/*global describe, expect, it*/ const ipc = from '../../node-ipc'); describe( 'Test Cases for server: ', function testDescribe(){ // Unix server verification // it( 'Verify unix server detects only 1 client out of 2 clients and receives message.', function testIt(done){ ipc.config.id ='testWorld'; ipc.config.retry = 1000; ipc.config.silent=false; let clientCounter=0; ipc.config.maxConnections=1; ipc.serve( '/tmp/app.testWorld', function serverStarted(){ ipc.server.on( 'connect', function connected(){ clientCounter++; } ); } ); setTimeout( function clientCountDelay(){ expect(clientCounter).toBe(ipc.config.maxConnections); ipc.server.stop(); done(); }, ipc.config.retry+ipc.config.retry ); ipc.server.start(); } ); } );