Move xArgsDeviceInfo to clientinfo
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 74 additions and 200 deletions
@ -67,21 +67,10 @@ class PlexAPI():
# Timeout for POST/GET commands, I guess in seconds
timeout = 10
def __init__(self):
self.__language__ = xbmcaddon.Addon().getLocalizedString
self.g_PMS = {}
client = clientinfo.ClientInfo()
self.addonId = client.getAddonId()
self.clientId = client.getDeviceId()
self.deviceName = client.getDeviceName()
self.plexversion = client.getVersion()
self.platform = client.getPlatform()
self.userId = utils.window('currUserId')
self.token = utils.window('pms_token')
self.server = utils.window('pms_server')
self.doUtils = downloadutils.DownloadUtils()
def GetPlexLoginFromSettings(self):
@ -145,7 +134,8 @@ class PlexAPI():
retrievedPlexLogin, authtoken = self.MyPlexSignIn(
{'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': self.clientId})
self.logMsg(" username and token: %s, %s"
% (plexLogin, authtoken), 1)
if plexLogin == '':
@ -345,7 +335,7 @@ class PlexAPI():
# Add '/clients' to URL because then an authentication is necessary
# If a URL was passed, this does not work.
header = self.getXArgsDeviceInfo()
header = clientinfo.ClientInfo().getXArgsDeviceInfo()
if token:
header['X-Plex-Token'] = token
sslverify = utils.settings('sslverify')
@ -816,148 +806,6 @@ class PlexAPI():
XML = self.getXMLFromPMS(PMS['baseURL'],PMS['path'],PMS['options'],PMS['token'])
queue.put( (PMS['data'], XML) )
def getXArgsDeviceInfo(self, options={}):
Returns a dictionary that can be used as headers for GET and POST
requests. An authentication option is NOT yet added.
options: dictionary of options that will override the
standard header options otherwise set.
header dictionary
# Get addon infos
xargs = {
'Accept': '*/*',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
# "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
'X-Plex-Language': 'en',
'X-Plex-Device': self.addonName,
'X-Plex-Client-Platform': self.platform,
'X-Plex-Device-Name': self.deviceName,
'X-Plex-Platform': self.addonName,
'X-Plex-Platform-Version': 'unknown',
'X-Plex-Model': 'unknown',
'X-Plex-Product': self.addonName,
'X-Plex-Version': self.plexversion,
'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': self.clientId,
'X-Plex-Provides': 'player',
if self.token:
xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = self.token
if options:
return xargs
def getXMLFromMultiplePMS(self, ATV_udid, path, type, options={}):
provide combined XML representation of local servers' XMLs, eg. /library/section
type - owned <> shared (previously: local, myplex)
queue = Queue.Queue()
threads = []
root = etree.Element("MediaConverter")
root.set('friendlyName', type+' Servers')
for uuid in g_PMS.get(ATV_udid, {}):
if (type=='all' and getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'name')!='') or \
(type=='owned' and getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'owned')=='1') or \
(type=='shared' and getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'owned')=='0') or \
(type=='local' and getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'local')=='1') or \
(type=='remote' and getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'local')=='0'):
Server = etree.SubElement(root, 'Server') # create "Server" node
Server.set('name', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'name'))
Server.set('address', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'ip'))
Server.set('port', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'port'))
Server.set('baseURL', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'baseURL'))
Server.set('local', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'local'))
Server.set('owned', getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'owned'))
baseURL = getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'baseURL')
token = getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'accesstoken')
PMS_mark = 'PMS(' + getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'address') + ')'
Server.set('searchKey', PMS_mark + getURL('', '', '/Search/Entry.xml'))
# request XMLs, one thread for each
PMS = { 'baseURL':baseURL, 'path':path, 'options':options, 'token':token, \
'data': {'uuid': uuid, 'Server': Server} }
t = Thread(target=getXMLFromPMSToQueue, args=(PMS, queue))
# wait for requests being answered
for t in threads:
# add new data to root XML, individual Server
while not queue.empty():
(data, XML) = queue.get()
uuid = data['uuid']
Server = data['Server']
baseURL = getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'baseURL')
token = getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'accesstoken')
PMS_mark = 'PMS(' + getPMSProperty(ATV_udid, uuid, 'address') + ')'
if XML==False:
Server.set('size', '0')
Server.set('size', XML.getroot().get('size', '0'))
for Dir in XML.getiterator('Directory'): # copy "Directory" content, add PMS to links
key = Dir.get('key') # absolute path
Dir.set('key', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, key))
Dir.set('refreshKey', getURL(baseURL, path, key) + '/refresh')
if 'thumb' in Dir.attrib:
Dir.set('thumb', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Dir.get('thumb')))
if 'art' in Dir.attrib:
Dir.set('art', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Dir.get('art')))
for Playlist in XML.getiterator('Playlist'): # copy "Playlist" content, add PMS to links
key = Playlist.get('key') # absolute path
Playlist.set('key', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, key))
if 'composite' in Playlist.attrib:
Playlist.set('composite', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Playlist.get('composite')))
for Video in XML.getiterator('Video'): # copy "Video" content, add PMS to links
key = Video.get('key') # absolute path
Video.set('key', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, key))
if 'thumb' in Video.attrib:
Video.set('thumb', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Video.get('thumb')))
if 'parentKey' in Video.attrib:
Video.set('parentKey', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Video.get('parentKey')))
if 'parentThumb' in Video.attrib:
Video.set('parentThumb', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Video.get('parentThumb')))
if 'grandparentKey' in Video.attrib:
Video.set('grandparentKey', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Video.get('grandparentKey')))
if 'grandparentThumb' in Video.attrib:
Video.set('grandparentThumb', PMS_mark + getURL('', path, Video.get('grandparentThumb')))
root.set('size', str(len(root.findall('Server'))))
XML = etree.ElementTree(root)
dprint(__name__, 1, "====== Local Server/Sections XML ======")
dprint(__name__, 1, XML.getroot())
dprint(__name__, 1, "====== Local Server/Sections XML finished ======")
return XML # XML representation - created "just in time". Do we need to cache it?
def getURL(self, baseURL, path, key):
if key.startswith('http://') or key.startswith('https://'): # external server
URL = key
@ -988,7 +836,7 @@ class PlexAPI():
MyPlexURL = 'https://' + MyPlexHost + MyPlexSignInPath
# create POST request
xargs = self.getXArgsDeviceInfo(options)
xargs = clientinfo.ClientInfo().getXArgsDeviceInfo(options)
self.logMsg("Header is: %s" % xargs, 1)
request = urllib2.Request(MyPlexURL, None, xargs)
request.get_method = lambda: 'POST'
@ -1120,7 +968,7 @@ class PlexAPI():
self.logMsg("No user selected.", 0)
utils.settings('username', value='')
% self.addonId)
% clientinfo.ClientInfo().getAddonId())
return False
# Only 1 user received, choose that one
@ -1164,7 +1012,8 @@ class PlexAPI():
if not username:
self.logMsg('Failed signing in a user to', -1)
xbmc.executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(%s)' % self.addonId)
% clientinfo.ClientInfo().getAddonId())
return False
return {
@ -1385,7 +1234,7 @@ class PlexAPI():
args['protocol'] = 'http'
args['maxAudioBitrate'] = maxAudioBitrate
xargs = getXArgsDeviceInfo(options)
xargs = clientinfo.ClientInfo().getXArgsDeviceInfo(options)
if not AuthToken=='':
xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = AuthToken
@ -1465,13 +1314,8 @@ class API():
self.item = item
# which media part in the XML response shall we look at?
self.part = 0
self.clientinfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo()
self.clientId = self.clientinfo.getDeviceId()
self.__language__ = xbmcaddon.Addon().getLocalizedString
self.userId = utils.window('currUserId')
self.server = utils.window('pms_server')
self.token = utils.window('pms_token')
def setPartNumber(self, number=None):
@ -1888,7 +1732,7 @@ class API():
arguments overrule everything
xargs = PlexAPI().getXArgsDeviceInfo()
xargs = clientinfo.ClientInfo().getXArgsDeviceInfo()
if '?' not in url:
url = "%s?%s" % (url, urlencode(xargs))
@ -1902,10 +1746,12 @@ class API():
url may or may not already contain a '?'
if utils.window('pms_token') == '':
return url
if '?' not in url:
url = "%s?X-Plex-Token=%s" % (url, self.token)
url = "%s?X-Plex-Token=%s" % (url, utils.window('pms_token'))
url = "%s&X-Plex-Token=%s" % (url, self.token)
url = "%s&X-Plex-Token=%s" % (url, utils.window('pms_token'))
return url
def GetPlayQueueItemID(self):
@ -2176,7 +2022,7 @@ class API():
TODO: mediaIndex
xargs = PlexAPI().getXArgsDeviceInfo()
xargs = clientinfo.ClientInfo().getXArgsDeviceInfo()
# For DirectPlay, path/key of PART is needed
if action == "DirectPlay":
path = self.item[0][self.part].attrib['key']
@ -7,40 +7,72 @@ from uuid import uuid4
import xbmc
import xbmcaddon
import utils
from utils import logging, window, settings
class ClientInfo():
def __init__(self):
self.addon = xbmcaddon.Addon()
def getXArgsDeviceInfo(self, options=None):
Returns a dictionary that can be used as headers for GET and POST
requests. An authentication option is NOT yet added.
options: dictionary of options that will override the
standard header options otherwise set.
header dictionary
# Get addon infos
xargs = {
'Accept': '*/*',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
# "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
# 'X-Plex-Language': 'en',
'X-Plex-Device': self.getAddonName(),
'X-Plex-Client-Platform': self.getPlatform(),
'X-Plex-Device-Name': self.getDeviceName(),
'X-Plex-Platform': self.getPlatform(),
# 'X-Plex-Platform-Version': 'unknown',
# 'X-Plex-Model': 'unknown',
'X-Plex-Product': self.getAddonName(),
'X-Plex-Version': self.getVersion(),
'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': self.getDeviceId(),
'X-Plex-Provides': 'player',
if window('pms_token'):
xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = window('pms_token')
if options is not None:
return xargs
def getAddonName(self):
# Used for logging
return self.addon.getAddonInfo('name')
def getAddonId(self):
return ""
def getVersion(self):
return self.addon.getAddonInfo('version')
def getDeviceName(self):
if utils.settings('deviceNameOpt') == "false":
if settings('deviceNameOpt') == "false":
# Use Kodi's deviceName
deviceName = xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.FriendlyName').decode('utf-8')
deviceName = xbmc.getInfoLabel(
deviceName = utils.settings('deviceName')
deviceName = settings('deviceName')
deviceName = deviceName.replace("\"", "_")
deviceName = deviceName.replace("/", "_")
return deviceName
def getPlatform(self):
@ -69,25 +101,25 @@ class ClientInfo():
If id does not exist, create one and save in Kodi settings file.
if reset is True:
utils.window('plex_client_Id', clear=True)
utils.settings('plex_client_Id', value="")
window('plex_client_Id', clear=True)
settings('plex_client_Id', value="")
clientId = utils.window('plex_client_Id')
clientId = window('plex_client_Id')
if clientId:
return clientId
clientId = utils.settings('plex_client_Id')
clientId = settings('plex_client_Id')
# Because Kodi appears to cache file settings!!
if clientId != "" and reset is False:
utils.window('plex_client_Id', value=clientId)
self.logMsg("Unique device Id plex_client_Id loaded: %s" % clientId, 1)
window('plex_client_Id', value=clientId)
self.logMsg("Unique device Id plex_client_Id loaded: %s"
% clientId, 1)
return clientId
self.logMsg("Generating a new deviceid.", 0)
clientId = str(uuid4())
utils.settings('plex_client_Id', value=clientId)
utils.window('plex_client_Id', value=clientId)
settings('plex_client_Id', value=clientId)
window('plex_client_Id', value=clientId)
self.logMsg("Unique device Id plex_client_Id loaded: %s" % clientId, 1)
return clientId
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ import xbmcgui
import utils
import clientinfo
import PlexAPI
# Disable requests logging
@ -30,16 +28,16 @@ class DownloadUtils():
# Borg - multiple instances, shared state
_shared_state = {}
clientInfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo()
# Requests session
s = None
timeout = 30
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self._shared_state
self.clientInfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo()
def setUsername(self, username):
# Reserved for userclient only
self.username = username
@ -175,17 +173,14 @@ class DownloadUtils():
self.logMsg("Requests session could not be terminated.", 1)
def getHeader(self, authenticate=True, options={}):
plx = PlexAPI.PlexAPI()
if authenticate:
header = plx.getXArgsDeviceInfo(options=options)
header = self.clientInfo.getXArgsDeviceInfo(options=options)
header = plx.getXArgsDeviceInfo(options=options)
header = self.clientInfo.getXArgsDeviceInfo(options=options)
return header
def downloadUrl(self, url, postBody=None, type="GET", parameters=None, authenticate=True, headerOptions={}):
# self.logMsg("=== ENTER downloadUrl ===", 2)
def downloadUrl(self, url, postBody=None, type="GET", parameters=None,
authenticate=True, headerOptions={}):
timeout = self.timeout
default_link = ""
@ -276,7 +271,8 @@ class DownloadUtils():
# If user is not authenticated
elif not authenticate:
header = self.getHeader(authenticate=False, options=headerOptions)
header = self.getHeader(authenticate=False,
# If user enables ssl verification
@ -413,4 +409,4 @@ class DownloadUtils():
self.logMsg("Unknown error connecting to: %s" % url, 0)
self.logMsg(e, 1)
return default_link
return default_link
Add table
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