2016-08-08 18:40:35 +02:00

296 lines
9.9 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
from urllib import urlencode
from threading import Lock
from functools import wraps
import xbmc
import embydb_functions as embydb
import utils
import playbackutils
import PlexFunctions
import PlexAPI
class lockMethod:
Decorator for class methods to lock hem completely. Same lock is used for
every single decorator and instance used!
Here only used for Playlist()
lock = Lock()
def decorate(cls, func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
with cls.lock:
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
return result
return wrapper
class Playlist():
Initiate with Playlist(typus='video' or 'music')
# Borg - multiple instances, shared state
_shared_state = {}
def __init__(self, typus=None):
# Borg
self.__dict__ = self._shared_state
self.userid = utils.window('currUserId')
self.server = utils.window('pms_server')
# Construct the Kodi playlist instance
if typus == 'video':
self.playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
self.typus = 'video'
self.logMsg('Initiated video playlist', 1)
elif typus == 'music':
self.playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_MUSIC)
self.typus = 'music'
self.logMsg('Initiated music playlist', 1)
self.playlist = None
self.typus = None
if self.playlist is not None:
self.playlistId = self.playlist.getPlayListId()
self.player = xbmc.Player()
# "interal" PKC playlist
self.items = []
def clear(self):
Empties current Kodi playlist and internal self.items list
self.logMsg('Clearing playlist', 1)
self.items = []
def _initiatePlaylist(self):
self.logMsg('Initiating playlist', 1)
playlist = None
with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db:
for item in self.items:
itemid = item['plexId']
embydb_item = emby_db.getItem_byId(itemid)
mediatype = embydb_item[4]
except TypeError:
self.logMsg('Couldnt find item %s in Kodi db'
% itemid, 1)
item = PlexFunctions.GetPlexMetadata(itemid)
if item in (None, 401):
self.logMsg('Couldnt find item %s on PMS, trying next'
% itemid, 1)
if PlexAPI.API(item[0]).getType() == 'track':
playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_MUSIC)
self.logMsg('Music playlist initiated', 1)
self.typus = 'music'
playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
self.logMsg('Video playlist initiated', 1)
self.typus = 'video'
if mediatype == 'song':
playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_MUSIC)
self.logMsg('Music playlist initiated', 1)
self.typus = 'music'
playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
self.logMsg('Video playlist initiated', 1)
self.typus = 'video'
self.playlist = playlist
if self.playlist is not None:
self.playlistId = self.playlist.getPlayListId()
def _processItems(self, startitem, startPlayer=False):
startpos = None
with embydb.GetEmbyDB() as emby_db:
for pos, item in enumerate(self.items):
kodiId = None
plexId = item['plexId']
embydb_item = emby_db.getItem_byId(plexId)
kodiId = embydb_item[0]
mediatype = embydb_item[4]
except TypeError:
self.logMsg('Couldnt find item %s in Kodi db' % plexId, 1)
xml = PlexFunctions.GetPlexMetadata(plexId)
if xml in (None, 401):
self.logMsg('Could not download plexId %s'
% plexId, -1)
self.logMsg('Downloaded xml metadata, adding now', 1)
# Add to playlist
self.logMsg("Adding %s PlexId %s, KodiId %s to playlist."
% (mediatype, plexId, kodiId), 1)
self._addtoPlaylist(kodiId, mediatype)
# Add the kodiId
if kodiId is not None:
item['kodiId'] = str(kodiId)
if (startpos is None and startitem[1] == item[startitem[0]]):
startpos = pos
if startPlayer is True and len(self.playlist) > 0:
if startpos is not None:, startpos=startpos)
self.logMsg('Never received a starting item for playlist, '
'starting with the first entry', 1)
def playAll(self, items, startitem, offset):
items: list of dicts of the form
'queueId': Plex playQueueItemID, e.g. '29175'
'plexId': Plex ratingKey, e.g. '125'
'kodiId': Kodi's db id of the same item
startitem: tuple (typus, id), where typus is either 'queueId' or
'plexId' and id is the corresponding id as a string
offset: First item's time offset to play in Kodi time (an int)
self.logMsg("---*** PLAY ALL ***---", 1)
self.logMsg('Startitem: %s, offset: %s, items: %s'
% (startitem, offset, items), 1)
self.items = items
if self.playlist is None:
if self.playlist is None:
self.logMsg('Could not create playlist, abort', -1)
utils.window('plex_customplaylist', value="true")
if offset != 0:
# Seek to the starting position
utils.window('plex_customplaylist.seektime', str(offset))
self._processItems(startitem, startPlayer=True)
# Log playlist
self.logMsg('Internal playlist: %s' % self.items, 2)
def modifyPlaylist(self, itemids):
self.logMsg("---*** ADD TO PLAYLIST ***---", 1)
self.logMsg("Items: %s" % itemids, 1)
self._processItems(itemids, startPlayer=True)
def addtoPlaylist(self, dbid=None, mediatype=None, url=None):
self._addtoPlaylist(dbid=None, mediatype=None, url=None)
def _addtoPlaylist(self, dbid=None, mediatype=None, url=None):
mediatype: Kodi type: 'movie', 'episode', 'musicvideo', 'artist',
'album', 'song', 'genre'
pl = {
'jsonrpc': "2.0",
'id': 1,
'method': "Playlist.Add",
'params': {
'playlistid': self.playlistId
if dbid is not None:
pl['params']['item'] = {'%sid' % utils.tryEncode(mediatype):
pl['params']['item'] = {'file': url}
self.logMsg(xbmc.executeJSONRPC(json.dumps(pl)), 2)
def _addtoPlaylist_xbmc(self, item):
API = PlexAPI.API(item)
params = {
'mode': "play",
'dbid': 999999999,
'id': API.getRatingKey(),
'filename': API.getKey()
playurl = "plugin://" \
% urlencode(params)
listitem = API.CreateListItemFromPlexItem()
self.playlist.add(playurl, listitem)
def insertintoPlaylist(self, position, dbid=None, mediatype=None, url=None):
pl = {
'jsonrpc': "2.0",
'id': 1,
'method': "Playlist.Insert",
'params': {
'playlistid': self.playlistId,
'position': position
if dbid is not None:
pl['params']['item'] = {'%sid' % utils.tryEncode(mediatype):
pl['params']['item'] = {'file': url}
self.logMsg(xbmc.executeJSONRPC(json.dumps(pl)), 2)
def verifyPlaylist(self):
def _verifyPlaylist(self):
pl = {
'jsonrpc': "2.0",
'id': 1,
'method': "Playlist.GetItems",
'params': {
'playlistid': self.playlistId,
'properties': ['title', 'file']
self.logMsg(xbmc.executeJSONRPC(json.dumps(pl)), 2)
def removefromPlaylist(self, position):
pl = {
'jsonrpc': "2.0",
'id': 1,
'method': "Playlist.Remove",
'params': {
'playlistid': self.playlistId,
'position': position
self.logMsg(xbmc.executeJSONRPC(json.dumps(pl)), 2)