#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger import threading import Queue import heapq import xbmc from . import utils from Queue import Empty LOG = getLogger('PLEX.' + __name__) class KillableThread(threading.Thread): pass '''A thread class that supports raising exception in the thread from another thread. ''' # def _get_my_tid(self): # """determines this (self's) thread id # CAREFUL : this function is executed in the context of the caller # thread, to get the identity of the thread represented by this # instance. # """ # if not self.isAlive(): # raise threading.ThreadError("the thread is not active") # return self.ident # def _raiseExc(self, exctype): # """Raises the given exception type in the context of this thread. # If the thread is busy in a system call (time.sleep(), # socket.accept(), ...), the exception is simply ignored. # If you are sure that your exception should terminate the thread, # one way to ensure that it works is: # t = ThreadWithExc( ... ) # ... # t.raiseExc( SomeException ) # while t.isAlive(): # time.sleep( 0.1 ) # t.raiseExc( SomeException ) # If the exception is to be caught by the thread, you need a way to # check that your thread has caught it. # CAREFUL : this function is executed in the context of the # caller thread, to raise an excpetion in the context of the # thread represented by this instance. # """ # _async_raise(self._get_my_tid(), exctype) def kill(self, force_and_wait=False): pass # try: # self._raiseExc(KillThreadException) # if force_and_wait: # time.sleep(0.1) # while self.isAlive(): # self._raiseExc(KillThreadException) # time.sleep(0.1) # except threading.ThreadError: # pass # def onKilled(self): # pass # def run(self): # try: # self._Thread__target(*self._Thread__args, **self._Thread__kwargs) # except KillThreadException: # self.onKilled() class Tasks(list): def add(self, task): for t in self: if not t.isValid(): self.remove(t) if isinstance(task, list): self += task else: self.append(task) def cancel(self): while self: self.pop().cancel() class Task: def __init__(self, priority=None): self._priority = priority self._canceled = False self.finished = False def __cmp__(self, other): return self._priority - other._priority def start(self): BGThreader.addTask(self) def _run(self): self.run() self.finished = True def run(self): pass def cancel(self): self._canceled = True def isCanceled(self): return self._canceled or xbmc.abortRequested def isValid(self): return not self.finished and not self._canceled class MutablePriorityQueue(Queue.PriorityQueue): def _get(self, heappop=heapq.heappop): self.queue.sort() return heappop(self.queue) def lowest(self): """Return the lowest priority item in the queue (not reliable!).""" self.mutex.acquire() try: lowest = self.queue and min(self.queue) or None except: lowest = None utils.ERROR() finally: self.mutex.release() return lowest class BackgroundWorker: def __init__(self, queue, name=None): self._queue = queue self.name = name self._thread = None self._abort = False self._task = None def _runTask(self, task): if task._canceled: return try: task._run() except: utils.ERROR() def abort(self): self._abort = True return self def aborted(self): return self._abort or xbmc.abortRequested def start(self): if self._thread and self._thread.isAlive(): return self._thread = KillableThread(target=self._queueLoop, name='BACKGROUND-WORKER({0})'.format(self.name)) self._thread.start() def _queueLoop(self): if self._queue.empty(): return LOG.debug('(%s): Active', self.name) try: while not self.aborted(): self._task = self._queue.get_nowait() self._runTask(self._task) self._queue.task_done() self._task = None except Queue.Empty: LOG.debug('(%s): Idle', self.name) def shutdown(self): self.abort() if self._task: self._task.cancel() if self._thread and self._thread.isAlive(): LOG.debug('thread (%s): Waiting...', self.name) self._thread.join() LOG.debug('thread (%s): Done', self.name) def working(self): return self._thread and self._thread.isAlive() class BackgroundThreader: def __init__(self, name=None, worker_count=int(utils.settings('syncThreadNumber'))): self.name = name self._queue = MutablePriorityQueue() self._abort = False self._priority = -1 self.workers = [BackgroundWorker(self._queue, 'queue.{0}:worker.{1}'.format(self.name, x)) for x in range(worker_count)] def _nextPriority(self): self._priority += 1 return self._priority def abort(self): self._abort = True for w in self.workers: w.abort() return self def aborted(self): return self._abort or xbmc.abortRequested def shutdown(self): self.abort() for w in self.workers: w.shutdown() def addTask(self, task): task._priority = self._nextPriority() self._queue.put(task) self.startWorkers() def addTasks(self, tasks): for t in tasks: t._priority = self._nextPriority() self._queue.put(t) self.startWorkers() def addTasksToFront(self, tasks): lowest = self.getLowestPrority() if lowest is None: return self.addTasks(tasks) p = lowest - len(tasks) for t in tasks: t._priority = p self._queue.put(t) p += 1 self.startWorkers() def startWorkers(self): for w in self.workers: w.start() def working(self): return not self._queue.empty() or self.hasTask() def hasTask(self): return any([w.working() for w in self.workers]) def getLowestPrority(self): lowest = self._queue.lowest() if not lowest: return None return lowest._priority def moveToFront(self, qitem): lowest = self.getLowestPrority() if lowest is None: return qitem._priority = lowest - 1 class ThreaderManager: def __init__(self): self.index = 0 self.abandoned = [] self.threader = BackgroundThreader(str(self.index)) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.threader, name) def reset(self): if self.threader._queue.empty() and not self.threader.hasTask(): return self.index += 1 self.abandoned.append(self.threader.abort()) self.threader = BackgroundThreader(str(self.index)) def shutdown(self): self.threader.shutdown() for a in self.abandoned: a.shutdown() BGThreader = ThreaderManager()