import VanillaTest from 'vanilla-test'; import Is from 'strong-type'; import {IPCModule} from '../../node-ipc.js'; import delay from '../../helpers/delay.js'; async function run(){ const test=new VanillaTest; const is=new Is; const cleanup=function(){ test.pass(); test.done(); } const fail=function(err){ console.trace(err); } var transmit_delay = 1000; try{ test.expects( 'unix client to connect to "unixServer" and receive a message.' ); const ipc=new IPCModule; ='testClient'; ipc.config.retry = 900; let serverID=''; let serverMessage=''; let expectedServerID='unixServer'; let expectedMessage='I am unix server!'; ipc.connectTo( 'unixServer', function open(){ ipc.of.unixServer.on( 'connect', function connected(){ ipc.of.unixServer.on( 'message', function gotMessage(data){ serverMessage=data.message } ); ipc.of.unixServer.emit( 'message', { id :, message : 'Hello from Client.' } ); } ); } ); await delay(transmit_delay); ipc.config.stopRetrying=true; ipc.of.unixServer.emit( 'END' ); }catch(err){ fail(err); } cleanup(); try{ test.expects( 'the unix client to send synchronously when config.sync is set to true' ); const ipc=new IPCModule; ipc.config.sync = true; ipc.config.silent = true; const messageTotal=5; let responseCounter = 0; ipc.connectTo( 'unixServerSync', '/tmp/app.unixServerSync', function open(){ ipc.of.unixServerSync.on( 'connect', function connected(){ for(let i=0; i