Merge branch 'weblate-pleroma-pleroma-fe' into 'develop'
Translations update from Weblate See merge request pleroma/pleroma-fe!1232
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 1439 additions and 60 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
"scope_options": "Opcions d'abast i visibilitat",
"scope_options": "Opcions d'abast i visibilitat",
"text_limit": "Límit de text",
"text_limit": "Límit de text",
"title": "Funcionalitats",
"title": "Funcionalitats",
"who_to_follow": "A qui seguir"
"who_to_follow": "A qui seguir",
"pleroma_chat_messages": "Xat de Pleroma"
"finder": {
"finder": {
"error_fetching_user": "No s'ha pogut carregar l'usuari/a",
"error_fetching_user": "No s'ha pogut carregar l'usuari/a",
@ -17,7 +18,21 @@
"general": {
"general": {
"apply": "Aplica",
"apply": "Aplica",
"submit": "Desa"
"submit": "Desa",
"close": "Tanca",
"verify": "Verifica",
"confirm": "Confirma",
"enable": "Habilita",
"disable": "Deshabilitar",
"cancel": "Cancel·la",
"show_less": "Mostra menys",
"show_more": "Mostra més",
"optional": "opcional",
"retry": "Prova de nou",
"error_retry": "Si us plau, prova de nou",
"generic_error": "Hi ha hagut un error",
"loading": "Carregant…",
"more": "Més"
"login": {
"login": {
"login": "Inicia sessió",
"login": "Inicia sessió",
@ -25,7 +40,12 @@
"password": "Contrasenya",
"password": "Contrasenya",
"placeholder": "p.ex.: Maria",
"placeholder": "p.ex.: Maria",
"register": "Registra't",
"register": "Registra't",
"username": "Nom d'usuari/a"
"username": "Nom d'usuari/a",
"recovery_code": "Codi de recuperació",
"enter_recovery_code": "Posa un codi de recuperació",
"authentication_code": "Codi d'autenticació",
"hint": "Entra per participar a la conversa",
"description": "Entra amb OAuth"
"nav": {
"nav": {
"chat": "Xat local públic",
"chat": "Xat local públic",
@ -33,7 +53,16 @@
"mentions": "Mencions",
"mentions": "Mencions",
"public_tl": "Flux públic del node",
"public_tl": "Flux públic del node",
"timeline": "Flux personal",
"timeline": "Flux personal",
"twkn": "Flux de la xarxa coneguda"
"twkn": "Flux de la xarxa coneguda",
"chats": "Xats",
"timelines": "Línies de temps",
"preferences": "Preferències",
"who_to_follow": "A qui seguir",
"search": "Cerca",
"dms": "Missatges directes",
"interactions": "Interaccions",
"back": "Enrere",
"administration": "Administració"
"notifications": {
"notifications": {
"broken_favorite": "No es coneix aquest estat. S'està cercant.",
"broken_favorite": "No es coneix aquest estat. S'està cercant.",
@ -42,14 +71,19 @@
"load_older": "Carrega més notificacions",
"load_older": "Carrega més notificacions",
"notifications": "Notificacions",
"notifications": "Notificacions",
"read": "Read!",
"read": "Read!",
"repeated_you": "ha repetit el teu estat"
"repeated_you": "ha repetit el teu estat",
"migrated_to": "migrat a",
"no_more_notifications": "No més notificacions",
"follow_request": "et vol seguir"
"post_status": {
"post_status": {
"account_not_locked_warning": "El teu compte no està {0}. Qualsevol persona pot seguir-te per llegir les teves entrades reservades només a seguidores.",
"account_not_locked_warning": "El teu compte no està {0}. Qualsevol persona pot seguir-te per llegir les teves entrades reservades només a seguidores.",
"account_not_locked_warning_link": "bloquejat",
"account_not_locked_warning_link": "bloquejat",
"attachments_sensitive": "Marca l'adjunt com a delicat",
"attachments_sensitive": "Marca l'adjunt com a delicat",
"content_type": {
"content_type": {
"text/plain": "Text pla"
"text/plain": "Text pla",
"text/markdown": "Markdown",
"text/html": "HTML"
"content_warning": "Assumpte (opcional)",
"content_warning": "Assumpte (opcional)",
"default": "Em sento…",
"default": "Em sento…",
@ -60,7 +94,13 @@
"private": "Només seguidors/es - Publica només per comptes que et segueixin",
"private": "Només seguidors/es - Publica només per comptes que et segueixin",
"public": "Pública - Publica als fluxos públics",
"public": "Pública - Publica als fluxos públics",
"unlisted": "Silenciosa - No la mostris en fluxos públics"
"unlisted": "Silenciosa - No la mostris en fluxos públics"
"scope_notice": {
"private": "Aquesta entrada serà visible només per a qui et segueixi",
"public": "Aquesta entrada serà visible per a tothom"
"preview_empty": "Buida",
"preview": "Vista prèvia"
"registration": {
"registration": {
"bio": "Presentació",
"bio": "Presentació",
@ -68,7 +108,17 @@
"fullname": "Nom per mostrar",
"fullname": "Nom per mostrar",
"password_confirm": "Confirma la contrasenya",
"password_confirm": "Confirma la contrasenya",
"registration": "Registra't",
"registration": "Registra't",
"token": "Codi d'invitació"
"token": "Codi d'invitació",
"validations": {
"password_confirmation_match": "hauria de ser la mateixa que la contrasenya",
"password_confirmation_required": "no es pot deixar en blanc",
"password_required": "no es pot deixar en blanc",
"email_required": "no es pot deixar en blanc",
"fullname_required": "no es pot deixar en blanc",
"username_required": "no es pot deixar en blanc"
"fullname_placeholder": "p. ex. Lain Iwakura",
"username_placeholder": "p. ex. lain"
"settings": {
"settings": {
"attachmentRadius": "Adjunts",
"attachmentRadius": "Adjunts",
@ -94,7 +144,7 @@
"data_import_export_tab": "Importa o exporta dades",
"data_import_export_tab": "Importa o exporta dades",
"default_vis": "Abast per defecte de les entrades",
"default_vis": "Abast per defecte de les entrades",
"delete_account": "Esborra el compte",
"delete_account": "Esborra el compte",
"delete_account_description": "Esborra permanentment el teu compte i tots els missatges",
"delete_account_description": "Esborra permanentment les teves dades i desactiva el teu compte.",
"delete_account_error": "No s'ha pogut esborrar el compte. Si continua el problema, contacta amb l'administració del node.",
"delete_account_error": "No s'ha pogut esborrar el compte. Si continua el problema, contacta amb l'administració del node.",
"delete_account_instructions": "Confirma que vols esborrar el compte escrivint la teva contrasenya aquí sota.",
"delete_account_instructions": "Confirma que vols esborrar el compte escrivint la teva contrasenya aquí sota.",
"export_theme": "Desa el tema",
"export_theme": "Desa el tema",
@ -164,7 +214,57 @@
"values": {
"values": {
"false": "no",
"false": "no",
"true": "sí"
"true": "sí"
"show_moderator_badge": "Mostra una insígnia de Moderació en el meu perfil",
"show_admin_badge": "Mostra una insígnia d'Administració en el meu perfil",
"hide_followers_description": "No mostris qui m'està seguint",
"hide_follows_description": "No mostris a qui segueixo",
"notification_visibility_emoji_reactions": "Reaccions",
"new_email": "Nou correu electrònic",
"profile_fields": {
"value": "Contingut",
"name": "Etiqueta",
"add_field": "Afegeix un camp",
"label": "Metadades del perfil"
"mutes_tab": "Silenciaments",
"interface": "Interfície",
"instance_default_simple": "(per defecte)",
"checkboxRadius": "Caselles",
"import_blocks_from_a_csv_file": "Importa bloquejos des d'un arxiu csv",
"hide_post_stats": "Amaga les estadístiques de les entrades (p. ex. el nombre de favorits)",
"use_one_click_nsfw": "Obre els adjunts NSFW amb només un clic",
"hide_muted_posts": "Amaga les entrades de comptes silenciats",
"avatar_size_instruction": "La mida mínima recomanada per la imatge de l'avatar és de 150x150 píxels.",
"domain_mutes": "Dominis",
"discoverable": "Permet la descoberta d'aquest compte en resultats de cerques i altres serveis",
"mutes_and_blocks": "Silenciaments i bloquejos",
"composing": "Composant",
"chatMessageRadius": "Missatge de xat",
"changed_email": "Correu electrònic canviat amb èxit!",
"change_email_error": "Hi ha hagut un problema al canviar el teu correu electrònic.",
"change_email": "Canvia el correu electrònic",
"bot": "Aquest és un compte automatitzat",
"blocks_tab": "Bloquejos",
"blocks_imported": "Bloquejos importats! Processar-los pot trigar una mica.",
"block_import_error": "Error al importar bloquejos",
"block_import": "Importa bloquejos",
"block_export_button": "Exporta els teus bloquejos a un arxiu csv",
"block_export": "Exporta bloquejos",
"allow_following_move": "Permet el seguiment automàtic quan un compte a qui seguim es mou",
"mfa": {
"scan": {
"secret_code": "Clau"
"authentication_methods": "Mètodes d'autenticació",
"waiting_a_recovery_codes": "Rebent còpies de seguretat dels codis…",
"recovery_codes": "Codis de recuperació.",
"warning_of_generate_new_codes": "Quan generes nous codis de recuperació, els antics ja no funcionaran més.",
"generate_new_recovery_codes": "Genera nous codis de recuperació"
"enter_current_password_to_confirm": "Posar la contrasenya actual per confirmar la teva identitat",
"security": "Seguretat",
"app_name": "Nom de l'aplicació"
"time": {
"time": {
"day": "{0} dia",
"day": "{0} dia",
@ -232,5 +332,75 @@
"who_to_follow": {
"who_to_follow": {
"more": "More",
"more": "More",
"who_to_follow": "A qui seguir"
"who_to_follow": "A qui seguir"
"selectable_list": {
"select_all": "Selecciona-ho tot"
"remote_user_resolver": {
"error": "No trobat.",
"searching_for": "Cercant per"
"interactions": {
"load_older": "Carrega antigues interaccions",
"favs_repeats": "Repeticions i favorits"
"emoji": {
"stickers": "Adhesius"
"polls": {
"expired": "L'enquesta va acabar fa {0}",
"expires_in": "L'enquesta acaba en {0}",
"multiple_choices": "Múltiples opcions",
"single_choice": "Una sola opció",
"type": "Tipus d'enquesta",
"vote": "Vota",
"votes": "vots",
"option": "Opció",
"add_option": "Afegeix opció",
"add_poll": "Afegeix enquesta"
"media_modal": {
"next": "Següent",
"previous": "Anterior"
"importer": {
"error": "Ha succeït un error mentre s'importava aquest arxiu.",
"success": "Importat amb èxit."
"image_cropper": {
"cancel": "Cancel·la",
"save_without_cropping": "Desa sense retallar",
"save": "Desa",
"crop_picture": "Retalla la imatge"
"exporter": {
"processing": "Processant, aviat se't preguntarà per descarregar el teu arxiu",
"export": "Exporta"
"domain_mute_card": {
"mute_progress": "Silenciant…",
"mute": "Silencia"
"about": {
"staff": "Equip responsable",
"mrf": {
"simple": {
"quarantine_desc": "Aquesta instància només enviarà entrades públiques a les següents instàncies:",
"quarantine": "Quarantena",
"reject_desc": "Aquesta instància no acceptarà missatges de les següents instàncies:",
"reject": "Rebutja",
"accept_desc": "Aquesta instància només accepta missatges de les següents instàncies:",
"accept": "Accepta",
"simple_policies": "Polítiques específiques de la instància"
"mrf_policies_desc": "Les polítiques MRF controlen el comportament federat de la instància. Les següents polítiques estan habilitades:",
"mrf_policies": "Polítiques MRF habilitades",
"keyword": {
"replace": "Reemplaça",
"reject": "Rebutja",
"keyword_policies": "Polítiques de paraules clau"
"federation": "Federació"
@ -551,7 +551,14 @@
"change_email_error": "Ha ocurrido un error al intentar modificar tu correo electrónico.",
"change_email_error": "Ha ocurrido un error al intentar modificar tu correo electrónico.",
"change_email": "Modificar el correo electrónico",
"change_email": "Modificar el correo electrónico",
"bot": "Esta cuenta es un bot",
"bot": "Esta cuenta es un bot",
"allow_following_move": "Permitir el seguimiento automático, cuando la cuenta que sigues se traslada a otra instancia"
"allow_following_move": "Permitir el seguimiento automático, cuando la cuenta que sigues se traslada a otra instancia",
"virtual_scrolling": "Optimizar la representación de la linea temporal",
"import_mutes_from_a_csv_file": "Importar silenciados desde un archivo csv",
"mutes_imported": "¡Silenciados importados! Procesarlos llevará un tiempo.",
"mute_import_error": "Error al importar los silenciados",
"mute_import": "Importar silenciados",
"mute_export_button": "Exportar los silenciados a un archivo csv",
"mute_export": "Exportar silenciados"
"time": {
"time": {
"day": "{0} día",
"day": "{0} día",
@ -762,7 +769,7 @@
"ftl_removal_desc": "Esta instancia elimina las siguientes instancias de la línea de tiempo \"Toda la red conocida\":",
"ftl_removal_desc": "Esta instancia elimina las siguientes instancias de la línea de tiempo \"Toda la red conocida\":",
"ftl_removal": "Eliminar de la línea de tiempo \"Toda La Red Conocida\"",
"ftl_removal": "Eliminar de la línea de tiempo \"Toda La Red Conocida\"",
"quarantine_desc": "Esta instancia enviará solo publicaciones públicas a las siguientes instancias:",
"quarantine_desc": "Esta instancia enviará solo publicaciones públicas a las siguientes instancias:",
"simple_policies": "Políticas sobre instancias específicas",
"simple_policies": "Políticas específicas de la instancia",
"reject_desc": "Esta instancia no aceptará mensajes de las siguientes instancias:",
"reject_desc": "Esta instancia no aceptará mensajes de las siguientes instancias:",
"reject": "Rechazar",
"reject": "Rechazar",
"accept": "Aceptar"
"accept": "Aceptar"
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
"scope_options": "Ikusgaitasun aukerak",
"scope_options": "Ikusgaitasun aukerak",
"text_limit": "Testu limitea",
"text_limit": "Testu limitea",
"title": "Ezaugarriak",
"title": "Ezaugarriak",
"who_to_follow": "Nori jarraitu"
"who_to_follow": "Nori jarraitu",
"pleroma_chat_messages": "Pleroma Txata"
"finder": {
"finder": {
"error_fetching_user": "Errorea erabiltzailea eskuratzen",
"error_fetching_user": "Errorea erabiltzailea eskuratzen",
@ -31,7 +32,13 @@
"disable": "Ezgaitu",
"disable": "Ezgaitu",
"enable": "Gaitu",
"enable": "Gaitu",
"confirm": "Baieztatu",
"confirm": "Baieztatu",
"verify": "Egiaztatu"
"verify": "Egiaztatu",
"peek": "Begiratu",
"close": "Itxi",
"dismiss": "Baztertu",
"retry": "Saiatu berriro",
"error_retry": "Saiatu berriro mesedez",
"loading": "Kargatzen…"
"image_cropper": {
"image_cropper": {
"crop_picture": "Moztu argazkia",
"crop_picture": "Moztu argazkia",
@ -81,7 +88,10 @@
"user_search": "Erabiltzailea Bilatu",
"user_search": "Erabiltzailea Bilatu",
"search": "Bilatu",
"search": "Bilatu",
"who_to_follow": "Nori jarraitu",
"who_to_follow": "Nori jarraitu",
"preferences": "Hobespenak"
"preferences": "Hobespenak",
"chats": "Txatak",
"timelines": "Denbora-lerroak",
"bookmarks": "Laster-markak"
"notifications": {
"notifications": {
"broken_favorite": "Egoera ezezaguna, bilatzen…",
"broken_favorite": "Egoera ezezaguna, bilatzen…",
@ -91,7 +101,10 @@
"notifications": "Jakinarazpenak",
"notifications": "Jakinarazpenak",
"read": "Irakurrita!",
"read": "Irakurrita!",
"repeated_you": "zure mezua errepikatu du",
"repeated_you": "zure mezua errepikatu du",
"no_more_notifications": "Ez dago jakinarazpen gehiago"
"no_more_notifications": "Ez dago jakinarazpen gehiago",
"reacted_with": "{0}kin erreakzionatu zuen",
"migrated_to": "hona migratua:",
"follow_request": "jarraitu nahi zaitu"
"polls": {
"polls": {
"add_poll": "Inkesta gehitu",
"add_poll": "Inkesta gehitu",
@ -114,7 +127,8 @@
"search_emoji": "Bilatu emoji bat",
"search_emoji": "Bilatu emoji bat",
"add_emoji": "Emoji bat gehitu",
"add_emoji": "Emoji bat gehitu",
"custom": "Ohiko emojiak",
"custom": "Ohiko emojiak",
"unicode": "Unicode emojiak"
"unicode": "Unicode emojiak",
"load_all": "{emojiAmount} emoji guztiak kargatzen"
"stickers": {
"stickers": {
"add_sticker": "Pegatina gehitu"
"add_sticker": "Pegatina gehitu"
@ -226,7 +240,7 @@
"composing": "Idazten",
"composing": "Idazten",
"confirm_new_password": "Baieztatu pasahitz berria",
"confirm_new_password": "Baieztatu pasahitz berria",
"current_avatar": "Zure uneko avatarra",
"current_avatar": "Zure uneko avatarra",
"current_password": "Indarrean den pasahitza",
"current_password": "Indarrean dagoen pasahitza",
"current_profile_banner": "Zure profilaren banner-a",
"current_profile_banner": "Zure profilaren banner-a",
"data_import_export_tab": "Datuak Inportatu / Esportatu",
"data_import_export_tab": "Datuak Inportatu / Esportatu",
"default_vis": "Lehenetsitako ikusgaitasunak",
"default_vis": "Lehenetsitako ikusgaitasunak",
@ -634,9 +648,40 @@
"about": {
"about": {
"mrf": {
"mrf": {
"keyword": {
"keyword": {
"keyword_policies": "Gako-hitz politika"
"keyword_policies": "Gako-hitz politika",
"ftl_removal": "\"Ezagutzen den Sarea\" denbora-lerrotik ezabatu",
"is_replaced_by": "→",
"replace": "Ordezkatuak",
"reject": "Ukatuak"
"federation": "Federazioa"
"federation": "Federazioa",
"simple": {
"media_nsfw_desc": "Instantzia honek hurrengo instantzien multimediak sentikorrak izatera behartzen ditu:",
"media_nsfw": "Behartu Multimedia Sentikor",
"media_removal_desc": "Instantzia honek atxikitutako multimedia hurrengo instantzietatik ezabatzen ditu:",
"media_removal": "Multimedia Ezabatu",
"ftl_removal_desc": "Instantzia honek hurrengo instantziak ezabatzen ditu \"Ezagutzen den Sarea\" denbora-lerrotik:",
"ftl_removal": "\"Ezagutzen den Sarea\" denbora-lerrotik ezabatu",
"quarantine_desc": "Instantzia honek soilik mezu publikoak bidaliko ditu instantzia hauetara:",
"quarantine": "Koarentena",
"reject_desc": "Instantzia honek ez ditu hurrengo instantzien mezuak onartuko:",
"reject": "Ukatuak",
"accept_desc": "Instantzia honek hurrengo instantzietako mezuak soilik onartzen ditu:",
"accept": "Onartu",
"simple_policies": "Gure instantziaren politika zehatzak"
"mrf_policies_desc": "MRF politikek instantzia honen federazioa manipulatzen dute gainerako instantziekin. Honako politika hauek daude gaituta:",
"mrf_policies": "Gaitutako MRF politikak"
"staff": "Arduradunak"
"domain_mute_card": {
"unmute_progress": "Isiltasuna kentzen…",
"unmute": "Isiltasuna kendu",
"mute_progress": "Isiltzen…",
"mute": "Isilarazi"
"shoutbox": {
"title": "Oihu-kutxa"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
"about": {
"mrf": {
"simple": {
"media_removal_desc": "این نمونه رسانهی پیغامهای نمونههای ذکر شده را حذف میکند:",
"ftl_removal_desc": "این نمونه، نمونههای ذکر شده را از تایملاین «تمام شبکه شناخته شده» حذف میکند:",
"media_removal": "حذف رسانه",
"ftl_removal": "حذف از تایملاین «تمام شبکه شناخته شده»",
"quarantine_desc": "این نمونه تنها پیغامهای عمومی را به نمونههای ذکر شده پیغام ارسال میکند:",
"quarantine": "قرنطینه شده",
"reject_desc": "این نمونه از نمونههای ذکر شده پیغامی دریافت نمیکند:",
"reject": "رد کننده",
"accept_desc": "این نمونه تنها از نمونههای ذکر شده پیغام دریافت میکند:",
"simple_policies": "سیاستهای مخصوص نمونه",
"accept": "دریافت کننده",
"media_nsfw_desc": "این نمونه، رسانه نمونههای ذکر شده را به اجبار حساس میکند:",
"media_nsfw": "به اجبار حساس کردن رسانه"
"federation": "فدراسیون",
"mrf_policies_desc": "سیاستهای MRF رفتار فدراسیون این نمونه را تغییر میدهد. سیاستهایی که در ادامه آمده اعمال شده است:",
"keyword": {
"reject": "رد کننده",
"replace": "جایگزین کننده",
"keyword_policies": "سیاستهای واژگان کلیدی",
"is_replaced_by": "→",
"ftl_removal": "حذف از تایملاین «تمام شبکه شناخته شده»"
"mrf_policies": "سیاستهای MRF(وسیله بازنویسی پیغام) فعال شده"
"staff": "کارکنان"
"image_cropper": {
"crop_picture": "برش تصویر",
"cancel": "لغو",
"save_without_cropping": "ذخیره بدون برش",
"save": "ذخیره"
"notifications": {
"followed_you": "پیگیر شما شد",
"favorited_you": "پیغام شما را پسندید",
"broken_favorite": "پیغام ناشناخته، در حال جستجو…"
"nav": {
"chats": "گپها",
"timelines": "تایملاینها",
"preferences": "ترجیحات",
"who_to_follow": "چه کسانی را پیگیری کنیم",
"search": "جستجو",
"user_search": "جستجوی کاربر",
"bookmarks": "نشانکها",
"twkn": "شبکه شناخته شده",
"timeline": "تایملاین",
"public_tl": "تایملاین عمومی",
"dms": "پیغامهای مستقیم",
"interactions": "تعاملات",
"mentions": "نام بردنها",
"friend_requests": "درخواست پیگیری",
"back": "قبلی",
"administration": "مدیریت",
"about": "درباره"
"features_panel": {
"who_to_follow": "چه کسانی را پیگیری کنیم",
"title": "ویژگیها",
"text_limit": "محدودیت متن",
"scope_options": "تنظیمات حوزه",
"media_proxy": "پروکسی رسانه",
"gopher": "گوفر",
"pleroma_chat_messages": "گپ پلروما",
"chat": "گپ"
"media_modal": {
"next": "بعدی",
"previous": "قبلی"
"login": {
"heading": {
"recovery": "بازیابی دو مرحلهای",
"totp": "احراز هویت دو مرحلهای"
"enter_two_factor_code": "کد احراز هویت دو مرحلهای را وارد کنید",
"recovery_code": "کد بازیابی",
"enter_recovery_code": "کد بازیابی را وارد کنید",
"authentication_code": "کد احراز هویت",
"hint": "برای شرکت در گفتگو، وارد سامانه شوید",
"username": "نام کاربری",
"register": "ثبت نام",
"description": "ورود به سامانه از طریق OAuth",
"placeholder": "به عنوان مثال: lain",
"password": "رمز عبور",
"logout": "خروج از سامانه",
"login": "ورود به سامانه"
"importer": {
"error": "در حین بارگذاری فایل خطایی رخ داد.",
"success": "با موفقیت بارگذاری شد.",
"submit": "ارسال"
"general": {
"peek": "نگاه سریع",
"close": "بستن",
"verify": "تأیید",
"confirm": "تأیید",
"enable": "فعال",
"disable": "غیر فعال",
"cancel": "لغو",
"show_less": "کمتر نشان بده",
"show_more": "بیشتر نشان بده",
"optional": "اختیاری",
"retry": "دوباره امتحان کنید",
"error_retry": "لطفاً دوباره امتحان کنید",
"generic_error": "خطایی رخ داد",
"loading": "در حال بارگذاری…",
"more": "بیشتر",
"submit": "ارسال",
"apply": "اعمال"
"finder": {
"find_user": "جستجوی کاربر",
"error_fetching_user": "دریافت کاربر با خطا مواجه شد"
"exporter": {
"processing": "در حال پردازش، شما به زودی قادر به دانلود فایل خواهید بود",
"export": "صادر کردن"
"domain_mute_card": {
"unmute": "صدا دار",
"unmute_progress": "در حال صدا دار کردن …",
"mute_progress": "در حال بی صدا کردن…",
"mute": "بی صدا"
"shoutbox": {
"title": "چت باکس"
"display_date": {
"today": "امروز"
"file_type": {
"file": "فایل",
"image": "تصویر",
"video": "ویدئو",
"audio": "صدا"
"chats": {
"empty_chat_list_placeholder": "شما هنوز هیچ گپی ندارید، گپ جدیدی را آغاز کنید!",
"delete": "حذف",
"error_sending_message": "در حین ارسال پیغام خطایی رخ داد.",
"error_loading_chat": "در هنگام بارگذاری گپ خطایی رخ داد.",
"delete_confirm": "آیا از حذف این پیغام اطمینان دارید؟",
"more": "بیشتر",
"empty_message_error": "نمیتوان پیغام خالی فرستاد",
"new": "گپ جدید",
"chats": "گپها"
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
"scope_options": "Options de visibilité",
"scope_options": "Options de visibilité",
"text_limit": "Limite de texte",
"text_limit": "Limite de texte",
"title": "Caractéristiques",
"title": "Caractéristiques",
"who_to_follow": "Personnes à suivre"
"who_to_follow": "Personnes à suivre",
"pleroma_chat_messages": "Chat Pleroma"
"finder": {
"finder": {
"error_fetching_user": "Erreur lors de la recherche de l'utilisateur·ice",
"error_fetching_user": "Erreur lors de la recherche de l'utilisateur·ice",
@ -32,7 +33,12 @@
"enable": "Activer",
"enable": "Activer",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"verify": "Vérifier",
"verify": "Vérifier",
"dismiss": "Rejeter"
"dismiss": "Rejeter",
"peek": "Jeter un coup d'œil",
"close": "Fermer",
"retry": "Réessayez",
"error_retry": "Veuillez réessayer",
"loading": "Chargement…"
"image_cropper": {
"image_cropper": {
"crop_picture": "Rogner l'image",
"crop_picture": "Rogner l'image",
@ -77,15 +83,17 @@
"dms": "Messages directs",
"dms": "Messages directs",
"public_tl": "Fil d'actualité public",
"public_tl": "Fil d'actualité public",
"timeline": "Fil d'actualité",
"timeline": "Fil d'actualité",
"twkn": "Ensemble du réseau connu",
"twkn": "Réseau connu",
"user_search": "Recherche d'utilisateur·ice",
"user_search": "Recherche d'utilisateur·ice",
"who_to_follow": "Qui suivre",
"who_to_follow": "Qui suivre",
"preferences": "Préférences",
"preferences": "Préférences",
"search": "Recherche",
"search": "Recherche",
"administration": "Administration"
"administration": "Administration",
"chats": "Chats",
"bookmarks": "Marques-Pages"
"notifications": {
"notifications": {
"broken_favorite": "Chargement d'un message inconnu…",
"broken_favorite": "Message inconnu, chargement…",
"favorited_you": "a aimé votre statut",
"favorited_you": "a aimé votre statut",
"followed_you": "a commencé à vous suivre",
"followed_you": "a commencé à vous suivre",
"load_older": "Charger les notifications précédentes",
"load_older": "Charger les notifications précédentes",
@ -115,7 +123,7 @@
"text/bbcode": "BBCode"
"text/bbcode": "BBCode"
"content_warning": "Sujet (optionnel)",
"content_warning": "Sujet (optionnel)",
"default": "Écrivez ici votre prochain statut.",
"default": "Je viens d'atterrir en Tchéquie.",
"direct_warning_to_all": "Ce message sera visible pour toutes les personnes mentionnées.",
"direct_warning_to_all": "Ce message sera visible pour toutes les personnes mentionnées.",
"direct_warning_to_first_only": "Ce message sera visible uniquement pour personnes mentionnées au début du message.",
"direct_warning_to_first_only": "Ce message sera visible uniquement pour personnes mentionnées au début du message.",
"posting": "Envoi en cours",
"posting": "Envoi en cours",
@ -129,7 +137,12 @@
"private": "Abonné·e·s uniquement - Seul·e·s vos abonné·e·s verront vos billets",
"private": "Abonné·e·s uniquement - Seul·e·s vos abonné·e·s verront vos billets",
"public": "Publique - Afficher dans les fils publics",
"public": "Publique - Afficher dans les fils publics",
"unlisted": "Non-Listé - Ne pas afficher dans les fils publics"
"unlisted": "Non-Listé - Ne pas afficher dans les fils publics"
"media_description_error": "Échec de téléversement du media, essayez encore",
"empty_status_error": "Impossible de poster un statut vide sans attachements",
"preview_empty": "Vide",
"preview": "Prévisualisation",
"media_description": "Description de l'attachement"
"registration": {
"registration": {
"bio": "Biographie",
"bio": "Biographie",
@ -488,7 +501,15 @@
"notification_setting_privacy_option": "Masquer l'expéditeur et le contenu des notifications push",
"notification_setting_privacy_option": "Masquer l'expéditeur et le contenu des notifications push",
"notification_setting_privacy": "Intimité",
"notification_setting_privacy": "Intimité",
"hide_followers_count_description": "Masquer le nombre d'abonnés",
"hide_followers_count_description": "Masquer le nombre d'abonnés",
"accent": "Accent"
"accent": "Accent",
"chatMessageRadius": "Message de chat",
"bot": "Ce compte est un robot",
"import_mutes_from_a_csv_file": "Importer les masquages depuis un fichier CSV",
"mutes_imported": "Masquages importés ! Leur application peut prendre du temps.",
"mute_import_error": "Erreur à l'import des masquages",
"mute_import": "Import des masquages",
"mute_export_button": "Exporter vos masquages dans un fichier CSV",
"mute_export": "Export des masquages"
"timeline": {
"timeline": {
"collapse": "Fermer",
"collapse": "Fermer",
@ -732,5 +753,11 @@
"return_home": "Retourner à la page d'accueil",
"return_home": "Retourner à la page d'accueil",
"too_many_requests": "Vos avez atteint la limite d'essais, essayez plus tard.",
"too_many_requests": "Vos avez atteint la limite d'essais, essayez plus tard.",
"password_reset_required": "Vous devez changer votre mot de passe pour vous authentifier."
"password_reset_required": "Vous devez changer votre mot de passe pour vous authentifier."
"errors": {
"storage_unavailable": "Pleroma n'a pas pu accéder au stockage du navigateur. Votre identifiant ou vos mots de passes ne seront sauvegardés et des problèmes pourront être rencontrés. Essayez d'activer les cookies."
"shoutbox": {
"title": "Shoutbox"
@ -407,7 +407,14 @@
"reset_background_confirm": "Vuoi veramente azzerare lo sfondo?",
"reset_background_confirm": "Vuoi veramente azzerare lo sfondo?",
"chatMessageRadius": "Messaggi istantanei",
"chatMessageRadius": "Messaggi istantanei",
"notification_setting_hide_notification_contents": "Nascondi mittente e contenuti delle notifiche push",
"notification_setting_hide_notification_contents": "Nascondi mittente e contenuti delle notifiche push",
"notification_setting_block_from_strangers": "Blocca notifiche da utenti che non segui"
"notification_setting_block_from_strangers": "Blocca notifiche da utenti che non segui",
"virtual_scrolling": "Velocizza l'elaborazione delle sequenze",
"import_mutes_from_a_csv_file": "Importa silenziati da un file CSV",
"mutes_imported": "Silenziati importati! Saranno elaborati a breve.",
"mute_import_error": "Errore nell'importazione",
"mute_import": "Importa silenziati",
"mute_export_button": "Esporta la tua lista di silenziati in un file CSV",
"mute_export": "Esporta silenziati"
"timeline": {
"timeline": {
"error_fetching": "Errore nell'aggiornamento",
"error_fetching": "Errore nell'aggiornamento",
@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
"scope_options": "Ustawienia zakresu",
"scope_options": "Ustawienia zakresu",
"text_limit": "Limit tekstu",
"text_limit": "Limit tekstu",
"title": "Funkcje",
"title": "Funkcje",
"who_to_follow": "Propozycje obserwacji"
"who_to_follow": "Propozycje obserwacji",
"pleroma_chat_messages": "Czat Pleromy"
"finder": {
"finder": {
"error_fetching_user": "Błąd przy pobieraniu profilu",
"error_fetching_user": "Błąd przy pobieraniu profilu",
@ -71,7 +72,9 @@
"verify": "Zweryfikuj",
"verify": "Zweryfikuj",
"close": "Zamknij",
"close": "Zamknij",
"loading": "Ładowanie…",
"loading": "Ładowanie…",
"retry": "Spróbuj ponownie"
"retry": "Spróbuj ponownie",
"peek": "Spójrz",
"error_retry": "Spróbuj ponownie"
"image_cropper": {
"image_cropper": {
"crop_picture": "Przytnij obrazek",
"crop_picture": "Przytnij obrazek",
@ -117,12 +120,14 @@
"dms": "Wiadomości prywatne",
"dms": "Wiadomości prywatne",
"public_tl": "Publiczna oś czasu",
"public_tl": "Publiczna oś czasu",
"timeline": "Oś czasu",
"timeline": "Oś czasu",
"twkn": "Cała znana sieć",
"twkn": "Znana sieć",
"user_search": "Wyszukiwanie użytkowników",
"user_search": "Wyszukiwanie użytkowników",
"search": "Wyszukiwanie",
"search": "Wyszukiwanie",
"who_to_follow": "Sugestie obserwacji",
"who_to_follow": "Sugestie obserwacji",
"preferences": "Preferencje",
"preferences": "Preferencje",
"bookmarks": "Zakładki"
"bookmarks": "Zakładki",
"chats": "Czaty",
"timelines": "Osie czasu"
"notifications": {
"notifications": {
"broken_favorite": "Nieznany status, szukam go…",
"broken_favorite": "Nieznany status, szukam go…",
@ -197,7 +202,9 @@
"preview_empty": "Pusty",
"preview_empty": "Pusty",
"preview": "Podgląd",
"preview": "Podgląd",
"empty_status_error": "Nie można wysłać pustego wpisu bez plików"
"empty_status_error": "Nie można wysłać pustego wpisu bez plików",
"media_description_error": "Nie udało się zaktualizować mediów, spróbuj ponownie",
"media_description": "Opis mediów"
"registration": {
"registration": {
"bio": "Bio",
"bio": "Bio",
@ -400,7 +407,7 @@
"theme_help_v2_1": "Możesz też zastąpić kolory i widoczność poszczególnych komponentów przełączając pola wyboru, użyj „Wyczyść wszystko” aby usunąć wszystkie zastąpienia.",
"theme_help_v2_1": "Możesz też zastąpić kolory i widoczność poszczególnych komponentów przełączając pola wyboru, użyj „Wyczyść wszystko” aby usunąć wszystkie zastąpienia.",
"theme_help_v2_2": "Ikony pod niektórych wpisami są wskaźnikami kontrastu pomiędzy tłem a tekstem, po najechaniu na nie otrzymasz szczegółowe informacje. Zapamiętaj, że jeżeli używasz przezroczystości, wskaźniki pokazują najgorszy możliwy przypadek.",
"theme_help_v2_2": "Ikony pod niektórych wpisami są wskaźnikami kontrastu pomiędzy tłem a tekstem, po najechaniu na nie otrzymasz szczegółowe informacje. Zapamiętaj, że jeżeli używasz przezroczystości, wskaźniki pokazują najgorszy możliwy przypadek.",
"tooltipRadius": "Etykiety/alerty",
"tooltipRadius": "Etykiety/alerty",
"type_domains_to_mute": "Wpisz domeny, które chcesz wyciszyć",
"type_domains_to_mute": "Wyszukaj domeny, które chcesz wyciszyć",
"upload_a_photo": "Wyślij zdjęcie",
"upload_a_photo": "Wyślij zdjęcie",
"user_settings": "Ustawienia użytkownika",
"user_settings": "Ustawienia użytkownika",
"values": {
"values": {
@ -492,7 +499,8 @@
"tabs": "Karty",
"tabs": "Karty",
"chat": {
"chat": {
"outgoing": "Wiadomości wychodzące",
"outgoing": "Wiadomości wychodzące",
"incoming": "Wiadomości przychodzące"
"incoming": "Wiadomości przychodzące",
"border": "Granica"
"radii": {
"radii": {
@ -573,7 +581,22 @@
"add_field": "Dodaj pole"
"add_field": "Dodaj pole"
"bot": "To konto jest prowadzone przez bota",
"bot": "To konto jest prowadzone przez bota",
"notification_setting_hide_notification_contents": "Ukryj nadawcę i zawartość powiadomień push"
"notification_setting_hide_notification_contents": "Ukryj nadawcę i zawartość powiadomień push",
"notification_setting_block_from_strangers": "Zablokuj powiadomienia od użytkowników których nie obserwujesz",
"virtual_scrolling": "Optymalizuj renderowanie osi czasu",
"reset_background_confirm": "Czy naprawdę chcesz zresetować tło?",
"reset_banner_confirm": "Czy naprawdę chcesz zresetować banner?",
"reset_avatar_confirm": "Czy naprawdę chcesz zresetować awatar?",
"reset_profile_banner": "Zresetuj banner profilowy",
"reset_profile_background": "Zresetuj tło profilowe",
"mutes_and_blocks": "Wyciszenia i blokady",
"chatMessageRadius": "Wiadomość czatu",
"import_mutes_from_a_csv_file": "Zaimportuj wyciszenia z pliku .csv",
"mutes_imported": "Zaimportowano wyciszenia! Przetwarzanie zajmie chwilę.",
"mute_import_error": "Wystąpił błąd podczas importowania wyciszeń",
"mute_import": "Import wyciszeń",
"mute_export_button": "Wyeksportuj swoje wyciszenia do pliku .csv",
"mute_export": "Eksport wyciszeń"
"time": {
"time": {
"day": "{0} dzień",
"day": "{0} dzień",
@ -639,7 +662,11 @@
"unbookmark": "Usuń z zakładek",
"unbookmark": "Usuń z zakładek",
"bookmark": "Dodaj do zakładek",
"bookmark": "Dodaj do zakładek",
"hide_content": "Ukryj zawartość",
"hide_content": "Ukryj zawartość",
"show_content": "Pokaż zawartość"
"show_content": "Pokaż zawartość",
"hide_full_subject": "Ukryj cały temat",
"show_full_subject": "Pokaż cały temat",
"thread_muted_and_words": ", ma słowa:",
"thread_muted": "Wątek wyciszony"
"user_card": {
"user_card": {
"approve": "Przyjmij",
"approve": "Przyjmij",
@ -723,7 +750,8 @@
"add_reaction": "Dodaj reakcję",
"add_reaction": "Dodaj reakcję",
"user_settings": "Ustawienia użytkownika",
"user_settings": "Ustawienia użytkownika",
"accept_follow_request": "Akceptuj prośbę o możliwość obserwacji",
"accept_follow_request": "Akceptuj prośbę o możliwość obserwacji",
"reject_follow_request": "Odrzuć prośbę o możliwość obserwacji"
"reject_follow_request": "Odrzuć prośbę o możliwość obserwacji",
"bookmark": "Zakładka"
"upload": {
"upload": {
"error": {
"error": {
@ -773,9 +801,17 @@
"error_sending_message": "Coś poszło nie tak podczas wysyłania wiadomości.",
"error_sending_message": "Coś poszło nie tak podczas wysyłania wiadomości.",
"error_loading_chat": "Coś poszło nie tak podczas ładowania czatu.",
"error_loading_chat": "Coś poszło nie tak podczas ładowania czatu.",
"empty_message_error": "Nie można wysłać pustej wiadomości",
"empty_message_error": "Nie można wysłać pustej wiadomości",
"new": "Nowy czat"
"new": "Nowy czat",
"empty_chat_list_placeholder": "Nie masz jeszcze żadnych czatów. Zacznij nowy czat!",
"chats": "Czaty"
"display_date": {
"display_date": {
"today": "Dzisiaj"
"today": "Dzisiaj"
"shoutbox": {
"title": "Shoutbox"
"errors": {
"storage_unavailable": "Pleroma nie mogła uzyskać dostępu do pamięci masowej przeglądarki. Twój login lub lokalne ustawienia nie zostaną zapisane i możesz napotkać problemy. Spróbuj włączyć ciasteczka."
@ -11,9 +11,10 @@
"gopher": "Gopher",
"gopher": "Gopher",
"media_proxy": "媒体代理",
"media_proxy": "媒体代理",
"scope_options": "可见范围设置",
"scope_options": "可见范围设置",
"text_limit": "文本长度限制",
"text_limit": "文字數量限制",
"title": "功能",
"title": "功能",
"who_to_follow": "推荐关注"
"who_to_follow": "推荐关注",
"pleroma_chat_messages": "Pleroma 聊天"
"finder": {
"finder": {
"error_fetching_user": "获取用户时发生错误",
"error_fetching_user": "获取用户时发生错误",
@ -32,7 +33,12 @@
"enable": "启用",
"enable": "启用",
"confirm": "确认",
"confirm": "确认",
"verify": "验证",
"verify": "验证",
"dismiss": "忽略"
"dismiss": "忽略",
"peek": "窥探",
"close": "关闭",
"retry": "重试",
"error_retry": "请重试",
"loading": "载入中…"
"image_cropper": {
"image_cropper": {
"crop_picture": "裁剪图片",
"crop_picture": "裁剪图片",
@ -77,12 +83,15 @@
"dms": "私信",
"dms": "私信",
"public_tl": "公共时间线",
"public_tl": "公共时间线",
"timeline": "时间线",
"timeline": "时间线",
"twkn": "所有已知网络",
"twkn": "已知网络",
"user_search": "用户搜索",
"user_search": "用户搜索",
"search": "搜索",
"search": "搜索",
"who_to_follow": "推荐关注",
"who_to_follow": "推荐关注",
"preferences": "偏好设置",
"preferences": "偏好设置",
"administration": "管理员"
"administration": "管理员",
"chats": "聊天",
"timelines": "时间线",
"bookmarks": "书签"
"notifications": {
"notifications": {
"broken_favorite": "未知的状态,正在搜索中…",
"broken_favorite": "未知的状态,正在搜索中…",
@ -132,7 +141,7 @@
"text/bbcode": "BBCode"
"text/bbcode": "BBCode"
"content_warning": "主题(可选)",
"content_warning": "主题(可选)",
"default": "刚刚抵达上海",
"default": "刚刚抵达洛杉矶",
"direct_warning_to_all": "本条内容只有被提及的用户能够看到。",
"direct_warning_to_all": "本条内容只有被提及的用户能够看到。",
"direct_warning_to_first_only": "本条内容只有被在消息开始处提及的用户能够看到。",
"direct_warning_to_first_only": "本条内容只有被在消息开始处提及的用户能够看到。",
"posting": "发送",
"posting": "发送",
@ -146,7 +155,12 @@
"private": "仅关注者 - 只有关注了你的人能看到",
"private": "仅关注者 - 只有关注了你的人能看到",
"public": "公共 - 发送到公共时间轴",
"public": "公共 - 发送到公共时间轴",
"unlisted": "不公开 - 不会发送到公共时间轴"
"unlisted": "不公开 - 不会发送到公共时间轴"
"preview_empty": "空的",
"preview": "预览",
"media_description": "媒体描述",
"media_description_error": "更新媒体失败,请重试",
"empty_status_error": "不能发布没有内容、没有附件的发文"
"registration": {
"registration": {
"bio": "简介",
"bio": "简介",
@ -350,7 +364,17 @@
"clear_opacity": "清除透明度",
"clear_opacity": "清除透明度",
"load_theme": "加载主题",
"load_theme": "加载主题",
"help": {
"help": {
"upgraded_from_v2": "PleromaFE 已升级,主题会和你记忆中的不太一样。"
"upgraded_from_v2": "PleromaFE 已升级,主题会和你记忆中的不太一样。",
"older_version_imported": "您导入的文件来自旧版本的 FE。",
"future_version_imported": "您导入的文件来自更高版本的 FE。",
"v2_imported": "您导入的文件是旧版 FE 的。我们尽可能保持兼容性,但还是可能出现不一致的情况。",
"snapshot_source_mismatch": "版本冲突:很有可能是 FE 版本回滚后再次升级了,如果您使用旧版本的 FE 更改了主题那么您可能需要使用旧版本,否则请使用新版本。",
"migration_napshot_gone": "不知出于何种原因,主题快照缺失了,一些地方可能与您印象中的不符。",
"migration_snapshot_ok": "为保万无一失,加载了主题快照。您可以试着加载主题数据。",
"fe_downgraded": "PleromaFE 的版本回滚了。",
"fe_upgraded": "PleromaFE 的主题引擎随着版本更新升级了。",
"snapshot_missing": "在文件中没有主题快照,所以网站外观可能会与原来预想的不同。",
"snapshot_present": "主题快照已加载,因此所有的值均被覆盖。您可以改为加载主题的实际数据。"
"use_source": "新版本",
"use_source": "新版本",
"use_snapshot": "老版本",
"use_snapshot": "老版本",
@ -389,7 +413,25 @@
"borders": "边框",
"borders": "边框",
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"buttons": "按钮",
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"faint_text": "灰度文字",
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"border": "边框",
"outgoing": "发出的",
"incoming": "收到的"
"disabled": "禁用的",
"pressed": "按下的",
"highlight": "强调元素",
"selectedMenu": "选中的菜单项",
"selectedPost": "选中的发布内容",
"icons": "图标",
"poll": "投票统计图",
"popover": "提示框,菜单,弹出框",
"post": "发布内容/用户简介",
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"alert_warning": "警告",
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"_tab_label": "圆角"
"_tab_label": "圆角"
@ -470,7 +512,34 @@
"notification_visibility_emoji_reactions": "互动",
"notification_visibility_emoji_reactions": "互动",
"notification_visibility_moves": "用户迁移",
"notification_visibility_moves": "用户迁移",
"new_email": "新邮箱",
"new_email": "新邮箱",
"emoji_reactions_on_timeline": "在时间线上显示表情符号互动"
"emoji_reactions_on_timeline": "在时间线上显示表情符号互动",
"notification_setting_hide_notification_contents": "隐藏推送通知中的发送者与内容信息",
"notification_setting_block_from_strangers": "屏蔽来自你没有关注的用户的通知",
"type_domains_to_mute": "搜索需要隐藏的域名",
"useStreamingApi": "实时接收发布以及通知",
"user_mutes": "用户",
"reset_background_confirm": "您确定要重置个人资料背景图吗?",
"reset_banner_confirm": "您确定要重置横幅图片吗?",
"reset_avatar_confirm": "您确定要重置头像吗?",
"reset_profile_banner": "重置横幅图片",
"reset_profile_background": "重置个人资料背景图",
"reset_avatar": "重置头像",
"hide_followers_count_description": "不显示关注者数量",
"profile_fields": {
"value": "内容",
"name": "标签",
"add_field": "添加字段",
"label": "个人资料元数据"
"accent": "强调色",
"pad_emoji": "从表情符号选择器插入表情符号时,在表情两侧插入空格",
"discoverable": "允许通过搜索检索等服务找到此账号",
"mutes_and_blocks": "隐藏与屏蔽",
"bot": "这是一个机器人账号",
"fun": "趣味",
"useStreamingApiWarning": "(不推荐使用,试验性,已知会跳过一些消息)",
"chatMessageRadius": "聊天消息",
"greentext": "Meme 箭头"
"time": {
"time": {
"day": "{0} 天",
"day": "{0} 天",
@ -516,7 +585,8 @@
"show_new": "显示新内容",
"show_new": "显示新内容",
"up_to_date": "已是最新",
"up_to_date": "已是最新",
"no_more_statuses": "没有更多的状态",
"no_more_statuses": "没有更多的状态",
"no_statuses": "没有状态更新"
"no_statuses": "没有状态更新",
"reload": "重新载入"
"status": {
"status": {
"favorites": "收藏",
"favorites": "收藏",
@ -529,7 +599,17 @@
"reply_to": "回复",
"reply_to": "回复",
"replies_list": "回复:",
"replies_list": "回复:",
"mute_conversation": "隐藏对话",
"mute_conversation": "隐藏对话",
"unmute_conversation": "对话取消隐藏"
"unmute_conversation": "对话取消隐藏",
"hide_content": "隐藏内容",
"show_content": "显示内容",
"hide_full_subject": "隐藏此部分标题",
"show_full_subject": "显示全部标题",
"thread_muted": "此系列消息已被隐藏",
"copy_link": "复制状态链接",
"status_unavailable": "状态不可取得",
"unbookmark": "取消书签",
"bookmark": "书签",
"thread_muted_and_words": ",含有过滤词:"
"user_card": {
"user_card": {
"approve": "允许",
"approve": "允许",
@ -583,7 +663,9 @@
"hidden": "已隐藏",
"hidden": "已隐藏",
"show_repeats": "显示转发",
"show_repeats": "显示转发",
"hide_repeats": "隐藏转发"
"hide_repeats": "隐藏转发",
"message": "消息",
"mention": "提及"
"user_profile": {
"user_profile": {
"timeline_title": "用户时间线",
"timeline_title": "用户时间线",
@ -610,7 +692,9 @@
"favorite": "收藏",
"favorite": "收藏",
"user_settings": "用户设置",
"user_settings": "用户设置",
"reject_follow_request": "拒绝关注请求",
"reject_follow_request": "拒绝关注请求",
"add_reaction": "添加互动"
"add_reaction": "添加互动",
"bookmark": "书签",
"accept_follow_request": "接受关注请求"
"upload": {
"upload": {
"error": {
"error": {
@ -628,7 +712,7 @@
"search": {
"search": {
"people": "人",
"people": "人",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"hashtags": "话题标签",
"person_talking": "{count} 人正在讨论",
"person_talking": "{count} 人正在讨论",
"people_talking": "{count} 人正在讨论",
"people_talking": "{count} 人正在讨论",
"no_results": "没有搜索结果"
"no_results": "没有搜索结果"
@ -641,7 +725,9 @@
"check_email": "检查你的邮箱,会有一个链接用于重置密码。",
"check_email": "检查你的邮箱,会有一个链接用于重置密码。",
"return_home": "回到首页",
"return_home": "回到首页",
"too_many_requests": "你触发了尝试的限制,请稍后再试。",
"too_many_requests": "你触发了尝试的限制,请稍后再试。",
"password_reset_disabled": "密码重置已经被禁用。请联系你的实例管理员。"
"password_reset_disabled": "密码重置已经被禁用。请联系你的实例管理员。",
"password_reset_required_but_mailer_is_disabled": "您必须重置密码,但是密码重置被禁用了。请联系您所在实例的管理员。",
"password_reset_required": "您必须重置密码才能登陆。"
"remote_user_resolver": {
"remote_user_resolver": {
"error": "未找到。",
"error": "未找到。",
@ -655,7 +741,9 @@
"custom": "自定义表情符号",
"custom": "自定义表情符号",
"add_emoji": "插入表情符号",
"add_emoji": "插入表情符号",
"search_emoji": "搜索表情符号",
"search_emoji": "搜索表情符号",
"emoji": "表情符号"
"emoji": "表情符号",
"load_all": "加载所有表情符号(共 {emojiAmount} 个)",
"load_all_hint": "最先加载的 {saneAmount} 表情符号,加载全部表情符号可能会带来性能问题。"
"about": {
"about": {
"mrf": {
"mrf": {
@ -667,7 +755,12 @@
"accept_desc": "本实例只接收来自下列实例的消息:",
"accept_desc": "本实例只接收来自下列实例的消息:",
"simple_policies": "站规",
"simple_policies": "站规",
"accept": "接受",
"accept": "接受",
"media_removal": "移除媒体"
"media_removal": "移除媒体",
"media_nsfw_desc": "本实例将来自以下实例的媒体强制设置为敏感内容:",
"media_nsfw": "强制设置媒体为敏感内容",
"media_removal_desc": "本实例移除了来自以下实例的媒体内容:",
"ftl_removal_desc": "该实例在从“全部已知网络”时间线上移除了:",
"ftl_removal": "从“全部已知网络”时间线上移除"
"mrf_policies_desc": "MRF 策略会影响本实例的互通行为。以下策略已启用:",
"mrf_policies_desc": "MRF 策略会影响本实例的互通行为。以下策略已启用:",
"mrf_policies": "已启动 MRF 策略",
"mrf_policies": "已启动 MRF 策略",
@ -679,12 +772,41 @@
"reject": "拒绝"
"reject": "拒绝"
"federation": "联邦"
"federation": "联邦"
"staff": "管理人员"
"domain_mute_card": {
"domain_mute_card": {
"unmute_progress": "正在取消隐藏…",
"unmute_progress": "正在取消隐藏…",
"unmute": "取消隐藏",
"unmute": "取消隐藏",
"mute_progress": "隐藏中…",
"mute_progress": "隐藏中…",
"mute": "隐藏"
"mute": "隐藏"
"errors": {
"storage_unavailable": "Pleroma 无法访问浏览器储存。您的登陆名以及本地设置将不会被保存,您可能遇到意外问题。请尝试启用 cookies。"
"shoutbox": {
"title": "留言板"
"display_date": {
"today": "今天"
"file_type": {
"file": "文件",
"image": "图片",
"video": "视频",
"audio": "音频"
"chats": {
"empty_chat_list_placeholder": "您还没有任何聊天记录。开始聊天吧!",
"error_sending_message": "发送消息时出了点问题。",
"error_loading_chat": "加载聊天时出了点问题。",
"delete_confirm": "您确实要删除此消息吗?",
"more": "更多",
"empty_message_error": "无法发布空消息",
"new": "新聊天",
"chats": "聊天",
"delete": "删除",
"message_user": "发消息给 {nickname}",
"you": "你:"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
"emoji": {
"unicode": "統一碼繪文字",
"custom": "自定義繪文字",
"add_emoji": "插入繪文字",
"search_emoji": "搜索繪文字",
"keep_open": "選擇器保持打開",
"emoji": "繪文字",
"stickers": "貼紙",
"load_all": "加載所有繪文字(共 {emojiAmount} 個)",
"load_all_hint": "最先加載的 {saneAmount} ,加載全部繪文字可能會帶來性能問題。"
"polls": {
"not_enough_options": "投票的選項太少",
"expired": "投票 {0} 前已結束",
"expires_in": "投票於 {0} 內結束",
"expiry": "投票期限",
"multiple_choices": "多選",
"single_choice": "單選",
"type": "問卷類型",
"vote": "投票",
"votes": "票",
"option": "選項",
"add_option": "增加選項",
"add_poll": "增加投票"
"notifications": {
"reacted_with": "和 {0} 互動過",
"migrated_to": "遷移到",
"no_more_notifications": "沒有更多的通知",
"repeated_you": "轉發了你的發文",
"read": "已閱!",
"notifications": "通知",
"load_older": "載入更早的通知",
"follow_request": "想要關注你",
"followed_you": "關注了你",
"favorited_you": "喜歡了你的發文",
"broken_favorite": "未知的狀態,正在搜索中…"
"nav": {
"chats": "聊天",
"timelines": "時間線",
"preferences": "偏好設置",
"who_to_follow": "推薦關注",
"search": "搜索",
"user_search": "用戶搜索",
"bookmarks": "書籤",
"twkn": "已知網絡",
"timeline": "時間線",
"public_tl": "公共時間線",
"dms": "私信",
"interactions": "互動",
"mentions": "提及",
"friend_requests": "關注請求",
"back": "後退",
"administration": "管理",
"about": "關於"
"media_modal": {
"next": "往後",
"previous": "往前"
"login": {
"heading": {
"recovery": "雙重因素恢復",
"totp": "雙重因素驗證"
"recovery_code": "恢復碼",
"enter_two_factor_code": "輸入一個雙重因素驗證碼",
"enter_recovery_code": "輸入一個恢復碼",
"authentication_code": "驗證碼",
"hint": "登錄後加入討論",
"username": "用戶名",
"register": "註冊",
"placeholder": "例:鈴音",
"password": "密碼",
"logout": "登出",
"description": "用 OAuth 登入",
"login": "登入"
"importer": {
"error": "導入此文件時出現一個錯誤。",
"success": "導入成功。",
"submit": "提交"
"image_cropper": {
"cancel": "取消",
"save_without_cropping": "保存不裁剪",
"save": "保存",
"crop_picture": "裁剪圖片"
"general": {
"peek": "窺視",
"close": "關閉",
"verify": "驗證",
"confirm": "確認",
"enable": "啟用",
"disable": "禁用",
"cancel": "取消",
"dismiss": "忽略",
"show_less": "收起",
"show_more": "展開",
"optional": "可選",
"retry": "再試",
"error_retry": "請再試",
"generic_error": "發生一個錯誤",
"loading": "載入中…",
"more": "更多",
"submit": "提交",
"apply": "應用"
"finder": {
"find_user": "尋找用戶",
"error_fetching_user": "獲取用戶時發生錯誤"
"features_panel": {
"who_to_follow": "推薦關注",
"title": "特色",
"text_limit": "文字數量限制",
"scope_options": "可見範圍設置",
"media_proxy": "媒體代理",
"pleroma_chat_messages": "Pleroma 聊天",
"chat": "聊天",
"gopher": "Gopher"
"exporter": {
"processing": "正在處理,稍後會提示您下載文件",
"export": "導出"
"domain_mute_card": {
"unmute_progress": "取消靜音中…",
"unmute": "取消靜音",
"mute_progress": "靜音中…",
"mute": "靜音"
"shoutbox": {
"title": "留言板"
"about": {
"staff": "職員",
"mrf": {
"simple": {
"media_nsfw_desc": "這個實例強迫以下實例的帖子媒體設定為敏感:",
"media_nsfw": "媒體強制設定為敏感",
"media_removal_desc": "這個實例移除以下實例的帖子媒體:",
"media_removal": "移除媒體",
"ftl_removal_desc": "這個實例在所有已知網絡中移除下列實例:",
"ftl_removal": "從所有已知網路中移除",
"quarantine_desc": "本實例只會把公開發文發送到下列實例:",
"quarantine": "隔離",
"reject_desc": "本實例不會接收來自下列實例的消息:",
"reject": "拒絕",
"accept_desc": "本實例只接收來自下列實例的消息:",
"simple_policies": "站規",
"accept": "接受"
"mrf_policies_desc": "MRF 策略會影響本實例的互通行為。以下策略已啟用:",
"keyword": {
"ftl_removal": "從“全部已知網絡”時間線上移除",
"replace": "取代",
"reject": "拒絕",
"is_replaced_by": "→",
"keyword_policies": "關鍵字政策"
"mrf_policies": "已啟用的MRF政策",
"federation": "聯邦"
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"18pt": "大字文本 (18pt+)",
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"aaa": "符合 AAA 等級準則(推薦)",
"aa": "符合 AA 等級準則(最低)",
"bad": "不符合任何輔助功能指南"
"hint": "對比度是 {ratio}, 它 {level} {context}"
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"faint_text": "灰度文字",
"alert_error": "錯誤",
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"alert_warning": "警告",
"alert_neutral": "中性",
"post": "帖子/用戶簡介",
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"popover": "提示框,菜單,彈出框",
"panel_header": "面板標題",
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"selectedPost": "選中的帖子",
"selectedMenu": "選中的菜單項",
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"chat": {
"incoming": "收到",
"outgoing": "發出",
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"preview": {
"header_faint": "這很正常",
"header": "預覽",
"content": "內容",
"error": "例子錯誤",
"button": "按鈕",
"text": "有堆 {0} 和 {1}",
"mono": "內容",
"input": "剛剛抵達洛杉磯.",
"faint_link": "有用的手冊",
"fine_print": "閱讀我們的 {0} ,然而什麼有用的也學不到!",
"checkbox": "我已經瀏覽了條款及細則",
"link": "一個很好的小鏈接"
"shadows": {
"override": "覆寫",
"_tab_label": "陰影和燈光",
"component": "組件",
"shadow_id": "陰影 #{value}",
"blur": "模糊",
"spread": "擴散",
"inset": "插圖",
"hintV3": "對於陰影,您還可以使用{0}表示法來使用其他顏色插槽。",
"filter_hint": {
"always_drop_shadow": "警告,此陰影設置會總是使用 {0} ,如果瀏覽器支持的話。",
"drop_shadow_syntax": "{0} 不支持參數 {1} 和關鍵詞 {2} 。",
"avatar_inset": "請注意組合兩個內部和非內部的陰影到頭像上,在透明頭像上可能會有意料之外的效果。",
"spread_zero": "陰影的擴散 > 0 會同設置成零一樣",
"inset_classic": "插入內部的陰影會使用 {0}"
"components": {
"panel": "面板",
"panelHeader": "面板標題",
"topBar": "頂欄",
"avatar": "用戶頭像(在個人資料欄)",
"avatarStatus": "用戶頭像(在帖子顯示欄)",
"popup": "彈窗和工具提示",
"button": "按鈕",
"buttonHover": "按鈕(懸停)",
"buttonPressed": "按鈕(按下)",
"buttonPressedHover": "按鈕(按下和懸停)",
"input": "輸入框"
"switcher": {
"use_snapshot": "舊版",
"load_theme": "載入主題",
"keep_color": "保留顏色",
"keep_shadows": "保留陰影",
"keep_opacity": "保留透明度",
"keep_roundness": "保留圓角",
"help": {
"migration_napshot_gone": "不知出於何種原因,主題快照缺失了,一些地方可能與您印象中的不符。",
"snapshot_source_mismatch": "版本衝突:很有可能是 FE 版本回滾後再次升級了,如果您使用舊版本的 FE 更改了主題那麼您可能需要使用舊版本,否則請使用新版本。",
"future_version_imported": "您導入的文件來自更高版本的 FE。",
"older_version_imported": "您導入的文件來自舊版本的 FE。",
"snapshot_missing": "在文件中沒有主題快照,所以網站外觀可能會與原來預想的不同。",
"fe_upgraded": "PleromaFE 的主題引擎隨著版本更新升級了。",
"fe_downgraded": "PleromaFE 的版本回滾了。",
"upgraded_from_v2": "PleromaFE 已升級,主題會和你記憶中的不太一樣。",
"v2_imported": "您導入的文件是舊版 FE 的。我們儘可能保持兼容性,但還是可能出現不一致的情況。",
"snapshot_present": "載入快照已加載,因此所有值均被覆蓋。 您可以改為載入主題實際數據。",
"migration_snapshot_ok": "為保萬無一失,載入了主題快照。您可以試著載入主題數據。"
"use_source": "新版本",
"keep_as_is": "保持原狀",
"clear_opacity": "清除透明度",
"clear_all": "清除全部",
"reset": "重置",
"keep_fonts": "保留字體",
"save_load_hint": "\"保留\" 選項在選擇或載入主題時保留當前設置的選項,在導出主題時還會存儲上述選項。當所有複選框未設置時,導出主題將保存所有內容。"
"fonts": {
"components": {
"interface": "界面",
"input": "輸入框",
"post": "發帖文字",
"postCode": "帖子中使用等間距文字(富文本)"
"_tab_label": "字體",
"help": "給用戶界面的元素選擇字體。選擇 “自選”的你必須輸入確切的字體名稱。",
"family": "字體名稱",
"size": "大小 (像素)",
"weight": "字重 (粗體))",
"custom": "自選"
"common_colors": {
"foreground_hint": "點擊”高級“ 標籤進行細緻的控制",
"main": "常用顏色",
"_tab_label": "共同",
"rgbo": "圖標,強調,徽章"
"radii": {
"_tab_label": "圓角"
"notification_setting_block_from_strangers": "屏蔽來自你沒有關注的用戶的通知",
"user_mutes": "用户",
"hide_followers_count_description": "不顯示關注者數量",
"no_rich_text_description": "不顯示富文本格式",
"notification_visibility_moves": "用戶遷移",
"notification_visibility_repeats": "轉發",
"notification_visibility_mentions": "提及",
"notification_visibility_likes": "點贊",
"interfaceLanguage": "界面語言",
"instance_default": "(默認:{value})",
"inputRadius": "輸入框",
"import_theme": "導入預置主題",
"import_followers_from_a_csv_file": "從 csv 文件中導入關注",
"import_blocks_from_a_csv_file": "從 csv 文件中導入封鎖黑名單名單",
"hide_filtered_statuses": "隱藏過濾的發文",
"lock_account_description": "你需要手動審核關注請求",
"loop_video": "循環視頻",
"loop_video_silent_only": "只循環沒有聲音的視頻(例如:Mastodon 裡的“GIF”)",
"mutes_tab": "靜音",
"play_videos_in_modal": "在彈出框內播放視頻",
"profile_fields": {
"add_field": "添加字段",
"name": "標籤",
"value": "內容",
"label": "個人資料元數據"
"use_contain_fit": "生成縮略圖時不要裁剪附件",
"notification_visibility": "要顯示的通知類型",
"notification_visibility_follows": "關注",
"new_email": "新電郵",
"subject_line_mastodon": "比如mastodon: copy as is",
"reset_background_confirm": "您確定要重置個人資料背景圖嗎?",
"reset_banner_confirm": "您確定要重置橫幅圖片嗎?",
"reset_avatar_confirm": "您確定要重置頭像嗎?",
"reset_profile_banner": "重置橫幅圖片",
"reset_profile_background": "重置個人資料背景圖",
"reset_avatar": "重置頭像",
"discoverable": "允許通過搜索檢索等服務找到此賬號",
"delete_account_error": "刪除賬戶時發生錯誤,如果一直刪除不了,請聯繫實例管理員。",
"composing": "正在書寫",
"chatMessageRadius": "聊天訊息",
"mfa": {
"confirm_and_enable": "確認並啟用OTP",
"setup_otp": "設置OTP",
"otp": "OTP",
"wait_pre_setup_otp": "預設OTP",
"verify": {
"desc": "要啟用雙因素驗證,請把你的雙因素驗證 app 裡的數字輸入:"
"scan": {
"secret_code": "密鑰",
"desc": "使用你的雙因素驗證 app,掃瞄這個二維碼,或者輸入這些文字密鑰:",
"title": "掃瞄"
"authentication_methods": "身份驗證方法",
"recovery_codes_warning": "抄寫這些號碼,或者保存在安全的地方。這些號碼不會再次顯示。如果你無法訪問你的 2FA app,也丟失了你的恢復碼,你的賬號就再也無法登錄了。",
"waiting_a_recovery_codes": "正在接收備份碼…",
"recovery_codes": "恢復碼。",
"warning_of_generate_new_codes": "當你生成新的恢復碼時,你的舊恢復碼就失效了。",
"generate_new_recovery_codes": "生成新的恢復碼",
"title": "雙因素驗證"
"new_password": "新密碼",
"name_bio": "名字及簡介",
"name": "名字",
"domain_mutes": "域名",
"delete_account_instructions": "在下面輸入密碼,以確認刪除帳戶。",
"delete_account_description": "永久刪除你的帳號和所有數據。",
"delete_account": "刪除帳戶",
"default_vis": "默認可見性範圍",
"data_import_export_tab": "數據導入/導出",
"mutes_and_blocks": "靜音與封鎖",
"current_password": "當前密碼",
"confirm_new_password": "確認新密碼",
"collapse_subject": "摺疊帶標題的內容",
"checkboxRadius": "複選框",
"instance_default_simple": "(默認)",
"interface": "界面",
"invalid_theme_imported": "您所選擇的主題文件不被 Pleroma 支持,因此主題未被修改。",
"limited_availability": "在您的瀏覽器中無法使用",
"links": "鏈接",
"changed_password": "成功修改了密碼!",
"change_password_error": "修改密碼的時候出了點問題。",
"change_password": "修改密碼",
"changed_email": "郵箱修改成功!",
"bot": "這是一個機器人賬號",
"change_email": "修改電子郵箱",
"cRed": "紅色(取消)",
"cOrange": "橙色(收藏)",
"cGreen": "綠色(轉發)",
"cBlue": "藍色(回覆,關注)",
"btnRadius": "按鈕",
"notification_visibility_emoji_reactions": "互動",
"no_blocks": "沒有封鎖",
"no_mutes": "沒有靜音",
"hide_follows_description": "不要顯示我所關注的人",
"hide_followers_description": "不要顯示關注我的人",
"hide_follows_count_description": "不顯示關注數",
"nsfw_clickthrough": "將敏感附件隱藏,點擊才能打開",
"valid_until": "有效期至",
"panelRadius": "面板",
"pause_on_unfocused": "在離開頁面時暫停時間線推送",
"notifications": "通知",
"notification_setting_filters": "過濾器",
"notification_setting_privacy": "隱私",
"notification_mutes": "要停止收到某個指定的用戶的通知,請使用靜音功能。",
"notification_blocks": "封鎖一個用戶會停掉所有他的通知,等同於取消關注。",
"enable_web_push_notifications": "啟用 web 推送通知",
"presets": "預置",
"profile_background": "個人背景圖",
"profile_banner": "橫幅圖片",
"profile_tab": "個人資料",
"radii_help": "設置界面邊緣的圓角 (單位:像素)",
"reply_visibility_all": "顯示所有回覆",
"autohide_floating_post_button": "自動隱藏新帖子的按鈕(移動設備)",
"saving_err": "保存設置時發生錯誤",
"saving_ok": "設置已保存",
"search_user_to_block": "搜索你想屏蔽的用戶",
"search_user_to_mute": "搜索你想要隱藏的用戶",
"security_tab": "安全",
"set_new_avatar": "設置新頭像",
"set_new_profile_background": "設置新的個人背景",
"set_new_profile_banner": "設置新的個人橫幅",
"settings": "設置",
"subject_input_always_show": "總是顯示主題框",
"subject_line_behavior": "回覆時複製主題",
"subject_line_email": "比如電郵: \"re: 主題\"",
"subject_line_noop": "不要複製",
"post_status_content_type": "發文內容類型",
"stop_gifs": "鼠標懸停時播放GIF",
"streaming": "開啟滾動到頂部時的自動推送",
"text": "文本",
"theme": "主題",
"theme_help": "使用十六進制代碼(#rrggbb)來設置主題顏色。",
"theme_help_v2_1": "你也可以通過切換複選框來覆蓋某些組件的顏色和透明。使用“清除所有”來清楚所有覆蓋設置。",
"theme_help_v2_2": "某些條目下的圖標是背景或文本對比指示器,鼠標懸停可以獲取詳細信息。請記住,使用透明度來顯示最差的情況。",
"tooltipRadius": "提醒",
"upload_a_photo": "上傳照片",
"user_settings": "用戶設置",
"values": {
"false": "否",
"true": "是"
"avatar_size_instruction": "推薦的頭像圖片最小的尺寸是 150x150 像素。",
"emoji_reactions_on_timeline": "在時間線上顯示繪文字互動",
"export_theme": "導出預置主題",
"filtering": "過濾",
"filtering_explanation": "所有包含以下詞彙的內容都會被隱藏,一行一個",
"follow_export": "導出關注",
"follow_export_button": "將關注導出成 csv 文件",
"follow_import": "導入關注",
"follow_import_error": "導入關注時錯誤",
"follows_imported": "關注已導入!尚需要一些時間來處理。",
"hide_attachments_in_convo": "在對話中隱藏附件",
"hide_attachments_in_tl": "在時間線上隱藏附件",
"hide_muted_posts": "不顯示被靜音的用戶的帖子",
"max_thumbnails": "最多每個帖子所能顯示的縮略圖數量",
"hide_isp": "隱藏指定實例的面板",
"preload_images": "預載圖片",
"use_one_click_nsfw": "點擊一次以打開工作場所不適宜的附件",
"hide_post_stats": "隱藏帖子的統計數據(例如:收藏的次數)",
"hide_user_stats": "隱藏用戶的統計數據(例如:關注者的數量)",
"general": "通用",
"foreground": "前景",
"blocks_tab": "封鎖",
"blocks_imported": "封鎖黑名單導入成功!需要一點時間來處理。",
"block_import_error": "導入封鎖黑名單出錯",
"block_import": "封鎖黑名單導入",
"block_export_button": "導出你的封鎖黑名單到一個 csv 文件",
"block_export": "封鎖黑名單導出",
"bio": "簡介",
"background": "背景",
"avatarRadius": "頭像",
"avatarAltRadius": "頭像(通知)",
"avatar": "頭像",
"attachments": "附件",
"attachmentRadius": "附件",
"allow_following_move": "正在關注的賬號遷移時自動重新關注",
"enter_current_password_to_confirm": "輸入你當前密碼來確認你的身份",
"security": "安全",
"app_name": "App 名稱",
"change_email_error": "修改你的電子郵箱時發生錯誤。",
"type_domains_to_mute": "搜索需要隱藏的域名",
"pad_emoji": "從繪文字選擇器插入繪文字時,在繪文字兩側插入空格",
"useStreamingApi": "實時接收發佈以及通知",
"minimal_scopes_mode": "最小發文範圍",
"scope_copy": "回覆時的複製範圍(私信是總是複製的)",
"reply_visibility_self": "只顯示發送給我的回覆",
"reply_visibility_following": "只顯示發送給我的回覆/發送給我關注的用戶的回覆",
"replies_in_timeline": "時間線中的回覆",
"revoke_token": "撤消",
"show_admin_badge": "顯示管理徽章",
"accent": "強調色",
"greentext": "前文箭頭",
"show_moderator_badge": "顯示主持人徽章",
"oauth_tokens": "OAuth代幣",
"token": "代幣",
"refresh_token": "刷新代幣",
"useStreamingApiWarning": "(不推薦使用,實驗性的,已知跳過文章)",
"fun": "有趣",
"notification_setting_hide_notification_contents": "隱藏推送通知中的發送者與內容信息",
"version": {
"title": "版本",
"backend_version": "後端版本",
"frontend_version": "前端版本"
"virtual_scrolling": "優化時間線渲染",
"import_mutes_from_a_csv_file": "從CSV文件導入靜音",
"mutes_imported": "靜音導入了!處理它們將需要一段時間。",
"mute_import": "靜音導入",
"mute_import_error": "導入靜音時出錯",
"mute_export_button": "將靜音導出到csv文件",
"mute_export": "靜音導出"
"chats": {
"more": "更多",
"delete_confirm": "您確實要刪除此消息嗎?",
"error_loading_chat": "加載聊天時出了點問題。",
"error_sending_message": "發送消息時出了點問題。",
"empty_chat_list_placeholder": "您還沒有任何聊天記錄。 開始新的聊天!",
"new": "新聊天",
"empty_message_error": "無法發布空消息",
"you": "你:",
"message_user": "發消息給 {nickname}",
"delete": "刪除",
"chats": "聊天"
"file_type": {
"audio": "音頻",
"video": "視頻",
"image": "图片",
"file": "檔案"
"display_date": {
"today": "今天"
"status": {
"mute_conversation": "靜音對話",
"replies_list": "回覆:",
"reply_to": "回覆",
"pin": "在個人資料置頂",
"unpin": "取消在個人資料置頂",
"favorites": "喜歡",
"repeats": "轉發",
"delete": "刪除發文",
"pinned": "置頂",
"bookmark": "書籤",
"unbookmark": "取消書籤",
"delete_confirm": "你真的想要刪除這條發文嗎?",
"unmute_conversation": "對話取消靜音",
"status_unavailable": "發文不可取得",
"copy_link": "複製發文鏈接",
"thread_muted": "静音線程",
"show_full_subject": "顯示完整標題",
"thread_muted_and_words": ",有这些字:",
"hide_full_subject": "隱藏完整標題",
"show_content": "顯示內容",
"hide_content": "隱藏內容"
"time": {
"hours": "{0} 小時",
"days_short": "{0}天",
"day_short": "{0}天",
"days": "{0} 天",
"hour": "{0} 小时",
"hour_short": "{0}h",
"hours_short": "{0}h",
"years_short": "{0} y",
"now": "剛剛",
"day": "{0} 天",
"in_future": "還有 {0}",
"in_past": "{0} 之前",
"minute": "{0} 分鐘",
"minute_short": "{0} 分",
"minutes_short": "{0} 分",
"minutes": "{0} 分鐘",
"month": "{0} 月",
"months": "{0} 月",
"month_short": "{0} 月",
"months_short": "{0} 月",
"now_short": "剛剛",
"second": "{0} 秒",
"seconds": "{0} 秒",
"second_short": "{0} 秒",
"seconds_short": "{0} 秒",
"week": "{0}周",
"weeks": "{0}周",
"week_short": "{0}周",
"weeks_short": "{0}周",
"year": "{0} 年",
"years": "{0} 年",
"year_short": "{0}年"
"post_status": {
"media_description_error": "無法更新媒體,請重試",
"media_description": "媒體描述",
"scope": {
"unlisted": "不公開 - 不會發送到公共時間軸",
"public": "公共 - 發送到公共時間軸",
"private": "僅關注者 - 只有關注了你的人能看到",
"direct": "私信 - 只發送給被提及的用戶"
"scope_notice": {
"unlisted": "本條內容既不在公共時間線,也不會在所有已知網絡上可見",
"private": "關注你的人才能看到本條內容",
"public": "本條帖子可以被所有人看到"
"preview_empty": "空的",
"preview": "預覽",
"posting": "正在發送",
"direct_warning_to_first_only": "本條內容只有被在消息開始處提及的用戶能夠看到。",
"direct_warning_to_all": "本條內容只有被提及的用戶能夠看到。",
"account_not_locked_warning": "你的帳號沒有 {0}。任何人都可以關注你並瀏覽你的上鎖內容。",
"new_status": "發佈新發文",
"content_warning": "主題(可選)",
"content_type": {
"text/bbcode": "BBCode",
"text/markdown": "Markdown",
"text/html": "HTML",
"text/plain": "純文本"
"attachments_sensitive": "標記附件為敏感內容",
"account_not_locked_warning_link": "上鎖",
"default": "剛剛抵達洛杉磯。",
"empty_status_error": "無法發佈沒有附件的空發文"
"errors": {
"storage_unavailable": "Pleroma無法訪問瀏覽器存儲。您的登錄名或本地設置將不會保存,您可能會遇到意外問題。嘗試啟用Cookie。"
"timeline": {
"error_fetching": "獲取更新時發生錯誤",
"conversation": "對話",
"no_retweet_hint": "這條內容僅關注者可見,或者是私信,因此不能轉發",
"collapse": "摺疊",
"load_older": "載入更早的發文",
"repeated": "已轉發",
"show_new": "顯示新內容",
"reload": "重新載入",
"up_to_date": "已是最新",
"no_more_statuses": "没有更多發文",
"no_statuses": "没有發文"
"interactions": {
"load_older": "載入更早的互動",
"moves": "用戶遷移",
"follows": "新的關注者",
"favs_repeats": "轉發和收藏"
"selectable_list": {
"select_all": "選擇全部"
"remote_user_resolver": {
"error": "未找到。",
"searching_for": "搜索",
"remote_user_resolver": "遠程用戶解析器"
"registration": {
"validations": {
"password_confirmation_match": "不能和密碼一樣",
"password_confirmation_required": "不能留空",
"password_required": "不能留空",
"email_required": "不能留空",
"fullname_required": "不能留空",
"username_required": "不能留空"
"fullname": "顯示名稱",
"bio_placeholder": "例如:\n你好,我是玲音。\n我是一個住在日本郊區的動畫少女。你可能在 Wired 見過我。",
"fullname_placeholder": "例如:岩倉玲音",
"username_placeholder": "例如:玲音",
"new_captcha": "點擊圖片獲取新的驗證碼",
"captcha": "CAPTCHA",
"token": "邀請碼",
"registration": "註冊",
"password_confirm": "確認密碼",
"email": "電子郵箱",
"bio": "簡介"
"user_card": {
"its_you": "就是你!!",
"media": "媒體",
"per_day": "每天",
"remote_follow": "跨站關注",
"subscribe": "訂閱",
"mute_progress": "靜音中…",
"admin_menu": {
"delete_account": "刪除賬號",
"delete_user": "刪除用戶",
"delete_user_confirmation": "你確認嗎?此操作無法撤銷。",
"moderation": "調停",
"grant_admin": "賦予管理權限",
"revoke_admin": "撤銷管理權限",
"grant_moderator": "賦予主持人權限",
"revoke_moderator": "撤銷主持人權限",
"activate_account": "啟用賬號",
"deactivate_account": "關閉賬號",
"force_nsfw": "標記所有的帖子都是工作場合不適",
"strip_media": "從帖子裡刪除媒體文件",
"force_unlisted": "強制帖子為不公開",
"sandbox": "強制帖子為只有關注者可看",
"disable_remote_subscription": "禁止從遠程實例關注用戶",
"disable_any_subscription": "完全禁止關注用戶",
"quarantine": "從聯合實例中禁止用戶帖子"
"approve": "批准",
"block": "封鎖",
"blocked": "已封鎖!",
"deny": "拒絕",
"favorites": "喜歡",
"follow": "關注",
"follow_sent": "請求已發送!",
"follow_progress": "請求中…",
"follow_again": "再次發送請求?",
"follow_unfollow": "取消關注",
"followees": "正在關注",
"followers": "關注者",
"following": "正在關注!",
"follows_you": "關注了你!",
"hidden": "已隱藏",
"mention": "提及",
"message": "消息",
"mute": "靜音",
"muted": "已靜音",
"report": "報告",
"statuses": "發文",
"unsubscribe": "退訂",
"unblock": "取消封鎖",
"unblock_progress": "取消封鎖中…",
"block_progress": "封鎖中…",
"unmute": "取消靜音",
"unmute_progress": "取消靜音中…",
"hide_repeats": "隱藏轉發",
"show_repeats": "顯示轉發"
"user_profile": {
"timeline_title": "用戶時間線",
"profile_does_not_exist": "抱歉,此個人資料不存在。",
"profile_loading_error": "抱歉,載入個人資料時出錯。"
"user_reporting": {
"title": "報告 {0}",
"add_comment_description": "此報告會發送給你的實例管理員。你可以在下面提供更多詳細信息解釋報告的緣由:",
"forward_to": "轉發 {0}",
"submit": "提交",
"generic_error": "當處理你的請求時,發生了一個錯誤。",
"additional_comments": "其它評論",
"forward_description": "這個賬號是從另外一個服務器。同時發送一個報告到那裡?"
"who_to_follow": {
"more": "更多",
"who_to_follow": "推薦關注"
"tool_tip": {
"media_upload": "上傳多媒體",
"repeat": "轉發",
"favorite": "喜歡",
"add_reaction": "添加互動",
"reply": "回覆",
"user_settings": "用戶設置",
"accept_follow_request": "接受關注請求",
"reject_follow_request": "拒絕關注請求",
"bookmark": "書籤"
"upload": {
"file_size_units": {
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB"
"error": {
"base": "上傳失敗。",
"file_too_big": "文件太大[{filesize} {filesizeunit} / {allowedsize} {allowedsizeunit}]",
"default": "稍後再試"
"search": {
"people": "人",
"hashtags": "標籤",
"person_talking": "{count} 人正在討論",
"people_talking": "{count} 人正在討論",
"no_results": "沒有搜索結果"
"password_reset": {
"forgot_password": "忘記密碼了?",
"password_reset": "重置密碼",
"instruction": "輸入你的電郵地址或者用戶名,我們將發送一個鏈接到你的郵箱,用於重置密碼。",
"placeholder": "你的電郵地址或者用戶名",
"check_email": "檢查你的郵箱,會有一個鏈接用於重置密碼。",
"return_home": "回到首頁",
"too_many_requests": "你觸發了嘗試的限制,請稍後再試。",
"password_reset_disabled": "密碼重置已經被禁用。請聯繫你的實例管理員。",
"password_reset_required": "您必須重置密碼才能登陸。",
"password_reset_required_but_mailer_is_disabled": "您必須重置密碼,但是密碼重置被禁用了。請聯繫您所在實例的管理員。"
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