2017-01-24 16:53:50 +01:00

80 lines
2.5 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from utils import window, settings
import variables as v
log = logging.getLogger("PLEX."+__name__)
def getXArgsDeviceInfo(self, options=None):
Returns a dictionary that can be used as headers for GET and POST
requests. An authentication option is NOT yet added.
options: dictionary of options that will override the
standard header options otherwise set.
header dictionary
xargs = {
'Accept': '*/*',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
# "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
# 'X-Plex-Language': 'en',
'X-Plex-Device': v.ADDON_NAME,
'X-Plex-Client-Platform': v.PLATFORM,
'X-Plex-Device-Name': v.DEVICENAME,
'X-Plex-Platform': v.PLATFORM,
# 'X-Plex-Platform-Version': 'unknown',
# 'X-Plex-Model': 'unknown',
'X-Plex-Product': v.ADDON_NAME,
'X-Plex-Version': v.ADDON_VERSION,
'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': self.getDeviceId(),
'X-Plex-Provides': 'client,controller,player',
if window('pms_token'):
xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = window('pms_token')
if options is not None:
return xargs
def getDeviceId(self, reset=False):
Returns a unique Plex client id "X-Plex-Client-Identifier" from Kodi
settings file.
Also loads Kodi window property 'plex_client_Id'
If id does not exist, create one and save in Kodi settings file.
if reset is True:
window('plex_client_Id', clear=True)
settings('plex_client_Id', value="")
clientId = window('plex_client_Id')
if clientId:
return clientId
clientId = settings('plex_client_Id')
# Because Kodi appears to cache file settings!!
if clientId != "" and reset is False:
window('plex_client_Id', value=clientId)
log.warn("Unique device Id plex_client_Id loaded: %s" % clientId)
return clientId
log.warn("Generating a new deviceid.")
from uuid import uuid4
clientId = str(uuid4())
settings('plex_client_Id', value=clientId)
window('plex_client_Id', value=clientId)
log.warn("Unique device Id plex_client_Id loaded: %s" % clientId)
return clientId