415 lines
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415 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# utils class
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcvfs
from ClientInformation import ClientInformation
import Utils as utils
class PlayUtils():
_shared_state = {}
clientInfo = ClientInformation()
addonName = clientInfo.getAddonName()
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon()
audioPref = addon.getSetting('Audiopref')
subsPref = addon.getSetting('Subspref')
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self._shared_state
def logMsg(self, msg, lvl=1):
className = self.__class__.__name__
utils.logMsg("%s %s" % (self.addonName, className), msg, int(lvl))
def getPlayUrl(self, server, id, result):
WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
username = WINDOW.getProperty('currUser')
server = WINDOW.getProperty('server%s' % username)
if self.isDirectPlay(result,True):
# Try direct play
playurl = self.directPlay(result)
if playurl:
self.logMsg("File is direct playing.", 1)
WINDOW.setProperty("%splaymethod" % playurl.encode('utf-8'), "DirectPlay")
elif self.isDirectStream(result):
# Try direct stream
playurl = self.directStream(result, server, id)
if playurl:
self.logMsg("File is direct streaming.", 1)
WINDOW.setProperty("%splaymethod" % playurl, "DirectStream")
else:# Try transcoding
playurl = self.transcoding(result, server, id)
if playurl:
self.logMsg("File is transcoding.", 1)
WINDOW.setProperty("%splaymethod" % playurl, "Transcode")
return playurl.encode('utf-8')
def isDirectPlay(self, result, dialog=False):
# Requirements for Direct play:
# FileSystem, Accessible path
self.addon = xbmcaddon.Addon()
playhttp = self.addon.getSetting('playFromStream')
# User forcing to play via HTTP instead of SMB
if playhttp == "true":
self.logMsg("Can't direct play: Play from HTTP is enabled.", 1)
return False
canDirectPlay = result[u'MediaSources'][0][u'SupportsDirectPlay']
# Make sure it's supported by server
if not canDirectPlay:
self.logMsg("Can't direct play: Server does not allow or support it.", 1)
return False
location = result[u'LocationType']
# File needs to be "FileSystem"
if u'FileSystem' in location:
# Verify if path is accessible
if self.fileExists(result):
return True
self.logMsg("Can't direct play: Unable to locate the content.", 1)
if dialog:
# Let user know that direct play failed
resp = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Warning: Unable to direct play.', ['Play from HTTP', 'Play from HTTP and remember next time.'])
if resp == 1:
# Remember next time
addon.setSetting('playFromStream', "true")
# User decided not to proceed.
self.logMsg("Unable to direct play. Verify the following path is accessible by the device: %s. You might also need to add SMB credentials in the addon settings." % result[u'MediaSources'][0][u'Path'])
return False
def directPlay(self, result):
addon = self.addon
playurl = result[u'MediaSources'][0][u'Path']
playurl = result[u'Path']
self.logMsg("Direct play failed. Trying Direct stream.", 1)
return False
if u'VideoType' in result:
# Specific format modification
if u'Dvd' in result[u'VideoType']:
playurl = "%s/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO" % playurl
elif u'BluRay' in result[u'VideoType']:
playurl = "%s/BDMV/index.bdmv" % playurl
# Network - SMB protocol
if "\\\\" in playurl:
smbuser = addon.getSetting('smbusername')
smbpass = addon.getSetting('smbpassword')
# Network share
if smbuser:
playurl = playurl.replace("\\\\", "smb://%s:%s@" % (smbuser, smbpass))
playurl = playurl.replace("\\\\", "smb://")
playurl = playurl.replace("\\", "/")
if "apple.com" in playurl:
USER_AGENT = "QuickTime/7.7.4"
playurl += "?|User-Agent=%s" % USER_AGENT
if ":" not in playurl:
self.logMsg("Path seems invalid: %s" % playurl, 1)
return False
return playurl
def isDirectStream(self, result):
# Requirements for Direct stream:
# FileSystem or Remote, BitRate, supported encoding
canDirectStream = result[u'MediaSources'][0][u'SupportsDirectStream']
# Make sure it's supported by server
if not canDirectStream:
return False
location = result[u'LocationType']
# File can be FileSystem or Remote, not Virtual
if u'Virtual' in location:
return False
# Verify BitRate
if not self.isNetworkQualitySufficient(result):
return False
return True
def directStream(self, result, server, id, type = "Video"):
if "ThemeVideo" in type:
playurl ="%s/mediabrowser/Videos/%s/stream?static=true" % (server, id)
elif "Video" in type:
playurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Videos/%s/stream?static=true" % (server, id)
# Verify audio and subtitles
mediaSources = result[u'MediaSources']
if mediaSources[0].get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex') != None:
playurl = "%s&AudioStreamIndex=%s" % (playurl, mediaSources[0].get('DefaultAudioStreamIndex'))
if mediaSources[0].get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex') != None:
playurl = "%s&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % (playurl, mediaSources[0].get('DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex'))
elif "Audio" in type:
playurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Audio/%s/stream.mp3" % (server, id)
return playurl
self.logMsg("Direct stream failed. Trying transcoding.", 1)
return False
def isTranscoding(self, result):
# Last resort, no requirements
# BitRate
canTranscode = result[u'MediaSources'][0][u'SupportsTranscoding']
# Make sure it's supported by server
if not canTranscode:
return False
location = result[u'LocationType']
# File can be FileSystem or Remote, not Virtual
if u'Virtual' in location:
return False
return True
def transcoding(self, result, server, id):
# Play transcoding
deviceId = self.clientInfo.getMachineId()
playurl = "%s/mediabrowser/Videos/%s/master.m3u8?mediaSourceId=%s" % (server, id, id)
playurl = "%s&VideoCodec=h264&AudioCodec=aac,ac3&deviceId=%s&VideoBitrate=%s" % (playurl, deviceId, self.getVideoBitRate()*1000)
mediaSources = result[u'MediaSources']
prefs = self.audioSubsPref(mediaSources)
playurl = "%s%s" % (playurl, prefs)
self.logMsg("Playurl: %s" % playurl)
return playurl
self.logMsg("Transcoding failed.")
return False
# Works out if the network quality can play directly or if transcoding is needed
def isNetworkQualitySufficient(self, result):
settingsVideoBitRate = self.getVideoBitRate()
settingsVideoBitRate = settingsVideoBitRate * 1000
mediaSources = result[u'MediaSources']
sourceBitRate = int(mediaSources[0][u'Bitrate'])
if settingsVideoBitRate > sourceBitRate:
return True
return False
return True
def getVideoBitRate(self):
# get the addon video quality
videoQuality = self.addon.getSetting('videoBitRate')
if (videoQuality == "0"):
return 664
elif (videoQuality == "1"):
return 996
elif (videoQuality == "2"):
return 1320
elif (videoQuality == "3"):
return 2000
elif (videoQuality == "4"):
return 3200
elif (videoQuality == "5"):
return 4700
elif (videoQuality == "6"):
return 6200
elif (videoQuality == "7"):
return 7700
elif (videoQuality == "8"):
return 9200
elif (videoQuality == "9"):
return 10700
elif (videoQuality == "10"):
return 12200
elif (videoQuality == "11"):
return 13700
elif (videoQuality == "12"):
return 15200
elif (videoQuality == "13"):
return 16700
elif (videoQuality == "14"):
return 18200
elif (videoQuality == "15"):
return 20000
elif (videoQuality == "16"):
return 40000
elif (videoQuality == "17"):
return 100000
elif (videoQuality == "18"):
return 1000000
return 2147483 # max bit rate supported by server (max signed 32bit integer)
def fileExists(self, result):
if u'Path' not in result:
# File has no path in server
return False
# Convert Emby path to a path we can verify
path = self.directPlay(result)
if not path:
return False
pathexists = xbmcvfs.exists(path)
pathexists = False
# Verify the device has access to the direct path
if pathexists:
# Local or Network path
self.logMsg("Path exists.", 2)
return True
elif "nfs:" in path.lower():
# Give benefit of the doubt.
self.logMsg("Can't verify path. Still try direct play.", 2)
return True
self.logMsg("Path is detected as follow: %s. Try direct streaming." % path, 2)
return False
def audioSubsPref(self, mediaSources):
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=self.addonId)
defaultAudio = mediaSources[0][u'DefaultAudioStreamIndex']
playurlprefs = "&AudioStreamIndex=%s" % defaultAudio
codecs = [
# Possible codecs
u'und', u'ac3', u'dts', u'5.1', u'aac', u'mp3', u'dca'
mediaStream = mediaSources[0].get('MediaStreams')
audiotracks = {}
substracks = {}
defaultSubs = None
for stream in mediaStream:
# Since Emby returns all possible tracks together, have to sort them.
if u'Audio' in stream[u'Type']:
if u'Language' in stream:
audiotracks[stream[u'Language']] = stream[u'Index']
audiotracks[stream[u'Codec']] = stream[u'Index']
if u'Subtitle' in stream[u'Type']:
if u'Language' in stream:
substracks[stream[u'Language']] = stream[u'Index']
if stream[u'IsDefault'] == True:
defaultSubs = stream[u'Language']
substracks[stream[u'Codec']] = stream[u'Index']
if stream[u'IsDefault']:
defaultSubs = stream[u'Codec']
self.logMsg("%s %s %s" % (defaultSubs, audiotracks, substracks), 1)
if len(audiotracks) == 1 and len(substracks) == 0:
# There's only one audio track and no subtitles
playurlprefs = "&AudioStreamIndex=%s" % defaultAudio
return playurlprefs
codec_intrack = False
for codec in codecs:
for track in audiotracks:
if codec in track:
codec_intrack = True
if self.audioPref in audiotracks:
self.logMsg("Door 1", 2)
# Audio pref is available
playurlprefs = "&AudioStreamIndex=%s" % audiotracks[self.audioPref]
if addon.getSetting('subsoverride') == "true":
# Subs are forced.
if self.subsPref in substracks:
self.logMsg("Door 1.1", 2)
playurlprefs = "%s&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % (playurlprefs, substracks[self.subsPref])
# Use default subs
if defaultSubs != None:
self.logMsg("Door 1.2", 2)
playurlprefs = "%s&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % (playurlprefs, substracks[defaultSubs])
elif (len(audiotracks) == 1) and not codec_intrack:
self.logMsg("Door 2", 2)
# 1. There's one audio track.
# 2. The audio is defined as a language.
# 3. Audio pref is not available, guaranteed.
playurlprefs = "&AudioStreamIndex=%s" % defaultAudio
if self.subsPref in substracks:
self.logMsg("Door 2.1", 2)
# Subs pref is available.
playurlprefs = "%s&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % (playurlprefs, substracks[self.subsPref])
# Use default subs
if defaultSubs != None:
self.logMsg("Door 2.2", 2)
playurlprefs = "%s&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % (playurlprefs, substracks[defaultSubs])
elif len(audiotracks) == 1 and codec_intrack:
self.logMsg("Door 3", 2)
# 1. There one audio track.
# 2. The audio is undefined or a codec.
# 3. Audio track is mislabeled.
playurlprefs = "&AudioStreamIndex=%s" % defaultAudio
if self.subsPref in substracks:
# If the subtitle is available, only display
# if the setting is enabled.
if addon.getSetting('subsoverride') == "true":
# Subs are forced.
self.logMsg("Door 3.1", 2)
playurlprefs = "%s&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % (playurlprefs, substracks[self.subsPref])
# Use default subs
if defaultSubs != None:
self.logMsg("Door 3.2", 2)
playurlprefs = "%s&SubtitleStreamIndex=%s" % (playurlprefs, substracks[defaultSubs])
except: pass
return playurlprefs |