Clean up PKC settings

This commit is contained in:
tomkat83 2016-03-16 10:10:48 +01:00
parent fc29bd30b8
commit d14e9b1d05
4 changed files with 23 additions and 14 deletions

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
**Installation in Kodi**
1. You might want to uninstall everything else Plex related first, e.g. PlexBMC and PlexBMC Helper. Starting with a fresh Kodi install might be a good idea. Be sure to use a "normal", unmodded Skin in Kodi to start with.
If you're updating, you might also want to do a complete reset of the plugin: Settings -> Advanced -> "Perform full DB reset (full DB resync)". Choose "Yes" for all questions.
If you're updating, you might also want to do a complete reset of the plugin: Settings -> Advanced -> "Perform local database reset (full resync)". Choose "Yes" for all questions.
2. Simply fire up Kodi and Install from ZIP from here on.
3. Install the 2 needed dependencies first (be sure to NOT download the sources but the additional release files): and
5. Then install PlexKodiConnect, again the additional release file from here:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ If you're updating, you might also want to do a complete reset of the plugin: Se
This software is yet in a Beta version. You have been warned. It's very probable that you will need to fully resync and reset your setup on a regular basis.
**Having Problems? Then thanks for your log files**
It's always a good idea to try resetting the Addon: Settings -> Advanced -> "Perform full DB reset (full DB resync)"
It's always a good idea to try resetting the Addon: Settings -> Advanced -> "Perform local database reset (full resync)"
1. Activate a more detailed logging for KodiPlexConnect: Settings -> Advanced -> "Debug"
2. Follow the instructions here:
3. Don't forget to delete all references to any of your Plex tokens!! You don't want others to have access to your Plex installation

View file

@ -271,13 +271,13 @@
<string id="30506">Sync Options</string>
<string id="30507">Show syncing progress</string>
<string id="30508">Sync empty TV Shows</string>
<string id="30509">Enable Music Library (restart Kodi!)</string>
<string id="30509">Enable Music Library</string>
<string id="30510">Direct stream music library</string>
<string id="30511">Playback Mode (resync!)</string>
<string id="30511">Playback Mode</string>
<string id="30512">Force artwork caching</string>
<string id="30513">Limit artwork cache threads (recommended for rpi)</string>
<string id="30514">Enable fast startup (requires server plugin)</string>
<string id="30515">Maximum items to request from the server at once (restart!)</string>
<string id="30515">Maximum items to request from the server at once</string>
<string id="30516">Playback</string>
<string id="30517">[COLOR yellow]Enter network credentials[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30518">Enable Plex Trailers (Plexpass is needed)</string>
@ -299,6 +299,9 @@
<string id="30534">Server messages</string>
<string id="30535">Generate a new device Id</string>
<string id="30536">Users must log in every time when Kodi restarts</string>
<string id="30537">Restart Kodi if you make changes</string>
<string id="30538">Complete Re-Sync necessary</string>
<!-- service add-on -->
<string id="33000">Welcome</string>
@ -365,7 +368,7 @@
<string id="39023">Failed to authenticate. Did you login to</string>
<string id="39024">[COLOR yellow]Reset PMS and connections to re-login[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39025">Automatically log into on startup</string>
<string id="39026">Enable constant background sync (restart Kodi!)</string>
<string id="39026">Enable constant background sync</string>
<string id="39027">Playback Mode</string>
<string id="39028">CAUTION! If you choose "Native" mode , you might loose access to certain Plex features such as: Plex trailers and transcoding options. ALL Plex shares need to use direct paths (e.g. smb://myNAS/mymovie.mkv or \\myNAS/mymovie.mkv)!</string>
<string id="39029">Network credentials</string>
@ -373,7 +376,7 @@
<string id="39031">Kodi can't locate file: </string>
<string id="39032">Please verify the path. You may need to verify your network credentials in the add-on settings or use different Plex paths. Stop syncing?</string>
<string id="39033">Shall we transform Plex paths from e.g. \\myNas\mymovie.mkv to smb://myNas/mymovie.mkv? (recommended)</string>
<string id="39034">Replace Plex paths \\myNas with SMB paths smb://myNas (resync!)</string>
<string id="39034">Replace Plex paths \\myNas with SMB paths smb://myNas</string>
<!-- Plex -->

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<string id="30500">Host SSL Zertifikat überprüfen (sicherer)</string>
<string id="30507">Synchronisations-Fortschritt anzeigen</string>
<string id="30512">Zwischenspeichern von PMS Bildern erzwingen</string>
<string id="30509">Plex Musik-Bibliotheken aktivieren (Kodi Neustart!)</string>
<string id="30509">Plex Musik-Bibliotheken aktivieren</string>
<string id="30518">Plex Trailer aktivieren (Plexpass benötigt)</string>
<string id="30519">Nachfragen, ob Trailer gespielt werden sollen</string>
<string id="30522">H265 Codec Transkodierung erzwingen</string>
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
<string id="30505">[COLOR yellow]Anzahl Login-Versuche zurücksetzen[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="30536">Benutzer müssen sich bei jedem Neustart von Kodi neu anmelden</string>
<string id="30537">Bei Änderungen Kodi neu starten</string>
<string id="30538">Komplette Neusynchronisierung nötig</string>
<string id="30014">Verbindung</string>
@ -254,7 +257,7 @@
<string id="30249">Server-Verbindungsmeldungen beim Starten anzeigen</string>
<string id="30250">Benutze lokale Pfade anstelle von Addon-Umleitungen beim Abspielen</string>
<string id="30515">Max. Anzahl gleichzeitig nachgefragter PMS Einträge (Neustart!)</string>
<string id="30515">Max. Anzahl gleichzeitig nachgefragter PMS Einträge</string>
<string id="33010">Plex Media Server Authorisierung ist zu häufig fehlgeschlagen. In den Einstellungen können die Anzahl erfolgloser Versuche zurückgesetzt werden.</string>
@ -301,7 +304,7 @@
<string id="39023">Plex Media Server Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen. Haben Sie sich bei eingeloggt?</string>
<string id="39024">[COLOR yellow]PMS und Verbindungen zurücksetzen für erneuten Login[/COLOR]</string>
<string id="39025">Automatisch beim Starten bei einloggen</string>
<string id="39026">Laufende Synchronisierung im Hintergrund aktivieren (Neustart!)</string>
<string id="39026">Laufende Synchronisierung im Hintergrund aktivieren</string>
<string id="39027">Playback Modus</string>
<string id="39028">WARNUNG! Mit dem "Native" Modus verlieren Sie Zugang zu Plex Funktionen wie z.B. Trailer und Transkodieren. ALLE Plex Bibliotheken müssen über direkte Plex Pfade für Kodi zugänglich sein (z.B. via \\meinNas\MeinFilm.mkv oder smb://meinNas/MeinFilm.mkv)!</string>
<string id="39029">Netzwerk Zugangsdaten</string>
@ -309,7 +312,7 @@
<string id="39031">Kodi kann die folgende Datei nicht finden: </string>
<string id="39032">Bitte verifizieren Sie den Pfad. Möglichweise müssen Sie in den Addon Einstellungen die Netzwerk Zugangsdaten korrekt eingeben, oder Plex muss andere Pfade nutzen. Soll Sync gestoppt werden?</string>
<string id="39033">Sollen alle Plex Pfade \\meinNAS\meinFilm.mkv durch smb://meinNAS/meinFilm.mkv ersetzt werden? (empfohlen)</string>
<string id="39034">Plex Pfade \\meinNAS durch SMB Pfade smb://meinNAS ersetzen (neu synchen!)</string>
<string id="39034">Plex Pfade \\meinNAS durch SMB Pfade smb://meinNAS ersetzen</string>
<!-- Plex -->
<string id="39200">Plex Home Benutzer wechseln</string>

View file

@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
<setting id="companionGDMDebugging" label="39007" type="bool" default="false" visible="eq(-5,true)"/>
<category label="30506"><!-- Sync Options -->
<setting type="lsep" label="30537" /><!-- Restart if you make changes -->
<setting id="enableBackgroundSync" type="bool" label="39026" default="true" visible="true"/>
<setting id="serverSync" type="bool" label="30514" default="true" visible="false"/><!-- Enable fast startup (requires server plugin) -->
<setting id="dbSyncIndicator" label="30507" type="bool" default="true" />
<setting type="sep" /><!-- show syncing progress -->
@ -54,10 +56,11 @@
<setting id="imageCacheLimit" type="enum" label="30513" values="Disabled|5|10|15|20|25" default="5" visible="eq(-1,true)" subsetting="true" /> <!-- Limit artwork cache threads -->
<setting id="syncThreadNumber" type="slider" label="39003" default="5" option="int" range="1,1,20"/>
<setting id="syncEmptyShows" type="bool" label="30508" default="false" visible="false"/>
<setting type="lsep" label="30538" /><!-- Complete Re-Sync necessary -->
<setting id="enableMusic" type="bool" label="30509" default="true" />
<setting id="useDirectPaths" type="enum" label="30511" values="Addon(Default)|Native(Direct paths)" default="0" visible="true"/> <!-- Playback mode -->
<setting id="replaceSMB" type="bool" label="39034" default="true" visible="eq(-1,1)"/> <!-- replace all Plex paths with SMB paths -->
<setting id="enableMusic" type="bool" label="30509" default="true" />
<setting id="enableBackgroundSync" type="bool" label="39026" default="true" visible="true"/>
<setting id="streamMusic" type="bool" label="30510" default="false" visible="false" subsetting="true"/> <!-- Direct stream Music library -->
<setting type="lsep" label="30523" visible="false"/> <!-- Music metadata options -->
<setting id="enableImportSongRating" type="bool" label="30524" default="true" visible="false"/>
@ -100,10 +103,10 @@
<category label="30022"><!-- Advanced -->
<setting id="logLevel" type="enum" label="30004" values="Disabled|Info|Debug" default="1" />
<setting id="startupDelay" type="number" label="30529" default="0" option="int" />
<setting id="connectMsg" type="bool" label="30249" default="true" />
<setting label="39018" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" option="close" /> <!-- Repair local database (force update all content) -->
<setting label="39019" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" option="close" /> <!-- Perform local database reset (full resync) -->
<setting label="39020" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" option="close" /> <!-- Cache all images to Kodi texture cache -->
<setting label="39021" type="action" action="RunPlugin(plugin://" option="close" visible="false" /> <!-- Sync Plex Theme Media to Kodi -->
<setting id="connectMsg" type="bool" label="30249" default="true" />