var net = require('net'), eventParser = require('../lib/eventParser.js'), pubsub = require('event-pubsub'); function init(config,log){ var client={ config : config, socket : false, connect : connect, emit : emit, log : log, retryCount:0 } new pubsub(client); return client; } function emit(type,data){ this.log('dispatching event to '.debug,, this.path.variable,' : ',,',', data); if(!data) data=false; this.socket.write( eventParser.format( { type:type, data:data } ) ); }; function connect(){ //init client object for scope persistance especially inside of socket events. var client=this; client.log('requested connection to '.debug,, client.path.variable); if(!this.path){ client.log('\n\n######\nerror: '.error, .info,' client has not specified socket path it wishes to connect to.'.error); return; } if(!client.port){ client.log('Connecting client on Unix Socket :'.debug, client.path.variable); client.socket = net.connect( { path:client.path } ); }else{ client.log('Connecting client via TCP to'.debug, client.path.variable ,client.port); client.socket = net.connect( { port:client.port, host:client.path } ); } client.socket.setEncoding(this.config.encoding); client.socket.on( 'error', function(err){ client.log('\n\n######\nerror: '.error, err); } ); client.socket.on( 'connect', function(){ client.trigger('connect'); } ); client.socket.on( 'close', function(){ client.log('connection closed'.notice , , client.path.variable); if(client.config.stopRetrying || client.config.stopRetrying===0){ if(client.retryCount++>client.config.stopRetrying){ client.log(,'exceeded connection rety amount of'.warn,client.config.stopRetrying); client.socket.destroy(); return; } } client.isRetrying=true; setTimeout( ( function(client){ return function(){ client.isRetrying=false; client.connect(); setTimeout( function(){ if(!client.isRetrying) client.retryCount=0; }, 100 ) } } )(client), client.config.retry ); client.trigger('disconnect'); } ); client.socket.on( 'data', function(data) { client.log('## recieved events ##'.rainbow); var events = eventParser.parse(data); var eCount = events.length; for(var i=0; i