API code optimization
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 71 additions and 131 deletions
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class API(object):
Returns the type of media, e.g. 'movie' or 'clip' for trailers
return self.item.attrib.get('type')
return self.item.get('type')
def checksum(self):
@ -110,21 +110,19 @@ class API(object):
WATCH OUT - time in Plex, not Kodi ;-)
# Include a letter to prohibit saving as an int!
checksum = "K%s%s" % (self.plex_id(),
self.item.attrib.get('updatedAt', ''))
return checksum
return "K%s%s" % (self.plex_id(), self.item.get('updatedAt', ''))
def plex_id(self):
Returns the Plex ratingKey such as '246922' as a string or None
return self.item.attrib.get('ratingKey')
return self.item.get('ratingKey')
def path_and_plex_id(self):
Returns the Plex key such as '/library/metadata/246922' or None
return self.item.attrib.get('key')
return self.item.get('key')
def plex_media_streams(self):
@ -170,9 +168,9 @@ class API(object):
# Let Plex transcode
# max width/height supported by plex image transcoder is 1920x1080
path = self.server + PF.transcode_image_path(
"%s%s" % (self.server, self.item[0][0].attrib.get('key')),
"%s%s" % (self.server, self.item[0][0].get('key')),
@ -191,14 +189,14 @@ class API(object):
res = None
for child in self.item:
if child.tag == 'Location':
res = child.attrib.get('path')
res = child.get('path')
return res
def season_number(self):
Returns the 'index' of an PMS XML reply. Depicts e.g. season number.
return self.item.attrib.get('index')
return self.item.get('index')
def date_created(self):
@ -206,7 +204,7 @@ class API(object):
If not found, returns 2000-01-01 10:00:00
res = self.item.attrib.get('addedAt')
res = self.item.get('addedAt')
if res is not None:
res = unix_date_to_kodi(res)
@ -343,8 +341,8 @@ class API(object):
name = child.attrib['tag']
name_id = child.attrib['id']
typus = PEOPLE_OF_INTEREST[child.tag]
url = child.attrib.get('thumb')
role = child.attrib.get('role')
url = child.get('thumb')
role = child.get('role')
'Name': name,
'Type': typus,
@ -373,9 +371,8 @@ class API(object):
Return IMDB, e.g. "tt0903624". Returns None if not found
item = self.item.attrib
item = item['guid']
item = self.item.attrib['guid']
except KeyError:
return None
@ -402,29 +399,29 @@ class API(object):
sorttitle = title, if no sorttitle is found
title = self.item.attrib.get('title', 'Missing Title Name')
sorttitle = self.item.attrib.get('titleSort', title)
title = self.item.get('title', 'Missing Title Name')
sorttitle = self.item.get('titleSort', title)
return title, sorttitle
def plot(self):
Returns the plot or None.
return self.item.attrib.get('summary', None)
return self.item.get('summary')
def tagline(self):
Returns a shorter tagline or None
return self.item.attrib.get('tagline', None)
return self.item.get('tagline')
def audience_rating(self):
Returns the audience rating, 'rating' itself or 0.0
res = self.item.attrib.get('audienceRating')
res = self.item.get('audienceRating')
if res is None:
res = self.item.attrib.get('rating')
res = self.item.get('rating')
res = float(res)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
@ -435,7 +432,7 @@ class API(object):
Returns the production(?) year ("year") or None
return self.item.attrib.get('year', None)
return self.item.get('year')
def resume_point(self):
@ -456,17 +453,14 @@ class API(object):
Output is the tuple:
resume, runtime as ints. 0 if not found
item = self.item.attrib
runtime = float(item['duration'])
runtime = float(self.item.attrib['duration'])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
runtime = 0.0
resume = float(item['viewOffset'])
resume = float(self.item.attrib['viewOffset'])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
resume = 0.0
runtime = int(runtime * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR)
resume = int(resume * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR)
return resume, runtime
@ -475,7 +469,7 @@ class API(object):
Get the content rating or None
mpaa = self.item.attrib.get('contentRating', None)
mpaa = self.item.get('contentRating', None)
# Convert more complex cases
if mpaa in ("NR", "UR"):
# Kodi seems to not like NR, but will accept Rated Not Rated
@ -496,13 +490,13 @@ class API(object):
Returns the "originallyAvailableAt" or None
return self.item.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt')
return self.item.get('originallyAvailableAt')
def music_studio(self):
Returns the 'studio' or None
return self.item.attrib.get('studio')
return self.item.get('studio')
def music_studio_list(self):
@ -532,7 +526,7 @@ class API(object):
def list_to_string(listobject):
Smart-joins the listobject into a single string using a " / " separator.
Smart-joins the listobject into a single string using a " / " separator
If the list is empty, smart_join returns an empty string.
string = " / ".join(listobject)
@ -542,7 +536,7 @@ class API(object):
Returns the 'parentRatingKey' as a string or None
return self.item.attrib.get('parentRatingKey')
return self.item.get('parentRatingKey')
def episode_data(self):
@ -581,13 +575,9 @@ class API(object):
Returns current playQueueItemID or if unsuccessful the playListItemID
If not found, None is returned
answ = self.item.attrib['playQueueItemID']
except KeyError:
answ = self.item.attrib['playListItemID']
except KeyError:
answ = None
answ = self.item.get('playQueueItemID')
if answ is None:
answ = self.item.get('playListItemID')
return answ
def _data_from_part_or_media(self, key):
@ -597,17 +587,10 @@ class API(object):
If all fails, None is returned.
media = self.item[0].attrib
part = self.item[0][self.part].attrib
value = part[key]
except KeyError:
value = media[key]
except KeyError:
value = None
return value
answ = self.item[0][self.part].get(key)
if answ is None:
answ = self.item[0].get(key)
return answ
def video_codec(self):
@ -638,53 +621,24 @@ class API(object):
'container': self._data_from_part_or_media('container'),
answ['bitDepth'] = self.item[0][self.part][self.mediastream].get('bitDepth')
answ['bitDepth'] = self.item[0][self.part][self.mediastream].get(
except (TypeError, AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError):
answ['bitDepth'] = None
return answ
def extras_list(self):
def trailer_id(self):
Currently ONLY returns the very first trailer found!
Returns a list of trailer and extras from PMS XML. Returns [] if
no extras are found.
1: Trailer
5: Behind the scenes
Output: list of dicts with one entry of the form:
'ratingKey': e.g. '12345'
'thumb': artwork
Returns the ratingKey (plex_id) of the trailer or None
elements = []
extras = self.item.find('Extras')
if extras is None:
return elements
for extra in extras:
for extra in self.item.iterfind('Extras'):
typus = int(extra.attrib['extraType'])
except (KeyError, TypeError):
typus = None
if typus != 1:
duration = float(extra.attrib.get('duration', 0.0))
'ratingKey': extra.attrib.get('ratingKey'),
'title': extra.attrib.get('title'),
'thumb': extra.attrib.get('thumb'),
'duration': int(duration * v.PLEX_TO_KODI_TIMEFACTOR),
'extraType': typus,
'originallyAvailableAt': extra.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt'),
'year': extra.attrib.get('year')
return elements
return extra.get('ratingKey')
def mediastreams(self):
@ -704,7 +658,7 @@ class API(object):
subtitlelanguages = []
# Sometimes, aspectratio is on the "toplevel"
aspect = self.item[0].attrib.get('aspectRatio')
aspect = self.item[0].get('aspectRatio')
except IndexError:
# There is no stream info at all, returning empty
return {
@ -714,7 +668,7 @@ class API(object):
# Loop over parts
for child in self.item[0]:
container = child.attrib.get('container')
container = child.get('container')
# Loop over Streams
for grandchild in child:
stream = grandchild.attrib
@ -789,30 +743,19 @@ class API(object):
allartworks = {
'Primary': "", # corresponds to Plex poster ('thumb')
'Primary': self._one_artwork('thumb'),
'Art': "",
'Banner': "", # corresponds to Plex banner ('banner') for series
'Banner': self._one_artwork('banner'),
'Logo': "",
'Thumb': "", # corresponds to Plex (grand)parent posters (thumb)
'Thumb': self._one_artwork('grandparentThumb'),
'Disc': "",
'Backdrop': [] # Corresponds to Plex fanart ('art')
'Backdrop': [self._one_artwork('art')]
# Process backdrops
# Get background artwork URL
# Get primary "thumb" pictures:
allartworks['Primary'] = self._one_artwork('thumb')
# Banner (usually only on tv series level)
allartworks['Banner'] = self._one_artwork('banner')
# For e.g. TV shows, get series thumb
allartworks['Thumb'] = self._one_artwork('grandparentThumb')
# Process parent items if the main item is missing artwork
if parent_info:
# Process parent backdrops
if not allartworks['Backdrop']:
if not allartworks['Primary']:
allartworks['Primary'] = self._one_artwork('parentThumb')
return allartworks
@ -863,7 +806,7 @@ class API(object):
LOG.info('Plex did not provide ID for IMDB or TVDB. Start '
'lookup process')
LOG.info('Start movie set/collection lookup on themoviedb using %s',
LOG.info('Start movie set/collection lookup on themoviedb with %s',
item.get('title', ''))
api_key = settings('themoviedbAPIKey')
@ -936,7 +879,7 @@ class API(object):
# if a match was not found, we accept the closest match from TMDB
if match_found is None and len(data.get("results")):
if match_found is None and data.get("results"):
LOG.info('Using very first match from themoviedb')
match_found = entry = data.get("results")[0]
@ -1068,14 +1011,16 @@ class API(object):
# select image in preferred language
for entry in data[fanarttvimage]:
if entry.get("lang") == v.KODILANGUAGE:
allartworks[fanarttype[1]] = entry.get("url", "").replace(' ', '%20')
allartworks[fanarttype[1]] = \
entry.get("url", "").replace(' ', '%20')
# just grab the first english OR undefinded one as fallback
# (so we're actually grabbing the more popular one)
if not allartworks.get(fanarttype[1]):
for entry in data[fanarttvimage]:
if entry.get("lang") in ("en", "00"):
allartworks[fanarttype[1]] = entry.get("url", "").replace(' ', '%20')
allartworks[fanarttype[1]] = \
entry.get("url", "").replace(' ', '%20')
# grab extrafanarts in list
@ -1148,7 +1093,7 @@ class API(object):
Returns True if the item's 'optimizedForStreaming' is set, False other-
return self.item[0].attrib.get('optimizedForStreaming') == '1'
return self.item[0].get('optimizedForStreaming') == '1'
def mediastream_number(self):
@ -1158,17 +1103,17 @@ class API(object):
# How many streams do we have?
count = 0
for entry in self.item.findall('./Media'):
for entry in self.item.iterfind('./Media'):
count += 1
if (count > 1 and (
(self.plex_type() != 'clip' and
settings('bestQuality') == 'false')
(self.plex_type() == 'clip' and
settings('bestTrailer') == 'false'))):
# Several streams/files available.
dialoglist = []
for entry in self.item.findall('./Media'):
for entry in self.item.iterfind('./Media'):
# Get additional info (filename / languages)
filename = None
if 'file' in entry[0].attrib:
@ -1189,17 +1134,17 @@ class API(object):
option = '%s: ' % try_encode(languages)
if 'videoResolution' in entry.attrib:
option = '%s%sp ' % (option,
if 'videoCodec' in entry.attrib:
option = '%s%s' % (option,
option = option.strip() + ' - '
if 'audioProfile' in entry.attrib:
option = '%s%s ' % (option,
if 'audioCodec' in entry.attrib:
option = '%s%s ' % (option,
media = dialog('select', 'Select stream', dialoglist)
@ -1262,7 +1207,7 @@ class API(object):
'directPlay': 0,
'directStream': 1,
'protocol': 'hls', # seen in the wild: 'dash', 'http', 'hls'
'session': window('plex_client_Id'),
'session': window('plex_client_Id'),
'fastSeek': 1,
'path': path,
'mediaIndex': self.mediastream,
@ -1293,16 +1238,16 @@ class API(object):
for stream in mediastreams:
# Since plex returns all possible tracks together, have to pull
# only external subtitles - only for these a 'key' exists
if stream.attrib.get('streamType') != "3":
if stream.get('streamType') != "3":
# Not a subtitle
# Only set for additional external subtitles NOT lying beside video
key = stream.attrib.get('key')
key = stream.get('key')
# Only set for dedicated subtitle files lying beside video
# ext = stream.attrib.get('format')
if key:
# We do know the language - temporarily download
if stream.attrib.get('languageCode') is not None:
if stream.get('languageCode') is not None:
path = self.download_external_subtitles(
"{server}%s" % key,
"subtitle%02d.%s.%s" % (fileindex,
@ -1390,9 +1335,9 @@ class API(object):
metadata = {
'date': self.kodi_premiere_date(),
'size': long(self.item[0][0].attrib.get('size', 0)),
'exif:width': self.item[0].attrib.get('width', ''),
'exif:height': self.item[0].attrib.get('height', ''),
'size': long(self.item[0][0].get('size', 0)),
'exif:width': self.item[0].get('width', ''),
'exif:height': self.item[0].get('height', ''),
listitem.setInfo(type='image', infoLabels=metadata)
listitem.setProperty('plot', self.plot())
@ -255,15 +255,10 @@ class Movies(Items):
except IndexError:
studio = None
# Find one trailer
trailer = None
extras = api.extras_list()
for extra in extras:
# Only get 1st trailer element
if extra['extraType'] == 1:
trailer = ('plugin://%s?plex_id=%s&plex_type=%s&mode=play'
% (v.ADDON_ID, extra['ratingKey'], v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP))
trailer = api.trailer_id()
if trailer:
trailer = ('plugin://%s?plex_id=%s&plex_type=%s&mode=play'
% (v.ADDON_ID, trailer, v.PLEX_TYPE_CLIP))
do_indirect = not state.DIRECT_PATHS
Add table
Reference in a new issue