347 lines
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347 lines
13 KiB
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcaddon
import requests
import json
import logging
import Utils as utils
from ClientInformation import ClientInformation
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
# Disable requests logging
class DownloadUtils():
# Borg - multiple instances, shared state
_shared_state = {}
clientInfo = ClientInformation()
addonName = clientInfo.getAddonName()
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon()
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
# Requests session
s = None
timeout = 60
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self._shared_state
def logMsg(self, msg, lvl=1):
self.className = self.__class__.__name__
utils.logMsg("%s %s" % (self.addonName, self.className), msg, int(lvl))
def setUsername(self, username):
# Reserved for UserClient only
self.username = username
self.logMsg("Set username: %s" % username, 2)
def setUserId(self, userId):
# Reserved for UserClient only
self.userId = userId
self.logMsg("Set userId: %s" % userId, 2)
def setServer(self, server):
# Reserved for UserClient only
self.server = server
self.logMsg("Set server: %s" % server, 2)
def setToken(self, token):
# Reserved for UserClient only
self.token = token
self.logMsg("Set token: %s" % token, 2)
def setSSL(self, ssl, sslclient):
# Reserved for UserClient only
self.sslverify = ssl
self.sslclient = sslclient
self.logMsg("Verify SSL host certificate: %s" % ssl, 2)
self.logMsg("SSL client side certificate: %s" % sslclient, 2)
def postCapabilities(self, deviceId):
# Post settings to session
url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Sessions/Capabilities/Full"
data = {
'PlayableMediaTypes': "Audio,Video",
'SupportsMediaControl': True,
'SupportedCommands': (
self.logMsg("Capabilities URL: %s" % url, 2)
self.logMsg("PostData: %s" % data, 2)
self.downloadUrl(url, postBody=data, type="POST")
self.logMsg("Posted capabilities to %s" % self.server, 1)
self.logMsg("Posted capabilities failed.")
# Attempt at getting sessionId
url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Sessions?DeviceId=%s&format=json" % deviceId
result = self.downloadUrl(url)
self.logMsg("Session: %s" % result, 2)
sessionId = result[0][u'Id']
self.logMsg("SessionId: %s" % sessionId)
self.WINDOW.setProperty("sessionId%s" % self.username, sessionId)
self.logMsg("Failed to retrieve sessionId.", 1)
# Post any permanent additional users
additionalUsers = utils.settings('additionalUsers').split(',')
self.logMsg("List of permanent users that should be added to the session: %s" % str(additionalUsers), 1)
# Get the user list from server to get the userId
url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Users?format=json"
result = self.downloadUrl(url)
if result:
for user in result:
username = user['Name'].lower()
userId = user['Id']
for additional in additionalUsers:
addUser = additional.decode('utf-8').lower()
if username in addUser:
url = "{server}/mediabrowser/Sessions/%s/Users/%s" % (sessionId, userId)
postdata = {}
self.downloadUrl(url, postBody=postdata, type="POST")
#xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("Success!", "%s added to viewing session" % username, time=1000)
def startSession(self):
self.deviceId = self.clientInfo.getMachineId()
# User is identified from this point
# Attach authenticated header to the session
verify = None
cert = None
header = self.getHeader()
# If user enabled host certificate verification
verify = self.sslverify
cert = self.sslclient
self.logMsg("Could not load SSL settings.", 1)
# Start session
self.s = requests.Session()
self.s.headers = header
self.s.verify = verify
self.s.cert = cert
# Retry connections to the server
self.s.mount("http://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=1))
self.s.mount("https://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=1))
self.logMsg("Requests session started on: %s" % self.server)
def stopSession(self):
self.logMsg("Requests session could not be terminated.", 1)
def getHeader(self, authenticate=True):
clientInfo = self.clientInfo
deviceName = clientInfo.getDeviceName()
deviceId = clientInfo.getMachineId()
version = clientInfo.getVersion()
if not authenticate:
# If user is not authenticated
auth = 'MediaBrowser Client="Kodi", Device="%s", DeviceId="%s", Version="%s"' % (deviceName, deviceId, version)
header = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept-encoding': 'gzip', 'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8,*', 'Authorization': auth}
self.logMsg("Header: %s" % header, 2)
return header
userId = self.userId
token = self.token
# Attached to the requests session
auth = 'MediaBrowser UserId="%s", Client="Kodi", Device="%s", DeviceId="%s", Version="%s"' % (userId, deviceName, deviceId, version)
header = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept-encoding': 'gzip', 'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8,*', 'Authorization': auth, 'X-MediaBrowser-Token': token}
self.logMsg("Header: %s" % header, 2)
return header
def downloadUrl(self, url, postBody=None, type="GET", authenticate=True):
self.logMsg("=== ENTER downloadUrl ===", 2)
timeout = self.timeout
default_link = ""
# If user is authenticated
if (authenticate):
# Get requests session
s = self.s
# Replace for the real values and append api_key
url = url.replace("{server}", self.server, 1)
url = url.replace("{UserId}", self.userId, 1)
self.logMsg("URL: %s" % url, 2)
# Prepare request
if type == "GET":
r = s.get(url, json=postBody, timeout=timeout)
elif type == "POST":
r = s.post(url, json=postBody, timeout=timeout)
elif type == "DELETE":
r = s.delete(url, json=postBody, timeout=timeout)
except AttributeError:
# Get user information
self.username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
self.userId = WINDOW.getProperty('userId%s' % self.username)
self.server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % self.username)
self.token = WINDOW.getProperty('accessToken%s' % self.username)
header = self.getHeader()
verifyssl = False
cert = None
# IF user enables ssl verification
if utils.settings('sslverify') == "true":
verifyssl = True
if utils.settings('sslcert') != "None":
cert = utils.settings('sslcert')
self.logMsg("Could not load SSL settings.", 1)
# Replace for the real values and append api_key
url = url.replace("{server}", self.server, 1)
url = url.replace("{UserId}", self.userId, 1)
self.logMsg("URL: %s" % url, 2)
# Prepare request
if type == "GET":
r = requests.get(url, json=postBody, headers=header, timeout=timeout, cert=cert, verify=verifyssl)
elif type == "POST":
r = requests.post(url, json=postBody, headers=header, timeout=timeout, cert=cert, verify=verifyssl)
elif type == "DELETE":
r = requests.delete(url, json=postBody, headers=header, timeout=timeout, cert=cert, verify=verifyssl)
# If user is not authenticated
elif not authenticate:
self.logMsg("URL: %s" % url, 2)
header = self.getHeader(authenticate=False)
verifyssl = False
# If user enables ssl verification
verifyssl = self.sslverify
except AttributeError:
# Prepare request
if type == "GET":
r = requests.get(url, json=postBody, headers=header, timeout=timeout, verify=verifyssl)
elif type == "POST":
r = requests.post(url, json=postBody, headers=header, timeout=timeout, verify=verifyssl)
# Process the response
if r.status_code == 204:
# No body in the response
self.logMsg("====== 204 Success ======", 2)
return default_link
elif r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
# UTF-8 - JSON object
r = r.json()
self.logMsg("====== 200 Success ======", 2)
self.logMsg("Response: %s" % r, 2)
return r
if r.headers['content-type'] == "text/html":
self.logMsg("Unable to convert the response for: %s" % url, 1)
return default_link
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
# Make the addon aware of status
if WINDOW.getProperty("Server_online") != "false":
self.logMsg("Server unreachable at: %s" % url, 0)
self.logMsg(e, 2)
WINDOW.setProperty("Server_online", "false")
except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout as e:
self.logMsg("Server timeout at: %s" % url, 0)
self.logMsg(e, 1)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
if r.status_code == 401:
# Unauthorized
status = WINDOW.getProperty("Server_status")
if 'x-application-error-code' in r.headers:
if r.headers['X-Application-Error-Code'] == "ParentalControl":
# Parental control - access restricted
WINDOW.setProperty("Server_status", "restricted")
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("Emby server", "Access restricted.", xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, time=5000)
return False
elif r.headers['X-Application-Error-Code'] == "UnauthorizedAccessException":
# User tried to do something his emby account doesn't allow - admin restricted in some way
elif (status == "401") or (status == "Auth"):
# Tell UserClient token has been revoked.
WINDOW.setProperty("Server_status", "401")
self.logMsg("HTTP Error: %s" % e, 0)
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("Error connecting", "Unauthorized.", xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR)
return 401
elif (r.status_code == 301) or (r.status_code == 302):
# Redirects
elif r.status_code == 400:
# Bad requests
except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
self.logMsg("Invalid SSL certificate for: %s" % url, 0)
self.logMsg(e, 1)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
self.logMsg("Unknown error connecting to: %s" % url, 0)
self.logMsg(e, 1)
return default_link