Use Plex library for timesync

- No need for Kodi elements
This commit is contained in:
tomkat83 2016-04-08 10:52:15 +02:00
parent 159bec297e
commit d3e27d9797
2 changed files with 65 additions and 72 deletions

View file

@ -46,9 +46,6 @@ class ThreadedGetMetadata(Thread):
self.out_queue = out_queue
self.lock = lock
self.processlock = processlock
# Just in case a time sync goes wrong
def terminateNow(self):
@ -291,11 +288,9 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
if utils.settings('emby_pathverified') == 'true':
utils.window('emby_pathverified', value='true')
# Time offset between Kodi and PMS in seconds (=Koditime - PMStime)
self.timeoffset = 0
self.lastSync = 0
self.lastTimeSync = 0
# Just in case a time sync goes wrong
self.timeoffset = int(utils.settings('kodiplextimeoffset'))
utils.window('kodiplextimeoffset', value=str(self.timeoffset))
def showKodiNote(self, message, forced=False, icon="plex"):
@ -338,101 +333,98 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
self.logMsg('Synching time with PMS server', 0)
# Find a PMS item where we can toggle the view state to enforce a
# change in lastViewedAt
with kodidb.GetKodiDB('video') as kodi_db:
unplayedIds = kodi_db.getUnplayedItems()
resumeIds = kodi_db.getResumes()
self.logMsg('resumeIds: %s' % resumeIds, 1)
plexId = False
for unplayedId in unplayedIds:
if unplayedId not in resumeIds:
if self.threadStopped():
# Found an item we can work with!
kodiId = unplayedId
self.logMsg('Found kodiId: %s' % kodiId, 1)
# Get Plex ID using the Kodi ID
with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db:
plexId = emby_db.getItem_byFileId(kodiId, 'movie')
if plexId:
self.logMsg('Found movie plexId: %s' % plexId, 1)
# Get all Plex libraries
sections = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl(
except AttributeError:
self.logMsg("Error download PMS views, abort syncPMStime", -1)
return False
plexId = None
for mediatype in ('movie', 'show', 'artist'):
if plexId is not None:
plexId = emby_db.getItem_byFileId(kodiId, 'episode')
if plexId:
self.logMsg('Found episode plexId: %s' % plexId, 1)
for view in sections:
if plexId is not None:
if not view.attrib['type'] == mediatype:
items = PF.GetAllPlexLeaves(view.attrib['key'],
if items in (None, 401):
self.logMsg("Could not download section %s"
% view.attrib['key'], -1)
for item in items:
if item.attrib.get('viewCount') is not None:
# Don't want to mess with items that have playcount>0
if item.attrib.get('viewOffset') is not None:
# Don't mess with items with a resume point
plexId = item.attrib.get('ratingKey')
self.logMsg('Found an item to sync with: %s' % plexId, 1)
# Try getting a music item if we did not find a video item
if not plexId:
self.logMsg("Could not find a video item to sync time with", 0)
with kodidb.GetKodiDB('music') as kodi_db:
unplayedIds = kodi_db.getUnplayedMusicItems()
# We don't care about resuming songs in the middle
for unplayedId in unplayedIds:
if self.threadStopped():
# Found an item we can work with!
kodiId = unplayedId
self.logMsg('Found kodiId: %s' % kodiId, 1)
# Get Plex ID using the Kodi ID
with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db:
plexId = emby_db.getMusicItem_byFileId(kodiId, 'song')
if plexId:
self.logMsg('Found plexId: %s' % plexId, 1)
if plexId is None:
self.logMsg("Could not find an item to sync time with", -1)
self.logMsg("Aborting PMS-Kodi time sync", -1)
return False
# Get the Plex item's metadata
xml = PF.GetPlexMetadata(plexId)
if xml is None or xml == 401:
if xml in (None, 401):
self.logMsg("Could not download metadata, aborting time sync", -1)
return False
libraryId = xml[0].attrib['librarySectionID']
# Get a PMS timestamp to start our question with
timestamp = xml[0].attrib.get('lastViewedAt')
if not timestamp:
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = xml[0].attrib.get('updatedAt')
self.logMsg('Using items updatedAt=%s' % timestamp, 1)
if not timestamp:
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = xml[0].attrib.get('addedAt')
self.logMsg('Using items addedAt=%s' % timestamp, 1)
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = 0
self.logMsg('No timestamp; using 0', 1)
# Set the timer
koditime = utils.getUnixTimestamp()
# Toggle watched state
PF.scrobble(plexId, 'watched')
# Let the PMS process this first!
# Get all PMS items to find the item we just changed
# Get PMS items to find the item we just changed
items = PF.GetAllPlexLeaves(libraryId,
# Toggle watched state back
PF.scrobble(plexId, 'unwatched')
if items in (None, 401):
self.logMsg('Could not download all Plex leaves for library %s '
'with lastViewedAt=%s and containerSize=%s'
% (libraryId, timestamp, self.limitindex), -1)
# Get server timestamp for this change
self.logMsg("Could not download metadata, aborting time sync", -1)
return False
plextime = None
for item in items:
if item.attrib['ratingKey'] == plexId:
plextime = item.attrib.get('lastViewedAt')
if plextime is None:
self.logMsg("Could not set the items watched state, abort", -1)
self.logMsg('Could not get lastViewedAt - aborting', -1)
return False
# Calculate time offset Kodi-PMS
timeoffset = int(koditime) - int(plextime)
utils.window('kodiplextimeoffset', value=str(timeoffset))
utils.settings('kodiplextimeoffset', value=str(timeoffset))
self.timeoffset = int(koditime) - int(plextime)
utils.window('kodiplextimeoffset', value=str(self.timeoffset))
utils.settings('kodiplextimeoffset', value=str(self.timeoffset))
self.logMsg("Time offset Koditime - Plextime in seconds: %s"
% str(self.timeoffset), 0)
return True
def initializeDBs(self):
@ -1530,8 +1522,8 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
processItems = self.processItems
string = self.__language__
fullSyncInterval = self.fullSyncInterval
lastSync = self.lastSync
lastTimeSync = self.lastTimeSync
lastSync = 0
lastTimeSync = 0
lastProcessing = 0
oneDay = 60*60*24
@ -1595,8 +1587,10 @@ class LibrarySync(Thread):
# Run start up sync
window('emby_dbScan', value="true")
log("Db version: %s" % settings('dbCreatedWithVersion'), 0)
lastTimeSync = utils.getUnixTimestamp()
log("Initial start-up full sync starting", 0)
lastSync = utils.getUnixTimestamp()
librarySync = fullSync()
# Initialize time offset Kodi - PMS
window('emby_dbScan', clear=True)

View file

@ -236,7 +236,6 @@ class plexgdm:
data, server = sock.recvfrom(1024)
self.logMsg("Received data from %s, %s" % server, 2)
self.logMsg("Data received is:\r\n %s" % data, 2)
returnData.append({'from': server,
'data': data})
except socket.timeout: