2020-09-29 13:07:55 +00:00

954 B

Kaverti Website

Install Steps

  1. Clone somewhere
  2. Setup MySQL
  3. Update config/config.json with DB credentials
  4. Run yarn install in the website folder, and yarn install in the frontend folder.
  5. Run sequelize db:migrate in the root website folder to import all the tables to the database.
  6. Using your preferred MySQL management software, Insert a row into the settings table with the Kaverti settings.
  7. Run node . in the root website folder, alternatively you can create a Linux systemctl service, and run yarn serve in the frontend folder for a development frontend web server (Make sure vue-cli is installed).
  8. If you're ready for production, you can run yarn build in the frontend folder to build the frontend and you can upload that to a static web hosting service of your choice, I recommend Netlify.


  1. Stop all Kaverti services
  2. Run git pull in the website root directory
  3. Start all Kaverti services