
344 lines
9.9 KiB

"login": {
"title": "Login to Kaverti",
"login": "Login",
"loginPassword": "Please enter your password",
"loginUsername": "Please enter your username or email",
"doNotSaveAuth": "Do not save token to browser (will be logged out when refreshed)",
"register": "Don't have an account?"
"register": {
"title": "Register to Kaverti",
"text": "Register",
"username": "Please enter your username",
"email": "Please enter your valid email",
"password": "Please enter a secure password",
"confirm": "Please re-enter the secure password",
"login": "Already have a Kaverti account?",
"agree": "Do you agree to the "
"teams": {
"createTeam": "Create Team",
"joinTeam": "Join Team",
"join": "Join",
"invite": "Invite",
"viewPermissions": "View role permissions",
"devBanner": "Teams are currently in development, expect missing features.",
"view": "View",
"viewTeam": "View Team",
"memberRoles": "Members and Roles",
"members": "Members",
"roles": "Roles",
"items": "Created Items",
"foundedAt": "Team was founded at",
"teamWall": "Team Wall",
"teamWallText": "'s Team Wall",
"verified": "Verified Team",
"admin": {
"text": "Team Administration",
"nav": {
"general": "General",
"roles": "Roles",
"members": "Members",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"invites": "Invites",
"forum": "Forum",
"verification": "Verification"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"name": "Name",
"description": "Description",
"saveTeam": "Save Team",
"modifyPicture": "Modify Team avatar"
"roles": {
"title": "Roles",
"addRole": "Add Role",
"saveOrder": "Save role order",
"modifying": "Modifying",
"name": "Chosen role name",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"creating": "Creating a role"
"members": {
"title": "Members",
"modifyRoles": "Modify user roles",
"removeAllRoles": "Remove all roles from user"
"privacy": {
"title": "Team Privacy",
"teamWall": "Opt out of team walls",
"disallowForum": "Disallow anyone from viewing/creating on your Team Forum"
"invites": {
"title": "Invites",
"code": "Code",
"uses": "Uses",
"maxUses": "Max Uses",
"createdBy": "Created by",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete selected",
"generate": "Generate invite"
"invite": {
"title": "Invite people to",
"amountUses": "Amount of uses (0 is Unlimited)",
"role": "Please select a role for the user to be auto assigned (optional)",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"inviteURL": "Invite URL",
"domain": ""
"permissionTypes": {
"inviteUsers": "Invite users",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"modifyRoles": "Modify roles/permissions/users",
"modifyTeamSettings": "Modify team settings",
"teamForum": "Modify team forum configuration",
"forumModerator": "Forum moderation permissions",
"forumAdmin": "Forum administrator",
"submitMarketplace": "Submit Marketplace items",
"priorityValue": "Set priority value"
"navbar": {
"home": "Home",
"forums": "Forums",
"marketplace": "Marketplace",
"downloads": "Downloads",
"games": "Games",
"users": "Users",
"teams": "Teams",
"dev": {
"title": "Developer Options",
"fakeUser": "Fake User Auth",
"debug": "Debug Page",
"brokenRoute": "Enable broken (disabled) routes"
"user": {
"title": "Unknown",
"profile": "My Profile",
"creations": "My Creations",
"downloads": "Downloads",
"avatar": "My Avatar",
"transactions": "Transactions",
"settings": "Settings",
"logout": "Logout",
"admin": "Admin",
"friends": "Friends"
"more": {
"title": "More",
"twitter": "Twitter",
"discord": "Discord",
"roadmap": "Roadmap",
"documentation": "API Docs",
"stats": "Kaverti Stats",
"blog": "Kaverti Blog"
"register": "Register",
"login": "Login"
"404": {
"title": "404 Not Found",
"text": "Oh uh! You must've entered the address wrong!",
"quoteText": "There is currently 2900 WIND quotes available",
"windQuote": "WIND Quote",
"home": "Go Home"
"debug": {
"title": "Debug mode enabled",
"authUser": "Authenticated user",
"state": "State dump",
"userState": "User state dump",
"token": "Auth token in state",
"disable": "Disable debug options",
"auth": "Test authentication"
"errors": {
"authFail": "Request failed, you are not authenticated. (Is API blocked?)",
"devBuild": "Warning: You are using a development build of Kaverti, expect instabilities.",
"disableDebug": "Debug mode disabled, you will no longer have access to development features until you refresh.",
"authSuccess": "Request successful, your token is valid, and the Kaverti server instance is running correctly.",
"login": "You have been logged into Kaverti.",
"down": "There has appeared to be an issue communicating with Kaverti, please try again later.",
"canaryBuild": "You are using the Canary client, if you are expecting a stable experience, please use the regular one on",
"logout": "You have been logged out of Kaverti.",
"register": "You have been registered to Kaverti, Welcome!",
"emailVerify": "Please verify your email to get full access to Kaverti!"
"generic": {
"name": "Kaverti",
"loading": "Loading",
"noItemsConnection": "Please check your internet connection, or try again later.",
"noItemsStart": "There are no",
"noItemsEnd": "to display.",
"adminOnly": "Only users with admin are allowed to navigate to this route.",
"notLoggedIn": "You have to login to access this route."
"relationships": {
"pending": "Cancel Friend Request",
"notFriends": "Send Friend Request",
"pendingCanAccept": "Accept Friend Request",
"accepted": "Remove friend"
"modifyUser": {
"title": "Modify User",
"text": "Modify user badges"
"home": {
"globalWall": "Global Wall",
"news": "Kaverti News"
"badges": {
"admin": "Admin",
"bot": "Bot",
"add": "+",
"system": "System",
"banned": "Banned",
"hidden": "Hidden",
"booster": "Discord Booster"
"user": {
"title": "Loading",
"about": "About",
"more": "More of",
"posts": "Posts",
"threads": "Threads",
"inventory": "Inventory",
"awards": "Awards",
"items": "Items",
"wall": "User Wall",
"description": "Description",
"created": "Registered at",
"defaultDesc": "Hi, I'm ",
"marketplace": "Published items",
"relationships": "Friends",
"wearing": "Wearing",
"inventoryTab": {
"buyNow": "Buy now for ",
"was": "was",
"unavailable": "Item is unavailable",
"noItems": "This user doesn't have any items in their inventory yet!",
"onSale": "Item is on sale"
"stats": {
"title": "Stats",
"users": "Registered users",
"purchased": "Purchased items",
"items": "Uploaded items",
"posts": "Forum posts",
"threads": "Threads",
"teams": "Teams"
"settings": {
"title": "User Settings",
"general": {
"title": "General",
"about": "About",
"description": "Description",
"hi": "Hi, I'm",
"saveDesc": "Save Description",
"savePref": "Save Preferences",
"preferences": "Preferences",
"devMode": "Developer Mode"
"security": {
"title": "Security"
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy"
"experiments": {
"title": "Experiments"
"about": {
"title": "About"
"languages": {
"title": "Locale Selector",
"en": "English",
"wind": "Windspeak",
"debug": "Debug"
"admin": {
"title": "Kaverti Admin",
"dashboard": "Dashboard (SOON)",
"uploadItem": "Create Hat",
"executive": {
"title": "Executive Staff",
"soon": "(SOON)"
"marketplace": {
"hats": "Hats",
"faces": "Faces",
"shirts": "Shirts",
"pants": "Pants",
"collections": "Collections",
"moreInfo": "More info",
"filter": "Filters",
"search": "Search the Marketplace"
"update": {
"title": "Changelog for new update"
"marketplaceItem": {
"moreInfo": "Information and Stats",
"price": "Price",
"originalPrice": "Original Price",
"creator": "The Creator"
"friends": {
"pendingCanAccept": "Requests to you",
"pending": "Requests from you",
"accepted": "Accepted requests"
"feedback": {
"title": "Route Feedback",
"email": "Email we can get back to you with:",
"route": "Route you are providing feedback for:",
"rating": "Rating",
"text": "How can we improve?",
"submit": "Submit"
"guided": {
"registration": {
"title": "Welcome to Kaverti",
"desc": "Let's get started...",
"account": "Account",
"information": "Info",
"customization": "Customization",
"finish": "Finish",
"continue": "Continue",
"init": {
"login": "Login"
"info": {
"description": "Your chosen description:",
"placeholder": "Say something interesting about yourself."
"customize": {
"light": "Light",
"dark": "Dark",
"amoled": "AMOLED",
"highContrast": "High Contrast",
"theme": "Select your preferred theme:"
"finishing": {
"home": "Start using Kaverti"
"tCreate": {
"currency": "Koins",
"close": "Close",
"tos": "Terms of Service",
"gotIt": "Got it!",
"OK": "OK",
"errorModalTitle": "Something went wrong..."