
135 lines
3.4 KiB

let urlSlug = require('url-slug')
const { Op } = require("sequelize");
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
let Thread = sequelize.define('Thread', {
name: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT,
set (val) {
this.setDataValue('name', val)
if(val) {
//if you don't covert to lowercase it doesn't
//correctly slugify diacritics, e.g. thrËad
//becomes 'thr-ead' not 'thread'
urlSlug(val.toString().toLowerCase() || '') || '_'
allowNull: false,
validate: {
notEmpty: {
msg: 'Did you forget something?'
len: {
args: [4, 50],
msg: 'The title must be between 4 and 50 characters'
isString (val) {
if(typeof val !== 'string') {
throw new sequelize.ValidationError('The title must be a string')
slug: DataTypes.TEXT,
postsCount: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
defaultValue: 0
locked: {
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
defaultValue: false
inactive: {
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
defaultValue: true
Thread.associate = function (models) {
Thread.hasMany(models.Post, { foreignKeyConstraint: true, onDelete: 'CASCADE' })
Thread.includeOptions = function (from, limit) {
let models = sequelize.models
return [
{ model: models.User, attributes: ['username', 'createdAt', 'color', 'picture', 'updatedAt', 'id'] },
model: models.Post,
where: { postNumber: { [Op.gte]: from } },
order: [['id', 'ASC']],
include: [
{ model: models.Thread, attributes: ['slug'] },
{ model: models.User, as: 'Likes', attributes: ['username', 'createdAt', 'id', 'color', 'picture'] },
{ model: models.User, attributes: ['username', 'createdAt', 'id', 'color', 'picture', 'admin'] },
model: models.Post, as: 'Replies', include:
[{ model: models.User, attributes: ['username', 'id', 'color', 'picture'] }]
Thread.prototype.getMeta = function (limit) {
let meta = {}
let posts = this.Posts
let firstPost = posts[0]
let lastPost = posts.slice(-1)[0]
//next url
if(!lastPost || lastPost.postNumber+1 === this.postsCount) {
meta.nextURL = null
} else {
meta.nextURL =
`/api/v1/forums/thread/${}?limit=${limit}&from=${lastPost.postNumber + 1}`
//previous url
if(!firstPost || firstPost.postNumber === 0) {
meta.previousURL = null
} else if(firstPost.postNumber - limit < 0) {
meta.previousURL =
} else {
meta.previousURL =
`/api/v1/forums/thread/${}?limit=${limit}&from=${firstPost.postNumber - limit}`
//remaining posts
if(lastPost === undefined) {
meta.nextPostsCount = 0
meta.previousPostsCount = 0
meta.postsRemaining = 0
} else {
let postsRemaining =
this.postsCount - lastPost.postNumber - 1
meta.postsRemaining = postsRemaining
if(postsRemaining < limit) {
meta.nextPostsCount = postsRemaining
} else {
meta.nextPostsCount = limit
if(firstPost.postNumber === 0) {
meta.previousPostsCount = 0
} else if(firstPost.postNumber - limit < 0) {
meta.previousPostsCount = firstPost.postNumber
} else {
meta.previousPostsCount = limit
return meta
return Thread