list of dicts of subtitles lying within the directory dirname: {'iso': tuple of detected ISO language (see LANGUAGE_ISO_CODES) or None, 'language': language string that Kodi might show in its GUI, 'forced': has '[. -]forced' been appended to the filename? 'file': subtitle file name} Supply with the currently playing filename as Kodi uses that to search for subtitles. See https://kodi.wiki/view/Subtitles """ file_subs = [] for root, dirs, files in path_ops.walk(dirname): for file in files: name, extension = path.splitext(file) # Get rid of the dot and force lowercase extension = extension[1:].lower() if extension not in KODI_SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS: # Not an extension Kodi supports continue elif not name.startswith(filename): # Naming not up to standards, Kodi won't pick up this file # (but Plex might!!) continue regex = SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE.search(name.replace(filename, '', 1)) language = (regex.group(1) if regex.group(1) else '').lower() forced = True if regex.group(2) else False iso = None if len(language) == 2: language_searchgrid = (1, ) elif len(language) == 3: language_searchgrid = (2, 3) else: language_searchgrid = (0, ) for lang in LANGUAGE_ISO_CODES: for i in language_searchgrid: if lang[i] == language: iso = lang break else: continue break file_subs.append({'iso': iso, 'language': language, 'forced': forced, 'codec': extension, 'file': '%s.%s' % (name, extension)}) LOG.debug('Detected these external subtitles while scanning the file ' 'system: %s', file_subs) return file_subs class DummySub(etree.Element): def __init__(self): super(DummySub, self).__init__('Stream-subtitle-dummy') class SubtitleError(Exception): pass