2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
from logging import getLogger
from re import sub
import xbmcgui
from ..utils import cast
from ..plex_db import PlexDB
from .. import utils, timing, variables as v, app, plex_functions as PF
from .. import widgets
LOG = getLogger('PLEX.api')
2020-11-05 15:47:04 +01:00
('tvdb', utils.REGEX_TVDB),
2021-07-06 12:46:47 -03:00
('tmdb', utils.REGEX_TMDB),
('anidb', utils.REGEX_ANIDB))
2021-09-30 13:31:23 +02:00
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
class Base(object):
Processes a Plex media server's XML response
xml: xml.etree.ElementTree element
2021-09-30 13:31:23 +02:00
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
def __init__(self, xml):
self.xml = xml
# which media part in the XML response shall we look at if several
# media files are present for the SAME video? (e.g. a 4k and a 1080p
# version)
self.part = 0
self.mediastream = None
# Make sure we're only checking our Plex DB once
self._checked_db = False
# In order to run through the leaves of the xml only once
self._scanned_children = False
self._genres = []
self._countries = []
self._collections = []
self._people = []
self._cast = []
self._directors = []
self._writers = []
self._producers = []
self._locations = []
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self._intro_markers = []
2020-11-05 15:47:04 +01:00
self._guids = {}
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
self._coll_match = None
# Plex DB attributes
self._section_id = None
self._kodi_id = None
self._last_sync = None
self._last_checksum = None
self._kodi_fileid = None
self._kodi_pathid = None
self._fanart_synced = None
def tag(self):
Returns the xml etree tag, e.g. 'Directory', 'Playlist', 'Hub', 'Video'
return self.xml.tag
2019-10-31 12:51:21 +01:00
def tag_label(self):
Returns the 'tag' attribute of the xml
return self.xml.get('tag')
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
def attrib(self):
Returns the xml etree attrib dict
return self.xml.attrib
def plex_id(self):
Returns the Plex ratingKey as an integer or None
return cast(int, self.xml.get('ratingKey'))
2019-07-06 21:20:23 +02:00
def fast_key(self):
Returns the 'fastKey' as unicode or None
return self.xml.get('fastKey')
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
def plex_type(self):
Returns the type of media, e.g. 'movie' or 'clip' for trailers as
Unicode or None.
return self.xml.get('type')
def section_id(self):
return self._section_id
def kodi_id(self):
return self._kodi_id
def kodi_type(self):
return v.KODITYPE_FROM_PLEXTYPE[self.plex_type]
def last_sync(self):
return self._last_sync
def last_checksum(self):
return self._last_checksum
def kodi_fileid(self):
return self._kodi_fileid
def kodi_pathid(self):
return self._kodi_pathid
def fanart_synced(self):
return self._fanart_synced
2020-11-05 15:47:04 +01:00
def guids(self):
return self._guids
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
def check_db(self, plexdb=None):
Check's whether we synched this item to Kodi. If so, then retrieve the
appropriate Kodi info like the kodi_id and kodi_fileid
Pass in a plexdb DB-connection for a faster lookup
if self._checked_db:
self._checked_db = True
if self.plex_type == v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP:
# Clips won't ever be synched to Kodi
if plexdb:
db_item = plexdb.item_by_id(self.plex_id, self.plex_type)
with PlexDB(lock=False) as plexdb:
db_item = plexdb.item_by_id(self.plex_id, self.plex_type)
if not db_item:
self._section_id = db_item['section_id']
self._kodi_id = db_item['kodi_id']
self._last_sync = db_item['last_sync']
self._last_checksum = db_item['checksum']
if 'kodi_fileid' in db_item:
self._kodi_fileid = db_item['kodi_fileid']
if 'kodi_pathid' in db_item:
self._kodi_pathid = db_item['kodi_pathid']
if 'fanart_synced' in db_item:
self._fanart_synced = db_item['fanart_synced']
def path_and_plex_id(self):
Returns the Plex key such as '/library/metadata/246922' or None
return self.xml.get('key')
def item_id(self):
Returns current playQueueItemID or if unsuccessful the playListItemID
as int.
If not found, None is returned
return (cast(int, self.xml.get('playQueueItemID')) or
cast(int, self.xml.get('playListItemID')))
def playlist_type(self):
Returns the playlist type ('video', 'audio') or None
return self.xml.get('playlistType')
def library_section_id(self):
Returns the id of the Plex library section (for e.g. a movies section)
as an int or None
return cast(int, self.xml.get('librarySectionID'))
def guid_html_escaped(self):
Returns the 'guid' attribute, e.g.
as an HTML-escaped string or None
guid = self.xml.get('guid')
return utils.escape_html(guid) if guid else None
def date_created(self):
Returns the date when this library item was created in Kodi-time as
If not found, returns 2000-01-01 10:00:00
res = self.xml.get('addedAt')
return timing.plex_date_to_kodi(res) if res else '2000-01-01 10:00:00'
def updated_at(self):
Returns the last time this item was updated as an int, e.g.
1524739868 or None
return cast(int, self.xml.get('updatedAt'))
def checksum(self):
Returns the unique int <ratingKey><updatedAt>. If updatedAt is not set,
addedAt is used.
return int('%s%s' % (self.xml.get('ratingKey'),
2021-01-31 17:20:17 +01:00
abs(int(self.xml.get('updatedAt') or
self.xml.get('addedAt', '1541572987')))))
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
def title(self):
Returns the title of the element as unicode or 'Missing Title'
return self.xml.get('title', 'Missing Title')
def sorttitle(self):
Returns an item's sorting name/title or the title itself if not found
"Missing Title" if both are not present
return self.xml.get('titleSort',
self.xml.get('title', 'Missing Title'))
def plex_media_streams(self):
Returns the media streams directly from the PMS xml.
Mind to set self.mediastream and self.part before calling this method!
2021-09-30 14:17:52 +02:00
return self.xml[self.mediastream][self.part]
except TypeError:
# Direct Paths when we don't set mediastream and part
return self.xml[0][0]
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
2021-09-13 14:35:58 +02:00
def part_id(self):
Returns the unique id of the currently active part [int]
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return int(self.xml[self.mediastream][self.part].attrib['id'])
except TypeError:
# Direct Paths when we don't set mediastream and part
return int(self.xml[0][0].attrib['id'])
2021-09-13 14:35:58 +02:00
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
def plot(self):
Returns the plot or None.
return self.xml.get('summary')
def tagline(self):
Returns a shorter tagline of the plot or None
return self.xml.get('tagline')
def shortplot(self):
Not yet implemented - returns None
def premiere_date(self):
Returns the "originallyAvailableAt", e.g. "2018-11-16" or None
return self.xml.get('originallyAvailableAt')
def kodi_premiere_date(self):
Takes Plex' originallyAvailableAt of the form "yyyy-mm-dd" and returns
Kodi's "dd.mm.yyyy" or None
date = self.premiere_date()
if date is None:
date = sub(r'(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)', r'\3.\2.\1', date)
except Exception:
date = None
return date
def year(self):
Returns the production(?) year ("year") as Unicode or None
return self.xml.get('year')
def studios(self):
Returns a list of the 'studio' - currently only ever 1 entry.
Or returns an empty list
return [self.xml.get('studio')] if self.xml.get('studio') else []
def content_rating(self):
Get the content rating or None
mpaa = self.xml.get('contentRating')
if not mpaa:
# Convert more complex cases
if mpaa in ('NR', 'UR'):
# Kodi seems to not like NR, but will accept Rated Not Rated
mpaa = 'Rated Not Rated'
elif mpaa.startswith('gb/'):
mpaa = mpaa.replace('gb/', 'UK:', 1)
return mpaa
def rating(self):
Returns the rating [float] first from 'audienceRating', if that fails
from 'rating'.
Returns 0.0 if both are not found
return cast(float, self.xml.get('audienceRating',
self.xml.get('rating'))) or 0.0
def votecount(self):
Not implemented by Plex yet - returns None
def runtime(self):
Returns the total duration of the element in seconds as int.
0 if not found
runtime = cast(float, self.xml.get('duration')) or 0.0
return int(runtime * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR)
def leave_count(self):
Returns the following dict or None
'totalepisodes': unicode('leafCount'),
'watchedepisodes': unicode('viewedLeafCount'),
'unwatchedepisodes': unicode(totalepisodes - watchedepisodes)
total = int(self.xml.attrib['leafCount'])
watched = int(self.xml.attrib['viewedLeafCount'])
return {
'totalepisodes': unicode(total),
'watchedepisodes': unicode(watched),
'unwatchedepisodes': unicode(total - watched)
except (KeyError, TypeError):
# Stuff having to do with parent and grandparent items
def index(self):
Returns the 'index' of the element [int]. Depicts e.g. season number of
the season or the track number of the song
return cast(int, self.xml.get('index'))
def show_id(self):
Returns the episode's tv show's Plex id [int] or None
return self.grandparent_id()
def show_title(self):
Returns the episode's tv show's name/title [unicode] or None
return self.grandparent_title()
def season_id(self):
Returns the episode's season's Plex id [int] or None
return self.parent_id()
def season_number(self):
Returns the episode's season number (e.g. season '2') as an int or None
return self.parent_index()
2021-02-24 17:20:37 +01:00
def season_name(self):
Returns the season's name/title or None
return self.xml.get('title')
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
def artist_name(self):
Returns the artist name for an album: first it attempts to return
'parentTitle', if that failes 'originalTitle'
return self.xml.get('parentTitle', self.xml.get('originalTitle'))
def parent_id(self):
Returns the 'parentRatingKey' as int or None
return cast(int, self.xml.get('parentRatingKey'))
def parent_index(self):
Returns the 'parentRatingKey' as int or None
return cast(int, self.xml.get('parentIndex'))
def grandparent_id(self):
Returns the ratingKey for the corresponding grandparent, e.g. a TV show
for episodes, or None
return cast(int, self.xml.get('grandparentRatingKey'))
def grandparent_title(self):
Returns the title for the corresponding grandparent, e.g. a TV show
name for episodes, or None
return self.xml.get('grandparentTitle')
def disc_number(self):
Returns the song's disc number as an int or None if not found
return self.parent_index()
def _scan_children(self):
Ensures that we're scanning the xml's subelements only once
if self._scanned_children:
self._scanned_children = True
cast_order = 0
for child in self.xml:
if child.tag == 'Role':
cast_order += 1
elif child.tag == 'Genre':
elif child.tag == 'Country':
elif child.tag == 'Director':
elif child.tag == 'Writer':
elif child.tag == 'Producer':
elif child.tag == 'Location':
elif child.tag == 'Collection':
self._collections.append((cast(int, child.get('id')),
2020-11-05 15:47:04 +01:00
elif child.tag == 'Guid':
guid = child.get('id')
guid = guid.split('://', 1)
self._guids[guid[0]] = guid[1]
2021-02-07 21:42:47 +01:00
elif child.tag == 'Marker' and child.get('type') == 'intro':
intro = (cast(float, child.get('startTimeOffset')),
cast(float, child.get('endTimeOffset')))
if None in intro:
# Safety net if PMS xml is not as expected
intro = (intro[0] / 1000.0, intro[1] / 1000.0)
2020-11-05 15:47:04 +01:00
# Plex Movie agent (legacy) or "normal" Plex tv show agent
if not self._guids:
guid = self.xml.get('guid')
if not guid:
for provider, regex in METADATA_PROVIDERS:
provider_id = regex.findall(guid)
self._guids[provider] = provider_id[0]
except IndexError:
# There will only ever be one entry
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
def cast(self):
Returns a list of tuples of the cast:
[(<name of actor [unicode]>,
<thumb url [unicode, may be None]>,
<role [unicode, may be None]>,
<order of appearance [int]>)]
return self._cast
def genres(self):
Returns a list of genres found
return self._genres
def countries(self):
Returns a list of all countries
return self._countries
def directors(self):
Returns a list of all directors
return self._directors
def writers(self):
Returns a list of all writers
return self._writers
def producers(self):
Returns a list of all producers
return self._producers
def tv_show_path(self):
Returns the direct path to the TV show, e.g. '\\NAS\tv\series'
or None
if self._locations:
return self._locations[0]
def collections(self):
Returns a list of tuples of the collection id and tags or an empty list
[(<collection id 1>, <collection name 1>), ...]
return self._collections
def people(self):
Returns a dict with lists of tuples:
'actor': [(<name of actor [unicode]>,
<thumb url [unicode, may be None]>,
<role [unicode, may be None]>,
<order of appearance [int]>)]
'director': [..., (<name>, ), ...],
'writer': [..., (<name>, ), ...]
Everything in unicode, except <cast order> which is an int.
Only <art-url> and <role> may be None if not found.
return {
'actor': self._cast,
'director': [(x, ) for x in self._directors],
'writer': [(x, ) for x in self._writers]
def extras(self):
Returns an iterator for etree elements for each extra, e.g. trailers
Returns None if no extras are found
extras = self.xml.find('Extras')
2019-06-25 18:12:46 +02:00
if extras is None:
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
return (x for x in extras)
def trailer(self):
Returns the URL for a single trailer (local trailer preferred; first
trailer found returned) or an add-on path to list all Plex extras
if the user setting showExtrasInsteadOfTrailer is set.
Returns None if nothing is found.
url = None
for extras in self.xml.iterfind('Extras'):
# There will always be only 1 extras element
if (len(extras) > 0 and
return ('plugin://%s?mode=route_to_extras&plex_id=%s'
% (v.ADDON_ID, self.plex_id))
for extra in extras:
typus = cast(int, extra.get('extraType'))
if typus != 1:
# Skip non-trailers
if extra.get('guid', '').startswith('file:'):
url = extra.get('ratingKey')
# Always prefer local trailers (first one listed)
elif not url:
url = extra.get('ratingKey')
if url:
url = ('plugin://%s.movies/?plex_id=%s&plex_type=%s&mode=play'
% (v.ADDON_ID, url, v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP))
return url
2019-10-25 17:06:50 +02:00
def listitem(self, listitem=xbmcgui.ListItem, resume=True):
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
Returns a xbmcgui.ListItem() (or PKCListItem) for this Plex element
2019-10-25 17:06:50 +02:00
Pass resume=False in order to NOT set a resume point (but let Kodi
automatically handle it)
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
item = widgets.generate_item(self)
2019-10-25 17:06:50 +02:00
if not resume and 'resume' in item:
del item['resume']
2019-06-10 21:29:42 +02:00
item = widgets.prepare_listitem(item)
return widgets.create_listitem(item, as_tuple=False, listitem=listitem)
def collections_match(self, section_id):
Downloads one additional xml from the PMS in order to return a list of
tuples [(collection_id, plex_id), ...] for all collections of the
current item's Plex library sectin
Pass in the collection id of e.g. the movie's metadata
if self._coll_match is None:
self._coll_match = PF.collections(section_id)
if self._coll_match is None:
LOG.error('Could not download collections for %s',
self._coll_match = []
self._coll_match = \
[(utils.cast(int, x.get('index')),
utils.cast(int, x.get('ratingKey'))) for x in self._coll_match]
return self._coll_match
def attach_plex_token_to_url(url):
Returns an extended URL with the Plex token included as 'X-Plex-Token='
url may or may not already contain a '?'
if not app.ACCOUNT.pms_token:
return url
if '?' not in url:
return "%s?X-Plex-Token=%s" % (url, app.ACCOUNT.pms_token)
return "%s&X-Plex-Token=%s" % (url, app.ACCOUNT.pms_token)
def list_to_string(input_list):
Concatenates input_list (list of unicodes) with a separator ' / '
Returns None if the list was empty
return ' / '.join(input_list) or None