first work on the transition to use kodi db for all actions

This commit is contained in:
Marcel van der Veldt 2015-05-01 13:30:21 +02:00
parent fdff2cefb7
commit 8a990ba217
6 changed files with 464 additions and 1310 deletions

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import inspect
import threading import threading
import urllib import urllib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time
from itertools import chain
import urllib2 import urllib2
import os import os
@ -47,22 +48,20 @@ class LibrarySync():
completed = True completed = True
connection = utils.KodiSQL() connection = utils.KodiSQL()
cursor = connection.cursor() cursor = connection.cursor()
#TEMP --> add new columns
cursor.execute("alter table movie ADD COLUMN 'embyId' TEXT")
cursor.execute("alter table tvshow ADD COLUMN 'embyId' TEXT")
cursor.execute("alter table episode ADD COLUMN 'embyId' TEXT")
cursor.execute("alter table musicvideo ADD COLUMN 'embyId' TEXT")
except: pass
# sync movies # sync movies
if(syncInstallRunDone == False): # on first install run do a full sync with model progress dialog self.MoviesSync(connection,cursor,True)
completed = completed and self.TvShowsSync(connection, cursor,True, True) #sync Tvshows and episodes
completed = completed and self.MoviesSync(connection, cursor,True, True) self.TvShowsSync(connection,cursor,True)
completed = completed and self.MusicVideosSync(True, True,connection , cursor)
elif(startupDone == False): # on first run after startup do a inc then a full sync
self.TvShowsSync(connection, cursor,False, False)
self.MoviesSync(connection, cursor,False, False)
self.MusicVideosSync(False, False, connection,cursor)
self.TvShowsSync(connection, cursor,True, False)
self.MoviesSync(connection, cursor,True, False)
self.MusicVideosSync(True, False,connection,cursor)
else: # on scheduled sync do a full sync
self.TvShowsSync(connection, cursor,True, False)
self.MoviesSync(connection, cursor,True, False)
self.MusicVideosSync(True, False,connection,cursor)
# set the install done setting # set the install done setting
if(syncInstallRunDone == False and completed): if(syncInstallRunDone == False and completed):
@ -79,539 +78,144 @@ class LibrarySync():
return True return True
def MoviesSync(self,connection, cursor, fullsync, installFirstRun,itemList = []): def MoviesSync(self,connection,cursor,installFirstRun,itemList = []):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
pDialog.create('Sync DB', 'Sync Movies')
views = ReadEmbyDB().getCollections("movies")
allKodiMovieIds = list()
allEmbyMovieIds = list()
for view in views:
allMB3Movies = ReadEmbyDB().getMovies(view.get('id'))
allKodiMovies = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovies(connection, cursor)
for item in allMB3Movies:
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
kodiMovie = None
for kodimovie in allKodiMovies:
if kodimovie[1] == item["Id"]:
kodiMovie = kodimovie
if kodiMovie == None:
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateMovieToKodiLibrary(item["Id"],connection, cursor, view.get('title'))
# TODO --> compare with eTag
if kodiMovie[2] != item["Name"] or item["Id"] in itemList:
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateMovieToKodiLibrary(item["Id"],connection, cursor, view.get('title'))
allEmbyMovieIds = set(allEmbyMovieIds)
for kodiId in allKodiMovieIds:
if not kodiId in allEmbyMovieIds:
WriteKodiDB().deleteMovieFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor)
if(pDialog != None):
def TvShowsSync(self,connection,cursor,installFirstRun,itemList = []):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
pDialog.create('Sync DB', 'Sync TV Shows')
views = ReadEmbyDB().getCollections("tvshows")
allKodiTvShowIds = list()
allEmbyTvShowIds = list()
for view in views:
allEmbyTvShows = ReadEmbyDB().getTvShows(view.get('id'))
allKodiTvShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(connection, cursor)
for item in allEmbyTvShows:
if item.get('IsFolder') and item.get('RecursiveItemCount') != 0:
#build a list with all Id's and get the existing entry (if exists) in Kodi DB
kodiShow = None
for kodishow in allKodiTvShows:
if kodishow[1] == item["Id"]:
kodiShow = kodishow
if kodiShow == None:
# Tv show doesn't exist in Kodi yet so proceed and add it
kodiId = WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateTvShowToKodiLibrary(item["Id"],connection, cursor, view.get('title'))
kodiId = kodishow[0]
# If there are changes to the item, perform a full sync of the item
if kodiShow[2] != item["Name"] or item["Id"] in itemList:
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateTvShowToKodiLibrary(item["Id"],connection, cursor, view.get('title'))
self.EpisodesSync(connection,cursor,installFirstRun, item["Id"], kodiId, itemList)
allEmbyTvShowIds = set(allEmbyTvShowIds)
for kodiId in allKodiTvShowIds:
if not kodiId in allEmbyTvShowIds:
WriteKodiDB().deleteTvShowFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor)
if(pDialog != None):
def EpisodesSync(self,connection,cursor,installFirstRun, embyShowId, kodiShowId, itemList = []):
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 ) WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
pDialog = None
startedSync =
try: allKodiEpisodeIds = list()
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='') allEmbyEpisodeIds = list()
dbSyncIndication = addon.getSetting("dbSyncIndication")
if(installFirstRun or dbSyncIndication == "Dialog Progress"): allEmbyEpisodes = ReadEmbyDB().getEpisodes(embyShowId)
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() allKodiEpisodes = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(connection, cursor, kodiShowId)
elif(dbSyncIndication == "BG Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
if(pDialog != None): #### EPISODES: PROCESS ADDS AND UPDATES ###
pDialog.create('Sync DB', 'Sync DB') for item in allEmbyEpisodes:
totalItemsAdded = 0 allEmbyEpisodeIds.append(item["Id"])
totalItemsUpdated = 0
totalItemsDeleted = 0
allEmbyMovieIds = list() #build a list with all Id's and get the existing entry (if exists) in Kodi DB
kodiEpisode = None
for kodiepisode in allKodiEpisodes:
if kodiepisode[1] == item["Id"]:
kodiEpisode = kodiepisode
views = ReadEmbyDB().getCollections("movies") if kodiEpisode == None:
viewCount = len(views) # Episode doesn't exist in Kodi yet so proceed and add it
viewCurrent = 1 allKodiEpisodeIds.append(item["Id"])
progressTitle = "" WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateEpisodeToKodiLibrary(item["Id"], kodiShowId, connection, cursor)
# If there are changes to the item, perform a full sync of the item
if kodiEpisode[2] != item["Name"] or item["Id"] in itemList:
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateTvShowToKodiLibrary(item["Id"], kodiShowId, connection, cursor)
for view in views: #### EPISODES: PROCESS DELETES #####
allEmbyEpisodeIds = set(allEmbyEpisodeIds)
print allEmbyEpisodeIds
for kodiId in allKodiEpisodeIds:
if not kodiId in allEmbyEpisodeIds:
print "deleting ???-->" + kodiId
#WriteKodiDB().deleteEpisodeFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor)
#process new movies
allMB3Movies = ReadEmbyDB().getMovies(id = view.get('id'), fullinfo=True, fullSync = fullsync, itemList = itemList)
allKodiIds = set(ReadKodiDB().getKodiMoviesIds(True))
return False
if(allMB3Movies == None):
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing " + view.get('title') + " " + str(viewCurrent) + " of " + str(viewCount)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(allMB3Movies) + 1
count = 1
for item in allMB3Movies:
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
item['Tag'] = []
if item["Id"] not in allKodiIds:
WriteKodiDB().addMovieToKodiLibrary(item,connection, cursor)
totalItemsAdded += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Adding Movie: " + str(count))
count += 1
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing " + view.get('title') + " " + str(viewCurrent) + " of " + str(viewCount)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle, "")
total = len(allMB3Movies) + 1
count = 1
#process updates
allKodiMovies = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovies(True)
for item in allMB3Movies:
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
item['Tag'] = []
if allKodiMovies != None:
kodimovie = allKodiMovies.get(item["Id"], None)
kodimovie = None
userData = API().getUserData(item)
if(kodimovie != None):
updated = WriteKodiDB().updateMovieToKodiLibrary_Batched(item, kodimovie, connection, cursor)
totalItemsUpdated += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Movie: " + str(count))
count += 1
viewCurrent += 1
# process box sets - TODO cope with movies removed from a set
if fullsync:
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : BoxSets"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle, "Retrieving Boxset List")
utils.logMsg("Sync Movies", "BoxSet Sync Started", 1)
boxsets = ReadEmbyDB().getBoxSets()
if(pDialog != None):
total = len(boxsets) + 1
count = 1
for boxset in boxsets:
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating BoxSet: " + str(count) + " of " + str(total))
count += 1
return False
boxsetMovies = ReadEmbyDB().getMoviesInBoxSet(boxset["Id"])
WriteKodiDB().addBoxsetToKodiLibrary(boxset,connection, cursor)
for boxsetMovie in boxsetMovies:
return False
utils.logMsg("Sync Movies", "BoxSet Sync Finished", 1)
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Removing Deleted Items"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle, "")
return False
# process any deletes only at fullsync
if fullsync:
allKodiIds = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMoviesIds(True)
allEmbyMovieIds = set(allEmbyMovieIds)
for kodiId in allKodiIds:
if not kodiId in allEmbyMovieIds:
totalItemsDeleted += 1
return False
# display notification if set up
notificationString = ""
if(totalItemsAdded > 0):
notificationString += "Added:" + str(totalItemsAdded) + " "
if(totalItemsUpdated > 0):
notificationString += "Updated:" + str(totalItemsUpdated) + " "
if(totalItemsDeleted > 0):
notificationString += "Deleted:" + str(totalItemsDeleted) + " "
timeTaken = - startedSync
timeTakenString = str(int(timeTaken.seconds / 60)) + ":" + str(timeTaken.seconds % 60)
utils.logMsg("Sync Movies", "Finished " + timeTakenString + " " + notificationString, 0)
if(dbSyncIndication == "Notify OnChange" and notificationString != ""):
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Movie Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
elif(dbSyncIndication == "Notify OnFinish"):
if(notificationString == ""):
notificationString = "Done"
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Movie Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
if(pDialog != None):
return True
def TvShowsSync(self, connection, cursor ,fullsync, installFirstRun, itemList = []):
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
pDialog = None
startedSync =
dbSyncIndication = addon.getSetting("dbSyncIndication")
if(installFirstRun or dbSyncIndication == "Dialog Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
elif(dbSyncIndication == "BG Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.create('Sync DB', 'Sync DB')
totalItemsAdded = 0
totalItemsUpdated = 0
totalItemsDeleted = 0
allTVShows = list()
allMB3EpisodeIds = list() #for use with deletions
allKodiEpisodeIds = [] # for use with deletions
views = ReadEmbyDB().getCollections("tvshows")
viewCount = len(views)
viewCurrent = 1
progressTitle = ""
for view in views:
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing " + view.get('title') + " " + str(viewCurrent) + " of " + str(viewCount)
# incremental sync --> new episodes only
if fullsync == False:
latestMBEpisodes = ReadEmbyDB().getLatestEpisodes(fullinfo = True, itemList = itemList)
utils.logMsg("Sync TV", "Inc Sync Started on : " + str(len(latestMBEpisodes)) + " : " + str(itemList), 1)
if latestMBEpisodes != None:
allKodiTvShowsIds = set(ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShowsIds(True))
# get included TV Shows
showList = []
for episode in latestMBEpisodes:
if(episode["SeriesId"] not in showList):
utils.logMsg("Incremental TV Sync", "Included TV Show List : " + str(showList), 0)
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(showList) + 1
count = 1
# process included TV Shows
for showID in showList:
embyTvShow = ReadEmbyDB().getFullItem(showID)
if(showID not in allKodiTvShowsIds):
utils.logMsg("Incremental TV Sync", "Adding TV Show : " + embyTvShow.get("Name"), 1)
WriteKodiDB().addTVShowToKodiLibrary(embyTvShow, connection, cursor)
kodiTvShow = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTVShow(showID)
utils.logMsg("Incremental TV Sync", "Updating TV Show : " + embyTvShow.get("Name"), 1)
WriteKodiDB().updateTVShowToKodiLibrary(embyTvShow, kodiTvShow, connection, cursor)
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Processing TV Shows : " + str(count))
count += 1
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(latestMBEpisodes) + 1
count = 1
# process new episodes
for episode in latestMBEpisodes:
return False
WriteKodiDB().addEpisodeToKodiLibrary(episode, connection, cursor)
progressAction = "Adding"
totalItemsAdded += 1
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, progressAction + " Episode: " + str(count))
count += 1
#process updates
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing Episodes"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(latestMBEpisodes) + 1
count = 1
for episode in latestMBEpisodes:
return False
allKodiTVShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(False)
kodishow = allKodiTVShows.get(episode["SeriesId"],None)
kodiEpisodes = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(kodishow["tvshowid"],True,True)
return False
userData = API().getUserData(episode)
if kodiEpisodes != None:
KodiItem = kodiEpisodes.get(episode.get("Id"), None)
if(KodiItem != None):
WriteKodiDB().updateEpisodeToKodiLibrary(episode, KodiItem, connection, cursor)
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Episode: " + str(count))
count += 1
# full sync --> Tv shows and Episodes
if fullsync:
viewTVShows = list()
tvShowData = ReadEmbyDB().getTVShows(id = view.get('id') , fullinfo = True, fullSync = True)
allKodiIds = set(ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShowsIds(True))
return False
if (tvShowData == None):
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing TV Shows"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(tvShowData) + 1
count = 1
# add TV Shows
for item in tvShowData:
if item.get('IsFolder') and item.get('RecursiveItemCount') != 0:
item['Tag'] = []
progMessage = "Processing"
if item["Id"] not in allKodiIds:
WriteKodiDB().addTVShowToKodiLibrary(item,connection, cursor)
totalItemsAdded += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Adding Tv Show: " + str(count))
count += 1
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing TV Shows"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle, "")
total = len(viewTVShows) + 1
count = 1
# update TV Shows
allKodiTVShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(True)
for item in tvShowData:
if item.get('IsFolder'):
item['Tag'] = []
if allKodiTVShows != None:
kodishow = allKodiTVShows.get(item["Id"],None)
kodishow = None
if(kodishow != None):
updated = WriteKodiDB().updateTVShowToKodiLibrary(item,kodishow,connection, cursor)
totalItemsUpdated += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Tv Show: " + str(count))
count += 1
# do episode adds
allEpisodes = list()
showTotal = len(viewTVShows)
showCurrent = 1
for tvshow in viewTVShows:
episodeData = ReadEmbyDB().getEpisodes(tvshow,True)
if episodeData != None:
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing Tv Show " + str(showCurrent) + " of " + str(showTotal)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(episodeData) + 1
count = 0
for item in episodeData:
return False
progressAction = "Adding"
WriteKodiDB().addEpisodeToKodiLibrary(item, connection, cursor)
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, progressAction + " Episode: " + str(count))
count += 1
showCurrent += 1
# do episode updates
showCurrent = 1
for tvshow in viewTVShows:
episodeData = ReadEmbyDB().getEpisodes(tvshow,True)
kodiEpisodes = None
allKodiTVShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(False)
if allKodiTVShows != None:
kodishow = allKodiTVShows.get(tvshow,None)
if kodishow != None:
kodiEpisodes = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(kodishow["tvshowid"],True,True)
return False
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync DB : Processing Tv Show " + str(showCurrent) + " of " + str(showTotal)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
total = len(episodeData) + 1
count = 0
#we have to compare the lists somehow
for item in episodeData:
#add episodeId to the list of all episodes for use later on the deletes
matchFound = False
userData = API().getUserData(item)
if kodiEpisodes != None:
KodiItem = kodiEpisodes.get(item.get("Id"), None)
if(KodiItem != None):
updated = WriteKodiDB().updateEpisodeToKodiLibrary(item, KodiItem, connection, cursor)
totalItemsUpdated += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(total)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Episode: " + str(count))
count += 1
#add all kodi episodes to a list with episodes for use later on to delete episodes
#the mediabrowser ID is set as uniqueID in the NFO... for some reason this has key 'unknown' in the json response
if kodishow != None:
show = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(kodishow["tvshowid"],False,False)
if show != None:
for episode in show:
dict = {'episodeid': str(episode["uniqueid"]["unknown"]),'tvshowid': tvshow}
showCurrent += 1
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Removing Deleted Items"
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
return False
# process any deletes only at fullsync
allMB3EpisodeIdsSet = set(allMB3EpisodeIds)
for episode in allKodiEpisodeIds:
if episode.get('episodeid') not in allMB3EpisodeIdsSet:
WINDOW.setProperty("embyid" + str(episode.get('episodeid')),"deleted")
totalItemsDeleted += 1
if fullsync:
allKodiShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShowsIds(True)
allMB3TVShows = set(allTVShows)
for show in allKodiShows:
if not show in allMB3TVShows:
totalItemsDeleted += 1
return False
# display notification if set up
notificationString = ""
if(totalItemsAdded > 0):
notificationString += "Added:" + str(totalItemsAdded) + " "
if(totalItemsUpdated > 0):
notificationString += "Updated:" + str(totalItemsUpdated) + " "
if(totalItemsDeleted > 0):
notificationString += "Deleted:" + str(totalItemsDeleted) + " "
timeTaken = - startedSync
timeTakenString = str(int(timeTaken.seconds / 60)) + ":" + str(timeTaken.seconds % 60)
utils.logMsg("Sync Episodes", "Finished " + timeTakenString + " " + notificationString, 0)
if(dbSyncIndication == "Notify OnChange" and notificationString != ""):
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Episode Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
elif(dbSyncIndication == "Notify OnFinish"):
if(notificationString == ""):
notificationString = "Done"
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Episode Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
if(pDialog != None):
return True
def MusicVideosSync(self, fullsync, installFirstRun,connection, cursor): def MusicVideosSync(self, fullsync, installFirstRun,connection, cursor):

View file

@ -6,30 +6,22 @@ import xbmc
import xbmcgui import xbmcgui
import xbmcaddon import xbmcaddon
from DownloadUtils import DownloadUtils from DownloadUtils import DownloadUtils
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='') addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
class ReadEmbyDB(): class ReadEmbyDB():
def getMovies(self, id, fullinfo = False, fullSync = True, itemList = []): def getMovies(self, id):
result = None result = None
doUtils = DownloadUtils() doUtils = DownloadUtils()
if fullSync: #only get basic info for our sync-compares
sortstring = "&SortBy=SortName" sortstring = "&SortBy=SortName"
else: url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/items?ParentId=%s%s&Fields=CumulativeRunTimeTicks&Recursive=true&SortOrder=Descending&IncludeItemTypes=Movie&CollapseBoxSetItems=false&format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % (id, sortstring)
if(len(itemList) > 0): # if we want a certain list specify it
#sortstring = "&Ids=" + ",".join(itemList)
sortstring = "" # work around for now until ParetnId and Id work together
else: # just get the last 20 created items
sortstring = "&Limit=20&SortBy=DateCreated"
if fullinfo:
url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/items?ParentId=%s%s&Fields=Path,Genres,SortName,Studios,Writer,ProductionYear,Taglines,CommunityRating,OfficialRating,CumulativeRunTimeTicks,Metascore,AirTime,DateCreated,MediaStreams,People,Overview&Recursive=true&SortOrder=Descending&IncludeItemTypes=Movie&CollapseBoxSetItems=false&format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % (id, sortstring)
url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/items?ParentId=%s%s&Fields=CumulativeRunTimeTicks&Recursive=true&SortOrder=Descending&IncludeItemTypes=Movie&CollapseBoxSetItems=false&format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % (id, sortstring)
jsonData = doUtils.downloadUrl(url) jsonData = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
if (jsonData == ""): if (jsonData == ""):
@ -38,14 +30,6 @@ class ReadEmbyDB():
if (jsonData[u'Items'] != ""): if (jsonData[u'Items'] != ""):
result = jsonData[u'Items'] result = jsonData[u'Items']
# work around for now until ParetnId and Id work together
if (result != None and len(result) > 0 and len(itemList) > 0):
newResult = []
for item in result:
if (item[u'Id'] in itemList):
result = newResult
return result return result
def getMusicVideos(self, fullinfo = False, fullSync = True): def getMusicVideos(self, fullinfo = False, fullSync = True):
@ -98,20 +82,14 @@ class ReadEmbyDB():
return result return result
def getTVShows(self, id, fullinfo = False, fullSync = False): def getTvShows(self, id):
result = None result = None
doUtils = DownloadUtils() doUtils = DownloadUtils()
if not fullSync: #only get basic info for our sync-compares
sortstring = "&Limit=20&SortBy=DateCreated" sortstring = "&SortBy=SortName"
else: url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?ParentId=%s%s&Fields=CumulativeRunTimeTicks&Recursive=true&SortOrder=Descending&IncludeItemTypes=Series&format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % (id, sortstring)
sortstring = "&SortBy=SortName"
if fullinfo:
url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?ParentId=%s%s&Fields=Path,Genres,SortName,Studios,Writer,ProductionYear,Taglines,CommunityRating,OfficialRating,CumulativeRunTimeTicks,Metascore,AirTime,DateCreated,MediaStreams,People,Overview&Recursive=true&SortOrder=Descending&IncludeItemTypes=Series&format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % (id, sortstring)
url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?ParentId=%s%s&Fields=CumulativeRunTimeTicks&Recursive=true&SortOrder=Descending&IncludeItemTypes=Series&format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % (id, sortstring)
jsonData = doUtils.downloadUrl(url) jsonData = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
if (jsonData == ""): if (jsonData == ""):
@ -138,15 +116,12 @@ class ReadEmbyDB():
return result return result
def getEpisodes(self, showId, fullinfo = False): def getEpisodes(self, showId):
result = None result = None
doUtils = DownloadUtils() doUtils = DownloadUtils()
if fullinfo: url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?ParentId=%s&IsVirtualUnaired=false&IsMissing=False&SortBy=SortName&Fields=Name,SortName,CumulativeRunTimeTicks&Recursive=true&SortOrder=Ascending&IncludeItemTypes=Episode&format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % showId
url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?ParentId=%s&IsVirtualUnaired=false&IsMissing=False&SortBy=SortName&Fields=Path,Genres,SortName,Studios,Writer,ProductionYear,Taglines,CommunityRating,OfficialRating,CumulativeRunTimeTicks,Metascore,AirTime,DateCreated,MediaStreams,People,Overview&Recursive=true&SortOrder=Ascending&IncludeItemTypes=Episode&format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % showId
url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users/{UserId}/Items?ParentId=%s&IsVirtualUnaired=false&IsMissing=False&SortBy=SortName&Fields=Name,SortName,CumulativeRunTimeTicks&Recursive=true&SortOrder=Ascending&IncludeItemTypes=Episode&format=json&ImageTypeLimit=1" % showId
jsonData = doUtils.downloadUrl(url) jsonData = doUtils.downloadUrl(url)
if (jsonData == ""): if (jsonData == ""):

View file

@ -30,71 +30,38 @@ class ReadKodiDB():
movies = result['movies'] movies = result['movies']
movie = movies[0] movie = movies[0]
for item in movies: for item in movies:
if item["imdbnumber"] == id: if id in item["file"]:
movie = item movie = item
break break
return movie return movie
def getEmbyIdByKodiId(self, kodiid, type): def getEmbyIdByKodiId(self, kodiid, type):
#returns the emby id by search on kodi id
embyId = None embyId = None
json_response = None connection = utils.KodiSQL()
cursor = connection.cursor()
if type == "movie": if type == "movie":
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails", "params": { "movieid": %d, "properties" : ["imdbnumber","file"] }, "id": "libMovies"}' %kodiid) cursor.execute("SELECT embyId as embyId FROM movie WHERE idMovie = ?",(kodiid,))
if type == "episode": if type == "episode":
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails", "params": {"episodeid": %d, "properties": ["file","uniqueid"]}, "id": 1}' %kodiid) cursor.execute("SELECT embyId as embyId FROM episode WHERE idEpisode = ?",(kodiid,))
if type == "musicvideo": if type == "musicvideo":
connection = utils.KodiSQL() cursor.execute("SELECT embyId as embyId FROM musicvideo WHERE idMVideo = ?",(kodiid,))
cursor = connection.cursor() if type == "tvshow":
cursor.execute("SELECT c23 as MBid FROM musicvideo WHERE idMVideo = ?",(kodiid,)) cursor.execute("SELECT embyId as embyId FROM tvshow WHERE idShow = ?",(kodiid,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result != None:
embyId = result[0]
if json_response != None: result = cursor.fetchone()
jsonobject = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8','replace')) cursor.close()
if(jsonobject.has_key('result')): if result != None:
result = jsonobject['result'] embyId = result[0]
resulttype = type + "details"
item = result[resulttype]
if type == "movie":
if item.has_key('imdbnumber'):
embyId = item['imdbnumber']
if type == "episode":
if item.has_key('uniqueid'):
if item['uniqueid'].has_key('unknown'):
embyId = item["uniqueid"]["unknown"]
return embyId return embyId
def getKodiMovies(self,fullInfo = False): def getKodiMovies(self, connection, cursor):
#returns all movies in Kodi db #returns all movies in Kodi db
xbmc.sleep(sleepVal) cursor.execute("SELECT idMovie, embyId, c00 FROM movie")
if fullInfo: allmovies = cursor.fetchall()
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": { "properties" : ["art", "rating", "thumbnail", "fanart", "resume", "runtime", "year", "genre", "cast", "trailer", "country", "lastplayed", "studio", "set", "imdbnumber", "mpaa", "tagline", "plotoutline","plot", "sorttitle", "director", "writer", "playcount", "tag", "file"] }, "id": "libMovies"}') #this will return a list with tuples of all items returned from the database
else: return allmovies
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": { "properties" : ["resume", "playcount", "imdbnumber", "lastplayed", "file"] }, "id": "libMovies"}')
jsonobject = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8','replace'))
movies = None
result = jsonobject['result']
movies = result['movies']
kodiMovieMap = None
if(movies != None and len(movies) > 0):
kodiMovieMap = {}
for kodimovie in movies:
key = kodimovie["imdbnumber"] #extract the id from the imdbnumber
kodiMovieMap[key] = kodimovie
return kodiMovieMap
def getKodiMoviesIds(self,returnMB3Ids = False): def getKodiMoviesIds(self,returnMB3Ids = False):
# returns a list of movieIds or MB3 Id's from all movies currently in the Kodi library # returns a list of movieIds or MB3 Id's from all movies currently in the Kodi library
@ -132,29 +99,11 @@ class ReadKodiDB():
return allKodiTvShowsIds return allKodiTvShowsIds
def getKodiTvShows(self,fullInfo = False): def getKodiTvShows(self, connection, cursor):
#returns all tvshows in Kodi db inserted by MB cursor.execute("SELECT idShow, embyId, c00 FROM tvshow")
xbmc.sleep(sleepVal) allshows = cursor.fetchall()
if fullInfo: #this will return a list with tuples of all items returned from the database
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", "params": { "properties": ["art", "genre", "plot", "mpaa", "cast", "studio", "sorttitle", "title", "originaltitle", "imdbnumber", "year", "premiered", "rating", "thumbnail", "playcount", "lastplayed", "file", "fanart", "tag"], "sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "label", "ignorearticle": true } }, "id": "libTvShows"}') return allshows
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", "params": { "properties": ["sorttitle", "title", "playcount", "lastplayed", "imdbnumber", "file"], "sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "label", "ignorearticle": true } }, "id": "libTvShows"}')
jsonobject = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8','replace'))
tvshows = None
result = jsonobject['result']
tvshows = result['tvshows']
kodiShowMap = None
if(tvshows != None and len(tvshows) > 0):
kodiShowMap = {}
for kodishow in tvshows:
key = kodishow["imdbnumber"] #extract the id from the imdb number
kodiShowMap[key] = kodishow
return kodiShowMap
def getKodiTVShow(self, id): def getKodiTVShow(self, id):
xbmc.sleep(sleepVal) xbmc.sleep(sleepVal)
@ -171,28 +120,11 @@ class ReadKodiDB():
break break
return tvshow return tvshow
def getKodiEpisodes(self, KodiTvShowId, fullInfo = True, returnmap = True): def getKodiEpisodes(self, connection, cursor, showid):
xbmc.sleep(sleepVal) cursor.execute("SELECT idEpisode, embyId, c00 FROM episode WHERE idShow = ?", (showid,))
episodes = None allepisodes = cursor.fetchall()
if fullInfo: #this will return a list with tuples of all items returned from the database
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", "params": {"tvshowid": %d, "properties": ["title", "playcount", "plot", "season", "episode", "showtitle", "file", "lastplayed", "rating", "resume", "art", "streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "writer", "cast", "director", "dateadded", "uniqueid", "thumbnail", "fanart"], "sort": {"method": "episode"}}, "id": 1}' %KodiTvShowId) return allepisodes
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", "params": {"tvshowid": %d, "properties": ["title", "playcount", "season", "episode", "lastplayed", "resume","file","uniqueid"], "sort": {"method": "episode"}}, "id": 1}' %KodiTvShowId)
jsonobject = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8','replace'))
episodes = None
result = jsonobject['result']
episodes = result['episodes']
if returnmap:
episodeMap = None
if(episodes != None):
episodeMap = {}
for KodiItem in episodes:
episodeMap[KodiItem["uniqueid"]["unknown"]] = KodiItem
return episodeMap
return episodes
def getKodiEpisodeByMbItem(self, episodeid, tvshowid): def getKodiEpisodeByMbItem(self, episodeid, tvshowid):
episode = None episode = None

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -115,12 +115,10 @@ class Service():
self.logMsg("Doing_Db_Sync: syncDatabase (Started)") self.logMsg("Doing_Db_Sync: syncDatabase (Started)")
libSync = librarySync.syncDatabase() libSync = librarySync.syncDatabase()
self.logMsg("Doing_Db_Sync: syncDatabase (Finished) " + str(libSync)) self.logMsg("Doing_Db_Sync: syncDatabase (Finished) " + str(libSync))
countSync = librarySync.updatePlayCounts()
self.logMsg("Doing_Db_Sync: updatePlayCounts (Finished) " + str(countSync))
# Force refresh newly set thumbnails # Force refresh newly set thumbnails
xbmc.executebuiltin("UpdateLibrary(video)") xbmc.executebuiltin("UpdateLibrary(video)")
if(libSync and countSync): if(libSync):
startupComplete = True startupComplete = True
else: else:
if self.KodiMonitor.waitForAbort(10): if self.KodiMonitor.waitForAbort(10):