var ipc = require('../../../../node-ipc'); ='testClient'; ipc.config.retry = 600; describe('Unix Socket verification of client', function(){ it( 'Verify retry attempts by TCP client to connect to the server as per the value set in "maxRetries" parameter.', function(done){ var retryAttempt = 3; //variable created to count the attempt made by client to connect to the server. ipc.config.maxRetries = 3; //ipc.config.silent= true; ipc.connectToNet( 'fakeworld', 8001, function(){ ipc.of.fakeworld.on( 'disconnect', function(){ if(ipc.of.fakeworld.retriesRemaining == 1){ expect(retryAttempt).toBe(ipc.of.fakeworld.retriesRemaining); done(); } retryAttempt--; } ); ipc.of.fakeworld.on( 'error', function(err){ console.log('Error is: ', err); } ); } ); } ); it( 'Verify TCP client does not connect to the TCPserver when "stopRetrying" value is set to true.', function(done){ var retryAttempt = 3; //variable created to count the attempt made by client to connect to the server. ipc.config.maxRetries = 3; ipc.config.stopRetrying = true; ipc.connectToNet( 'fakeworld', 8001, function(){ ipc.of.fakeworld.on( 'disconnect', function(){ retryAttempt--; console.log('var value of retryAttempt: ',retryAttempt); } ); setTimeout( function(){ expect(retryAttempt).toBe(ipc.of.fakeworld.retriesRemaining); expect(ipc.of.fakeworld.retriesRemaining).toBe(ipc.config.maxRetries); done(); },10 ); ipc.of.fakeworld.on( 'error', function(err){ console.log('Error is: ', err); } ); } ); } ); it( 'Verify TCP client connects to server named "world" and receives message.', function(done){ ipc.connectToNet( 'world', function(){ 'connect', function(){ 'app.message', { id :, message : 'Hello from Client.' } ); 'app.message', function(data,socket){ console.log('data from world: ',, data.message); expect('world'); expect(data.message).toBe('I am world!'); done(); } ); } ); } ); } ); } );