import Status from '../status/status.vue' const debug = console.log const ThreadTree = { components: { Status }, name: 'ThreadTree', props: { depth: Number, status: Object, inProfile: Boolean, conversation: Array, collapsable: Boolean, isExpanded: Boolean, pinnedStatusIdsObject: Object, profileUserId: String, focused: Function, getHighlight: Function, getReplies: Function, setHighlight: Function, toggleExpanded: Function, // to control display of the whole thread forest toggleThreadDisplay: Function, threadDisplayStatus: Object, showThreadRecursively: Function, totalReplyCount: Object, totalReplyDepth: Object, statusContentProperties: Object, setStatusContentProperty: Function, toggleStatusContentProperty: Function }, computed: { reverseLookupTable () { return this.conversation.reduce((table, status, index) => { table[] = index return table }, {}) }, currentReplies () { debug('status:', this.status) debug('getReplies:', this.getReplies( return this.getReplies({ id }) => this.statusById(id)) }, threadShowing () { return this.threadDisplayStatus[] === 'showing' }, currentProp () { return this.statusContentProperties[] } }, methods: { statusById (id) { return this.conversation[this.reverseLookupTable[id]] }, collapseThread () { }, showThread () { }, showAllSubthreads () { }, toggleCurrentProp (name) { this.toggleStatusContentProperty(, name) } } } export default ThreadTree