From ad4a033888854e31820e40b0412e778e7514e4fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: tripodsgames Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 21:20:10 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] Use esbuild to build commonjs code. --- | 4 - node-ipc.cjs | 1269 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ package-lock.json | 1057 ++++++++----------------------------- package.json | 8 +- 4 files changed, 1488 insertions(+), 850 deletions(-) create mode 100644 node-ipc.cjs diff --git a/ b/ index b1bb83f..0e222f7 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ A great solution for complex multiprocess **Neural Networking** in Node.JS **npm install node-ipc** -#### for commonjs or node key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; +var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", { value: true }); +var __require = typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : (x) => { + throw new Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported'); +}; +var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require2() { + return mod || (0, cb[Object.keys(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; +}; +var __export = (target, all) => { + __markAsModule(target); + for (var name in all) + __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); +}; +var __reExport = (target, module2, desc) => { + if (module2 && typeof module2 === "object" || typeof module2 === "function") { + for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(module2)) + if (!, key) && key !== "default") + __defProp(target, key, { get: () => module2[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(module2, key)) || desc.enumerable }); + } + return target; +}; +var __toModule = (module2) => { + return __reExport(__markAsModule(__defProp(module2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(module2)) : {}, "default", module2 && module2.__esModule && "default" in module2 ? { get: () => module2.default, enumerable: true } : { value: module2, enumerable: true })), module2); +}; +var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { + __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); + return value; +}; +var __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => { + if (!member.has(obj)) + throw TypeError("Cannot " + msg); +}; +var __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => { + __accessCheck(obj, member, "read from private field"); + return getter ? : member.get(obj); +}; +var __privateAdd = (obj, member, value) => { + if (member.has(obj)) + throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once"); + member instanceof WeakSet ? member.add(obj) : member.set(obj, value); +}; + +// node_modules/js-message/Message.js +var require_Message = __commonJS({ + "node_modules/js-message/Message.js"(exports, module2) { + function Message3() { + Object.defineProperties(this, { + data: { + enumerable: true, + get: getData, + set: setData + }, + type: { + enumerable: true, + get: getType, + set: setType + }, + load: { + enumerable: true, + writable: false, + value: parse + }, + JSON: { + enumerable: true, + get: getJSON + } + }); + var type = ""; + var data = {}; + function getType() { + return type; + } + function getData() { + return data; + } + function getJSON() { + return JSON.stringify({ + type, + data + }); + } + function setType(value) { + type = value; + } + function setData(value) { + data = value; + } + function parse(message) { + try { + var message = JSON.parse(message); + type = message.type; + data =; + } catch (err) { + var badMessage = message; + type = "error", data = { + message: "Invalid JSON response format", + err, + response: badMessage + }; + } + } + } + module2.exports = Message3; + } +}); + +// node_modules/js-queue/queue.js +var require_queue = __commonJS({ + "node_modules/js-queue/queue.js"(exports, module2) { + function Queue2(asStack) { + Object.defineProperties(this, { + add: { + enumerable: true, + writable: false, + value: addToQueue + }, + next: { + enumerable: true, + writable: false, + value: run + }, + clear: { + enumerable: true, + writable: false, + value: clearQueue + }, + contents: { + enumerable: false, + get: getQueue, + set: setQueue + }, + autoRun: { + enumerable: true, + writable: true, + value: true + }, + stop: { + enumerable: true, + writable: true, + value: false + } + }); + var queue = []; + var running = false; + var stop = false; + function clearQueue() { + queue = []; + return queue; + } + function getQueue() { + return queue; + } + function setQueue(val) { + queue = val; + return queue; + } + function addToQueue() { + for (var i in arguments) { + queue.push(arguments[i]); + } + if (!running && !this.stop && this.autoRun) { +; + } + } + function run() { + running = true; + if (queue.length < 1 || this.stop) { + running = false; + return; + } + queue.shift().bind(this)(); + } + } + module2.exports = Queue2; + } +}); + +// node-ipc.js +__export(exports, { + IPCModule: () => IPCModule, + default: () => singleton +}); + +// entities/Defaults.js +var import_os = __toModule(require("os")); +var Defaults = class { + constructor() { + __publicField(this, "appspace", "app."); + __publicField(this, "socketRoot", "/tmp/"); + __publicField(this, "id", import_os.default.hostname()); + __publicField(this, "encoding", "utf8"); + __publicField(this, "rawBuffer", false); + __publicField(this, "sync", false); + __publicField(this, "unlink", true); + __publicField(this, "delimiter", "\f"); + __publicField(this, "silent", false); + __publicField(this, "logDepth", 5); + __publicField(this, "logInColor", true); + __publicField(this, "logger", console.log.bind(console)); + __publicField(this, "maxConnections", 100); + __publicField(this, "retry", 500); + __publicField(this, "maxRetries", Infinity); + __publicField(this, "stopRetrying", false); + __publicField(this, "IPType", getIPType()); + __publicField(this, "tls", false); + __publicField(this, "networkHost", this.IPType == "IPv6" ? "::1" : ""); + __publicField(this, "networkPort", 8e3); + __publicField(this, "readableAll", false); + __publicField(this, "writableAll", false); + __publicField(this, "interface", { + localAddress: false, + localPort: false, + family: false, + hints: false, + lookup: false + }); + } +}; +function getIPType() { + const networkInterfaces = import_os.default.networkInterfaces(); + let IPType = ""; + if (networkInterfaces && Array.isArray(networkInterfaces) && networkInterfaces.length > 0) { + IPType = networkInterfaces[Object.keys(networkInterfaces)[0]][0].family; + } + return IPType; +} + +// dao/client.js +var import_net = __toModule(require("net")); +var import_tls = __toModule(require("tls")); + +// entities/EventParser.js +var Parser = class { + constructor(config) { + if (!config) { + config = new Defaults(); + } + this.delimiter = config.delimiter; + } + format(message) { + if (! && !== false && !== 0) { + = {}; + } + if (["_maxListeners"]) { + = {}; + } + message = message.JSON + this.delimiter; + return message; + } + parse(data) { + let events = data.split(this.delimiter); + events.pop(); + return events; + } +}; + +// dao/client.js +var import_js_message = __toModule(require_Message()); +var import_fs = __toModule(require("fs")); +var import_js_queue = __toModule(require_queue()); + +// node_modules/strong-type/index.js +var Fake = class { +}; +var FakeCore = class { +}; +var Is = class { + constructor(strict = true) { + this.strict = strict; + } + throw(valueType, expectedType) { + let err = new TypeError(); + err.message = `expected type of ${valueType} to be ${expectedType}`; + if (!this.strict) { + return false; + } + throw err; + } + typeCheck(value, type) { + if (typeof value === type) { + return true; + } + return this.throw(typeof value, type); + } + instanceCheck(value = new Fake(), constructor = FakeCore) { + if (value instanceof constructor) { + return true; + } + return this.throw(typeof value,; + } + symbolStringCheck(value, type) { + if ( == `[object ${type}]`) { + return true; + } + return this.throw(, `[object ${type}]`); + } + compare(value, targetValue, typeName) { + if (value == targetValue) { + return true; + } + return this.throw(typeof value, typeName); + } + defined(value) { + const weakIs = new Is(false); + if (weakIs.undefined(value)) { + return this.throw("undefined", "defined"); + } + return true; + } + any(value) { + return this.defined(value); + } + exists(value) { + return this.defined(value); + } + union(value, typesString) { + const types = typesString.split("|"); + const weakIs = new Is(false); + let pass = false; + let type = "undefined"; + for (type of types) { + try { + if (weakIs[type](value)) { + pass = true; + break; + } + } catch (err) { + return this.throw(type, "a method available on strong-type"); + } + } + if (pass) { + return this[type](value); + } + return this.throw(typeof value, types.join("|")); + } + finite(value) { + if (isFinite(value)) { + return true; + } + return this.throw(typeof value, "finite"); + } + NaN(value) { + if (!this.number(value)) { + return this.number(value); + } + if (isNaN(value)) { + return true; + } + return this.throw(typeof value, "NaN"); + } + null(value) { + return, null, "null"); + } + array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Array); + } + boolean(value) { + return this.typeCheck(value, "boolean"); + } + bigInt(value) { + return this.typeCheck(value, "bigint"); + } + date(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Date); + } + generator(value) { + return this.symbolStringCheck(value, "Generator"); + } + asyncGenerator(value) { + return this.symbolStringCheck(value, "AsyncGenerator"); + } + globalThis(value) { + return, globalThis, "explicitly globalThis, not window, global nor self"); + } + infinity(value) { + return, Infinity, "Infinity"); + } + map(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Map); + } + weakMap(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, WeakMap); + } + number(value) { + return this.typeCheck(value, "number"); + } + object(value) { + return this.typeCheck(value, "object"); + } + promise(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Promise); + } + regExp(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, RegExp); + } + undefined(value) { + return this.typeCheck(value, "undefined"); + } + set(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Set); + } + weakSet(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, WeakSet); + } + string(value) { + return this.typeCheck(value, "string"); + } + symbol(value) { + return this.typeCheck(value, "symbol"); + } + function(value) { + return this.typeCheck(value, "function"); + } + asyncFunction(value) { + return this.symbolStringCheck(value, "AsyncFunction"); + } + generatorFunction(value) { + return this.symbolStringCheck(value, "GeneratorFunction"); + } + asyncGeneratorFunction(value) { + return this.symbolStringCheck(value, "AsyncGeneratorFunction"); + } + error(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Error); + } + evalError(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, EvalError); + } + rangeError(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, RangeError); + } + referenceError(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, ReferenceError); + } + syntaxError(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, SyntaxError); + } + typeError(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, TypeError); + } + URIError(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, URIError); + } + bigInt64Array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, BigInt64Array); + } + bigUint64Array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, BigUint64Array); + } + float32Array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Float32Array); + } + float64Array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Float64Array); + } + int8Array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Int8Array); + } + int16Array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Int16Array); + } + int32Array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Int32Array); + } + uint8Array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Uint8Array); + } + uint8ClampedArray(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Uint8ClampedArray); + } + uint16Array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Uint16Array); + } + uint32Array(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Uint32Array); + } + arrayBuffer(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, ArrayBuffer); + } + dataView(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, DataView); + } + sharedArrayBuffer(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, function() { + try { + return SharedArrayBuffer; + } catch (e) { + return Fake; + } + }()); + } + intlDateTimeFormat(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Intl.DateTimeFormat); + } + intlCollator(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Intl.Collator); + } + intlDisplayNames(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Intl.DisplayNames); + } + intlListFormat(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Intl.ListFormat); + } + intlLocale(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Intl.Locale); + } + intlNumberFormat(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Intl.NumberFormat); + } + intlPluralRules(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Intl.PluralRules); + } + intlRelativeTimeFormat(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Intl.RelativeTimeFormat); + } + intlRelativeTimeFormat(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, Intl.RelativeTimeFormat); + } + finalizationRegistry(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, FinalizationRegistry); + } + weakRef(value) { + return this.instanceCheck(value, WeakRef); + } +}; + +// node_modules/event-pubsub/index.js +var is = new Is(); +var _handleOnce, _all, _once, _events; +var EventPubSub = class { + constructor() { + __privateAdd(this, _handleOnce, (type, handlers, ...args) => { + is.string(type); + is.array(handlers); + const deleteOnceHandled = []; + for (let handler of handlers) { + handler(...args); + if (handler[__privateGet(this, _once)]) { + deleteOnceHandled.push(handler); + } + } + for (let handler of deleteOnceHandled) { +, handler); + } + }); + __privateAdd(this, _all, Symbol.for("event-pubsub-all")); + __privateAdd(this, _once, Symbol.for("event-pubsub-once")); + __privateAdd(this, _events, {}); + } + on(type, handler, once = false) { + is.string(type); + is.function(handler); + is.boolean(once); + if (type == "*") { + type = __privateGet(this, _all); + } + if (!__privateGet(this, _events)[type]) { + __privateGet(this, _events)[type] = []; + } + handler[__privateGet(this, _once)] = once; + __privateGet(this, _events)[type].push(handler); + return this; + } + once(type, handler) { + return this.on(type, handler, true); + } + off(type = "*", handler = "*") { + is.string(type); + if (type == __privateGet(this, _all).toString() || type == "*") { + type = __privateGet(this, _all); + } + if (!__privateGet(this, _events)[type]) { + return this; + } + if (handler == "*") { + delete __privateGet(this, _events)[type]; + return this; + } + is.function(handler); + const handlers = __privateGet(this, _events)[type]; + while (handlers.includes(handler)) { + handlers.splice(handlers.indexOf(handler), 1); + } + if (handlers.length < 1) { + delete __privateGet(this, _events)[type]; + } + return this; + } + emit(type, ...args) { + is.string(type); + const globalHandlers = __privateGet(this, _events)[__privateGet(this, _all)] || []; + __privateGet(this, _handleOnce).call(this, __privateGet(this, _all).toString(), globalHandlers, type, ...args); + if (!__privateGet(this, _events)[type]) { + return this; + } + const handlers = __privateGet(this, _events)[type]; + __privateGet(this, _handleOnce).call(this, type, handlers, ...args); + return this; + } + reset() { +, _all).toString()); + for (let type in __privateGet(this, _events)) { +; + } + return this; + } + get list() { + return Object.assign({}, __privateGet(this, _events)); + } +}; +_handleOnce = new WeakMap(); +_all = new WeakMap(); +_once = new WeakMap(); +_events = new WeakMap(); + +// dao/client.js +var eventParser = new Parser(); +var Client = class extends EventPubSub { + constructor(config, log2) { + super(); + __publicField(this, "Client", Client); + __publicField(this, "queue", new import_js_queue.default()); + __publicField(this, "socket", false); + __publicField(this, "connect", connect); + __publicField(this, "emit", emit); + __publicField(this, "retriesRemaining", 0); + __publicField(this, "explicitlyDisconnected", false); + this.config = config; + this.log = log2; + this.publish = super.emit; + config.maxRetries ? this.retriesRemaining = config.maxRetries : 0; + eventParser = new Parser(this.config); + } +}; +function emit(type, data) { + this.log("dispatching event to ",, this.path, " : ", type, ",", data); + let message = new import_js_message.default(); + message.type = type; + = data; + if (this.config.rawBuffer) { + message = Buffer.from(type, this.config.encoding); + } else { + message = eventParser.format(message); + } + if (!this.config.sync) { + this.socket.write(message); + return; + } + this.queue.add(syncEmit.bind(this, message)); +} +function syncEmit(message) { + this.log("dispatching event to ",, this.path, " : ", message); + this.socket.write(message); +} +function connect() { + let client = this; + client.log("requested connection to ",, client.path); + if (!this.path) { + client.log("\n\n######\nerror: ",, " client has not specified socket path it wishes to connect to."); + return; + } + const options = {}; + if (!client.port) { + client.log("Connecting client on Unix Socket :", client.path); + options.path = client.path; + if (process.platform === "win32" && !client.path.startsWith("\\\\.\\pipe\\")) { + options.path = options.path.replace(/^\//, ""); + options.path = options.path.replace(/\//g, "-"); + options.path = `\\\\.\\pipe\\${options.path}`; + } + client.socket = import_net.default.connect(options); + } else { + = client.path; + options.port = client.port; + if (client.config.interface.localAddress) { + options.localAddress = client.config.interface.localAddress; + } + if (client.config.interface.localPort) { + options.localPort = client.config.interface.localPort; + } + if ( { + =; + } + if (client.config.interface.hints) { + options.hints = client.config.interface.hints; + } + if (client.config.interface.lookup) { + options.lookup = client.config.interface.lookup; + } + if (!client.config.tls) { + client.log("Connecting client via TCP to", options); + client.socket = import_net.default.connect(options); + } else { + client.log("Connecting client via TLS to", client.path, client.port, client.config.tls); + if (client.config.tls.private) { + client.config.tls.key = import_fs.default.readFileSync(client.config.tls.private); + } + if (client.config.tls.public) { + client.config.tls.cert = import_fs.default.readFileSync(client.config.tls.public); + } + if (client.config.tls.trustedConnections) { + if (typeof client.config.tls.trustedConnections === "string") { + client.config.tls.trustedConnections = [client.config.tls.trustedConnections]; + } + = []; + for (let i = 0; i < client.config.tls.trustedConnections.length; i++) { +[i])); + } + } + Object.assign(client.config.tls, options); + client.socket = import_tls.default.connect(client.config.tls); + } + } + client.socket.setEncoding(this.config.encoding); + client.socket.on("error", function(err) { + client.log("\n\n######\nerror: ", err); + client.publish("error", err); + }); + client.socket.on("connect", function connectionMade() { + client.publish("connect"); + client.retriesRemaining = client.config.maxRetries; + client.log("retrying reset"); + }); + client.socket.on("close", function connectionClosed() { + client.log("connection closed",, client.path, client.retriesRemaining, "tries remaining of", client.config.maxRetries); + if (client.config.stopRetrying || client.retriesRemaining < 1 || client.explicitlyDisconnected) { + client.publish("disconnect"); + client.log(, "exceeded connection rety amount of", " or stopRetrying flag set."); + client.socket.destroy(); + client.publish("destroy"); + client = void 0; + return; + } + setTimeout(function retryTimeout() { + if (client.explicitlyDisconnected) { + return; + } + client.retriesRemaining--; + client.connect(); + }.bind(null, client), client.config.retry); + client.publish("disconnect"); + }); + client.socket.on("data", function(data) { + client.log("## received events ##"); + if (client.config.rawBuffer) { + client.publish("data", Buffer.from(data, client.config.encoding)); + if (!client.config.sync) { + return; + } +; + return; + } + if (!this.ipcBuffer) { + this.ipcBuffer = ""; + } + data = this.ipcBuffer += data; + if (data.slice(-1) != eventParser.delimiter || data.indexOf(eventParser.delimiter) == -1) { + client.log("Messages are large, You may want to consider smaller messages."); + return; + } + this.ipcBuffer = ""; + const events = eventParser.parse(data); + const eCount = events.length; + for (let i = 0; i < eCount; i++) { + let message = new import_js_message.default(); + message.load(events[i]); + client.log("detected event", message.type,; + client.publish(message.type,; + } + if (!client.config.sync) { + return; + } +; + }); +} + +// dao/socketServer.js +var import_net2 = __toModule(require("net")); +var import_tls2 = __toModule(require("tls")); +var import_fs2 = __toModule(require("fs")); +var import_dgram = __toModule(require("dgram")); +var import_js_message2 = __toModule(require_Message()); +var eventParser2 = new Parser(); +var Server = class extends EventPubSub { + constructor(path, config, log2, port) { + super(); + __publicField(this, "udp4", false); + __publicField(this, "udp6", false); + __publicField(this, "server", false); + __publicField(this, "sockets", []); + __publicField(this, "emit", emit2); + __publicField(this, "broadcast", broadcast); + this.config = config; + this.path = path; + this.port = port; + this.log = log2; + this.publish = super.emit; + eventParser2 = new Parser(this.config); + this.on("close", serverClosed.bind(this)); + } + onStart(socket) { + this.publish("start", socket); + } + stop() { + this.server.close(); + } + start() { + if (!this.path) { + this.log("Socket Server Path not specified, refusing to start"); + return; + } + if (this.config.unlink) { + import_fs2.default.unlink(this.path, startServer.bind(this)); + } else { + startServer.bind(this)(); + } + } +}; +function emit2(socket, type, data) { + this.log("dispatching event to socket", " : ", type, data); + let message = new import_js_message2.default(); + message.type = type; + = data; + if (this.config.rawBuffer) { + this.log(this.config.encoding); + message = Buffer.from(type, this.config.encoding); + } else { + message = eventParser2.format(message); + } + if (this.udp4 || this.udp6) { + if (!socket.address || !socket.port) { + this.log("Attempting to emit to a single UDP socket without supplying socket address or port. Redispatching event as broadcast to all connected sockets"); + this.broadcast(type, data); + return; + } + this.server.write(message, socket); + return; + } + socket.write(message); +} +function broadcast(type, data) { + this.log("broadcasting event to all known sockets listening to ", this.path, " : ", this.port ? this.port : "", type, data); + let message = new import_js_message2.default(); + message.type = type; + = data; + if (this.config.rawBuffer) { + message = Buffer.from(type, this.config.encoding); + } else { + message = eventParser2.format(message); + } + if (this.udp4 || this.udp6) { + for (let i = 1, count = this.sockets.length; i < count; i++) { + this.server.write(message, this.sockets[i]); + } + } else { + for (let i = 0, count = this.sockets.length; i < count; i++) { + this.sockets[i].write(message); + } + } +} +function serverClosed() { + for (let i = 0, count = this.sockets.length; i < count; i++) { + let socket = this.sockets[i]; + let destroyedSocketId = false; + if (socket) { + if (socket.readable) { + continue; + } + } + if ( { + destroyedSocketId =; + } + this.log("socket disconnected", destroyedSocketId.toString()); + if (socket && socket.destroy) { + socket.destroy(); + } + this.sockets.splice(i, 1); + this.publish("socket.disconnected", socket, destroyedSocketId); + return; + } +} +function gotData(socket, data, UDPSocket) { + let sock = this.udp4 || this.udp6 ? UDPSocket : socket; + if (this.config.rawBuffer) { + data = Buffer.from(data, this.config.encoding); + this.publish("data", data, sock); + return; + } + if (!sock.ipcBuffer) { + sock.ipcBuffer = ""; + } + data = sock.ipcBuffer += data; + if (data.slice(-1) != eventParser2.delimiter || data.indexOf(eventParser2.delimiter) == -1) { + this.log("Messages are large, You may want to consider smaller messages."); + return; + } + sock.ipcBuffer = ""; + data = eventParser2.parse(data); + while (data.length > 0) { + let message = new import_js_message2.default(); + message.load(data.shift()); + if ( && { + =; + } + this.log("received event of : ", message.type,; + this.publish(message.type,, sock); + } +} +function socketClosed(socket) { + this.publish("close", socket); +} +function serverCreated(socket) { + this.sockets.push(socket); + if (socket.setEncoding) { + socket.setEncoding(this.config.encoding); + } + this.log("## socket connection to server detected ##"); + socket.on("close", socketClosed.bind(this)); + socket.on("error", function(err) { + this.log("server socket error", err); + this.publish("error", err); + }.bind(this)); + socket.on("data", gotData.bind(this, socket)); + socket.on("message", function(msg, rinfo) { + if (!rinfo) { + return; + } + this.log("Received UDP message from ", rinfo.address, rinfo.port); + let data; + if (this.config.rawSocket) { + data = Buffer.from(msg, this.config.encoding); + } else { + data = msg.toString(); + } + socket.emit("data", data, rinfo); + }.bind(this)); + this.publish("connect", socket); + if (this.config.rawBuffer) { + return; + } +} +function startServer() { + this.log("starting server on ", this.path, this.port ? `:${this.port}` : ""); + if (!this.udp4 && !this.udp6) { + this.log("starting TLS server", this.config.tls); + if (!this.config.tls) { + this.server = import_net2.default.createServer(serverCreated.bind(this)); + } else { + startTLSServer.bind(this)(); + } + } else { + this.server = import_dgram.default.createSocket(this.udp4 ? "udp4" : "udp6"); + this.server.write = UDPWrite.bind(this); + this.server.on("listening", function UDPServerStarted() { + serverCreated.bind(this)(this.server); + }.bind(this)); + } + this.server.on("error", function(err) { + this.log("server error", err); + this.publish("error", err); + }.bind(this)); + this.server.maxConnections = this.config.maxConnections; + if (!this.port) { + this.log("starting server as", "Unix || Windows Socket"); + if (process.platform === "win32") { + this.path = this.path.replace(/^\//, ""); + this.path = this.path.replace(/\//g, "-"); + this.path = `\\\\.\\pipe\\${this.path}`; + } + this.server.listen({ + path: this.path, + readableAll: this.config.readableAll, + writableAll: this.config.writableAll + }, this.onStart.bind(this)); + return; + } + if (!this.udp4 && !this.udp6) { + this.log("starting server as", this.config.tls ? "TLS" : "TCP"); + this.server.listen(this.port, this.path, this.onStart.bind(this)); + return; + } + this.log("starting server as", this.udp4 ? "udp4" : "udp6"); + this.server.bind(this.port, this.path); + this.onStart({ + address: this.path, + port: this.port + }); +} +function startTLSServer() { + this.log("starting TLS server", this.config.tls); + if (this.config.tls.private) { + this.config.tls.key = import_fs2.default.readFileSync(this.config.tls.private); + } else { + this.config.tls.key = import_fs2.default.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../local-node-ipc-certs/private/server.key`); + } + if (this.config.tls.public) { + this.config.tls.cert = import_fs2.default.readFileSync(this.config.tls.public); + } else { + this.config.tls.cert = import_fs2.default.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../local-node-ipc-certs/`); + } + if (this.config.tls.dhparam) { + this.config.tls.dhparam = import_fs2.default.readFileSync(this.config.tls.dhparam); + } + if (this.config.tls.trustedConnections) { + if (typeof this.config.tls.trustedConnections === "string") { + this.config.tls.trustedConnections = [this.config.tls.trustedConnections]; + } + = []; + for (let i = 0; i < this.config.tls.trustedConnections.length; i++) { +[i])); + } + } + this.server = import_tls2.default.createServer(this.config.tls, serverCreated.bind(this)); +} +function UDPWrite(message, socket) { + let data = Buffer.from(message, this.config.encoding); + this.server.send(data, 0, data.length, socket.port, socket.address, function(err, bytes) { + if (err) { + this.log("error writing data to socket", err); + this.publish("error", function(err2) { + this.publish("error", err2); + }); + } + }); +} + +// services/IPC.js +var import_util = __toModule(require("util")); +var IPC = class { + constructor() { + __publicField(this, "config", new Defaults()); + __publicField(this, "of", {}); + __publicField(this, "server", false); + } + get connectTo() { + return connect2; + } + get connectToNet() { + return connectNet; + } + get disconnect() { + return disconnect; + } + get serve() { + return serve; + } + get serveNet() { + return serveNet; + } + get log() { + return log; + } + set connectTo(value) { + return connect2; + } + set connectToNet(value) { + return connectNet; + } + set disconnect(value) { + return disconnect; + } + set serve(value) { + return serve; + } + set serveNet(value) { + return serveNet; + } + set log(value) { + return log; + } +}; +function log(...args) { + if (this.config.silent) { + return; + } + for (let i = 0, count = args.length; i < count; i++) { + if (typeof args[i] != "object") { + continue; + } + args[i] = import_util.default.inspect(args[i], { + depth: this.config.logDepth, + colors: this.config.logInColor + }); + } + this.config.logger(args.join(" ")); +} +function disconnect(id) { + if (!this.of[id]) { + return; + } + this.of[id].explicitlyDisconnected = true; + this.of[id].off("*", "*"); + if (this.of[id].socket) { + if (this.of[id].socket.destroy) { + this.of[id].socket.destroy(); + } + } + delete this.of[id]; +} +function serve(path, callback) { + if (typeof path == "function") { + callback = path; + path = false; + } + if (!path) { + this.log("Server path not specified, so defaulting to", "ipc.config.socketRoot + ipc.config.appspace +", this.config.socketRoot + this.config.appspace +; + path = this.config.socketRoot + this.config.appspace +; + } + if (!callback) { + callback = emptyCallback; + } + this.server = new Server(path, this.config, log); + this.server.on("start", callback); +} +function emptyCallback() { +} +function serveNet(host, port, UDPType2, callback) { + if (typeof host == "number") { + callback = UDPType2; + UDPType2 = port; + port = host; + host = false; + } + if (typeof host == "function") { + callback = host; + UDPType2 = false; + host = false; + port = false; + } + if (!host) { + this.log("Server host not specified, so defaulting to", "ipc.config.networkHost", this.config.networkHost); + host = this.config.networkHost; + } + if (host.toLowerCase() == "udp4" || host.toLowerCase() == "udp6") { + callback = port; + UDPType2 = host.toLowerCase(); + port = false; + host = this.config.networkHost; + } + if (typeof port == "string") { + callback = UDPType2; + UDPType2 = port; + port = false; + } + if (typeof port == "function") { + callback = port; + UDPType2 = false; + port = false; + } + if (!port) { + this.log("Server port not specified, so defaulting to", "ipc.config.networkPort", this.config.networkPort); + port = this.config.networkPort; + } + if (typeof UDPType2 == "function") { + callback = UDPType2; + UDPType2 = false; + } + if (!callback) { + callback = emptyCallback; + } + this.server = new Server(host, this.config, log, port); + if (UDPType2) { + this.server[UDPType2] = true; + if (UDPType2 === "udp4" && host === "::1") { + this.server.path = ""; + } + } + this.server.on("start", callback); +} +function connect2(id, path, callback) { + if (typeof path == "function") { + callback = path; + path = false; + } + if (!callback) { + callback = emptyCallback; + } + if (!id) { + this.log("Service id required", "Requested service connection without specifying service id. Aborting connection attempt"); + return; + } + if (!path) { + this.log("Service path not specified, so defaulting to", "ipc.config.socketRoot + ipc.config.appspace + id", (this.config.socketRoot + this.config.appspace + id).data); + path = this.config.socketRoot + this.config.appspace + id; + } + if (this.of[id]) { + if (!this.of[id].socket.destroyed) { + this.log("Already Connected to", id, "- So executing success without connection"); + callback(); + return; + } + this.of[id].socket.destroy(); + } + this.of[id] = new Client(this.config, this.log); + this.of[id].id = id; + this.of[id].socket ? this.of[id] = id : null; + this.of[id].path = path; + this.of[id].connect(); + callback(this); +} +function connectNet(id, host, port, callback) { + if (!id) { + this.log("Service id required", "Requested service connection without specifying service id. Aborting connection attempt"); + return; + } + if (typeof host == "number") { + callback = port; + port = host; + host = false; + } + if (typeof host == "function") { + callback = host; + host = false; + port = false; + } + if (!host) { + this.log("Server host not specified, so defaulting to", "ipc.config.networkHost", this.config.networkHost); + host = this.config.networkHost; + } + if (typeof port == "function") { + callback = port; + port = false; + } + if (!port) { + this.log("Server port not specified, so defaulting to", "ipc.config.networkPort", this.config.networkPort); + port = this.config.networkPort; + } + if (typeof callback == "string") { + UDPType = callback; + callback = false; + } + if (!callback) { + callback = emptyCallback; + } + if (this.of[id]) { + if (!this.of[id].socket.destroyed) { + this.log("Already Connected to", id, "- So executing success without connection"); + callback(); + return; + } + this.of[id].socket.destroy(); + } + this.of[id] = new Client(this.config, this.log); + this.of[id].id = id; + this.of[id].socket ? this.of[id] = id : null; + this.of[id].path = host; + this.of[id].port = port; + this.of[id].connect(); + callback(this); +} + +// node-ipc.js +var IPCModule = class extends IPC { + constructor() { + super(); + __publicField(this, "IPC", IPC); + } +}; +var singleton = new IPCModule(); +// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: +0 && (module.exports = { + IPCModule +}); diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index c829f80..30ce369 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -1,850 +1,55 @@ { "name": "node-ipc", "version": "10.0.2", - 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