2014-09-03 18:20:53 -07:00

37 lines
1.4 KiB

0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'node', '/home/bmiller/.nvm/v0.10.30/bin/npm', 'publish' ]
2 info using npm@1.4.23
3 info using node@v0.10.30
4 verbose publish [ '.' ]
5 verbose cache add [ '.', null ]
6 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="." args=[".",null]
7 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
7 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
7 verbose parsed url auth: null,
7 verbose parsed url host: null,
7 verbose parsed url port: null,
7 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
7 verbose parsed url hash: null,
7 verbose parsed url search: null,
7 verbose parsed url query: null,
7 verbose parsed url pathname: '.',
7 verbose parsed url path: '.',
7 verbose parsed url href: '.' }
8 silly lockFile 3a52ce78- .
9 verbose lock . /home/bmiller/.npm/3a52ce78-.lock
10 silly lockFile 3a52ce78- .
11 silly lockFile 3a52ce78- .
12 error addLocal Could not install .
13 error Error: ENOENT, open 'package.json'
14 error If you need help, you may report this *entire* log,
14 error including the npm and node versions, at:
14 error <>
15 error System Linux 3.13.0-34-generic
16 error command "node" "/home/bmiller/.nvm/v0.10.30/bin/npm" "publish"
17 error cwd /home/bmiller/git/node-ipc/testHarness
18 error node -v v0.10.30
19 error npm -v 1.4.23
20 error path package.json
21 error code ENOENT
22 error errno 34
23 verbose exit [ 34, true ]