import Vue from 'vue' import map from 'lodash/map' const defaultEntryPropsGetter = entry => ({ entry }) const defaultKeyGetter = entry => const withList = ({ getEntryProps = defaultEntryPropsGetter, // function to accept entry and index values and return props to be passed into the item component getKey = defaultKeyGetter // funciton to accept entry and index values and return key prop value }) => (ItemComponent) => ( Vue.component('withList', { render (createElement) { return (
{map(this.entries, (entry, index) => { const props = { key: getKey(entry, index), props: { ...this.$props.entryProps, ...getEntryProps(entry, index) }, on: this.$props.entryListeners } return })}
) }, props: ['entries', 'entryProps', 'entryListeners'] }) ) export default withList