fixed the plugin path for playback
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 119 additions and 582 deletions
@ -118,7 +118,24 @@ class API():
'width' : width,
'aspectratio' : str(aspectfloat)
def getChecksum(self, item):
#TODO --> use the etags or serverside checksum for this
# for now we just add some fields to a string
checksum = ""
userData = item.get("UserData")
if(userData != None):
checksum += str(userData.get("Played"))
checksum += str(userData.get("IsFavorite"))
if userData.get('UnplayedItemCount') != None:
checksum += str(userData.get("UnplayedItemCount"))
if userData.get('LastPlayedDate') != None:
checksum += str(userData.get("LastPlayedDate"))
if userData.get('PlaybackPositionTicks') != None:
checksum += str(userData.get("PlaybackPositionTicks"))
return checksum
def getUserData(self, item):
userData = item.get("UserData")
resumeTime = 0
@ -51,10 +51,7 @@ class LibrarySync():
#TEMP --> add new columns
cursor.execute("alter table movie ADD COLUMN 'embyId' TEXT")
cursor.execute("alter table tvshow ADD COLUMN 'embyId' TEXT")
cursor.execute("alter table episode ADD COLUMN 'embyId' TEXT")
cursor.execute("alter table musicvideo ADD COLUMN 'embyId' TEXT")
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS emby(emby_id TEXT, kodi_id INTEGER, media_type TEXT, checksum TEXT, parent_id INTEGER)")
except: pass
@ -109,8 +106,7 @@ class LibrarySync():
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateMovieToKodiLibrary(item["Id"],connection, cursor, view.get('title'))
# TODO --> compare with eTag
if kodiMovie[2] != item["Name"] or item["Id"] in itemList:
if kodiMovie[2] != API().getChecksum(item) or item["Id"] in itemList:
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateMovieToKodiLibrary(item["Id"],connection, cursor, view.get('title'))
@ -158,7 +154,7 @@ class LibrarySync():
kodiId = kodishow[0]
# If there are changes to the item, perform a full sync of the item
if kodiShow[2] != item["Name"] or item["Id"] in itemList:
if kodiShow[2] != API().getChecksum(item) or item["Id"] in itemList:
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateTvShowToKodiLibrary(item["Id"],connection, cursor, view.get('title'))
@ -203,18 +199,17 @@ class LibrarySync():
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateEpisodeToKodiLibrary(item["Id"], kodiShowId, connection, cursor)
# If there are changes to the item, perform a full sync of the item
if kodiEpisode[2] != item["Name"] or item["Id"] in itemList:
if kodiEpisode[2] != API().getChecksum(item) or item["Id"] in itemList:
WriteKodiDB().addOrUpdateEpisodeToKodiLibrary(item["Id"], kodiShowId, connection, cursor)
allEmbyEpisodeIds = set(allEmbyEpisodeIds)
print allEmbyEpisodeIds
for kodiId in allKodiEpisodeIds:
print "kodiId-->" + kodiId
if not kodiId in allEmbyEpisodeIds:
print "deleting ???-->" + kodiId
#WriteKodiDB().deleteEpisodeFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor)
WriteKodiDB().deleteEpisodeFromKodiLibrary(kodiId, connection, cursor)
def MusicVideosSync(self, fullsync, installFirstRun,connection, cursor):
@ -328,260 +323,6 @@ class LibrarySync():
return True
def updatePlayCounts(self):
#update all playcounts from MB3 to Kodi library
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
pDialog = None
startedSync =
processMovies = True
processTvShows = True
if(WINDOW.getProperty("SyncDatabaseShouldStop") == "true"):
utils.logMsg("Sync PlayCount", "Can not start SyncDatabaseShouldStop=True", 0)
return True
if(WINDOW.getProperty("updatePlayCounts_Running") == "true"):
utils.logMsg("Sync PlayCount", "updatePlayCounts Already Running", 0)
return False
WINDOW.setProperty("updatePlayCounts_Running", "true")
playCountSyncIndication = addon.getSetting("playCountSyncIndication")
playCountSyncFirstRun = addon.getSetting("SyncFirstCountsRunDone")
if(playCountSyncFirstRun != "true" or playCountSyncIndication == "Dialog Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
elif(playCountSyncIndication == "BG Progress"):
pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG()
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.create('Sync PlayCounts', 'Sync PlayCounts')
totalCountsUpdated = 0
totalPositionsUpdated = 0
#process movies
if processMovies:
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.update(0, "Processing Movies", "")
views = ReadEmbyDB().getCollections("movies")
viewCount = len(views)
viewCurrent = 1
for view in views:
allMB3Movies = ReadEmbyDB().getMovies(view.get('id'), fullinfo = False, fullSync = True)
allKodiMovies = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovies(False)
return False
if(allMB3Movies != None and allKodiMovies != None):
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync PlayCounts: Processing " + view.get('title') + " " + str(viewCurrent) + " of " + str(viewCount)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
totalCount = len(allMB3Movies) + 1
count = 1
for item in allMB3Movies:
if not item.get('IsFolder'):
kodiItem = allKodiMovies.get(item["Id"], None)
userData = API().getUserData(item)
timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(item)
if kodiItem != None:
kodiresume = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
if kodiresume != resume:
totalPositionsUpdated += 1
updated = WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"playcount",int(userData.get("PlayCount")), "movie")
updated |= WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"lastplayed",userData.get("LastPlayedDate"), "movie")
totalCountsUpdated += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(totalCount)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Movie: " + str(count))
count += 1
viewCurrent += 1
#process Tv shows
if processTvShows:
if(pDialog != None):
pDialog.update(0, "Processing TV Episodes", "")
views = ReadEmbyDB().getCollections("tvshows")
viewCount = len(views)
viewCurrent = 1
progressTitle = ""
for view in views:
tvshowData = ReadEmbyDB().getTVShows(id = view.get('id'), fullinfo = False, fullSync = True)
return False
if (tvshowData != None):
showTotal = len(tvshowData)
showCurrent = 1
for item in tvshowData:
episodeData = ReadEmbyDB().getEpisodes(item["Id"], False)
allKodiTVShows = ReadKodiDB().getKodiTvShows(False)
kodishow = allKodiTVShows.get(item["Id"],None)
if kodishow != None:
kodiEpisodes = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodes(kodishow["tvshowid"],False,True)
kodiEpisodes = None
if (episodeData != None):
if(pDialog != None):
progressTitle = "Sync PlayCounts: Processing TV Show " + str(showCurrent) + " of " + str(showTotal)
pDialog.update(0, progressTitle)
totalCount = len(episodeData) + 1
count = 1
for episode in episodeData:
kodiItem = None
matchFound = False
if kodiEpisodes != None:
kodiItem = kodiEpisodes.get(episode.get("Id"), None)
timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(episode)
if kodiItem != None:
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
WINDOW.setProperty("episodeid" + str(kodiItem['episodeid']), episode.get('Name') + ";;" + episode.get('Id'))
WINDOW.setProperty(episode.get('Id'), "episode;;" + str(kodishow["tvshowid"]) + ";;" +str(kodiItem['episodeid']))
kodiresume = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
if kodiresume != resume:
totalPositionsUpdated += 1
updated = WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"playcount",int(userData.get("PlayCount")),"episode")
updated |= WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"lastplayed",userData.get("LastPlayedDate"), "episode")
totalCountsUpdated += 1
return False
# update progress bar
if(pDialog != None):
percentage = int(((float(count) / float(totalCount)) * 100))
pDialog.update(percentage, progressTitle, "Updating Episode: " + str(count))
count += 1
showCurrent += 1
if(playCountSyncFirstRun != "true"):
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
addon.setSetting("SyncFirstCountsRunDone", "true")
# display notification if set up
notificationString = ""
if(totalPositionsUpdated > 0):
notificationString += "Pos:" + str(totalPositionsUpdated) + " "
if(totalCountsUpdated > 0):
notificationString += "Counts:" + str(totalCountsUpdated) + " "
timeTaken = - startedSync
timeTakenString = str(int(timeTaken.seconds / 60)) + ":" + str(timeTaken.seconds % 60)
utils.logMsg("Sync PlayCount", "Finished " + timeTakenString + " " + notificationString, 0)
if(playCountSyncIndication == "Notify OnChange" and notificationString != ""):
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(PlayCount Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
elif(playCountSyncIndication == "Notify OnFinish"):
if(notificationString == ""):
notificationString = "Done"
notificationString = "(" + timeTakenString + ") " + notificationString
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(PlayCount Sync: " + notificationString + ",)")
WINDOW.setProperty("updatePlayCounts_Running", "false")
if(pDialog != None):
return True
def updatePlayCount(self, itemID):
#update playcount of the itemID from MB3 to Kodi library
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='')
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 10000 )
embyItem = ReadEmbyDB().getItem(itemID)
if(embyItem == None):
return False
type = embyItem.get("Type")
#process movie
if type == 'Movie':
kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovie(itemID)
if(kodiItem == None):
return False
return False
userData = API().getUserData(embyItem)
timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(embyItem)
kodiresume = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
if kodiresume != resume:
#write property forced will refresh the item in the list so playcount change is immediately visible
WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"lastplayed",userData.get("LastPlayedDate"), "movie")
return False
#process episode
elif type == 'Episode':
return False
kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodeByMbItem(embyItem["Id"], embyItem["SeriesId"])
userData = API().getUserData(embyItem)
timeInfo = API().getTimeInfo(embyItem)
if kodiItem != None:
kodiresume = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
if kodiresume != resume:
#write property forced will refresh the item in the list so playcount change is immediately visible
WriteKodiDB().updateProperty(kodiItem,"lastplayed",userData.get("LastPlayedDate"), "episode")
return True
def ShouldStop(self, prog):
if(prog != None and type(prog) == xbmcgui.DialogProgress):
@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ class PlaybackUtils():
seekTime = 0
#get the resume point from Kodi DB for a Movie
kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovie(id)
if kodiItem != None:
seekTime = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
#get the resume point from Kodi DB for an episode
episodeItem = ReadEmbyDB().getItem(id)
if episodeItem != None and str(episodeItem["Type"]) == "Episode":
kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodeByMbItem(id,episodeItem["SeriesId"])
if kodiItem != None:
seekTime = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
# kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiMovie(id)
# if kodiItem != None:
# seekTime = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
# else:
# #get the resume point from Kodi DB for an episode
# episodeItem = ReadEmbyDB().getItem(id)
# if episodeItem != None and str(episodeItem["Type"]) == "Episode":
# kodiItem = ReadKodiDB().getKodiEpisodeByMbItem(id,episodeItem["SeriesId"])
# if kodiItem != None:
# seekTime = int(round(kodiItem['resume'].get("position")))
playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, id, result)
isStrmFile = False
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class PlaybackUtils():
if isStrmFile:
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)
#xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, listItem)
if(addon.getSetting("addExtraPlaybackArt") == "true"):
utils.logMsg("PLAY", "Doing second xbmc.Player().play to add extra art")
@ -16,229 +16,28 @@ import Utils as utils
sleepVal = 15
class ReadKodiDB():
def getKodiMovie(self, id):
#returns a single movie from Kodi db selected on MB item ID
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": { "properties" : ["art", "rating", "thumbnail", "fanart", "resume", "runtime", "year", "genre", "cast", "trailer", "country", "studio", "set", "imdbnumber", "mpaa", "tagline", "plotoutline","plot", "sorttitle", "director", "lastplayed", "writer", "playcount", "tag", "file"], "sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "label", "ignorearticle": true } }, "id": "libMovies"}')
jsonobject = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8','replace'))
movie = None
result = jsonobject['result']
movies = result['movies']
movie = movies[0]
for item in movies:
if id in item["file"]:
movie = item
return movie
def getEmbyIdByKodiId(self, kodiid, type):
embyId = None
connection = utils.KodiSQL()
cursor = connection.cursor()
if type == "movie":
cursor.execute("SELECT embyId as embyId FROM movie WHERE idMovie = ?",(kodiid,))
if type == "episode":
cursor.execute("SELECT embyId as embyId FROM episode WHERE idEpisode = ?",(kodiid,))
if type == "musicvideo":
cursor.execute("SELECT embyId as embyId FROM musicvideo WHERE idMVideo = ?",(kodiid,))
if type == "tvshow":
cursor.execute("SELECT embyId as embyId FROM tvshow WHERE idShow = ?",(kodiid,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result != None:
embyId = result[0]
return embyId
def getKodiMovies(self, connection, cursor):
#returns all movies in Kodi db
cursor.execute("SELECT idMovie, embyId, c00 FROM movie")
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id, emby_id, checksum FROM emby WHERE media_type='movie'")
allmovies = cursor.fetchall()
#this will return a list with tuples of all items returned from the database
return allmovies
def getKodiMoviesIds(self,returnMB3Ids = False):
# returns a list of movieIds or MB3 Id's from all movies currently in the Kodi library
allKodiMovies = self.getKodiMovies(False)
if(allKodiMovies == None):
return list()
allKodiMovieIds = list(allKodiMovies.keys())
return allKodiMovieIds
allKodiMovieIds = list()
for kodimovie in allKodiMovies.values():
id = str(kodimovie["movieid"])
return allKodiMovieIds
def getKodiTvShowsIds(self,returnMB3Ids = False):
# returns a list of tvshowIds or MB3 Id's from all tvshows currently in the Kodi library
allKodiTvShows = self.getKodiTvShows(False)
if allKodiTvShows == None:
return list()
allKodiTvShowsIds = list(allKodiTvShows.keys())
return allKodiTvShowsIds
allKodiTvShowsIds = list()
for kodishow in allKodiTvShows.values():
id = str(kodishow["tvshowid"])
return allKodiTvShowsIds
def getKodiTvShows(self, connection, cursor):
cursor.execute("SELECT idShow, embyId, c00 FROM tvshow")
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id, emby_id, checksum FROM emby WHERE media_type='tvshow'")
allshows = cursor.fetchall()
#this will return a list with tuples of all items returned from the database
return allshows
def getKodiTVShow(self, id):
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", "params": { "properties": ["art", "genre", "plot", "mpaa", "cast", "studio", "sorttitle", "title", "originaltitle", "imdbnumber", "year", "lastplayed", "premiered", "rating", "thumbnail", "playcount", "file", "fanart", "tag"], "sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "label", "ignorearticle": true } }, "id": "libTvShows"}')
jsonobject = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8','replace'))
tvshow = None
result = jsonobject['result']
tvshows = result['tvshows']
for show in tvshows:
if show["imdbnumber"] == id:
tvshow = show
return tvshow
def getKodiEpisodes(self, connection, cursor, showid):
cursor.execute("SELECT idEpisode, embyId, c00 FROM episode WHERE idShow = ?", (showid,))
def getKodiEpisodes(self, connection, cursor, showid=None):
if showid == None:
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id, emby_id, checksum FROM emby WHERE media_type=?",("episode",))
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id, emby_id, checksum FROM emby WHERE media_type=? AND parent_id=?",("episode", showid))
allepisodes = cursor.fetchall()
#this will return a list with tuples of all items returned from the database
return allepisodes
def getKodiEpisodeByMbItem(self, episodeid, tvshowid):
episode = None
tvshow = self.getKodiTVShow(tvshowid)
if tvshow != None:
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", "params": {"tvshowid": ' + str(tvshow['tvshowid']) + ', "properties": ["playcount","season", "resume", "episode", "lastplayed", "uniqueid", "file"], "sort": {"method": "episode"}}, "id": 1}')
jsonobject = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8','replace'))
result = jsonobject['result']
episodes = result['episodes']
for ep in episodes:
if ep["uniqueid"]["unknown"] == episodeid:
episode = ep
return episode
def getKodiEpisodeByMbItemEx(self, id):
connection = utils.KodiSQL()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT idEpisode FROM episode WHERE c20 = ?", (id,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
kodiId = None
if result != None:
kodiId = result[0]
episode = None
if(kodiId != None):
print "Kodi Episode ID : " + str(kodiId)
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails", "params": {"episodeid": %d, "properties": ["playcount", "season", "resume", "episode", "lastplayed", "uniqueid", "file"]}, "id": 1}' %kodiId)
#json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails", "params": {"episodeid": ' + str(kodiId) + ', "properties": ["playcount", "season", "resume", "episode", "lastplayed", "uniqueid", "file"], "sort": {"method": "episode"}}, "id": 1}')
jsonobject = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8','replace'))
print "Kodi_Item: " + str(jsonobject)
result = jsonobject["result"]
episode = result["episodedetails"]
return episode
def getKodiMusicVideo(self, id):
#returns a single musicvideo from Kodi db selected on MB item ID
#get the mediabrowser ID from DB
connection = utils.KodiSQL()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT idMVideo as musicvideoid FROM musicvideo WHERE c23 = ?",(id,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
musicvideoid = None
if result != None:
musicvideoid = result[0]
musicvideo = None
if musicvideoid != None:
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMusicVideosDetails", "params": { "musicvideoid": ' + musicvideoid + ', "properties" : ["art", "thumbnail", "fanart", "resume", "runtime", "year", "genre", "studio", "artist", "album", "track","plot", "director", "playcount", "lastplayed", "tag", "file"], "sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "label", "ignorearticle": true } }, "id": "libMusicVideos"}')
jsonobject = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8','replace'))
musicvideo = None
result = jsonobject['result']
musicvideo = result['musicvideodetails']
return musicvideo
def getKodiMusicVideos(self,fullInfo = False):
#returns all musicvideos in Kodi db inserted by MB
if fullInfo:
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMusicVideos", "params": { "properties" : ["art", "thumbnail", "fanart", "resume", "runtime", "year", "genre", "studio", "artist", "album", "track", "lastplayed", "plot", "director", "playcount", "tag", "file"] }, "id": "libMusicVideos"}')
json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMusicVideos", "params": { "properties" : ["resume", "playcount", "lastplayed", "file", "track"] }, "id": "libMusicVideos"}')
jsonobject = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8','replace'))
musicvideos = None
result = jsonobject['result']
musicvideos = result['musicvideos']
kodiMusicVideoMap = None
if(musicvideos != None and len(musicvideos) > 0):
kodiMusicVideoMap = {}
connection = utils.KodiSQL()
cursor = connection.cursor()
for kodivideo in musicvideos:
cursor.execute("SELECT c23 as MBid FROM musicvideo WHERE idMVideo = ?",(kodivideo["musicvideoid"],))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result != None:
key = result[0]
kodiMusicVideoMap[key] = kodivideo
return kodiMusicVideoMap
def getKodiMusicVideoIds(self,returnMB3Ids = False):
# returns a list of movieIds or MB3 Id's from all movies currently in the Kodi library
allKodiMusicVideos = self.getKodiMusicVideos(False)
if(allKodiMusicVideos == None):
return list()
allKodiMusicVideoIds = list(allKodiMusicVideos.keys())
return allKodiMusicVideoIds
allKodiMusicVideoIds = list()
for kodivideo in allKodiMusicVideos.values():
id = str(kodivideo["musicvideoid"])
return allKodiMusicVideoIds
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
# If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update
# If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
cursor.execute("SELECT idMovie FROM movie WHERE embyId = ?",(MBitem["Id"],))
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?",(MBitem["Id"],))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result != None:
movieid = result[0]
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
jsonData = downloadUtils.downloadUrl(itemTrailerUrl)
if(jsonData != ""):
trailerItem = jsonData
trailerUrl = "plugin://" % trailerItem[0][u'Id']
trailerUrl = "plugin://" % trailerItem[0][u'Id']
if MBitem.get("DateCreated") != None:
dateadded = MBitem["DateCreated"].replace("T"," ")
@ -113,21 +113,9 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
path = "plugin://" % MBitem["Id"]
filename = "plugin://" % MBitem["Id"]
path = "plugin://"
filename = "plugin://" % MBitem["Id"]
playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, MBitem["Id"], MBitem)
playurl = utils.convertEncoding(playurl)
# we need to store both the path and the filename seperately in the kodi db so we split them up
if "\\" in playurl:
filename = playurl.rsplit("\\",1)[-1]
path = playurl.replace(filename,"")
elif "/" in playurl:
filename = playurl.rsplit("/",1)[-1]
path = playurl.replace(filename,"")
#create the path
cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as pathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?",(path,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
@ -159,16 +147,23 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idMovie),0) as movieid from movie")
movieid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
movieid = movieid + 1
pathsql="insert into movie(idMovie, idFile, c00, c01, c02, c05, c06, c07, c09, c10, c11, c12, c14, c15, c16, c18, c19, embyId) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (movieid, fileid, title, plot, shortplot, rating, writer, year, imdb, sorttitle, runtime, mpaa, genre, director, title, studio, trailerUrl, MBitem["Id"]))
pathsql="insert into movie(idMovie, idFile, c00, c01, c02, c05, c06, c07, c09, c10, c11, c12, c14, c15, c16, c18, c19) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (movieid, fileid, title, plot, shortplot, rating, writer, year, imdb, sorttitle, runtime, mpaa, genre, director, title, studio, trailerUrl))
#add the viewtag
self.AddTagToMedia(movieid, viewTag, "movie", cursor)
#create the reference in emby table
pathsql = "INSERT into emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (MBitem["Id"], movieid, "movie", API().getChecksum(MBitem)))
pathsql="update movie SET c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c02 = ?, c05 = ?, c06 = ?, c07 = ?, c09 = ? c10 = ?, c11 = ?, c12 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ?, c16 = ?, c18 = ?, c19 = ?, embyId= ? WHERE idMovie = ?"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (title, plot, shortplot, rating, writer, year, imdb, sorttitle, runtime, mpaa, genre, director, title, studio, trailerUrl, MBitem["Id"], movieid))
pathsql="update movie SET c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c02 = ?, c05 = ?, c06 = ?, c07 = ?, c09 = ? c10 = ?, c11 = ?, c12 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ?, c16 = ?, c18 = ?, c19 = ? WHERE idMovie = ?"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (title, plot, shortplot, rating, writer, year, imdb, sorttitle, runtime, mpaa, genre, director, title, studio, trailerUrl, movieid))
#update the checksum in emby table
cursor.execute("UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?", (API().getChecksum(MBitem),MBitem["Id"]))
#update or insert actors
self.AddPeopleToMedia(movieid,MBitem.get("People"),"movie", connection, cursor)
@ -185,10 +180,15 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
#update genres
self.AddGenresToMedia(movieid, genres, "movie", cursor)
#update studios
self.AddStudiosToMedia(movieid, studios, "movie", cursor)
#set resume point
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
self.setKodiResumePoint(fileid, resume, total, cursor)
#commit changes and return the id
return movieid
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
# If the item already exist in the local Kodi DB we'll perform a full item update
# If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
cursor.execute("SELECT idMovie FROM movie WHERE embyId = ?",(MBitem["Id"],))
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?",(MBitem["Id"],))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result != None:
showid = result[0]
@ -237,12 +237,7 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
premieredate = None
path = "plugin://" + MBitem["Id"] + "/"
playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, MBitem["Id"], MBitem)
#make sure that the path always ends with a slash
path = utils.convertEncoding(playurl + "/")
path = "plugin://" + MBitem["Id"] + "/"
#### ADD THE TV SHOW TO KODI ##############
if showid == None:
@ -255,12 +250,7 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
cursor.execute(pathsql, (pathid,path,None,None,1))
#create toplevel path as monitored source - needed for things like actors and stuff to work (no clue why)
if "\\" in path:
toplevelpathstr = path.rsplit("\\",2)[1]
toplevelpath = path.replace(toplevelpathstr + "\\","")
elif "/" in path:
toplevelpathstr = path.rsplit("/",2)[1]
toplevelpath = path.replace(toplevelpathstr + "/","")
toplevelpath = "plugin://"
cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as tlpathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?",(toplevelpath,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result == None:
@ -281,8 +271,12 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idShow),0) as showid from tvshow")
showid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
showid = showid + 1
pathsql="insert into tvshow(idShow, c00, c01, c04, c05, c08, c09, c13, c14, c15, embyId) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (showid, title, plot, rating, premieredate, genre, title, mpaa, studio, sorttitle, MBitem["Id"]))
pathsql="insert into tvshow(idShow, c00, c01, c04, c05, c08, c09, c13, c14, c15) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (showid, title, plot, rating, premieredate, genre, title, mpaa, studio, sorttitle))
#create the reference in emby table
pathsql = "INSERT into emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (MBitem["Id"], showid, "tvshow", API().getChecksum(MBitem)))
#link the path
pathsql="insert into tvshowlinkpath(idShow,idPath) values(?, ?)"
@ -293,8 +287,11 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
#### UPDATE THE TV SHOW #############
pathsql="UPDATE tvshow SET (c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c08 = ?, c09 = ?, c13 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ?, embyId = ? WHERE idShow = ?"
cursor.execute(pathsql, title, plot, rating, premieredate, title, genre, mpaa, studio, sorttitle, MBitem["Id"], showid)
pathsql="UPDATE tvshow SET (c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c08 = ?, c09 = ?, c13 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ? WHERE idShow = ?"
cursor.execute(pathsql, title, plot, rating, premieredate, title, genre, mpaa, studio, sorttitle, showid)
#update the checksum in emby table
cursor.execute("UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?", (API().getChecksum(MBitem), MBitem["Id"]))
#update or insert people
self.AddPeopleToMedia(showid,MBitem.get("People"),"tvshow", connection, cursor)
@ -304,7 +301,7 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
#update studios
self.AddStudiosToMedia(showid, studios, "tvshow", cursor)
#update artwork
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary"), showid, "tvshow", "thumb", cursor)
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary"), showid, "tvshow", "poster", cursor)
@ -399,11 +396,9 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
# If the item doesn't exist, we'll add it to the database
MBitem = ReadEmbyDB().getFullItem(embyId)
cursor.execute("SELECT idEpisode FROM episode WHERE embyId = ?",(MBitem["Id"],))
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id = ?",(MBitem["Id"],))
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result != None:
utils.logMsg("Emby", "Episode already exists in DB : " + MBitem["Id"] + " - " + MBitem["Name"], 2)
episodeid = result[0]
episodeid = None
@ -455,18 +450,6 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
path = "plugin://" + MBitem["SeriesId"] + "/"
filename = "plugin://" + MBitem["SeriesId"] + "/?id=" + MBitem["Id"] + "&mode=play"
playurl = PlayUtils().getPlayUrl(server, MBitem["Id"], MBitem)
playurl = utils.convertEncoding(playurl)
# we need to store both the path and the filename seperately in the kodi db so we split them up
if "\\" in playurl:
filename = playurl.rsplit("\\",1)[-1]
path = playurl.replace(filename,"")
elif "/" in playurl:
filename = playurl.rsplit("/",1)[-1]
path = playurl.replace(filename,"")
#create the new path - return id if already exists
cursor.execute("SELECT idPath as pathid FROM path WHERE strPath = ?",(path,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
@ -512,30 +495,40 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idEpisode),0) as episodeid from episode")
episodeid = cursor.fetchone()[0]
episodeid = episodeid + 1
pathsql = "INSERT into episode(idEpisode, idFile, c00, c01, c03, c04, c05, c09, c10, c12, c13, c14, idShow, c15, c16, embyId) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (episodeid, fileid, title, plot, rating, writer, premieredate, runtime, director, season, episode, title, showid, "-1", "-1", MBitem["Id"]))
pathsql = "INSERT into episode(idEpisode, idFile, c00, c01, c03, c04, c05, c09, c10, c12, c13, c14, idShow, c15, c16) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (episodeid, fileid, title, plot, rating, writer, premieredate, runtime, director, season, episode, title, showid, "-1", "-1"))
#create the reference in emby table
pathsql = "INSERT into emby(emby_id, kodi_id, media_type, checksum, parent_id) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (MBitem["Id"], episodeid, "episode", API().getChecksum(MBitem), showid))
# UPDATE THE EPISODE IN KODI (for now, we just send in all data)
pathsql = "UPDATE episode SET c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c03 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c09 = ?, c10 = ?, c12 = ?, c13 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ?, c16 = ?, embyId = ? WHERE idEpisode = ?"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (title, plot, rating, writer, premieredate, runtime, director, season, episode, title, "-1", "-1", MBitem["Id"], episodeid))
pathsql = "UPDATE episode SET c00 = ?, c01 = ?, c03 = ?, c04 = ?, c05 = ?, c09 = ?, c10 = ?, c12 = ?, c13 = ?, c14 = ?, c15 = ?, c16 = ? WHERE idEpisode = ?"
cursor.execute(pathsql, (title, plot, rating, writer, premieredate, runtime, director, season, episode, title, "-1", "-1", episodeid))
#update the checksum in emby table
cursor.execute("UPDATE emby SET checksum = ? WHERE emby_id = ?", (API().getChecksum(MBitem), MBitem["Id"]))
#update or insert actors
self.AddPeopleToMedia(episodeid,MBitem.get("People"),"episode", connection, cursor)
#set resume point
resume = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("ResumeTime"))))*60
total = int(round(float(timeInfo.get("TotalTime"))))*60
self.setKodiResumePoint(fileid, resume, total, cursor)
#update artwork
self.addOrUpdateArt(API().getArtwork(MBitem, "Primary"), episodeid, "episode", "thumb", cursor)
utils.logMsg("Emby","Added or updated episode to Kodi Library - ID: " + MBitem["Id"] + " - " + MBitem["Name"])
utils.logMsg("Emby","Error adding/updating episode to Kodi Library - ID: " + MBitem["Id"] + " - " + MBitem["Name"])
actionPerformed = False
#commit changes
def deleteMovieFromKodiLibrary(self, id, connection, cursor ):
utils.logMsg("deleting movie from Kodi library --> ",id)
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM movie WHERE embyId = ?", (id,))
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id=?", (id,))
kodi_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM movie WHERE idMovie = ?", (kodi_id,))
def deleteMusicVideoFromKodiLibrary(self, id ):
@ -546,12 +539,16 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
def deleteEpisodeFromKodiLibrary(self, id, connection, cursor ):
utils.logMsg("deleting episode from Kodi library --> ",id)
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM episode WHERE embyId = ?", (id,))
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id=?", (id,))
kodi_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM episode WHERE idEpisode = ?", (kodi_id,))
def deleteTVShowFromKodiLibrary(self, id, connection, cursor):
utils.logMsg("deleting tvshow from Kodi library --> ",id)
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM tvshow WHERE embyId = ?", (id,))
cursor.execute("SELECT kodi_id FROM emby WHERE emby_id=?", (id,))
kodi_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM tvshow WHERE idShow = ?", (kodi_id,))
def updateSeasons(self,embyTvShowId, kodiTvShowId, connection, cursor):
@ -596,33 +593,16 @@ class WriteKodiDB():
utils.logMsg("ArtworkSync", "Updating Art Link for kodiId: " + str(kodiId) + " (" + url + ") -> (" + imageUrl + ")")
cursor.execute("UPDATE art set url = ? WHERE media_id = ? AND media_type = ? AND type = ?", (imageUrl, kodiId, mediaType, imageType))
def setKodiResumePoint(self, id, resume_seconds, total_seconds, fileType):
#use sqlite to set the resume point while json api doesn't support this yet
#todo --> submit PR to kodi team to get this added to the jsonrpc api
utils.logMsg("Emby","setting resume point in kodi db..." + fileType + ": " + str(id))
connection = utils.KodiSQL()
cursor = connection.cursor( )
if fileType == "episode":
cursor.execute("SELECT idFile as fileidid FROM episode WHERE idEpisode = ?",(id,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
fileid = result[0]
if fileType == "movie":
cursor.execute("SELECT idFile as fileidid FROM movie WHERE idMovie = ?",(id,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
fileid = result[0]
def setKodiResumePoint(self, fileid, resume_seconds, total_seconds, cursor):
cursor.execute("delete FROM bookmark WHERE idFile = ?", (fileid,))
cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idBookmark),0) as bookmarkId from bookmark")
bookmarkId = cursor.fetchone()[0]
bookmarkId = bookmarkId + 1
bookmarksql="insert into bookmark(idBookmark, idFile, timeInSeconds, totalTimeInSeconds, thumbNailImage, player, playerState, type) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(bookmarksql, (bookmarkId,fileid,resume_seconds,total_seconds,None,"DVDPlayer",None,1))
if resume_seconds != 0:
cursor.execute("select coalesce(max(idBookmark),0) as bookmarkId from bookmark")
bookmarkId = cursor.fetchone()[0]
bookmarkId = bookmarkId + 1
bookmarksql="insert into bookmark(idBookmark, idFile, timeInSeconds, totalTimeInSeconds, thumbNailImage, player, playerState, type) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(bookmarksql, (bookmarkId,fileid,resume_seconds,total_seconds,None,"DVDPlayer",None,1))
def AddPeopleToMedia(self, id, people, mediatype, connection, cursor):
downloadUtils = DownloadUtils()
Add table
Reference in a new issue