2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
import re
import threading
import xbmcgui
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from functions import *
from settings import settings
from httppersist import requests
2016-01-22 15:37:20 +01:00
import downloadutils
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
class SubscriptionManager:
def __init__(self):
self.subscribers = {}
self.info = {}
self.lastkey = ""
2016-01-29 20:07:21 +01:00
self.containerKey = ""
self.playQueueID = ''
self.playQueueVersion = 1
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
self.lastratingkey = ""
self.volume = 0
self.guid = ""
self.server = ""
self.protocol = "http"
self.port = ""
self.playerprops = {}
2016-01-22 15:37:20 +01:00
self.download = downloadutils.DownloadUtils()
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
def getVolume(self):
self.volume = getVolume()
def msg(self, players):
msg = getXMLHeader()
msg += '<MediaContainer commandID="INSERTCOMMANDID"'
if players:
maintype = plex_audio()
for p in players.values():
if p.get('type') == xbmc_video():
maintype = plex_video()
elif p.get('type') == xbmc_photo():
maintype = plex_photo()
self.mainlocation = "fullScreen" + maintype[0:1].upper() + maintype[1:].lower()
self.mainlocation = "navigation"
msg += ' location="%s">' % self.mainlocation
msg += self.getTimelineXML(getAudioPlayerId(players), plex_audio())
msg += self.getTimelineXML(getPhotoPlayerId(players), plex_photo())
msg += self.getTimelineXML(getVideoPlayerId(players), plex_video())
msg += "\r\n</MediaContainer>"
return msg
def getTimelineXML(self, playerid, ptype):
if playerid is not None:
info = self.getPlayerProperties(playerid)
# save this info off so the server update can use it too
self.playerprops[playerid] = info;
state = info['state']
time = info['time']
state = "stopped"
time = 0
ret = "\r\n"+'<Timeline location="%s" state="%s" time="%s" type="%s"' % (self.mainlocation, state, time, ptype)
if playerid is not None:
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
2016-01-27 12:18:54 +01:00
# pbmc_server = str(WINDOW.getProperty('plexbmc.nowplaying.server'))
# userId = str(WINDOW.getProperty('emby_currUser'))
# pbmc_server = str(WINDOW.getProperty('emby_server%s' % userId))
pbmc_server = None
keyid = None
count = 0
while not keyid:
if count > 10:
keyid = str(WINDOW.getProperty('Plex_currently_playing_itemid'))
count += 1
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
if keyid:
self.lastkey = "/library/metadata/%s"%keyid
self.lastratingkey = keyid
2016-01-29 20:07:21 +01:00
ret += ' containerKey="%s"' % (self.containerKey)
2016-01-27 12:18:54 +01:00
ret += ' key="%s"' % (self.lastkey)
ret += ' ratingKey="%s"' % (self.lastratingkey)
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
if pbmc_server:
(self.server, self.port) = pbmc_server.split(':')
serv = getServerByHost(self.server)
2016-01-29 20:07:21 +01:00
if self.playQueueID:
ret += ' playQueueID="%s"' % self.playQueueID
ret += ' playQueueVersion="%s"' % self.playQueueVersion
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
ret += ' duration="%s"' % info['duration']
ret += ' seekRange="0-%s"' % info['duration']
ret += ' controllable="%s"' % self.controllable()
ret += ' machineIdentifier="%s"' % serv.get('uuid', "")
ret += ' protocol="%s"' % serv.get('protocol', "http")
ret += ' address="%s"' % serv.get('server', self.server)
ret += ' port="%s"' % serv.get('port', self.port)
ret += ' guid="%s"' % info['guid']
ret += ' volume="%s"' % info['volume']
ret += ' shuffle="%s"' % info['shuffle']
ret += '/>'
return ret
def updateCommandID(self, uuid, commandID):
if commandID and self.subscribers.get(uuid, False):
self.subscribers[uuid].commandID = int(commandID)
def notify(self, event = False):
players = getPlayers()
# fetch the message, subscribers or not, since the server
# will need the info anyway
msg = self.msg(players)
if self.subscribers:
with threading.RLock():
for sub in self.subscribers.values():
sub.send_update(msg, len(players)==0)
return True
def notifyServer(self, players):
2016-01-27 12:18:54 +01:00
if not players:
return True
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
params = {'state': 'stopped'}
for p in players.values():
info = self.playerprops[p.get('playerid')]
params = {}
2016-01-29 20:07:21 +01:00
params['containerKey'] = (self.containerKey or "/library/metadata/900000")
if self.playQueueID:
params['playQueueID'] = self.playQueueID
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
params['key'] = (self.lastkey or "/library/metadata/900000")
params['ratingKey'] = (self.lastratingkey or "900000")
params['state'] = info['state']
params['time'] = info['time']
params['duration'] = info['duration']
2016-01-29 20:07:21 +01:00
params['playQueueVersion'] = self.playQueueVersion
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
serv = getServerByHost(self.server)
2016-01-22 15:37:20 +01:00
url = serv.get('protocol', 'http') + '://' \
+ serv.get('server', 'localhost') + ':' \
+ serv.get('port', 32400) + "/:/timeline"
self.download.downloadUrl(url, type="GET", parameters=params)
# requests.getwithparams(serv.get('server', 'localhost'), serv.get('port', 32400), "/:/timeline", params, getPlexHeaders(), serv.get('protocol', 'http'))
2016-01-27 12:18:54 +01:00
printDebug("params: %s" % params)
printDebug("players: %s" % players)
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
printDebug("sent server notification with state = %s" % params['state'])
2016-01-27 12:18:54 +01:00
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
def controllable(self):
2016-01-29 20:07:21 +01:00
return "volume,shuffle,repeat,audioStream,videoStream,subtitleStream,skipPrevious,skipNext,seekTo,stepBack,stepForward,stop,playPause"
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
def addSubscriber(self, protocol, host, port, uuid, commandID):
sub = Subscriber(protocol, host, port, uuid, commandID)
with threading.RLock():
self.subscribers[sub.uuid] = sub
return sub
def removeSubscriber(self, uuid):
with threading.RLock():
for sub in self.subscribers.values():
if sub.uuid == uuid or sub.host == uuid:
del self.subscribers[sub.uuid]
def cleanup(self):
with threading.RLock():
for sub in self.subscribers.values():
if sub.age > 30:
del self.subscribers[sub.uuid]
def getPlayerProperties(self, playerid):
info = {}
# get info from the player
props = jsonrpc("Player.GetProperties", {"playerid": playerid, "properties": ["time", "totaltime", "speed", "shuffled"]})
printDebug(jsonrpc("Player.GetItem", {"playerid": playerid, "properties": ["file", "showlink", "episode", "season"]}))
info['time'] = timeToMillis(props['time'])
info['duration'] = timeToMillis(props['totaltime'])
info['state'] = ("paused", "playing")[int(props['speed'])]
info['shuffle'] = ("0","1")[props.get('shuffled', False)]
info['time'] = 0
info['duration'] = 0
info['state'] = "stopped"
info['shuffle'] = False
# get the volume from the application
info['volume'] = self.volume
info['guid'] = self.guid
return info
class Subscriber:
def __init__(self, protocol, host, port, uuid, commandID):
self.protocol = protocol or "http"
self.host = host
self.port = port or 32400
self.uuid = uuid or host
self.commandID = int(commandID) or 0
self.navlocationsent = False
self.age = 0
2016-01-22 15:37:20 +01:00
self.download = downloadutils.DownloadUtils()
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.uuid == other.uuid
def tostr(self):
return "uuid=%s,commandID=%i" % (self.uuid, self.commandID)
def cleanup(self):
requests.closeConnection(self.protocol, self.host, self.port)
def send_update(self, msg, is_nav):
self.age += 1
if not is_nav:
self.navlocationsent = False
elif self.navlocationsent:
return True
self.navlocationsent = True
msg = re.sub(r"INSERTCOMMANDID", str(self.commandID), msg)
printDebug("sending xml to subscriber %s: %s" % (self.tostr(), msg))
2016-01-22 15:37:20 +01:00
url = self.protocol + '://' + self.host + ':' + self.port \
+ "/:/timeline"
2016-01-23 15:53:24 +01:00
# Override some headers
headerOptions = {
2016-01-29 20:07:21 +01:00
'Content-Range': 'bytes 0-/-1',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.52 Safari/537.17',
'Accept': '*/*',
'X-Plex-Username': 'croneter',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'X-Plex-Client-Capabilities': 'protocols=shoutcast,http-video;videoDecoders=h264{profile:high&resolution:1080&level:51};audioDecoders=mp3,aac,dts{bitrate:800000&channels:8},ac3{bitrate:800000&channels:8}',
'X-Plex-Client-Profile-Extra': 'add-transcode-target-audio-codec(type=videoProfile&context=streaming&protocol=*&audioCodec=dca,ac3)'
2016-01-23 15:53:24 +01:00
response = self.download.downloadUrl(
2016-01-22 15:37:20 +01:00
# if not requests.post(self.host, self.port, "/:/timeline", msg, getPlexHeaders(), self.protocol):
# subMgr.removeSubscriber(self.uuid)
2016-01-29 20:07:21 +01:00
if response in [False, None, 401]:
2016-01-15 12:12:52 +01:00
subMgr = SubscriptionManager()