313 lines
11 KiB
313 lines
11 KiB
import logging
import json
import time
import hashlib
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import plexapp
import myplexrequest
import locks
import callback
import asyncadapter
import util
LOG = logging.getLogger('PLEX.myplexaccount')
class HomeUser(util.AttributeDict):
class MyPlexAccount(object):
def __init__(self):
# Strings
self.ID = None
self.title = None
self.username = None
self.thumb = None
self.email = None
self.authToken = None
self.pin = None
self.thumb = None
# Booleans
self.isAuthenticated = plexapp.INTERFACE.getPreference('auto_signin', False)
self.isSignedIn = False
self.isOffline = False
self.isExpired = False
self.isPlexPass = False
self.isManaged = False
self.isSecure = False
self.hasQueue = False
self.isAdmin = False
self.switchUser = False
self.adminHasPlexPass = False
self.lastHomeUserUpdate = None
self.homeUsers = []
def init(self):
def saveState(self):
obj = {
'ID': self.ID,
'title': self.title,
'username': self.username,
'email': self.email,
'authToken': self.authToken,
'pin': self.pin,
'isPlexPass': self.isPlexPass,
'isManaged': self.isManaged,
'isAdmin': self.isAdmin,
'isSecure': self.isSecure,
'adminHasPlexPass': self.adminHasPlexPass
plexapp.INTERFACE.setRegistry("MyPlexAccount", json.dumps(obj), "myplex")
def loadState(self):
# Look for the new JSON serialization. If it's not there, look for the
# old token and Plex Pass values.
LOG.debug('Loading State')
jstring = plexapp.INTERFACE.getRegistry("MyPlexAccount", None, "myplex")
if jstring:
obj = json.loads(jstring)
obj = None
if obj:
self.ID = obj.get('ID') or self.ID
self.title = obj.get('title') or self.title
self.username = obj.get('username') or self.username
self.email = obj.get('email') or self.email
self.authToken = obj.get('authToken') or self.authToken
self.pin = obj.get('pin') or self.pin
self.isPlexPass = obj.get('isPlexPass') or self.isPlexPass
self.isManaged = obj.get('isManaged') or self.isManaged
self.isAdmin = obj.get('isAdmin') or self.isAdmin
self.isSecure = obj.get('isSecure') or self.isSecure
self.isProtected = bool(obj.get('pin'))
self.adminHasPlexPass = obj.get('adminHasPlexPass') or self.adminHasPlexPass
if self.authToken:
request = myplexrequest.MyPlexRequest("/users/account")
context = request.createRequestContext("account", callback.Callable(self.onAccountResponse))
plexapp.APP.startRequest(request, context)
def logState(self):
util.LOG("Authenticated as {0}:{1}".format(self.ID, repr(self.title)))
util.LOG("SignedIn: {0}".format(self.isSignedIn))
util.LOG("Offline: {0}".format(self.isOffline))
util.LOG("Authenticated: {0}".format(self.isAuthenticated))
util.LOG("PlexPass: {0}".format(self.isPlexPass))
util.LOG("Managed: {0}".format(self.isManaged))
util.LOG("Protected: {0}".format(self.isProtected))
util.LOG("Admin: {0}".format(self.isAdmin))
util.LOG("AdminPlexPass: {0}".format(self.adminHasPlexPass))
def onAccountResponse(self, request, response, context):
oldId = self.ID
if response.isSuccess():
data = response.getBodyXml()
# The user is signed in
self.isSignedIn = True
self.isOffline = False
self.ID = data.attrib.get('id')
self.title = data.attrib.get('title')
self.username = data.attrib.get('username')
self.email = data.attrib.get('email')
self.thumb = data.attrib.get('thumb')
self.authToken = data.attrib.get('authenticationToken')
self.isPlexPass = (data.find('subscription') is not None and data.find('subscription').attrib.get('active') == '1')
self.isManaged = data.attrib.get('restricted') == '1'
self.isSecure = data.attrib.get('secure') == '1'
self.hasQueue = bool(data.attrib.get('queueEmail'))
if data.attrib.get('pin'):
self.pin = data.attrib.get('pin')
self.pin = None
self.isProtected = bool(self.pin)
# update the list of users in the home
# set admin attribute for the user
self.isAdmin = False
if self.homeUsers:
for user in self.homeUsers:
if self.ID == user.id:
self.isAdmin = str(user.admin) == "1"
if self.isAdmin and self.isPlexPass:
self.adminHasPlexPass = True
# consider a single, unprotected user authenticated
if not self.isAuthenticated and not self.isProtected and len(self.homeUsers) <= 1:
self.isAuthenticated = True
elif response.getStatus() >= 400 and response.getStatus() < 500:
# The user is specifically unauthorized, clear everything
util.WARN_LOG("Sign Out: User is unauthorized")
# Unexpected error, keep using whatever we read from the registry
util.WARN_LOG("Unexpected response from plex.tv ({0}), switching to OFFLINE mode".format(response.getStatus()))
self.isOffline = True
# consider a single, unprotected user authenticated
if not self.isAuthenticated and not self.isProtected:
self.isAuthenticated = True
# Logger().UpdateSyslogHeader() # TODO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPLEMENT
if oldId != self.ID or self.switchUser:
self.switchUser = None
plexapp.APP.trigger("change:user", account=self, reallyChanged=oldId != self.ID)
def signOut(self, expired=False):
# Strings
self.ID = None
self.title = None
self.username = None
self.email = None
self.authToken = None
self.pin = None
self.lastHomeUserUpdate = None
# Booleans
self.isSignedIn = False
self.isPlexPass = False
self.adminHasPlexPass = False
self.isManaged = False
self.isSecure = False
self.isExpired = expired
# Clear the saved resources
plexapp.INTERFACE.clearRegistry("mpaResources", "xml_cache")
# Remove all saved servers
# Enable the welcome screen again
plexapp.INTERFACE.setPreference("show_welcome", True)
plexapp.APP.trigger("change:user", account=self, reallyChanged=True)
def hasPlexPass(self):
if self.isPlexPass or self.isManaged:
return True
return self.adminHasPlexPass
def validateToken(self, token, switchUser=False):
self.authToken = token
self.switchUser = switchUser
request = myplexrequest.MyPlexRequest("/users/sign_in.xml")
context = request.createRequestContext("sign_in", callback.Callable(self.onAccountResponse))
if self.isOffline:
context.timeout = self.isOffline and asyncadapter.AsyncTimeout(1).setConnectTimeout(1)
plexapp.APP.startRequest(request, context, {})
def refreshAccount(self):
if not self.authToken:
self.validateToken(self.authToken, False)
def updateHomeUsers(self):
# Ignore request and clear any home users we are not signed in
if not self.isSignedIn:
self.homeUsers = []
if self.isOffline:
self.lastHomeUserUpdate = None
# Cache home users for 60 seconds, mainly to stop back to back tests
epoch = time.time()
if not self.lastHomeUserUpdate:
self.lastHomeUserUpdate = epoch
elif self.lastHomeUserUpdate + 60 > epoch:
util.DEBUG_LOG("Skipping home user update (updated {0} seconds ago)".format(epoch - self.lastHomeUserUpdate))
req = myplexrequest.MyPlexRequest("/api/home/users")
xml = req.getToStringWithTimeout()
data = ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
if data.attrib.get('size') and data.find('User') is not None:
self.homeUsers = []
for user in data.findall('User'):
homeUser = HomeUser(user.attrib)
homeUser.isAdmin = homeUser.admin == "1"
homeUser.isManaged = homeUser.restricted == "1"
homeUser.isProtected = homeUser.protected == "1"
self.lastHomeUserUpdate = epoch
util.LOG("home users: {0}".format(self.homeUsers))
def switchHomeUser(self, userId, pin=''):
if userId == self.ID and self.isAuthenticated:
return True
# Offline support
if self.isOffline:
hashed = 'NONE'
if pin and self.authToken:
hashed = hashlib.sha256(pin + self.authToken).digest()
if not self.isProtected or self.isAuthenticated or hashed == (self.pin or ""):
util.DEBUG_LOG("OFFLINE access granted")
self.isAuthenticated = True
self.validateToken(self.authToken, True)
return True
# build path and post to myplex to swith the user
path = '/api/home/users/{0}/switch'.format(userId)
req = myplexrequest.MyPlexRequest(path)
xml = req.postToStringWithTimeout({'pin': pin})
data = ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
if data.attrib.get('authenticationToken'):
self.isAuthenticated = True
# validate the token (trigger change:user) on user change or channel startup
if userId != self.ID or not locks.LOCKS.isLocked("idleLock"):
self.validateToken(data.attrib.get('authenticationToken'), True)
return True
return False
def isActive(self):
return self.isSignedIn or self.isOffline
ACCOUNT = MyPlexAccount()