Reorder settings
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 30 additions and 33 deletions
@ -302,12 +302,12 @@
<string id="30536">Users must log in every time Kodi restarts</string>
<string id="30537">RESTART KODI IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES</string>
<string id="30538">Complete Re-Sync necessary</string>
<string id="30539">Download additional art from FanArtTV (slower!)</string>
<string id="30539">Download additional art from FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30540">Download movie set/collection art from FanArtTV</string>
<string id="30541">Don't ask to pick a certain stream/quality</string>
<string id="30542">Always pick best quality for trailers</string>
<string id="30543">Sleep between art downloads [ms]</string>
<string id="30544">Artwork</string>
<!-- service add-on -->
<string id="33000">Welcome</string>
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
<string id="39005">Plex Companion Port (change only if needed)</string>
<string id="39006">Activate Plex Companion debug log</string>
<string id="39007">Activate Plex Companion GDM debug log</string>
<string id="39008">Allows flinging media to Kodi through Plex</string>
<string id="39008">Plex Companion: Allows flinging media to Kodi through Plex</string>
<string id="39009">Could not login to Please try signing in again.</string>
<string id="39010">Problems connecting to Network or internet issue?</string>
<string id="39011">Could not find any Plex server in the network. Aborting...</string>
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
<string id="39018">[COLOR yellow]Repair local database (force update all content)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39019">[COLOR red]Partial or full reset of Database and PKC[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Cache all images to Kodi texture cache[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39021">[COLOR yellow]Sync Emby Theme Media to Kodi[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39022">local</string>
<string id="39023">Failed to authenticate. Did you login to</string>
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
<string id="39058">Extend Plex TV Series "On Deck" view to all shows</string>
<string id="39059">Recently Added: Append show title to episode</string>
<string id="39060">Recently Added: Append season- and episode-number SxxExx</string>
<string id="39061">Would you like to download additional artwork from FanArtTV? Sync will be slower!</string>
<string id="39061">Would you like to download additional artwork from FanArtTV in the background?</string>
<string id="39062">Sync when screensaver is deactivated</string>
<string id="39063">Force Transcode Hi10P</string>
<string id="39064">Recently Added: Also show already watched episodes</string>
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
<string id="39219">Abort (Yes) or save address anyway (No)?</string>
<string id="39220">connected</string>
<string id="39221"> toggle successful</string>
<string id="39222">Look for missing fanart on FanartTV</string>
<string id="39222">[COLOR yellow]Look for missing fanart on FanartTV now[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39223">Only look for missing fanart or refresh all fanart? The scan will take quite a while and happen in the background.</string>
<string id="39224">Refresh all</string>
<string id="39225">Missing only</string>
@ -28,11 +28,12 @@
<string id="30536">Benutzer müssen sich bei jedem Neustart von Kodi neu anmelden</string>
<string id="30537">BEI ÄNDERUNGEN KODI NEU STARTEN</string>
<string id="30538">Komplette Neusynchronisierung nötig</string>
<string id="30539">Zusätzliche Bilder von FanArtTV herunterladen (langsamer!)</string>
<string id="30539">Zusätzliche Bilder von FanArtTV herunterladen</string>
<string id="30540">FanArtTV Film-Sets/Collections Bilder herunterladen</string>
<string id="30541">Nicht fragen, welcher Stream/Qualität gespielt wird</string>
<string id="30542">Trailer immer in der besten Qualität abspielen</string>
<string id="30543">Wartezeit zwischen Bilder downloads [ms]</string>
<string id="30544">Artwork</string>
<string id="30014">Verbindung</string>
<string id="30015">Netzwerk</string>
@ -292,7 +293,7 @@
<string id="39005">Plex Companion Port (nur bei Bedarf ändern)</string>
<string id="39006">Plex Companion debug log aktivieren</string>
<string id="39007">Plex Companion GDM debug log aktivieren</string>
<string id="39008">Spiele Inhalt von anderen Plex Geräten ab</string>
<string id="39008">Plex Companion: Spiele Inhalt von anderen Plex Geräten ab</string>
<string id="39009">Login bei fehlgeschlagen. Bitte erneut versuchen.</string>
<string id="39010">Netzwerk Verbindungsprobleme für Funktionieren Netzwerk und/oder Internet?</string>
<string id="39011">Konnte keine Plex Server im Netzwerk finden. Abbruch...</string>
@ -305,7 +306,7 @@
<string id="39018">[COLOR yellow]Lokale Datenbank reparieren (allen Inhalt aktualisieren)[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39019">[COLOR red]Datenbank und auf Wunsch PKC zurücksetzen[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Alle Plex Bilder in Kodi zwischenspeichern[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39020">[COLOR yellow]Alle Plex Bilder jetzt in Kodi zwischenspeichern[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39021">[COLOR yellow]Plex Themes zu Kodi synchronisieren[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39022">lokal</string>
<string id="39023">Plex Media Server Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen. Haben Sie sich bei eingeloggt?</string>
@ -347,7 +348,7 @@
<string id="39058">Standard Plex Ansicht "Aktuell" auf alle TV Shows erweitern</string>
<string id="39059">"Zuletzt hinzugefügt": Serien- an Episoden-Titel anfügen</string>
<string id="39060">"Zuletzt hinzugefügt": Staffel und Episode anfügen, SxxExx</string>
<string id="39061">Zusätzliche Bilder von FanArtTV herunterladen? Die Synchronisierung wird länger dauern!</string>
<string id="39061">Zusätzliche Bilder von FanArtTV im Hintergrund herunterladen?</string>
<string id="39062">Sync wenn Bildschirmschoner deaktiviert wird</string>
<string id="39063">Hi10p Codec Transkodierung erzwingen</string>
<string id="39064">"Zuletzt hinzugefügt": gesehene Folgen anzeigen</string>
@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
<string id="39219">Abbrechen (Ja) oder PMS Adresse trotzdem speichern (Nein)?</string>
<string id="39220">verbunden</string>
<string id="39221"> wechsel OK</string>
<string id="39222">Nach zusätzlicher Fanart auf FanartTV suchen</string>
<string id="39222">[COLOR yellow]Jetzt zusätzliche Bilder auf FanartTV suchen[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39223">Nur nach fehlender Fanart suchen oder alle Fanart neu herunterladen? Die Suche wird lange dauern und komplett im Hintergrund stattfinden!</string>
<string id="39224">Alle</string>
<string id="39225">Fehlend</string>
@ -275,8 +275,6 @@ def doMainListing():
# addDirectoryItem("Add user to session", "plugin://")
addDirectoryItem(lang(39203), "plugin://")
addDirectoryItem(lang(39204), "plugin://")
if settings('FanartTV') == 'true':
addDirectoryItem(lang(39222), "plugin://")
@ -19,17 +19,25 @@
<setting id="accessToken" type="text" visible="false" default="" />
<category label=""><!-- -->
<category label="Plex">
<setting type="lsep" label=""/>
<setting id="plex_status" label="39071" type="text" default="Not logged in to" enable="false" /><!-- Current status: -->
<setting id="plexLogin" label="Plex user:" type="text" default="" enable="false" />
<setting type="sep" text=""/>
<setting id="myplexlogin" label="39025" type="bool" default="true" /> <!-- Log into on startup -->
<setting label="39209" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" option="close" />
<setting id="plexLogin" label=" username" type="text" default="" visible="false" />
<setting id="plexhome" label="Plex home in use" type="bool" default="" visible="false" />
<setting id="plexToken" label="plexToken" type="text" default="" visible="false" />
<setting id="plexHomeSize" type="number" default="1" visible="false" />
<setting type="lsep" label="39008" />
<setting id="plexCompanion" label="39004" type="bool" default="true" />
<setting id="deviceNameOpt" label="30504" type="bool" default="false" />
<setting id="deviceName" label="30016" type="text" visible="eq(-1,true)" default="Kodi" />
<setting id="companionPort" label="39005" type="number" default="3005" option="int" visible="eq(-3,true)"/>
<setting id="plex_restricteduser" type="bool" default="false" visible="false"/>
<category label="30506"><!-- Sync Options -->
@ -38,10 +46,6 @@
<setting id="dbSyncIndicator" label="30507" type="bool" default="true" />
<setting type="sep" /><!-- show syncing progress -->
<setting id="limitindex" type="number" label="30515" default="200" option="int" /><!-- Maximum items to request from the server at once -->
<setting id="enableTextureCache" label="30512" type="bool" default="true" /> <!-- Force Artwork Caching -->
<setting id="sleep_between_art_downloads" type="slider" label="30543" default="50" option="int" range="10,10,1000" visible="eq(-1,true)"/>
<setting id="serverSync" type="bool" label="30514" default="true" visible="false"/><!-- Enable fast startup (requires server plugin) -->
<setting type="lsep" label="39052" /><!-- Background Sync -->
<setting id="enableBackgroundSync" type="bool" label="39026" default="true" visible="true"/>
<setting id="saftyMargin" type="slider" label="39051" default="60" option="int" range="10,1,300" visible="eq(-1,true)"/>
@ -49,8 +53,6 @@
<setting id="dbSyncScreensaver" type="bool" label="39062" default="false" /><!--Sync when screensaver is deactivated-->
<setting type="lsep" label="30538" /><!-- Complete Re-Sync necessary -->
<setting id="FanartTV" label="30539" type="bool" default="false" /><!-- Download additional art from FanArtTV -->
<setting id="setFanartTV" label="30540" type="bool" default="true" /><!-- Download movie set/collection art from FanArtTV -->
<setting id="enableMusic" type="bool" label="30509" default="true" />
<setting id="useDirectPaths" type="enum" label="30511" values="Addon(Default)|Native(Direct paths)" default="0" visible="true"/> <!-- Playback mode -->
@ -104,6 +106,13 @@
<setting id="bestTrailer" type="bool" label="30542" default="true" />
<category label="30544"><!-- artwork -->
<setting id="enableTextureCache" label="30512" type="bool" default="true" /> <!-- Force Artwork Caching -->
<setting id="sleep_between_art_downloads" type="slider" label="30543" default="50" option="int" range="10,10,1000" visible="eq(-1,true)"/> <!-- Sleep between art downloads [ms] -->
<setting id="FanartTV" label="30539" type="bool" default="false" /><!-- Download additional art from FanArtTV -->
<setting label="39222" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" option="close" visible="eq(-1,true)" /> <!-- Look for missing fanart on FanartTV now -->
<setting label="39020" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" option="close" /> <!-- Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now -->
<category label="30235" visible="false">
<setting id="enableCoverArt" type="bool" label="30157" default="true" visible="false"/>
@ -116,16 +125,6 @@
<setting id="newmusictime" type="number" label="30533" visible="false" default="2" option="int" subsetting="true" />
<category label="Plex Companion">
<setting type="lsep" label="39008" />
<setting id="plexCompanion" label="39004" type="bool" default="true" />
<setting id="deviceNameOpt" label="30504" type="bool" default="false" />
<setting id="deviceName" label="30016" type="text" visible="eq(-1,true)" default="Kodi" />
<setting id="companionPort" label="39005" type="number" default="3005" option="int" visible="eq(-3,true)"/>
<setting id="plex_restricteduser" type="bool" default="false" visible="false"/>
<category label="39073"><!-- Appearance Tweaks -->
<setting id="connectMsg" type="bool" label="30249" default="true" />
@ -144,7 +143,6 @@
<setting id="logLevel" type="enum" label="30004" values="Disabled|Info|Debug" default="1" />
<setting id="startupDelay" type="number" label="30529" default="0" option="int" />
<setting label="39018" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" option="close" /> <!-- Repair local database (force update all content) -->
<setting label="39020" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" option="close" /> <!-- Cache all images to Kodi texture cache -->
<setting label="30535" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" /><!-- Reset device id uuid -->
<setting label="39021" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" option="close" visible="false" /> <!-- Sync Plex Theme Media to Kodi -->
<setting type="lsep" label="39049" /><!-- Nothing works? Try a full reset -->
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