Something changed in the emby returned paths so the verification was failing. For now, we are getting one item from the media folder and comparing using the user view to make sure we are referring to the correct one with the tag name. Asked Luke for an api that would do this.
576 lines
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576 lines
18 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import xbmc
import utils
import clientinfo
import downloadutils
class Read_EmbyServer():
limitIndex = int(utils.settings('limitindex'))
def __init__(self):
window = utils.window
self.clientInfo = clientinfo.ClientInfo()
self.addonName = self.clientInfo.getAddonName()
self.doUtils = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl
self.userId = window('emby_currUser')
self.server = window('emby_server%s' % self.userId)
def logMsg(self, msg, lvl=1):
className = self.__class__.__name__
utils.logMsg("%s %s" % (self.addonName, className), msg, lvl)
def split_list(self, itemlist, size):
# Split up list in pieces of size. Will generate a list of lists
return [itemlist[i:i+size] for i in range(0, len(itemlist), size)]
def getItem(self, itemid):
# This will return the full item
item = {}
url = "{server}/emby/Users/{UserId}/Items/%s?format=json" % itemid
result = self.doUtils(url)
if result:
item = result
return item
def getItems(self, itemlist):
items = []
itemlists = self.split_list(itemlist, 50)
for itemlist in itemlists:
# Will return basic information
url = "{server}/emby/Users/{UserId}/Items?&format=json"
params = {
'Ids': ",".join(itemlist),
'Fields': "Etag"
result = self.doUtils(url, parameters=params)
if result:
return items
def getFullItems(self, itemlist):
items = []
itemlists = self.split_list(itemlist, 50)
for itemlist in itemlists:
url = "{server}/emby/Users/{UserId}/Items?format=json"
params = {
"Ids": ",".join(itemlist),
"Fields": (
result = self.doUtils(url, parameters=params)
if result:
return items
def getView_embyId(self, itemid):
# Returns ancestors using embyId
viewId = None
url = "{server}/emby/Items/%s/Ancestors?UserId={UserId}&format=json" % itemid
result = self.doUtils(url)
for view in result:
viewtype = view['Type']
if viewtype == "CollectionFolder":
# Found view
viewId = view['Id']
# Compare to view table in emby database
emby = utils.kodiSQL('emby')
cursor_emby = emby.cursor()
query = ' '.join((
"SELECT view_name, media_type",
"FROM view",
"WHERE view_id = ?"
cursor_emby.execute(query, (viewId,))
result = cursor_emby.fetchone()
viewName = result[0]
mediatype = result[1]
except TypeError:
viewName = None
mediatype = None
return [viewName, viewId, mediatype]
def getFilteredSection(self, parentid, itemtype=None, sortby="SortName", recursive=True, limit=None, sortorder="Ascending", filter=""):
doUtils = self.doUtils
url = "{server}/emby/Users/{UserId}/Items?format=json"
params = {
'ParentId': parentid,
'IncludeItemTypes': itemtype,
'CollapseBoxSetItems': False,
'IsVirtualUnaired': False,
'IsMissing': False,
'Recursive': recursive,
'Limit': limit,
'SortBy': sortby,
'SortOrder': sortorder,
'Filters': filter,
'Fields': ( "Path,Genres,SortName,Studios,Writer,ProductionYear,Taglines,"
return doUtils(url, parameters=params)
def getTvChannels(self):
doUtils = self.doUtils
url = "{server}/emby/LiveTv/Channels/?userid={UserId}&format=json"
params = {
'EnableImages': True,
'Fields': ( "Path,Genres,SortName,Studios,Writer,ProductionYear,Taglines,"
return doUtils(url, parameters=params)
def getTvRecordings(self, groupid):
doUtils = self.doUtils
url = "{server}/emby/LiveTv/Recordings/?userid={UserId}&format=json"
if groupid == "root": groupid = ""
params = {
'GroupId': groupid,
'EnableImages': True,
'Fields': ( "Path,Genres,SortName,Studios,Writer,ProductionYear,Taglines,"
return doUtils(url, parameters=params)
def getSection(self, parentid, itemtype=None, sortby="SortName", basic=False, dialog=None):
log = self.logMsg
doUtils = self.doUtils
items = {
'Items': [],
'TotalRecordCount': 0
# Get total number of items
url = "{server}/emby/Users/{UserId}/Items?format=json"
params = {
'ParentId': parentid,
'IncludeItemTypes': itemtype,
'CollapseBoxSetItems': False,
'IsVirtualUnaired': False,
'IsMissing': False,
'Recursive': True,
'Limit': 1
result = doUtils(url, parameters=params)
total = result['TotalRecordCount']
items['TotalRecordCount'] = total
except TypeError: # Failed to retrieve
log("%s:%s Failed to retrieve the server response." % (url, params), 2)
index = 0
jump = self.limitIndex
throttled = False
highestjump = 0
while index < total:
# Get items by chunk to increase retrieval speed at scale
params = {
'ParentId': parentid,
'IncludeItemTypes': itemtype,
'CollapseBoxSetItems': False,
'IsVirtualUnaired': False,
'IsMissing': False,
'Recursive': True,
'StartIndex': index,
'Limit': jump,
'SortBy': sortby,
'SortOrder': "Ascending",
if basic:
params['Fields'] = "Etag"
params['Fields'] = (
result = doUtils(url, parameters=params)
except TypeError:
# Something happened to the connection
if not throttled:
throttled = True
log("Throttle activated.", 1)
if jump == highestjump:
# We already tried with the highestjump, but it failed. Reset value.
log("Reset highest value.", 1)
highestjump = 0
# Lower the number by half
if highestjump:
throttled = False
jump = highestjump
log("Throttle deactivated.", 1)
jump = int(jump/4)
log("Set jump limit to recover: %s" % jump, 2)
retry = 0
while utils.window('emby_online') != "true":
# Wait server to come back online
if retry == 3:
log("Unable to reconnect to server. Abort process.", 1)
retry += 1
if xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort(1):
# Abort was requested while waiting.
# Request succeeded
index += jump
if dialog:
percentage = int((float(index) / float(total))*100)
if jump > highestjump:
# Adjust with the latest number, if it's greater
highestjump = jump
if throttled:
# We needed to adjust the number of item requested.
# keep increasing until the connection times out again
# to find the highest value
increment = int(jump*0.33)
if not increment: # Incase the increment is 0
increment = 10
jump += increment
log("Increase jump limit to: %s" % jump, 1)
return items
def getViews(self, mediatype="", root=False, sortedlist=False):
# Build a list of user views
doUtils = self.doUtils
views = []
mediatype = mediatype.lower()
if not root:
url = "{server}/emby/Users/{UserId}/Views?format=json"
else: # Views ungrouped
url = "{server}/emby/Users/{UserId}/Items?Sortby=SortName&format=json"
result = doUtils(url)
items = result['Items']
except TypeError:
self.logMsg("Error retrieving views for type: %s" % mediatype, 2)
for item in items:
name = item['Name']
itemId = item['Id']
viewtype = item['Type']
if viewtype == "Channel":
# Filter view types
# 11/10/2015 Review key, when it's added to server. Currently unavailable.
itemtype = item.get('OriginalCollectionType', item.get('CollectionType'))
# 11/29/2015 Remove this once OriginalCollectionType is added to stable server.
# Assumed missing is mixed then.
if itemtype is None:
url = "{server}/emby/Library/MediaFolders?format=json"
result = doUtils(url)
for folder in result['Items']:
if itemId == folder['Id']:
itemtype = folder.get('CollectionType', "mixed")
if name not in ('Collections', 'Trailers'):
if sortedlist:
'name': name,
'type': itemtype,
'id': itemId
elif (itemtype == mediatype or
(itemtype == "mixed" and mediatype in ("movies", "tvshows"))):
'name': name,
'type': itemtype,
'id': itemId
return views
def verifyView(self, parentid, itemid):
belongs = False
url = "{server}/emby/Users/{UserId}/Items?format=json"
params = {
'ParentId': parentid,
'CollapseBoxSetItems': False,
'IsVirtualUnaired': False,
'IsMissing': False,
'Recursive': True,
'Ids': itemid
result = self.doUtils(url, parameters=params)
total = result['TotalRecordCount']
except TypeError:
# Something happened to the connection
if total:
belongs = True
return belongs
def getMovies(self, parentId, basic=False, dialog=None):
items = self.getSection(parentId, "Movie", basic=basic, dialog=dialog)
return items
def getBoxset(self, dialog=None):
items = self.getSection(None, "BoxSet", dialog=dialog)
return items
def getMovies_byBoxset(self, boxsetid):
items = self.getSection(boxsetid, "Movie")
return items
def getMusicVideos(self, parentId, basic=False, dialog=None):
items = self.getSection(parentId, "MusicVideo", basic=basic, dialog=dialog)
return items
def getHomeVideos(self, parentId):
items = self.getSection(parentId, "Video")
return items
def getShows(self, parentId, basic=False, dialog=None):
items = self.getSection(parentId, "Series", basic=basic, dialog=dialog)
return items
def getSeasons(self, showId):
items = {
'Items': [],
'TotalRecordCount': 0
url = "{server}/emby/Shows/%s/Seasons?UserId={UserId}&format=json" % showId
params = {
'IsVirtualUnaired': False,
'Fields': "Etag"
result = self.doUtils(url, parameters=params)
if result:
items = result
return items
def getEpisodes(self, parentId, basic=False, dialog=None):
items = self.getSection(parentId, "Episode", basic=basic, dialog=dialog)
return items
def getEpisodesbyShow(self, showId):
items = self.getSection(showId, "Episode")
return items
def getEpisodesbySeason(self, seasonId):
items = self.getSection(seasonId, "Episode")
return items
def getArtists(self, dialog=None):
doUtils = self.doUtils
items = {
'Items': [],
'TotalRecordCount': 0
# Get total number of items
url = "{server}/emby/Artists?UserId={UserId}&format=json"
params = {
'Recursive': True,
'Limit': 1
result = doUtils(url, parameters=params)
total = result['TotalRecordCount']
items['TotalRecordCount'] = total
except TypeError: # Failed to retrieve
self.logMsg("%s:%s Failed to retrieve the server response." % (url, params), 2)
index = 1
jump = self.limitIndex
while index < total:
# Get items by chunk to increase retrieval speed at scale
params = {
'Recursive': True,
'IsVirtualUnaired': False,
'IsMissing': False,
'StartIndex': index,
'Limit': jump,
'SortBy': "SortName",
'SortOrder': "Ascending",
'Fields': (
result = doUtils(url, parameters=params)
index += jump
if dialog:
percentage = int((float(index) / float(total))*100)
return items
def getAlbums(self, basic=False, dialog=None):
items = self.getSection(None, "MusicAlbum", sortby="DateCreated", basic=basic, dialog=dialog)
return items
def getAlbumsbyArtist(self, artistId):
items = self.getSection(artistId, "MusicAlbum", sortby="DateCreated")
return items
def getSongs(self, basic=False, dialog=None):
items = self.getSection(None, "Audio", basic=basic, dialog=dialog)
return items
def getSongsbyAlbum(self, albumId):
items = self.getSection(albumId, "Audio")
return items
def getAdditionalParts(self, itemId):
items = {
'Items': [],
'TotalRecordCount': 0
url = "{server}/emby/Videos/%s/AdditionalParts?UserId={UserId}&format=json" % itemId
result = self.doUtils(url)
if result:
items = result
return items
def sortby_mediatype(self, itemids):
sorted_items = {}
# Sort items
items = self.getFullItems(itemids)
for item in items:
mediatype = item.get('Type')
if mediatype:
sorted_items.setdefault(mediatype, []).append(item)
return sorted_items |