demo | ||
dist | ||
src | ||
tools | ||
.babelrc | ||
.gitignore | ||
.npmignore | ||
package.json | ||
Auto inject version - Webpack plugin
Adds version from package.json into every single file as top comment block.
$ npm install webpack-auto-inject-version --save-dev
What it gives you
Auto Inject Version (AIV) can:
- inject version from package.json into every bundle file as a comment ( at the top )
- inject version from package.json into any place in your HTML by special tag
- inject version from package.json into any place in CSS/JS file by special tag
- auto increase package.json version by --env.major, --env.minor, --env.patch passed into webpack
Please take a look into demo/
Inject example
AIV can inject version number for all your bundle files (css,js,html).
// [AIV] Build version: 1.0.10
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
Example html:
<!-- [AIV] Build version: 1.0.10 -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
How to configure
In webpack.conf.js ( or any name of webpack conf file )
var WebpackAutoInject = require('webpack-auto-inject-version');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new WebpackAutoInject({
// options
// example:
components: {
AutoIncreaseVersion: false
Auto increase package.json number.
This option requires extra argument to be sent to webpack build.
It happens before anything else to make sure that your new version is injected into your files.
Arguments: --env.major --env.minor --env.patch
Example for package.json run type, npm run start => ( 1.2.10 to 2.0.0 )
"version" : "1.2.10",
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack --env.major"
Default: true
Inject version number into your file
Version will replace the <{version}> tag.
<span>My awesome project | [AIV]{version}[/AIV]</span>
var version = '[AIV]{version}[/AIV]';
Default: true
This will inject your version as a comment into any css,js,html file.
Default: true
Development advice
Demo has been created to simplify the testing of the webpack-plugin, if you would like to work on this webpack plugin you should:
- clone the repo
- npm install on ./ & ./demo
- npm start on ./
- and then you can test your code by demo/ npm start