325 lines
12 KiB
325 lines
12 KiB
import logging
import re
import threading
import downloadutils
from clientinfo import getXArgsDeviceInfo
from utils import window
import PlexFunctions as pf
import state
from functions import *
log = logging.getLogger("PLEX."+__name__)
class SubscriptionManager:
def __init__(self, jsonClass, RequestMgr, player, mgr):
self.serverlist = []
self.subscribers = {}
self.info = {}
self.lastkey = ""
self.containerKey = ""
self.ratingkey = ""
self.lastplayers = {}
self.lastinfo = {
'video': {},
'audio': {},
'picture': {}
self.volume = 0
self.mute = '0'
self.server = ""
self.protocol = "http"
self.port = ""
self.playerprops = {}
self.doUtils = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl
self.xbmcplayer = player
self.playqueue = mgr.playqueue
self.js = jsonClass
self.RequestMgr = RequestMgr
def getServerByHost(self, host):
if len(self.serverlist) == 1:
return self.serverlist[0]
for server in self.serverlist:
if (server.get('serverName') in host or
server.get('server') in host):
return server
return {}
def getVolume(self):
self.volume, self.mute = self.js.getVolume()
def msg(self, players):
msg = getXMLHeader()
msg += '<MediaContainer size="3" commandID="INSERTCOMMANDID"'
msg += ' machineIdentifier="%s">' % window('plex_client_Id')
msg += self.getTimelineXML(self.js.getAudioPlayerId(players), plex_audio())
msg += self.getTimelineXML(self.js.getPhotoPlayerId(players), plex_photo())
msg += self.getTimelineXML(self.js.getVideoPlayerId(players), plex_video())
msg += "\n</MediaContainer>"
return msg
def getTimelineXML(self, playerid, ptype):
if playerid is not None:
info = self.getPlayerProperties(playerid)
# save this info off so the server update can use it too
self.playerprops[playerid] = info;
status = info['state']
time = info['time']
status = "stopped"
time = 0
ret = "\n"+' <Timeline state="%s" time="%s" type="%s"' % (status, time, ptype)
if playerid is None:
ret += ' />'
return ret
pbmc_server = window('pms_server')
if pbmc_server:
(self.protocol, self.server, self.port) = \
self.server = self.server.replace('/', '')
keyid = None
count = 0
while not keyid:
if count > 300:
keyid = window('plex_currently_playing_itemid')
count += 1
if keyid:
self.lastkey = "/library/metadata/%s" % keyid
self.ratingkey = keyid
ret += ' key="%s"' % self.lastkey
ret += ' ratingKey="%s"' % self.ratingkey
serv = self.getServerByHost(self.server)
if info.get('playQueueID'):
self.containerKey = "/playQueues/%s" % info.get('playQueueID')
ret += ' playQueueID="%s"' % info.get('playQueueID')
ret += ' playQueueVersion="%s"' % info.get('playQueueVersion')
ret += ' playQueueItemID="%s"' % info.get('playQueueItemID')
ret += ' containerKey="%s"' % self.containerKey
ret += ' guid="%s"' % info['guid']
elif keyid:
self.containerKey = self.lastkey
ret += ' containerKey="%s"' % self.containerKey
ret += ' duration="%s"' % info['duration']
ret += ' controllable="%s"' % self.controllable()
ret += ' machineIdentifier="%s"' % serv.get('uuid', "")
ret += ' protocol="%s"' % serv.get('protocol', "http")
ret += ' address="%s"' % serv.get('server', self.server)
ret += ' port="%s"' % serv.get('port', self.port)
ret += ' volume="%s"' % info['volume']
ret += ' shuffle="%s"' % info['shuffle']
ret += ' mute="%s"' % self.mute
ret += ' repeat="%s"' % info['repeat']
ret += ' itemType="%s"' % info['itemType']
ret += ' token="%s"' % state.PLEX_TRANSIENT_TOKEN
# Might need an update in the future
if ptype == 'video':
ret += ' subtitleStreamID="-1"'
ret += ' audioStreamID="-1"'
ret += '/>'
return ret
def updateCommandID(self, uuid, commandID):
if commandID and self.subscribers.get(uuid, False):
self.subscribers[uuid].commandID = int(commandID)
def notify(self, event=False):
# Don't tell anyone if we don't know a Plex ID and are still playing
# (e.g. no stop called). Used for e.g. PVR/TV without PKC usage
if (not window('plex_currently_playing_itemid')
and not self.lastplayers):
return True
players = self.js.getPlayers()
# fetch the message, subscribers or not, since the server
# will need the info anyway
msg = self.msg(players)
if self.subscribers:
with threading.RLock():
for sub in self.subscribers.values():
sub.send_update(msg, len(players) == 0)
self.lastplayers = players
return True
def notifyServer(self, players):
for typus, p in players.iteritems():
info = self.playerprops[p.get('playerid')]
self.lastinfo[typus] = info
# Cross the one of the list
del self.lastplayers[typus]
except KeyError:
# Process the players we have left (to signal a stop)
for typus, p in self.lastplayers.iteritems():
self.lastinfo[typus]['state'] = 'stopped'
# self._sendNotification(self.lastinfo[typus])
def _sendNotification(self, info):
xargs = getXArgsDeviceInfo()
params = {
'containerKey': self.containerKey or "/library/metadata/900000",
'key': self.lastkey or "/library/metadata/900000",
'ratingKey': self.ratingkey or "900000",
'state': info['state'],
'time': info['time'],
'duration': info['duration']
xargs['X-Plex-Token'] = state.PLEX_TRANSIENT_TOKEN
if info.get('playQueueID'):
params['containerKey'] = '/playQueues/%s' % info['playQueueID']
params['playQueueVersion'] = info['playQueueVersion']
params['playQueueItemID'] = info['playQueueItemID']
serv = self.getServerByHost(self.server)
url = '%s://%s:%s/:/timeline' % (serv.get('protocol', 'http'),
serv.get('server', 'localhost'),
serv.get('port', '32400'))
self.doUtils(url, parameters=params, headerOptions=xargs)
log.debug("Sent server notification with parameters: %s to %s"
% (params, url))
def controllable(self):
return "volume,shuffle,repeat,audioStream,videoStream,subtitleStream,skipPrevious,skipNext,seekTo,stepBack,stepForward,stop,playPause"
def addSubscriber(self, protocol, host, port, uuid, commandID):
sub = Subscriber(protocol,
with threading.RLock():
self.subscribers[sub.uuid] = sub
return sub
def removeSubscriber(self, uuid):
with threading.RLock():
for sub in self.subscribers.values():
if sub.uuid == uuid or sub.host == uuid:
del self.subscribers[sub.uuid]
def cleanup(self):
with threading.RLock():
for sub in self.subscribers.values():
if sub.age > 30:
del self.subscribers[sub.uuid]
def getPlayerProperties(self, playerid):
# Get the playqueue
playqueue = self.playqueue.playqueues[playerid]
# get info from the player
props = self.js.jsonrpc(
{"playerid": playerid,
"properties": ["type",
info = {
'time': timeToMillis(props['time']),
'duration': timeToMillis(props['totaltime']),
'state': ("paused", "playing")[int(props['speed'])],
'shuffle': ("0", "1")[props.get('shuffled', False)],
'repeat': pf.getPlexRepeat(props.get('repeat')),
# Get the playlist position
pos = self.js.jsonrpc(
{"playerid": playerid,
"properties": ["position"]})['position']
info['playQueueItemID'] = playqueue.items[pos].ID or 'null'
info['guid'] = playqueue.items[pos].guid or 'null'
info['playQueueID'] = playqueue.ID or 'null'
info['playQueueVersion'] = playqueue.version or 'null'
info['itemType'] = playqueue.items[pos].plex_type or 'null'
info['itemType'] = props.get('type') or 'null'
import traceback
log.error("Traceback:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc())
info = {
'time': 0,
'duration': 0,
'state': 'stopped',
'shuffle': False,
'repeat': 0
# get the volume from the application
info['volume'] = self.volume
info['mute'] = self.mute
return info
class Subscriber:
def __init__(self, protocol, host, port, uuid, commandID,
subMgr, RequestMgr):
self.protocol = protocol or "http"
self.host = host
self.port = port or 32400
self.uuid = uuid or host
self.commandID = int(commandID) or 0
self.navlocationsent = False
self.age = 0
self.doUtils = downloadutils.DownloadUtils().downloadUrl
self.subMgr = subMgr
self.RequestMgr = RequestMgr
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.uuid == other.uuid
def tostr(self):
return "uuid=%s,commandID=%i" % (self.uuid, self.commandID)
def cleanup(self):
self.RequestMgr.closeConnection(self.protocol, self.host, self.port)
def send_update(self, msg, is_nav):
self.age += 1
if not is_nav:
self.navlocationsent = False
elif self.navlocationsent:
return True
self.navlocationsent = True
msg = re.sub(r"INSERTCOMMANDID", str(self.commandID), msg)
log.debug("sending xml to subscriber %s:\n%s" % (self.tostr(), msg))
url = self.protocol + '://' + self.host + ':' + self.port \
+ "/:/timeline"
t = threading.Thread(target=self.threadedSend, args=(url, msg))
def threadedSend(self, url, msg):
Threaded POST request, because they stall due to PMS response missing
the Content-Length header :-(
response = self.doUtils(url,
if response in [False, None, 401]: