2015-03-14 08:24:59 +11:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<settings >
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<category label= "30014" > <!-- Connection -->
2016-03-24 22:34:39 +11:00
<setting label= "39050" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect?mode=chooseServer)" option= "close" /> <!-- Choose Plex Server from a list -->
2016-05-30 00:52:00 +10:00
<setting label= "39068" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect?mode=enterPMS)" option= "close" /> <!-- Manually enter Plex Media Server IP -->
<setting id= "plex_servername" label= "39067" type= "text" default= "" enable= "false" /> <!-- Your current PMS server: -->
<setting id= "ipaddress" label= "39069" type= "text" default= "" enable= "false" /> <!-- Current address: -->
<setting id= "port" label= "39070" type= "text" default= "" enable= "false" /> <!-- Current port: -->
2016-04-15 17:44:42 +10:00
<setting id= "plex_serverowned" label= "30031" type= "bool" default= "true" /> <!-- I own this PMS -->
2015-12-25 06:51:47 +11:00
<setting id= "https" label= "30243" type= "bool" default= "false" />
2016-02-04 16:08:00 +11:00
<setting id= "sslverify" subsetting= "true" label= "30500" type= "bool" default= "false" visible= "eq(-1,true)" />
<setting id= "sslcert" subsetting= "true" label= "30501" type= "file" default= "None" visible= "eq(-2,true)" />
2016-03-10 01:37:27 +11:00
2016-05-30 00:52:00 +10:00
<setting type= "sep" text= "" />
2016-03-10 01:37:27 +11:00
2016-05-30 00:52:00 +10:00
<setting id= "enforceUserLogin" label= "30536" type= "bool" default= "false" />
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<setting label= "30517" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect?mode=passwords)" option= "close" /> <!-- Network credentials -->
2016-05-30 00:52:00 +10:00
<setting label= "30505" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect?mode=resetauth)" option= "close" /> <!-- reset connection attempts -->
2015-05-05 10:03:46 +10:00
<setting id= "accessToken" type= "text" visible= "false" default= "" />
2015-03-19 02:47:55 +11:00
2015-12-25 06:51:47 +11:00
2016-09-18 00:11:00 +10:00
<category label= "Plex" >
<setting type= "lsep" label= "plex.tv" />
2016-05-30 00:52:00 +10:00
<setting id= "plex_status" label= "39071" type= "text" default= "Not logged in to plex.tv" enable= "false" /> <!-- Current plex.tv status: -->
2016-09-18 00:11:00 +10:00
<setting id= "plexLogin" label= "Plex user:" type= "text" default= "" enable= "false" />
2016-05-30 00:52:00 +10:00
<setting type= "sep" text= "" />
2016-03-04 23:34:30 +11:00
<setting id= "myplexlogin" label= "39025" type= "bool" default= "true" /> <!-- Log into plex.tv on startup -->
2016-05-30 00:52:00 +10:00
<setting label= "39209" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect?mode=togglePlexTV)" option= "close" />
2016-03-04 23:34:30 +11:00
<setting id= "plexhome" label= "Plex home in use" type= "bool" default= "" visible= "false" />
2016-01-30 06:07:21 +11:00
<setting id= "plexToken" label= "plexToken" type= "text" default= "" visible= "false" />
2016-03-10 01:37:27 +11:00
<setting id= "plexHomeSize" type= "number" default= "1" visible= "false" />
2016-09-18 00:11:00 +10:00
<setting type= "lsep" label= "39008" />
<setting id= "plexCompanion" label= "39004" type= "bool" default= "true" />
<setting id= "deviceNameOpt" label= "30504" type= "bool" default= "false" />
<setting id= "deviceName" label= "30016" type= "text" visible= "eq(-1,true)" default= "Kodi" />
<setting id= "companionPort" label= "39005" type= "number" default= "3005" option= "int" visible= "eq(-3,true)" />
<setting id= "plex_restricteduser" type= "bool" default= "false" visible= "false" />
2016-02-04 23:18:06 +11:00
2016-04-13 01:18:32 +10:00
2016-02-04 16:08:00 +11:00
<category label= "30506" > <!-- Sync Options -->
2016-03-16 20:10:48 +11:00
<setting type= "lsep" label= "30537" /> <!-- Restart if you make changes -->
2016-03-28 01:57:20 +11:00
<setting id= "syncEmptyShows" type= "bool" label= "30508" default= "false" visible= "false" />
2016-10-18 07:34:15 +11:00
<setting id= "dbSyncIndicator" label= "30507" type= "bool" default= "true" /> <!-- show syncing progress -->
<setting type= "sep" />
<setting id= "low_powered_device" type= "bool" label= "30543" default= "true" /> <!-- Installation on low - powered device? (e.g. Raspberry Pi) -->
2016-10-19 04:49:11 +11:00
<setting id= "syncThreadNumber" type= "slider" label= "39003" default= "10" option= "int" range= "1,1,20" /> <!-- Limit download sync threads (recommended for rpi: 1) -->
2016-10-18 07:34:15 +11:00
<setting id= "limitindex" type= "number" label= "30515" default= "200" option= "int" /> <!-- Maximum items to request from the server at once -->
2016-03-28 01:57:20 +11:00
<setting type= "lsep" label= "39052" /> <!-- Background Sync -->
<setting id= "enableBackgroundSync" type= "bool" label= "39026" default= "true" visible= "true" />
2016-05-13 05:46:50 +10:00
<setting id= "saftyMargin" type= "slider" label= "39051" default= "60" option= "int" range= "10,1,300" visible= "eq(-1,true)" />
2016-04-22 23:27:55 +10:00
<setting id= "fullSyncInterval" type= "number" label= "39053" default= "60" option= "int" />
2016-05-16 00:02:19 +10:00
<setting id= "dbSyncScreensaver" type= "bool" label= "39062" default= "false" /> <!-- Sync when screensaver is deactivated -->
2016-03-16 20:10:48 +11:00
<setting type= "lsep" label= "30538" /> <!-- Complete Re - Sync necessary -->
<setting id= "enableMusic" type= "bool" label= "30509" default= "true" />
2016-03-16 06:26:45 +11:00
<setting id= "useDirectPaths" type= "enum" label= "30511" values= "Addon(Default)|Native(Direct paths)" default= "0" visible= "true" /> <!-- Playback mode -->
2016-03-16 22:26:31 +11:00
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<setting id= "streamMusic" type= "bool" label= "30510" default= "false" visible= "false" subsetting= "true" /> <!-- Direct stream Music library -->
<setting type= "lsep" label= "30523" visible= "false" /> <!-- Music metadata options -->
<setting id= "enableImportSongRating" type= "bool" label= "30524" default= "true" visible= "false" />
<setting id= "enableExportSongRating" type= "bool" label= "30525" default= "false" visible= "false" />
2016-04-08 17:11:03 +10:00
<setting id= "kodiplextimeoffset" type= "number" label= "Time difference in seconds (Koditime - Plextime)" default= "0" visible= "false" option= "int" />
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<setting id= "enableUpdateSongRating" type= "bool" label= "30526" default= "false" visible= "false" />
2016-05-31 16:06:42 +10:00
<setting id= "plex_pathverified" type= "bool" default= "false" visible= "false" /> <!-- If 'false': one single warning message pops up if PKC cannot verify direct paths -->
2016-04-29 21:32:25 +10:00
<setting id= "themoviedbAPIKey" type= "text" default= "ae06df54334aa653354e9a010f4b81cb" visible= "false" />
<setting id= "FanArtTVAPIKey" type= "text" default= "639191cb0774661597f28a47e7e2bad5" visible= "false" />
2016-01-15 00:47:34 +11:00
2016-04-13 01:18:32 +10:00
<category label= "39057" > <!-- Customize Paths -->
<setting type= "lsep" label= "39056" /> <!-- Used by Sync and to attempt to direct play -->
<setting id= "replaceSMB" type= "bool" label= "39034" default= "true" /> <!-- replace all Plex paths with SMB paths -->
<setting id= "remapSMB" type= "bool" label= "39035" default= "false" /> <!-- replace Plex paths /volume1/media or \\myserver\media with a custom SMB path smb://NAS/mystuff -->
<setting id= "remapSMBmovieOrg" type= "text" label= "39037" default= "" visible= "eq(-1,true)" /> <!-- Original Plex MOVIE path to replace -->
<setting id= "remapSMBmovieNew" type= "text" label= "39038" default= "smb://" visible= "eq(-2,true)" /> <!-- Replace Plex MOVIE with: -->
<setting id= "remapSMBtvOrg" type= "text" label= "39039" default= "" visible= "eq(-3,true)" /> <!-- Original Plex TV SHOWS path to replace: -->
<setting id= "remapSMBtvNew" type= "text" label= "39040" default= "smb://" visible= "eq(-4,true)" /> <!-- Replace Plex TV SHOWS with: -->
<setting id= "remapSMBmusicOrg" type= "text" label= "39041" default= "" visible= "eq(-5,true)" /> <!-- Original Plex MUSIC path to replace: -->
<setting id= "remapSMBmusicNew" type= "text" label= "39042" default= "smb://" visible= "eq(-6,true)" /> <!-- Replace Plex MUSIC with: -->
2016-06-13 01:22:22 +10:00
<setting id= "remapSMBphotoOrg" type= "text" label= "39045" default= "" visible= "eq(-7,true)" /> <!-- Original Plex MUSIC path to replace: -->
<setting id= "remapSMBphotoNew" type= "text" label= "39046" default= "smb://" visible= "eq(-8,true)" /> <!-- Replace Plex MUSIC with: -->
2016-04-13 01:18:32 +10:00
2016-02-04 16:08:00 +11:00
<category label= "30516" > <!-- Playback -->
2015-05-07 07:41:44 +10:00
<setting type= "sep" />
2016-02-04 16:08:00 +11:00
<setting id= "enableCinema" type= "bool" label= "30518" default= "true" />
<setting id= "askCinema" type= "bool" label= "30519" default= "false" visible= "eq(-1,true)" subsetting= "true" />
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<setting id= "trailerNumber" type= "slider" label= "39000" default= "3" visible= "eq(-2,true)" range= "1,1,15" option= "int" />
2016-09-08 22:50:49 +10:00
<setting id= "pickPlexSubtitles" type= "bool" label= "39075" default= "true" />
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<setting id= "ignoreSpecialsNextEpisodes" type= "bool" label= "30527" default= "false" />
<setting id= "offerDelete" type= "bool" label= "30114" default= "false" visible= "false" />
2015-12-25 06:51:47 +11:00
<setting id= "deleteTV" type= "bool" label= "30115" visible= "eq(-1,true)" default= "false" subsetting= "true" />
<setting id= "deleteMovies" type= "bool" label= "30116" visible= "eq(-2,true)" default= "false" subsetting= "true" />
2016-02-04 16:08:00 +11:00
<setting id= "resumeJumpBack" type= "slider" label= "30521" default= "10" range= "0,1,120" option= "int" />
<setting type= "sep" />
2016-04-13 01:18:32 +10:00
<setting id= "playType" type= "enum" label= "30002" values= "Direct Play (default)|Direct Stream|Force Transcode" default= "0" />
2016-05-30 01:20:14 +10:00
<setting id= "transcoderVideoQualities" type= "enum" label= "30160" values= "420x420, 320Kbps|576x320, 720Kbps|720x480, 1.5Mbps|1024x768, 2Mbps|1280x720, 3Mbps|1280x720, 4Mbps|1920x1080, 8Mbps|1920x1080, 10Mbps|1920x1080, 12Mbps|1920x1080, 20Mbps|1920x1080, 40Mbps" default= "10" />
2016-02-07 22:38:50 +11:00
<setting id= "transcodeH265" type= "enum" label= "30522" default= "0" values= "Disabled (default)|480p (and higher)|720p (and higher)|1080p" />
2016-05-16 00:25:38 +10:00
<setting id= "transcodeHi10P" type= "bool" label= "39063" default= "false" />
2016-05-16 02:01:13 +10:00
<setting id= "transcodeHEVC" type= "bool" label= "39065" default= "false" />
2016-04-13 01:18:32 +10:00
<setting id= "audioBoost" type= "slider" label= "39001" default= "0" range= "0,10,100" option= "int" />
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<setting id= "subtitleSize" label= "39002" type= "slider" option= "int" range= "0,30,300" default= "100" />
2015-12-25 06:51:47 +11:00
<setting id= "failedCount" type= "number" visible= "false" default= "0" />
<setting id= "networkCreds" type= "text" visible= "false" default= "" />
2016-09-08 22:50:49 +10:00
<setting id= "bestQuality" type= "bool" label= "30541" default= "false" />
<setting id= "bestTrailer" type= "bool" label= "30542" default= "true" />
2015-03-25 20:59:23 +11:00
2016-04-13 01:18:32 +10:00
2016-09-18 00:11:00 +10:00
<category label= "30544" > <!-- artwork -->
<setting id= "enableTextureCache" label= "30512" type= "bool" default= "true" /> <!-- Force Artwork Caching -->
<setting id= "FanartTV" label= "30539" type= "bool" default= "false" /> <!-- Download additional art from FanArtTV -->
<setting label= "39222" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?mode=fanart)" option= "close" visible= "eq(-1,true)" /> <!-- Look for missing fanart on FanartTV now -->
<setting label= "39020" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?mode=texturecache)" option= "close" /> <!-- Cache all images to Kodi texture cache now -->
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<category label= "30235" visible= "false" >
<setting id= "enableCoverArt" type= "bool" label= "30157" default= "true" visible= "false" />
<setting id= "skipContextMenu" type= "bool" label= "30520" default= "false" visible= "false" />
<setting id= "additionalUsers" type= "text" label= "30528" default= "" visible= "false" />
<setting type= "lsep" label= "30534" visible= "false" />
<setting id= "restartMsg" type= "bool" label= "30530" default= "false" visible= "false" />
<setting id= "newContent" type= "bool" label= "30531" default= "false" visible= "false" />
2016-03-04 01:28:44 +11:00
<setting id= "newvideotime" type= "number" label= "30532" visible= "false" default= "5" option= "int" subsetting= "true" />
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<setting id= "newmusictime" type= "number" label= "30533" visible= "false" default= "2" option= "int" subsetting= "true" />
2015-05-04 23:39:29 +10:00
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
2016-03-23 02:47:47 +11:00
2016-06-19 23:12:10 +10:00
<category label= "39073" > <!-- Appearance Tweaks -->
2016-04-13 01:18:32 +10:00
<setting id= "connectMsg" type= "bool" label= "30249" default= "true" />
2016-06-19 23:12:10 +10:00
<setting type= "lsep" label= "39074" /> <!-- TV Shows -->
2016-04-18 19:23:05 +10:00
<setting id= "OnDeckTVextended" type= "bool" label= "39058" default= "true" /> <!-- Extend Plex TV Series "On Deck" view to all shows -->
2016-03-23 02:47:47 +11:00
<setting id= "OnDeckTvAppendShow" type= "bool" label= "39047" default= "false" /> <!-- On Deck view: Append show title to episode -->
<setting id= "OnDeckTvAppendSeason" type= "bool" label= "39048" default= "false" /> <!-- On Deck view: Append season number to episode -->
2016-05-16 02:26:07 +10:00
<setting id= "TVShowWatched" type= "bool" label= "39064" default= "true" /> <!-- Recently Added: Also show already watched episodes -->
2016-04-27 18:37:24 +10:00
<setting id= "RecentTvAppendShow" type= "bool" label= "39059" default= "false" /> <!-- Recently added: Append show title to episode -->
<setting id= "RecentTvAppendSeason" type= "bool" label= "39060" default= "false" /> <!-- Recently Added: Append season - and episode - number SxxExx -->
2016-05-16 02:26:07 +10:00
<setting type= "lsep" label= "30302" /> <!-- Movies -->
<setting id= "MovieShowWatched" type= "bool" label= "39066" default= "true" /> <!-- Recently Added: Also show already watched episodes -->
2016-03-23 02:47:47 +11:00
2016-02-04 16:08:00 +11:00
<category label= "30022" > <!-- Advanced -->
<setting id= "logLevel" type= "enum" label= "30004" values= "Disabled|Info|Debug" default= "1" />
<setting id= "startupDelay" type= "number" label= "30529" default= "0" option= "int" />
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<setting label= "39018" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?mode=repair)" option= "close" /> <!-- Repair local database (force update all content) -->
2016-03-24 18:26:08 +11:00
<setting label= "30535" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect?mode=deviceid)" /> <!-- Reset device id uuid -->
2016-03-04 00:00:48 +11:00
<setting label= "39021" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?mode=thememedia)" option= "close" visible= "false" /> <!-- Sync Plex Theme Media to Kodi -->
2016-03-24 03:16:32 +11:00
<setting type= "lsep" label= "39049" /> <!-- Nothing works? Try a full reset -->
<setting label= "39019" type= "action" action= "RunPlugin(plugin://plugin.video.plexkodiconnect/?mode=reset)" option= "close" /> <!-- Partial or full reset of Database and PKC -->
2016-01-23 01:37:20 +11:00
2015-04-03 20:03:55 +11:00