module.exports = { // root dir // this is from all paths will be calculated, // it also specify location of your .spec files!! // @default '../src/' rootDir: '../../../', // should stop after error ? // keep it off, or you won't see any console.logs!! // @default: false bail: false, // verbose output // @default: true verbose: true, // collect coverage // @default: true collectCoverage: false, // ignored paths modulePathIgnorePatterns: [ // '<rootDir>/something/', ], // jest reporters // define reports format // @default: 'default' & 'json' reporters: [ 'default', ], // testEnvironment: 'jsdom', setupTestFrameworkScriptFile: '<rootDir>tools/jest/config/framework-config.js', transform: { '^.+.(js|jsx)$': 'babel-jest', // '^.+.(css|scss)': '<rootDir>tools/unit-tests/jest/compilers/css-transform.js', // '^(?!.*.(js|jsx|css|scss|json)$)': '<rootDir>tools/unit-tests/jest/compilers/file-transform.js' }, };